Assorted Warshade Stuff




So after I got my Crab Spider Blue up to 50, I found my thoughts turning back to my long neglected Warshade Shade of Blue. My PB was my second 50, and I really had a blast on him, but somehow I just wasn't enjoying my Warshade when I played him before. This was a minor annoyance to me because I have a Level 50 of every Hero AT BUT Warshade.

After getting Spider Blue to 50, though, I found myself thinking about Shade's background story, and I decided that I really wanted Shade to hit 50 so he could face Requiem on Warwolf World. (Shade is the Warwolf World version of my first Blue Battler. There's a mission where you find out an alt version of you failed to stop The Path of Darkness which led to the destruction of the world ... Shade is the Blue Battler who failed that arc, and he's the only other survivor of Warwolf World aside from Requiem. A Nictus-- horrified at having helped cause the end of an entire world-- joins with Blue and they survive until they're able to follow a hero back to our Earth where they try to become powerful enough to avenge alt-Blue's failure against Requiem.)

Shade just hit 30 last night. (I have to say that Strigia is a real pain in the butt for a Warshade. If I never have to fight another BP on a WS again it'll be too soon!)

Anyway, there are a few things that I can use some help with in terms of Kheldian background.

1. Since we don't kill our enemies as Heroes in COH, what do you think Stygian Circle is doing our defeated opponents? I'm assuming we're drawing on their life force to make ourselves stronger, but what effect does that have on our foes when they recover? (I'm leaning towards them having nightmares at the very least ...)

2. Anyone worked out a good system for coming up with Kheldian/Nictus names? I loved the name of Reqiuem's half-- Dirge of Entropy-- and I have yet to come up with the "Right" name for Shade's Kheldian half.

3. On a non-RP note, just how good are Unchain Essence, Twilight Shield, and Stygian Return? I want to use the human form as much as possible to differentiate the play of my Warshade from my PB.

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post

Anyway, there are a few things that I can use some help with in terms of Kheldian background.

1. Since we don't kill our enemies as Heroes in COH, what do you think Stygian Circle is doing our defeated opponents? I'm assuming we're drawing on their life force to make ourselves stronger, but what effect does that have on our foes when they recover? (I'm leaning towards them having nightmares at the very least ...)

2. Anyone worked out a good system for coming up with Kheldian/Nictus names? I loved the name of Reqiuem's half-- Dirge of Entropy-- and I have yet to come up with the "Right" name for Shade's Kheldian half.

3. On a non-RP note, just how good are Unchain Essence, Twilight Shield, and Stygian Return? I want to use the human form as much as possible to differentiate the play of my Warshade from my PB.
1. I have no idea! I still feel like an eater of souls, and have no problem describing my WS as a hero...

2. I personally like astronomical, cosmic, or alien names for all Khelds. WS tend to be on the dark side (literally) and PB's are bright. My only PB is "Silver Sol". Some ideas off the top of my head for a WS: Infinite Eclipse, Twilight Knight, Dusk Avenger. These are probably taken, and maybe a little crappy, but you get the idea I'm sure.

3. If you're focusing on human-form, all of those have their uses, with Twilight Shield arguably being the most skip-able. In later levels you'll be too busy tearing things up to focus on a toggle that only does very limited typed resistance.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
1. Since we don't kill our enemies as Heroes in COH, what do you think Stygian Circle is doing our defeated opponents? I'm assuming we're drawing on their life force to make ourselves stronger, but what effect does that have on our foes when they recover? (I'm leaning towards them having nightmares at the very least ...)

2. Anyone worked out a good system for coming up with Kheldian/Nictus names? I loved the name of Reqiuem's half-- Dirge of Entropy-- and I have yet to come up with the "Right" name for Shade's Kheldian half.

3. On a non-RP note, just how good are Unchain Essence, Twilight Shield, and Stygian Return? I want to use the human form as much as possible to differentiate the play of my Warshade from my PB.
1. I'm with Gehnen. Just because you can't kill them doesn't mean you can't make them suffer. I think if they survive it's broken for life with thirty years or so stripped from their normal lifespan. A Warshade's gotta eat.

2. My Warshade was a continuation of my Blaster (50s nos. 1 and 2.) and he altered part of his name to mark the merger. Rainbow Avenger became Rainbow Arcana. Being energy creatures I doubt Nicti have names in the human sense. Rain just calls his "Nic."

3. I'd rate them 5-star, 1-star and 3-star in that order. They're all considered skippable to some degree. Twilight most so because of Eclipse. People either love or hate Unchain. I use it instead of Quasar. Stygian is a nice-but-not-necessary QoL power if you can fit it in.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

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Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
1. I'm with Gehnen. Just because you can't kill them doesn't mean you can't make them suffer. I think if they survive it's broken for life with thirty years or so stripped from their normal lifespan. A Warshade's gotta eat.

2. My Warshade was a continuation of my Blaster (50s nos. 1 and 2.) and he altered part of his name to mark the merger. Rainbow Avenger became Rainbow Arcana. Being energy creatures I doubt Nicti have names in the human sense. Rain just calls his "Nic."

3. I'd rate them 5-star, 1-star and 3-star in that order. They're all considered skippable to some degree. Twilight most so because of Eclipse. People either love or hate Unchain. I use it instead of Quasar. Stygian is a nice-but-not-necessary QoL power if you can fit it in.
1. I've thought that it would be cool if we found out that Void Hunters are Nictus/Warshade victims who gained their abilities as a result of surviving the attack. Granted, if every victim did that we'd soon be overwhelmed with Voids, but ...

