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  1. Not nearly what was planned for, but I did finally lvl up my third character ever made in game 7+ years ago to 50 (1st Virtue Character). 3 MSR's (2 Liberty, 1 Virtue), 3 ITF's (all Virtue, one called due to time constraint as I had a scheduled MSR some of them came to join us here on Liberty that was fun) 1 Moonfire on Liberty, Some random mission on Liberty, and RL extensive break where I watched several movies. Sorry I didn't lead more thing Liberty, But glad to hear everyone had a great time.


    See you all next Sunday for another daring MSR.
  2. Next Sunday 03/25/2012

    • What: Rikti Mothership Raids
    • Where: Rikti Warzone
    • Who: Heroes and Villains 35-50
    • Raid/League Leaders: @american_valor / @Steele_Magnolia
    • Date: 03/25/2012 Sunday
    • When: 9:00pm EST

    League invites/set up will beging at 8:45 pm est

    supersidekicking in place

    Anyone 34 and under will only earn 10 v-merits and xp,
    (which should be good, use winfall if you have it.)

    35+ will of course earn normal v-merits only if they have unlocked the content.
    (Again use winfall if you have it for greatest amount of reward)

    If you have Vanguard HVAS bring them to earn even more rewards.

    American Valor
    Sentinel of Liberty (SG)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
    Looking at the screenshot of that Leprachaun makes me smile and laugh.

    But an influence boost? That's so not worth spending money on. PL some n00bs in AE; apparently now people are paying 500 million a run for that, or something. That more gold than a leprechaun has hidden under the rainbow. The Leprechaun should boost all drops--influence/prestige, salvage, recipes and tickets--if they want 10 bucks for it. Consider him a permanent, slightly weaker, version of the Windfall temp. I bet you'd see a sea of green little men in Incarnate trials if they worked like that all praetoria's drops belong to Leprechaun dimension
    This made me laugh, but seriously, if you want a little green man in a funny hat to follow you have the PL'er toon dress up in green and only earn 499 million and he can help you fight even and last longer, just saying.

  4. For Double XP weekend's extra MSR on Saturday 03/17/2012

    League invites/set up will beging at 5:45 pm est
    supersidekicking in place

    Anyone 34 and under will only earn 10 v-merits and xp,
    (which should be good, use winfall if you have it.)

    35+ will of course earn normal v-merits only if they have unlocked the content.
    (Again use winfall if you have it for greatest amount of reward)

    If you have Vanguard HVAS bring them to earn even more rewards.

    For those that have it
    Remember use the winfall/xp rewards once on the ship for the biggest bang for your buck.

    • What: Rikti Mothership Raids
    • Where: Rikti Warzone
    • Who: Heroes and Villains 35-50
    • Raid Leaders: Sentinel of Liberty SG and Liberty Heroes
    • Date: 03/17/2012 Saturday
    • When: 6:00pm EST

    Many v-merits to be had looking foward to seeing everyone there.

    American Valor
    Sentinel of Liberty (SG)
  5. No worries my friend, Thank you again for having taken your time to help lead community events. We are going to have a great time kicking much overdue Rikti butt I hope to see you there.

    For Double XP weekend's extra MSR:

    League invites/set up will beging at 5:45 pm est
    supersidekicking in place

    Anyone 34 and under will only earn 10 v-merits and xp, (which should be good, use winfall if you have it.)

    35+ will of course earn normal v-merits only if they have unlocked the content. (Again use winfall if you have it for greatest amount of reward)

    If you have Vanguard HVAS bring them to earn even more rewards

    For those that have it remember use the winfall reward once on the ship for the biggest bang for your buck.

    I look foward to seeing everyone.

  6. ((edit: Where I thought I was posting. Sorry Noy can remove from your thread. AV))

    Okay who here is reading the forums, cause really I can not follow everyone around on the forums to see who is running what MSR when and where. We have a spot we have been using to announce Mothership raids for the past several years. Then it somehow became not good enough and another was started. Now we post the events and times in the ingame MOTD for different channels and if you're not part of that particular channel then you don't know what is going on.

    Here is my thought on this:
    • why don't we once again use only one spot on the forums to announce all things MSR.
    • if the group mods wish to include it in the MOTD. The information should include: running day, date and time.

    I stopped posting that I would run them because quite frankly it's not about me it's about Liberty having community events. Anytime a Player wantes to try and lead we have always offered and will continue to support them in doing so. I can name the leaders we have assisted and fostered, but this is about Liberty events. That said the more Players who practice leadership skills here the better the entire community is here and elsewhere.

    Lets allow others to consider leading just because you don't see it posted here or elsewhere doesn't mean it doesn't happen. This past Sunday the MSR was lead by a different person then Rex at a later time I was already engaged in something else with the SG but was in the RWZ and all the pylons were down and they were in the bowl. It made me smile knowing that it was formed up and ran even though I wasn't involved. Thats what community events are about.

