Best AT/powers for an I-Trial n00b?
I wouldn't take option 1. Shield tanks are pretty squishy but people won't care, they will look at you and expect you to go pull those AVs and you will die.
Either 2 or 3 will be effective enough. I think you are over-estimating how difficult the incarnate trials are.
I am in the process of incarnating a pvp corrupter and as such, she has no defense at all. I am almost finished my incarnate build and she has yet to die in any trial (She has only been running BAF and Lam). She even pulled Siege once without trouble.
Don't think your defenseless defender will be gimp, you will be fine.
Support ATs, especially powerful debuff sets like Rad, are always very useful.
Also, no one expects you to pull or break spawns/hold aggro.
Get some BAFs under your belt before you give Lambda a try, and avoid "speed Lambda" runs if possible.
You can also grab a solid chunk of defense in the Scorpion Patron Pool if you're open to that route (SM/L/E).
It's enough defense to build off of, but leaves a lot of room in the build for rech.
I never done a I-trial with that few tanks/brutes that my squishy 50 tank had to go out to pull the AV. You can always pick up adds during the AV battles, keeping them at bay saves alot of floorinspections.
Pop an extra purple or so and you're pretty safe most of the time, stay in range of anything that gives some healing, you can get around pretty good.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I don't have a strong opinion, but I will convey that I think taking a "squishy" on iTrials is fine. Just let more durable characters soak the alpha and/or take aggro, then go to town. The most useful thing you might not have that I would recommend, especially if you go on any Lambda trials, is some sort of stealth. This helps keep nasties off of you when no one else is nearby to take aggro for you.
FWIW, I have run hundreds (really) of iTrials on Dark Miasma Defenders and Corruptors, and once I get up to two level shifts, I have done things like solo Lambda crates or taken the Alpha on the idle spawns at the start of a BAF. Like you, my characters have high recharge and fairly modest defense (20-25% ranged, mostly negligible to other vectors), so I suspect a Rad Emish character of the sort you describe should be capable of similar things.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Bring the Rad defender, the debuffs can be invaluable for light leagues. Melee damage is a dime a dozen and really tanking is a role that many characters can fill especially with buffs going everywhere.
Actually Soul is much more tempting... Power Boost instead of PBU (Build Up aspect being lost is compensated by Soul Drain) Fortunata as a patron pet... Not very concept-fitting though, and the whole rigmarole of switching sides twice will take time. Buit worth thinking about.
Scorp Shield on a Defender will give you around 23% SM/L Defense and 15% Ene Defense.
It's also a spot for an LoTG 7.5, for more recharge.
I've done trials on three characters: Tanker (stone armour), Controller (earth/kin), Defender (TA/A). I actually enjoy the trials more on my support characters (though Lambda warehouse/lab runs for grenades and acids are not my idea of fun).
The controller has very few IOs, and none of the set bonuses are for defense, and he still gets by fine (even on Keyes). The biggest assest on the trials is getting the level shifts - plan out in advance what T3 ability you want for Alpha, Lore and Destiny and make sure that the components for those three slots are the first three rare reward drops you pick.

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"
2) Rad/Rad defender with perma-AM. Good for oldschool TFs, but I have no idea how he'd perform in I-Trials, from the sound of it he'll faceplant more than a blaster on SOs. (Defence was pretty much sacrificed for recharge in this build)
The key to these trials is avoiding aggro. That means, at first, to let someone else attack first, and hang back out of melee. The Praetorians are especially bad at killing you after they're dead -- they tend to explode with a big burst of energy damage that can be enough to kill squishies in one shot.
As others mentioned, the BAF is the easiest because it's basically just stand there and beat on AVs.
Once you see how the trials work you can get your other characters involved. Most any character can help, though each trial has a phase in which one particular power or AT is especially invaluable. The BAF, in particular, favors characters with area slows and immobilizes because of the infamous prisoner escape phase.
I've gotten 6 toons to level 53, and only one of them is IO'd - the rest have pure SO's.
Just do what you normally do, and you'll be fine....with ANY toon. Unless you're on a really bad team, your team will be able to pick up the slack even if you're not performing as well as you would with a "perfect" build. Just stay away from the MasterOf runs and stuff like that

The nice thing about iTrials is there's something for everyone to do. Roll whatever you like.
Rad/Rad defender with perma-AM |
Claws/regen scrapper |
One note: When you first hit 50, do Mender Ramiel to unlock your alpha, then do BAF. BAF is kindest to those without level shifts. Unless you've got a really thick skin, don't run any of the other trials (especially Lambda) until you get some level shifts; you'll get discouraged.
All right, I really want to try incarnate trials, but I just can't decide which character would be most useful in ways other than venge-bait.
1) Shield/elec tanker - I don't like tanking, don't know why he's 50 in the first place, use him as a farm tractor and, well, I really, really really, doubt I'd get to 59% def on him anytime soon. On the other hand, he is my only 50 who could really solo all the EBs in Mender Ramiel's arc.
2) Rad/Rad defender with perma-AM. Good for oldschool TFs, but I have no idea how he'd perform in I-Trials, from the sound of it he'll faceplant more than a blaster on SOs. (Defence was pretty much sacrificed for recharge in this build)
3) Claws/regen scrapper. Not touched since 2009. Would need a major rebuild anyway.
Or should I level something else entirely?