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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD!! NEVER SAY IT OUT LOUD! To say that which shall not be said invites attention! POTENTIALLY UNWANTED attention. Warsahdes are AWESOME. For various vague and unspecified reasons. Let's stick to our story here, m'kay?

    Completely agreed...


  2. Wow.

    And only using basically 3 attacks and NO stygian circle?

    That was awesome.

    Playing it at a slightly higher speed was a nice choice as well...

  3. I've been converted to being a believer in Gravimetric Snare, but I'm not a big fan of Quasar if you're a human-former that has any amount of shields up--the inconvenience of consistently having to re-activate 7-10 shields is not worth seeing the "big numbers" Quasar puts out.

    For that matter, mathematically speaking, the "numbers" you lose from the time spent reactivating shields makes Quasar not worth it for the human-former.

    However, I do have Quasar on my tri-form build, because on that build, I don't use shields at all, and am constantly switching forms. Quasar becomes a much more viable option then.

    Just my 2 cents.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    Probably because people slot them for different reasons (IE Stealth IO's) so may have more than one use for them... not sure really.
    Precisely. I slot a stealth IO in my Prestige Power Slide, and it's nice to be able to place it properly in Mid's finally.

  5. Annnnnnnd, it's up! Wooohooooo!!!!! My life is complete!

    Thanks, guys!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    What a convincing video. It's not like you cherry picked a group with no mez and only s/l damage...oh, wait...

    Did I say "if you don't lead with grav em you'll die instantly zomg?!?!"?

    No, I didn't. Get off your high horse and grow up.
    Check the other vids where I faced Malta, Rikti, and Arachnos (with no Grav Em--OH MY!!!), and get off your high horse and grow up.

    Oh, and work on wording your posts better so people don't get the impression you think you know what you're talking about when referring to a guide that I wrote.

    And do your research.

    And open your mind to other playstyles a bit.

    And....well, that may be too much to ask for now.

    Baby steps.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    no, he doesn't, really. You don't run into the middle of a fresh mob with no Eclipse up unless youre on a team. solo you would LEAD with Grav Em so the mobs are stunned and kbd and cant hit you until many seconds after you use Eclipse and Mire.

    that's a big duh.

    otherwise you could either (bad luck) get killed before Eclipse goes off or (not quite as bad luck) get Mezzed after Eclipse is up but before you Mire or start doing damage.

    Grav Em is for leading off when you don't have Eclipse or for grouping a spread out mob regardless.

    Look, mom, no hands! Err....Gravitic Emination!

    Running into the middle of an 8-man mob SOLO with no Eclipse AND no Grav Em?

    How the heck did he survive?!?!?

    He had a special Harry Potter spell.

    It's clearly the only explanation.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    How do you direct something that knocks everything in different directions? Honest question. The only way I can see to control Solar Flare's KB is to target it around mobs who are all facing the same direction.
    They've already explained it thoroughly, didn't you see?

    All 'ya gotta do is carefully position yourself and specifically choose which mob member you're going to hit in the midst of the mayhem that is the rest of your team, and hope he's not down by the time you fire that carefully placed shot.

    See? Easy!


    I don't know about you guys, but I play at such a fast pace (both solo and on teams), that strategies like that are just laughable--at least to me. By the time it takes a Kheld in Nova form on my team to fly around to a "good position", the rest of the team and myself have taken all but the bosses down--not to mention running back outside of the middle of a group to "position" yourself for a well-placed shot is a waste of time (in my mind)... You have to run in there for a Mire anyway (from a Warshade's standpoint)--regardless of whether or not you're human-only, bi-form, or tri-form--so, why all the running around when you could have the mob down in the same amount of time it takes you to "place" your shots?

    I'm happy for you guys, though. To each his own. Whatever works! I've always been a huge proponent of individual playstyles...

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    However, as it stands, too much KB in khelds and it would be nice if it were changed to KD.
    If that change were made, we'd have a uncountable number of people rushing to play Khelds, because that irritation for teams would then become a huge "bonus" in a lot of team perceptions....

    But, that'll never change. Nice thought, though!

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    People don't seem to mind mine (other than the "ZOMG KB IZ EBIL KILLITKILLITKILLIT!" folks who will never be happy with it.)

    Then again, I direct mine as opposed to "Jump into the middle of the mob, next to the tank, and scatter stuff everywhere."
    You say that, but I don't believe you are referring to powers like Dark Nova Blast, Bright Nova Blast, Dark Detonation, and Luminous Detonation, which can't be "controlled."

    You hit a foe with it, and it explodes, sending people everywhere in all directions.

    You can't NOT use the nova blasts if you're a tri-form, and you can't NOT use the detonations if you're a human-only build, so... While I get what you're saying, it really doesn't hold true for the vast majority of Kheldians out there, regardless if we assumed all of them "try" to "direct" their KB.

    When there isn't a controller on the team to lock them down, mobs are going to scatter with Kheldians, whether anyone wants to admit to it or not.

  11. Yeah, when people say "can you cut down on all the KB?" I say, "umm... That's in like all my attacks."

    Not really a good reputation for Khelds to have, I agree.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    A fully slotted Light Form can get you to around 83% resistance, while an unslotted Light Form and marginally slotted shields can cap your resistance at 85%.

    What if you just took and fully slotted Light Form? Foregoing the shields frees up three power picks and - depending on how much you slot them - around six slots, three of which would go into Light Form.

    So if you're going to spend most of your time in Nova or Dwarf and drop to human for extended periods only when Light Form is up, then the shields would be strictly optional, no?
    Makes sense... That reminds me, I should re-think how I've been building my tri-form build for my PB...

  13. Thanks for the shout out, Dechs! Much appreciated!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    It's been nearly two years since the Kheld changes, and I still don't buy this. Sure, you get mez protection in Dwarf form, but as a tradeoff you lose access to all Nova and human abilities, and if there's a non-Dwarf power you need to activate, you'll get mezzed as soon as you drop out of Dwarf. Being able to toggle on Dwarf form while mezzed is a passable and welcome solution, but it is by no means a good one (for example if you get mezzed during the activation time of Dwarf, it'll detoggle and you'll have to activate it again) because of the limitations. No other AT with mez protection has the silly restriction of being able to access only a subset of its powers while mezzed, and if anything Crabs and Fortunatas should be the prime example of why human form, at least, should have basic mez protection (both Crabs and Fortunatas can pump out ranged damage very safely and have non-limiting mez protection to go with it).

    *ducks back into shadows*

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    Level 18
    Gravity Well = Midnight Grasp
    Look to Midnight Grasp, then back to me, now Midnight Grasp, than to me. Sadly Midnight Grasp isn't me. Look into my hand where I have Midnight Grasp's immobilize. The Immobilize is now a hold.

    The damage has been cranked up to match Total Focus/Incandescent Strike, and the Warshade Slow/-Rech effect has been added. Of course the endurance and recharge have been raised to match the new damage scale.

    I'm on a horse.
    I lol'd.

  16. Swift is not THAT fast.

    However, if you want to take things slow, and you have a problem with it, that's what Walk is for.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
    • 'Issue 19 will have a normal beta after issue 20. Issue 20 includes a lot a of new systems that will require more beta time.'
    Sooo.... We get Issue 20 before Issue 19?

    ......that's definitely a first.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    The likely hood of this to succeeded (if that is the plan with COX2, and IF they are making COX2), based on the shear number of high profile mmos coming out this year, the next, and the next years after, isn't high.
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I would shelf any release plans till after Star Wars, and the WoW expansion die down. I think I would wait at least a year, if not more.

    I would rather see constant upgrades to this game, than a CoX2 any way.
    I think you guys aren't taking into consideration how long it takes to design/create/test a game. If they're JUST NOW filling positions to begin on, say, the "concept" stage of it, I can GUARANTEE you the game won't be available in stores for a good 2 (if not 3 or 4) years...

    All of these "CoX 2 haters" are just afraid of playerbase splits or things of that nature. They don't realize that by the time a CoX 2 came out, this game would have to have lasted ANOTHER 4 years. Now, I'm not saying it's impossible, but I AM saying it would be absolutely stupid and short-sighted of any dev to NOT look to the future of their franchise at this point.

