Sonic Defender Now Useless, I guess
I went on an Eden run today and brought my sonic/rad defender. They said we would go fast because they had 2 Time corrs (which I will admit are good). Then the guy says, "Oh and we have a kin, too." I mentioned that I was a sonic so I could contribute to the debuff, to which I got a "Sonic? Meh" and that attitude prevailed throughout the trial.
I understand why some people think sonic (and bubbles, too) need an overhaul, but they are hardly useless, but on my team of 8, I seemed to be the only one who thought that. |
In that team you were probably going to be overshadowed a bit by the /times but they've only got one -RES debuff and they can't buff RES like Sonic can, so you were far from useless.
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I wanted to say, "I guess I will just sit at the front of the cave since I won't be able to help any.
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers
hey it could have been worse, you could have been playing a TA defender.
hey it could have been worse, you could have been playing a TA defender.
But hey, yesterday I was on my db/elec scrapper (she's 30 on SOs) playing with a buncha 50s - with the ring of doom and the shields I had 75% capped resist to everything but neg and psi and I was charging into pink mobs and they were just melting. When the def quit me and the other scrapper had to be much more careful and everyone took longer to kill stuffs.
Let me play devil's advocate: Oh sure you have 3 sources of resistance buff, mezz protection, and a big resistanace debuff by level 12, but the journey to 50 is a blink of an eye through AE that no one remembers doing in a game of all iTrials all the time with uber incarnate buffs, heals, and rezzes.
Ok I felt a little sick for even saying that. I think sonic is a good set. It's not the end all. Sonic resonance has synergy (certainly with melee and blapper types). The big mezz resistance itself should make you the envy of non-permadommed dominators, controllers, defenders, blasters, and corruptor. A good number of the kheldians like not changing form to Dwarf to break mezz.
The easiest Khan TF I have been involved with was with 5 damage dealers, a sonic, a forcefield, and a storm defender, and the storm said right off he was NOT going to be a heal bot. The sonic and the forcefielder made good on that promise.
After much naysaying about sonic with masterminds, my Demons/Sonic has a far easier time with the new signature TF than my Bots/Time does, FAR easier.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
I enjoy sonic, but it is massively unloved by most people, which I don't udnerstand, the majority of people build for a softcap, so I can see why FF gets some hate, but not many people are capable of putting themselves at resistance caps, even with sonic putting them halfway.
I have a Grav/Sonic controller, and I was doing a Citadel TF with mostly blasters, a fairly smoothy WP tank, 1 scrapper and a pure emp defender (quite a while ago, before buff changes)
I kept my buffs up on all, kept everyone inside my shield as much as I could, and maintained the toggle on the tank, I got 0 thanks, while the emp (the healing aura on auto kind) got "Woah, great heals, barely seeing any risk here" blah blah blah.
Its very demoralising... until I mapservered and came back 5 mins alter to find a teamwipe in the middle of a regular mob and a whole lot of questionmarks as to what had changed.
I enjoy sonic, but it is massively unloved by most people, which I don't udnerstand, the majority of people build for a softcap, so I can see why FF gets some hate, but not many people are capable of putting themselves at resistance caps, even with sonic putting them halfway.
I have a Grav/Sonic controller, and I was doing a Citadel TF with mostly blasters, a fairly smoothy WP tank, 1 scrapper and a pure emp defender (quite a while ago, before buff changes) I kept my buffs up on all, kept everyone inside my shield as much as I could, and maintained the toggle on the tank, I got 0 thanks, while the emp (the healing aura on auto kind) got "Woah, great heals, barely seeing any risk here" blah blah blah. Its very demoralising... until I mapservered and came back 5 mins alter to find a teamwipe in the middle of a regular mob and a whole lot of questionmarks as to what had changed. |
If there's nothing TELLING them that you're being useful, they're more inclined to believe that you're not.