    Okay sorry about my rant, I look foward to supporting All (Sunday) MSR's. If I am running them (Sundays) I will post that here and see if I can get mods to post the information with the use of leagues and superside kicking the community event is just that. I enjoy see old raider and meeting new ones I also very much enjoy helping them become leaders. Leadership builds a better and stronger community.

    American Valor
    Sentinel of Liberty
  7. I personally want to thank Noy and Rex and Matt and many others who at different times continued the Sunday night raids which Liberty had established.

    I stopped posting that I would run them because quite frankly it's not about me it's about Liberty having community events. Anytime a Player wantes to try and lead we have always offered and will continue to support them in doing so. I can name the leaders we have assisted and fostered, but this is about Liberty events. That said the more Players who practice leadership skills here the better the entire community is here and elsewhere.

    Lets allow others to consider leading just because you don't see it posted here or elsewhere doesn't mean it doesn't happen. This past Sunday the MSR was lead by a different person then Rex at a later time I was already engaged in something else with the SG but was in the RWZ and all the pylons were down and they were in the bowl. It made me smile knowing that it was formed up and ran even though I wasn't involved. Thats what community events are about.

    Okay sorry about my rant, I look foward to supporting All (Sunday) MSR's. If I am running them (Sundays) I will post that in the original location and see if I can get mods to post the information in there MotD. I enjoy see old raider and meeting new ones I also very much enjoy helping them become leaders. Leadership builds a better and stronger community.

    Once again I want to thank you for becoming community event leaders in all the events that you chose to run to help our Liberty community.

    American Valor
    Sentinel of Liberty

    Edited this post as it is a cross post the exact example I was talking about.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that Ukase. I was hoping that 2xp weekend would be good for people to run MSRs as they'd want to level up their 35+ characters. MSRs are very good xp.

    I'd bring a 50 to help lead a team, but still even that's good drops.

    Not having enough people show up for tonight's MSR was a bummer.
    No worries Steele, The Sentinels are running the extra MSR on dbl xp weekend. see DBL event post.
  9. Fully understand how you feel things to consider this weekend in the US we had the time change were we jumped ahead an hour, which also may have lent to the confusion for the MSR last night.

    As I mentioned earlier I and possible two other Sentinels who have confirmed with me will be available to assist with that MSR.

    So only counting us, we had total of 6 leaders with you Mystic and Ion or Tax E. For the dbl xp weekend extra MSR at 6:00pm est.

    However I also understand other things we have discussed. For the dbl xp weekend the Sentinels will take over leading that raid using super sidekicking. I would ask that we have as many 36+ league members and get your HVAS out to assit when in the bowl.

    For the record I am not in LB channel or the other one so I do not get the MotD listed there. I get that information second hand from teammates or friends / LFTM.

    If sonmeone has already decided to pick up the 6 pm slot please let me know. Thank you Liberty for your time.

    American Valor
    Sentinel of Liberty (SG)
  10. Valor will be available to assit with the MSR as a LVL 50 team leader. So that one more leader you have available REX and as always you have your chioce of Tanks, or my one lvl 50 emp/elec.

    The Sentinels are always ready to kick Rikiti Butt

    I can only softly confirm two other 50's which would bring us to 3 lvl 50 team leaders for dxp weekend MSR. If they are available I'll have them post

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady-Arcane View Post
    My Dad had pictures of the Monkees dressed up as super heroes. I had to find a pic of it to put up here as an appropriate tribute...

    Its a bird, its a plane, its...THE MONKEEMEN!
    Yes they were awesome and Davy was the heart trob of the group. A local boy who will be missed at the shows.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    It appears to be a new invisible and undocumented self-debuff that was added to Inner Inspiration but not given a patch note.

    The debuff prevents you from using Inner Inspiration and only waiting around in-game will cause the debuff to expire. Trying to activate the power while under the debuff will give no error message, so players have no way of knowing the power isn't somehow permanently broken, or something else is wrong.

    Not sure why the devs felt the need to introduce another confusing recharge mechanic just for this power, anyway. Tier 2 inspirations are fun but worthless; tier 3's are only somewhat better. Though there are ways to force faster Inner Inspiration recharges, there are still considerable limits on how fast; build swaps have 15 minute cooldowns, for example. And most of the players being impacted by the change weren't doing anything like that, anyway, just using it before they logged out and expecting it to be recharged by the next day.

    Partial workaround: If you're accustomed to popping Inner Inspiration before the end of a day's play session, instead of logging out immediately, let yourself time out from inactivity. This will reduce the duration of the debuff a bit so that it's not quite as bad when you log back in the next day.

    Suggested fix: Have the debuff expire in 30 minutes real time instead of in-game time. Or roll back this change and keep recharge mechanics simple and unconfusing.