  19. AlienOne

    Dont do oro arcs

    Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
    I've never liked the fact that Ouroboros arcs are in TF mode.
    ME EITHER!!!!

    When you're doing the arc normally, if you run across a mission that's a bit hard for you to handle, you can back off, invite more people, complete the mission, thank them for their help, and keep going through the arc.

    With Ouro, if you want to experience the content again, you either have to treat it like a full TF and invite a lot of people to begin with (which no one wants to do since the merits aren't usually worth it compared to normal TFs), or just start the whole thing over if you run into a brick wall.

    Not cool.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheWidower View Post
    Okay, point, but then that's not saying there's no endgame content available. That's saying that you (figuratively speaking) don't like the endgame content that's available, which is a totally separate issue.
    Actually, that's not what's being said. What's being said is that the endgame content that's available has been run over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and.....rinse and repeat for 6 years.

    I've got 45 toons. 22 of them are 50s. It's pretty safe to assume that I'm growing just a bit tired of the "trip to 50"--ESPECIALLY pre-stamina levels.

    You can also safely assume that since I regularly play 22 50s, I've run the endgame content until I'm blue in the face and can do it blindfolded with 2 hands tied behind my back (figure of speech--kinda sad that I have to specify that with this audience)...

    So, what is someone like me (and at LEAST several other people just in this thread (statistically speaking) looking for?

    More endgame content.

    Sure, we can tirelessly repeat Hami raids (if we can get the right amount of ATs/people together, and it doesn't conflict with our schedules) over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over like we have been for years and years... But, that's completely beside the point.

    Sure, Praetoria looks great. But, I'm not excited about playing pre-stamina content for the 50th time. Sorry, that's not my cup of tea. I'll enjoy it the moment they unlock the zone to 50s that are already setted out and can exemp down and help some teams out.

    Until then? All my chips are in for i19--and hopefully we don't have to wait until next year to get it.


    Also, what's this CoP you speak of? Is this something that people like me who run their own SG/VG that holds only their own toons can do?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    In the new expansion they added 20 new zones for characters level 1-4 to explore.
    That's actually not too far off mark....

  22. Gratz, Dechs... You deserve it! Can't wait to see the video.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SevereCalamity View Post
    I enjoy Dechs' guide. I would start there for sure. Tri-form warshade plays totally different from a peacebringer. And by totally different I mean totally more awesome. My own personal opinion of course, playing a warshade only in human form is kind of selling yourself short.
    I wouldn't necessarily call it selling yourself short (as an all-encompassing statement). Rather, you may be selling yourself short damage-wise.

    Playstyle-wise or surviveability-wise....I'd be more apt to say they're on par with eachother.

    Now, because everyone seems to be narrowly focused on just the "damage" aspect of pretty much every AT there is (except possibly the tank and defender), that's why these *blanket statements* about "selling yourself short" are made.

    In actuality, I could also say that by playing tri-form, you're "selling yourself short" on a completely different set of toggles that you could be using to differentiate your playstyle. By not taking those toggles (I.E. Orbiting Death, Inky Aspect, Shields, Leadership powers , any toggles from APPs, etc., etc.), you're selling yourself short on a whole other toolset you could be using for damage mitigation/team play. Most "dancing" tri-formers worth their salt aren't going to be spending any length of time re-toggling up every time they switch forms.

    Therefore, it is a *choice*. You're not selling yourself short in EVERYTHING. You may be just selling yourself short in damage and specific situational options.

    Playing an all-human form Warshade isn't a "detriment."

    It's a lifestyle.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Posting a pic of the server status or disagreeing with what doomies say and watching them froth at the mouth isn't a violation of any rules it is just fun!
    Ah, but disagreement is much different than baiting--which is what you said the first time!

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Ok, I've only heard that AP is causing disconnections when people try logging in.
    No biggie... It's getting close to my bedtime anyway, and I've got plenty of games to keep me busy until things settle down/we get more lvl 50 content...

    I had a chance to see things in beta though, so it's not like I haven't had the opportunity to experience it!