TA, Sonic, and FF all need help everyone knows this, that doesn't mean they are useless just less useful compared to other sets. The reality is that F2P and ignorant VIP players will make the assumption that if they don't see a set very often, it in turn must be because it sucks. They will also make the assumption that heals are very important, thus leading to congratulating the empath that has no attacks and took medicine pool. That said, why do any of you feel like these type of people need to acknowledge your contribution? If for some reason you feel like your not contributing because of this, then I suggest you stop buff/debuffing and turn off all team toggles and just become an outside observer. If they start suffering, congratulations. If they don't waste time on support and just blast as hard and as fast as you can. If you read all of this I feel sorry for you but not really.
THE reason why I like Sonic Resonance is because it works the best on a team that is moving at a brisk pace. I was a long time Traps player, but Sonic Resonance works far better for the dynamic, action paced teaming environment that CoX is all about. Traps is a lot better for those that like smaller teams or solo.
Furthermore, Sonic Resonance isn't a busy set which allows me to contribute to the killing pace on team by allowing me to unload my AoE's.
Having played Sonic/ Defender and /Sonic Corruptor, I never thought I needed to see "Great buffs" from the teammates
As a player, my only problem with Sonic, has been it's debuff needing a team member. :/ If it wasn't for that one power, I'd likely love the set.
As for when I'm on a melee, love having them on the team. More resists? YES PLEASE!
I'm still sad that I don't see more Thermal's out there.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
All these years later and I still can't stand the sound of Sonics...
Mind you, it's not bad enough to deny myself the benefit of having one on the team, just bad enough to prevent me from ever rolling one myself.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
sonics is useful
it's under rated
people are ignorant
water is wet
Love playing sonics, love having them on the team. My advice, OP, is to stop caring so much about what other people think and enjoy yourself. You don't need the validation of 1-7 jerks on your team to justify your powerset.
I love my Sonic/Sonic Defender. She is a Domestic Songbird on the Virtue server and Sonic/Sonic was the perfect choice for her character concept. I know how other Sonic Defenders feel when it comes to find teams and super groups. Not everyone is an Archetype Elitist, but like every situation, you will encounter some of them.
I haven't found any problems right now in finding a good team, but still i have seen the ignorance about the set. Still Sonic is far from Useless. It is my favorite and most fun Defender set i have played since my time in City. All of the sets are needed and all will contribute to a team when they are properly used.
Don't give up!! Believe me, it is very worth to be one. I must agree that the set need a good buff and i hope the Devs will finally give a buff to it.
All_Hell and Emberly are very right about this..
Super Nigel: You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at damage cap. You're at cap here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're at damage cap on your brute, on your blaster. Where can you go from there? Where?
Marty DiSpider: I don't know.
Super Nigel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?
Marty DiBergi: Put it up to eleven?
Super Nigel: Eleven. Exactly. You get -res. Then your team goes to eleven.
All these years later and I still can't stand the sound of Sonics...
Mind you, it's not bad enough to deny myself the benefit of having one on the team, just bad enough to prevent me from ever rolling one myself. |
I do think that Sonic Resonance is a bit weak compared to other buff/debuff sets, but it's decent. I'm willing to accept that because I get mez protection.

You can also make them pretty tough. Some low resists to all but psi is a nice base to build on. Add Tough and an epic shield, build for defense to get some layered protection, and you're hard to take down.
I'd say a lot of people don't appreciate having sonics on the team, but it's clear some do. When I'm playing one of mine I occasionally get comments along the line of "Yay sonic buffs!" As others have said, resistance shields really shore up an area of builds you can't make up with IOs. Not only that, but you really don't see many people playing sonics or thermals.
Having played Sonic/ Defender and /Sonic Corruptor, I never thought I needed to see "Great buffs" from the teammates
![]() As a player, my only problem with Sonic, has been it's debuff needing a team member. :/ If it wasn't for that one power, I'd likely love the set. As for when I'm on a melee, love having them on the team. More resists? YES PLEASE! I'm still sad that I don't see more Thermal's out there. |
sonics is useful
it's under rated people are ignorant water is wet |

I miss the days of multiple bubbles on teams. You just don't see it much these days. I did just roll and take a Thermal Corruptor to 20 just this last weekend. I think I'll roll a Sonic Defender this week.
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers
Isn't the benefit that you, as a defender, for example, do not have to aggro a mob to add the debuff. By being able to put it on an ally, the mob aggro doesn't happen until your ally attacks, and then the aggro still doesn't go to you. I don't think that is "no benefit".
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers
Super Nigel: You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at damage cap. You're at cap here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're at damage cap on your brute, on your blaster. Where can you go from there? Where?
Marty DiSpider: I don't know. Super Nigel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do? Marty DiBergi: Put it up to eleven? Super Nigel: Eleven. Exactly. You get -res. Then your team goes to eleven. |
For fun, get on a full team and tell them that you are going to test something. Take away all your resists and -resists for about a minute and ask the group if they notice a difference. They will never doubt what you add to the team again.
Then again, let's face it, you have to be running a TA/ or Sonic/ to pull off being able to do that in a team without getting kicked. Every other set gets love from the masses... stupid masses.
I went on an Eden run today and brought my sonic/rad defender. They said we would go fast because they had 2 Time corrs (which I will admit are good). Then the guy says, "Oh and we have a kin, too." I mentioned that I was a sonic so I could contribute to the debuff, to which I got a "Sonic? Meh" and that attitude prevailed throughout the trial.
I understand why some people think sonic (and bubbles, too) need an overhaul, but they are hardly useless, but on my team of 8, I seemed to be the only one who thought that.
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers