6270 -
Back when Freedom was announced the devs stated that they were looking into the feasibility of doing this (primarily for VIPs who wanted to transfer to Exalted) but that there were major technical issues associated with it. Given that it never appeared I'm guessing that they decided the effort required to make it work without breaking anything was not worth it.
Given the low magnitude of the potential knockback (1.34 which probably won't even get them fully out of the patch) and the low chance of it actually happening (4% with current proc rules, 0.065% with I24 PPM rules) I wouldn't consider that a particularly compelling case for not doing it.
I'm not sure how it's implemented but it doesn't really matter. Regeneration always ticks for 5% of your current Max HP including buffs. So powers like Dull Pain or Task Force Commander actually increase your regeneration along with your Max HP.
Well currently the Knockdown proc in Overwhelming Force is bugged and Ragnarok is still subject to the 10 second lockout in patch powers. We can't say for sure how PPM will affect it since we don't know the new PPM for those particular procs although we can make some estimates.
Assuming that they don't change the formula that has currently been given for the I24 changes the chance for a given proc to fire in Caltrops will be PPM * 0.006206 (or about 0.6% for every proc per minute) checking once per second. The current SBE version of Ragnarok has 3PPM which should increase to about 4PPM in I24 (depending on whether they round up or not) and let's assume Overwhelming Force has the same PPM (since they currently both have a 20% chance assuming the same PPM makes sense). So each proc will have a 2.48% chance to knock each opponent over once per second with a combined chance of 4.90%. For comparison Earthquake has a higher chance (7%) and has the chance to proc 5 times per second instead of one. So it's not going to be as effective as powers liek that but it's not awful. -
Quote:No, the 14.14 DPS is the equivalent DPS bonus from the -regen in Time Crawl. Unlike -resistance -regen is a static bonus based on the Hit Points and base regeneration of the target and as such doesn't scale at all so it's 14.14 DPS whether you're soloing an AV or on a 24 man league.I don't know that I would be so quick to say adios to TC. That's 14.14 DPs added to everyone for the duration (20 Seconds).
For instance, if you are on a full team of 8, that's a potential increase of 113.12 DPS during the fight. It would be even more for iTrial content.
I know, the math won't work out because of attack chain gaps, activation time on TC, etc.
What you may be thinking of is the fact that TC increases the -resistance in Slowed Response from 30% to 36% but personally I don't find that a huge draw (especially since I tend to forget to use TC first anyway). -
Quote:Why do you say that? The way I specced it out the only penalty would be increased endurance costs (and technically more slot limited but I already noted that as a problem and one that I think could be solved).Your base mechanics could work, however the numbers you give would be a nerf to the set overall while at the same time magnifying the current penalties three fold.
Currently a Tanker running Granite gets 50% resistance to all but Psi and 20% defense to all but Psi but gets a -65% recharge penalty and a -30% damage penalty. With my changes a Tanker running Granite, Rock Armor, Brimstone Armor and Crystal Armor would have 50% resistance to all but Psi and 20% defense to all but Psi but gets a -60% recharge penalty and a -30% damage penalty. They would also now have additional options in the form of turning on Minerals to close the Psi hole (at the cost of a larger debuff) or turning off one of more of the shields dropping their protection but also lowering the damage/recharge penalty.
So overall they can get the same defenses with the same penalty but slightly increased endurance costs (Granite has no End cost so effectively you're running two more toggle which is why I suggested a recover buff somewhere).
A character who wanted to could run Granite, Rock Armor, Brimstone Armor, Crystal Armor and Minerals all at once which would result in a larger penalty than Granite form currently has but would also result in a tougher character (due to the Psi Def/Res). However the idea is that in most situations that wouldn't be necessary. Most melee characters are used to running all of their toggles at all times subject only to endurance limitations but the idea here is to change that. A Stone Armor character out of Granite could indeed run all of their non-Granite toggles with no penalty other than endurance costs (ok, there is Rooted, but I honestly wouldn't care if the movement penalty was dropped). In Granite they can still run all of their toggles if they want but they benefit from turning some off and only focusing on those defenses that they truly need. -
Maybe. Personally I suspect that the players care a lot more about the distinctions between different enhancement types than the devs do.
Quote:Well if worst comes to worst the Battle Drones are pretty much fine with just three Nucleolus Exposure HOs (or two Nucs and a Dam/End from somewhere) so you can always stick three of the aura enhancements in them. You lose any chance for set bonuses but unlike the other bots they don't really need any enhancement other than Accuracy and Damage (and maybe some endurance reduction but I find they don't really need it).Cries!
As if i Don't already have enough Procs in him as it is.. Build Up and +Def
two def IOs and + AoE def in Prot bots
Still trying to find a place to put +Res in!
Blubbers and gets out the blueprints.
P.S. Don't forget to leave room for the new Resist/Regen aura int he next set of super packs. -
Well for Gun Drone and Voltaic Sentinel (I'll cover Spiderlings later) there are pros and cons to this. If the duration was increased then the recharge would almost certainly be increased as well. In a perfect world this isn't a big deal so long as the Duration:Recharge ratio remains the same but in real situations it means that if you lose the pet for some reason (such as the Gun Drone deciding it's a Scrapper or simply you dying causing them to despawn) then the time before you can resummon it increases.
Now I wouldn't mind seeing some changes to both of these powers but not a simple duration increase. First Gun Drone, I think that the current cast time and method is awesome, I have a key bound to Gun Drone so I press it and one second later I have a Drone. I wouldn't mind seeing the recharge reduced to 90 seconds so that it's permanent out of the box (with the understanding that I'd give up the ability to summon multiples for this) but I think 90 seconds is fine in terms of duration, heck a lot of the time I deliberately despawn it before the duration is up to stop it aggroing something anyway.
Similarly for Voltaic Sentinel it already has the same duration and recharge so there isn't a huge benefit. What I would like seeing is the cast time changed from 3 seconds to 1 second and have it simply summon next to you rather than needing to specify a location (same as Gun Drone is now). This would make it much easier to just hit a bind right before combat.
Finally Spiderlings. These are the way they are for a very good balance reason. The pets in all of the Patron power pools have 4 minute durations and 15 minute recharges to limit their uptime. You can (if you want) get them out permanently but it requires a quite high recharge build to do so. -
Also given the number of complaints regarding the current implementation of FastSnipe I wouldn't be surprised to see significant changes to it by the time I24 enters Beta.
I agree, the question is how to change it? The simplest solution is to either speed up the waves or have the next wave come a set time after the previous wave is cleared. The problem there is that is a respec trial and one that has a failure mechanism. Since it is a respec trial it needs to be possible to complete it with a very suboptimally built team and the problem with speeding the waves up is that if a team is having trouble faster waves might overwhelm them and the trial has a failure mechanism.
Now the Thorn trial is harder but since it doesn't have a failure mechanism a poor team can at least take several attempts. Personally I'd advocate the same option for the TV trial. Have a couple of small waves when you enter the chamber followed by a relatively easy AV. Short and sweet. -
Okey dokey lokey
Why does the Defenderpony look annoyed? Well the Blasterpony faceplanted, the Scrapperpony ran off to the other side of the map, the Tankerpony skipped his mez protection power and the Controllerpony went AFK. -
Ok, here's my take on Stone Armor, admittedly coming from someone who doesn't actually like playing melee characters so it's worth exactly what you paid for it
The core problem is Granite (yeah, I know Captain Obvious but bear with me here). Granite is a Tier 9 Armor power and like a lot of the Tier 9 armor powers it aims to make you nearly invincible but at a strong cost. In most similar powers the cost is limited up-time and a crash at the end. Granite however has permanent up-time but is balanced by decreasing your offense (and mobility but that's less of a concern). Now fundamentally this isn't actually a bad idea, it's an interesting idea compared to other armor sets and helps cement Stone as an extremely tough set.
However the problem is that the actual implementation fails because it renders the rest of the set virtually obsolete. While Granite is active most of the rest of the set can't be used and outside of Granite Stone Armor isn't a particularly great set. It can't seem to decide if it's a resistance set or a defense set which leaves it with rather erratic coverage against different attacks due to the interactions of defense and resistance. This is then compounded by the fact that to achieve full coverage it has to run a total of six toggles (more than any armor set apart from Dark Armor) in a set with no recovery bonuses. Given the choice between six toggles and three most players sensibly opt to just run Granite and only take the other powers as set mules or for use while exemplared.
So how to fix this? I would say that a fix needs to try to do two things. First balance out the performance of the pre-Granite set so that it provides a more balanced set of defenses. Secondly make Granite into a situational power rather than something you always run by default. In other words a Stone Tanker/Brute should feel comfortable using their non-Granite toggles and only turn on Granite if they feel the need to become tougher.
To that end I'd change the set as follows (numbers given are for Tankers):- Normalize Rock Armor, Brimstone Armor and Crystal Armor so that they all provide both typed defense and resistances to S/L, F/C or E/NE as appropriate. I'm not sure on values but I think something like 15% defense and 10% resistance would be about right.
- Remove the Run Speed and Jump Height penalties on Rooted and remove the restriction on having Combat Jumping, Super Speed or Sprint toggled on at the same time. This allows Stone Tankers to at least jump a little bit to get over curbs and deal with in-mission terrain issues and gives them the ability run around in the mission while maintaining the thematic need to remain in reasonable contact with the ground (you can jump a bit and you can run fast but you can't Super Jump or Fly while using Rooted).
- Add a recovery buff somewhere. Possibly a scaling buff in Mud Pots or alternatively a fixed buff in Rooted and Granite (see below for more on Granite).
- Now comes the biggy, Granite. Instead of the old effects it works as follows.
- Granite has no endurance cost and (possibly) applies a recovery buff.
- Having Granite toggled on provides movement speed debuffs pretty much identical to the old ones and also prevents toggling on Super Speed, Super Jump, Fly and Hover (you can keep Sprint and Combat Jumping though).
- While Granite is active Rock Armor, Brimstone Armor and Crystal Armor all have their base effects increased to 20% Defense and 50% resistance but each applies a 20% recharge debuff and 10% damage debuff.
- While Granite is active Minerals has a moderate unenhanceable Psionic resistnace buff added to it (I'm thinking about 40%) but also applies a 20% recharge debuff and 10% damage debuff.
- Taking Granite grants a new Inherent power called Path of the Earth (or something less lame, I suck at names). This is basically Teleport but the target area has to be on the ground and the animation has you drop straight into the ground and then pop up at the target area with suitable burrowing graphics. Technically it should only be usable while Granite is active but given the lack of vertical movement I'd say let it work outside Granite.
The basic goal here is that a Stone Armor character with Granite, Rock Armor, Brimstone Armor and Crystal Armor should have about the same performance as a Stone Tanker currently gets while in Granite form while also having the option to run Minerals and get even tougher. Outside Granite the set now has a pretty decent set of defenses having defense and resistance to pretty much everything. In Granite those defenses become even better but at the cost of recharge and damage, however since the debuffs are moved from Granite to the individual toggles it becomes possible to reduce the debuffs by toggling off powers that aren't necessary against the current enemy group. The HUGE problem I do see here however is that the set has three toggles that need both resistance and defense slotting which may be to much of a crunch on builds. One option would be to make the resistance portion unenhanceable but increase the values so that you get about 10-15% out of Granite and 70% in Granite but I'm not sure if this would be to good. Another option would be to have Brimstone Armor provide E/NE/F/C resistance while Crystal Armor provides E/NE/F/C Defense thereby making Rock armor the only combined Defense and Resistance toggle, the downside being fewer strategic options for in-Granite toggle juggling.
Of course while this technically only violates the Cottage rule for one power (Granite) it would basically mean every single stone armro character has to redo thier build completely so I can't really see the devs going for it.
In any case that's my $0.02. -
Quote:Not true. The letters from both Jenni Adair's and Dean MacArthur's arc allude to the possibility that you may already have met the letter writer. If we go with the premise that in-game events are presumed to occur chronologically based on level rather than when they were actually put into the game (i.e. the official chronology is assumed to be as a new character would perceive it) then your character receives these letters relatively early in the sequence.I don't buy that logic on account of the fact that the Devs posted the letters nearly chronologically. NONE of the other letters suggest that you're working with DD yet. They also all tell us to look for him "in the pillar of ice and flame", which has absolutely NOTHING to do with how we find out who he is.
Quote:In other words, I don't think the devs knew who the letter writer was or how he was going to be re-introduced until just before I22 at the earliest. Kinda shoody >_> -
I'll admit I'm not the most experienced Dom player but I've been leveling an Earth/Fiery Dom and I've been really unimpressed with the performance of both Incinerate and Combustion. I've tried using them but most of the time I seem to kill things faster with just using Fire Breath and then spamming Flares and Fire Blast to finish enemies off (even more so now that I have Blaze).
Quote:Actually it's interesting that while they aren't technically IOs they are described as Inventions in the reward screen for completing the Blockbuster event (I'll have to try and get a screenshot at some point).They're not IOs either. /pedant
(An important distinction since we have folks who can't utilize IOs.)
EDIT: Picture:
Quote:[Citation Needed]Wikipedia cited as a source? Gimme a second to go change that...
Quote:Originally Posted by WikipediaIn ancient galaxies far, far away, tyrants were influential opportunists that came to power by seizing the power of the Well of the Furies to defeat a fauna gobbling flora monster. The word "tyrannos", possibly pre-Greek, Pelasgian or eastern in origin, means butterscotch and is actually not related to this discussion at all.
In all seriousness you are correct that Wikipedia is not a perfect source of information and definitely not something you should rely on in any sort of formal setting but it is reasonably accurate and is generally good enough for a first-pass information source. -
Quote:He is technically correct (the best kind of correct). The original definition of a tyrant did not include any sort of ethical consideration. However that isn't really the modern usage and I think we can agree that Tyrant didn't select his name because he enjoys hugging puppies.ty·rant [tahy-ruhnt]
a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.
any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.
a tyrannical or compulsory influence.
an absolute ruler, especially one in ancient Greece or Sicily.
Quote:Originally Posted by WikipediaIn ancient Greece, tyrants were influential opportunists that came to power by securing the support of different factions of a deme. The word "tyrannos", possibly pre-Greek, Pelasgian or eastern in origin, then carried no ethical censure; it simply referred to anyone, good or bad, who obtained executive power in a polis by unconventional means. -
Quote:The thing is the knockback to knockdown functionality isn't actually a proc. The Knockback to Knockdown functionality is actually implemented by making the enhancement a Knockback Enhancement with an extremely high negative magnitude (-99%). The chance for knockdown is a proc and presumably has a caveat that chance to proc is 0% if the power already does knoackback/down.I think the other obvious nerf is to just make the KB conversion an actual proc rather than some kind of set bonus. Make it so the KB conversion is 100% on powers that KB but, in powers that persist like toggles and passives, the conversion only occurs on 10 second tics like any other proc.
For the purpose of the proc, it should be slottable in powers that really do damage.
It should also convert 100% of the KB into KD when activated.
But I don't see why this proc has to function uniquely by functioning on every tic rather than after every 10 seconds.
Here's the Enhancement:
http://tomax.cohtitan.com/data/power...elming_Force_F -
In fact depending on the price you might get more players running it if it's perceived as a good way to make some inf.