    Ultimately, without some kind of fix, I have a feeling this power might be leaving a few players' trays just from the annoyance added in this patch.
    Agree with RK, that said the many are always punished because of the acts of a few. Personaly I would have liked to have seen the timer set for 15 minutes, but then the abuse becomes more apparent.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    Drop me a tell, I'd be happy to team with you and I'm sure Valor would too.
    One of our Fav Peeps DAZ give this a +1, and why aren't you a Sentinel?

    Plans are in the works for a special April event to run Back to Back all 7 SSA's it's time equiventlent to a DR Q at moderate pace. and a Special 8 years of COH or is it 9 I forget So much has changed from getting lost just trying to find Kings Row.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Duneman View Post
    I really really wanted the Black Wolf Pet and seeing some of my friends got one in the only SP they bought I figured it should be pretty easy to get. Nope!

    I did get some stuff I can use but I have no use for

    67 Self Rez's
    175 Unslotters
    Tons of Inspirations
    75 XP boosters
    47 Prest boosters
    Lots of Windfalls

    All of my toons are 50 so I have no need for most of those. I wanted Scrapper, Tank and brute ATO's but got mostly Master Mind, stalker and Corr drops. I did get a ton of reward merits so I figured I would use those to buy what I needed. You can only buy 1 ATO every 4 days so almost a month to get a whole set.

    I know this is just bad luck on my part and I hope no one else has this kind of luck and gets what they wanted. ( I didn't )

    They were fun to open but I don't think i'll be buying any more. I will just have to drool over my friends Black Wolf Pets.
    Been playing this game for too long to shell out that kind of money when they can't even award my points properly that I should have already gotten. In beta I scored the black wolf pet and the entire elememtal set in 32 packs.

    Once I get my points I will consider getting some just to help out my sg mate with stuff since I cann't just buy them points for their birthdays.

  15. American_Valor

    Cat Herding

    Good stuff, Done my share of the hearding, Btw Rex made shift+3 on AV last night. Monitor size and screenlayout are things only in control of the player who is sitting at there screen. I like the fact that we are able to costumize our screens I have mine set 4 corners and along the boarders I reserve the middle for the game I too was like Rex using a 15 " monitor and dial up I had the one tray chat open and nav bar I learned most maps by heart visual sight and to this day I still hate cave maps. especially the big circle room, you all know which one.

  16. American_Valor


    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    It's my birthday, gimme free stuff!

    Today I turn 28!

    28 years old... sheesh, it's a little sad to think I spent my 20s playing an MMO.

    Although, without this MMO I would not have the wonderful group of online friends that I do now, which over the past 7 years have grown to become like a second family to me. My CoH family has gotten me through some pretty rough times. I am thankful for them... even if a majority of them are off in a galaxy far far away...

    Here's to making it to 29 without causing too much trouble along the way!

    P.S. I was kidding about the free stuff...
    Happy Belated Sorry I missed this I have been out of game of sorts. I Hope your Birthday was Awesome and as Tax E said SHAZAMMMMGASM!!!!!!

    I'll look for you in game Bud.

  17. Congrats you two, May you enjoy the many adventures that will be coming your way and enjoy a long and prosperous marriage.

  18. Em clap, very nice, like the background. Now wonders if she will show up in thread.

    American Valor
  19. Rex Bud, I "heart" you but All My Toons are Sentinels, that said I would happily roll a new toon and assist you under the Cheapskates requirments, and of course even offer coalition to the SG. Now what would I wear to such an event, Hmm,

    1: Tank
    2: Tank
    3: Tank
    4: Tank
    5: Defender
    6: Awe who are we kidding it would be a Tank unless you needed something else Like I don't know , Oh maybe a Tank...

    great concept and idea BTW just saw this


  20. Okay In this case simple is best I went with C, I would also agree with a version without the Bubble for inside the moonbase, Star command, or My Rocket Ship XL-9...

  21. Liked the look of A, But it might be as big as the wing radier pack and if thats the case No.,

    B is My Vote it is more incline like the existing rocket pack which I love. A retooled jingle jet would also look great, otherwise I choose you Picka... I mean B
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    A got my vote simply for its retro goodness. I hope there's a 'cute' female version.

    When I think of 'Retro Spacesuit', I immediately think of Ulala from Space Channel 5:

    The glows are nice, but do not make a costume. I like the boots and gloves from C, but prefer the entirety of A to the 'armored' look of C.
    I voted A

    Exactly my thoughts Moo.

    Prior to all this I made this look concept with pre existing costume. (Image Link Below) Now with some of the new stuff I have access to I could easily up date this look to make it even better. Which I plan to do tonight as I am inspire.
    Oh and this costume is Unisex friendly

  23. Yes restart the game / or a fresh reboot and it should correct itself.

  24. Excellent advice Codewalker, sometimes I forget these things with how long I've been playing It amazes me when I glitch up then I check out the forums and get the reminder.