2.In the Kheldian Arcs, you find out that Requiem's Nictus is named Dirge of Entropy. My own personal hunch has always been that Khelds-- as creatures of energy-- would communicate in radio waves or some other form of energy emission. (Which begs the question, of course, if they can still communicate that way once they're bound to an organic host) so they wouldn't use an audio-based language. Still, I bet they perform at least loose "translations" of their names for written and spoken communication with non Khelds.

Great. Now I'm wondering if Khelds have a written language of their own ...

3. I hadn't thought about Eclipse as I've never gotten a Warshade high enough to try it. I'll be taking Stygian Return for thematic purposes, I'm sure.

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
3. On a non-RP note, just how good are Unchain Essence, Twilight Shield, and Stygian Return? I want to use the human form as much as possible to differentiate the play of my Warshade from my PB.
I'm going to point you to my guide for "The MFing Warshade." It leans about equally on all forms, but you will still find it a drastically different playstyle than your PB.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I enjoy Dechs' guide. I would start there for sure. Tri-form warshade plays totally different from a peacebringer. And by totally different I mean totally more awesome. My own personal opinion of course, playing a warshade only in human form is kind of selling yourself short.



Originally Posted by SevereCalamity View Post
I enjoy Dechs' guide. I would start there for sure. Tri-form warshade plays totally different from a peacebringer. And by totally different I mean totally more awesome. My own personal opinion of course, playing a warshade only in human form is kind of selling yourself short.
Oh, I'm going Tri-Form, but I want to emphasize the human build more this time.

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Oh, I'm going Tri-Form, but I want to emphasize the human build more this time.
That's why I suggested my guide. I spend about an even amount of time in each form. If anything, I spend most of it in human. The guide itself is very freeform, allowing for all kinds of adaptation, and I've gotten a lot of good feedback from it.

I'm sure it'll answer whatever questions you might come up with. If not, ask 'em and I'll certainly get back to you!

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Oh, I'm going Tri-Form, but I want to emphasize the human build more this time.
awhile back thier was a WS guide to 'danceing' Its the same guide just more in depth as dechs and the guide i followed when i made my WS back before IO's where released. You use all the forms to thier advantage getting buffs from all the forms and once your buffed to the gills you can stick to 1 form or the other if you so desire, although once you relize the potential of 'danceing' you will be switching forms so much you wont remember if you rolled him as a human a nova or a dwarf when ya first started and he will make your other toons weep with desire. But that was just my experience with my WS and when i play her i always feel more powerful compared to other AT's since i can do things that the other AT's cant do.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
1. Since we don't kill our enemies as Heroes in COH, what do you think Stygian Circle is doing our defeated opponents? I'm assuming we're drawing on their life force to make ourselves stronger, but what effect does that have on our foes when they recover? (I'm leaning towards them having nightmares at the very least ...)
I always see my hero Warshade (who is undercover cop who got joined with a reformed nictus during an operation) as only taking a small amount of someones essence - enough to sap them of their energy (Eclipse) or render them unconscious (Stygian Circle). They may have a headache later but no long lasting damage. I always saw it as a Warshade's constant struggle from giving into their 'needs' and what is right.

But I also have just rolled another WS who will be turning villain and he has no issue with sucking any and all the life force he can!

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Anyway, there are a few things that I can use some help with in terms of Kheldian background.
*points to Kheldian backstory guide*
1. Since we don't kill our enemies as Heroes in COH, what do you think Stygian Circle is doing our defeated opponents? I'm assuming we're drawing on their life force to make ourselves stronger, but what effect does that have on our foes when they recover? (I'm leaning towards them having nightmares at the very least ...)
It can be whatever you want. After all, we can use extractions, etc. on robots as well - and I've yet to hear anyone say Mek Men have a soul.
2. Anyone worked out a good system for coming up with Kheldian/Nictus names? I loved the name of Reqiuem's half-- Dirge of Entropy-- and I have yet to come up with the "Right" name for Shade's Kheldian half.
There's not one, canonically. (Again, kind of went into it with the guide.)
3. On a non-RP note, just how good are Unchain Essence, Twilight Shield, and Stygian Return? I want to use the human form as much as possible to differentiate the play of my Warshade from my PB.
Return: Good, doesn't need much slotting.
Shield: Meh. Unless you're staying in human. And have a pick/slot to spare.
Unchain: Make something go boom? Of course!

(And as far as a writing system, I believe that they do, yes. I want to say it's been referenced in some of the arcs - and would strongly suspect it's in the one where you find the Nictus plans for the earth, at the very least.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
It can be whatever you want. After all, we can use extractions, etc. on robots as well - and I've yet to hear anyone say Mek Men have a soul.
Aha! Their secret is out. Those are people behind the metal like in The Black Hole.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
It can be whatever you want. After all, we can use extractions, etc. on robots as well - and I've yet to hear anyone say Mek Men have a soul.
I always explain this away as warshades having the ability to rip the energy out of anything and put it to good use.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I always explain this away as warshades having the ability to rip the energy out of anything and put it to good use.
Warshades are extraterrestrial energy recyclers?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Warshades are extraterrestrial energy recyclers?
In a way. Again, Kheldians are beings of light and energy. I see the nictus as vampiric versions of the "natural" Kheldians, who thrive off of other energy sources.

Not so much recycling as... eating.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
In a way. Again, Kheldians are beings of light and energy. I see the nictus as vampiric versions of the "natural" Kheldians, who thrive off of other energy sources.

Not so much recycling as... eating.
Sounds like that vampire cloud thing from the original Star Trek TV series. IIRC it sparkled.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Sounds like that vampire cloud thing from the original Star Trek TV series. IIRC it sparkled.
Your statement comes too close to comparing warshades to the abominations found in the Twilight series for my liking.

Don't ever come that close again.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Your statement comes too close to comparing warshades to the abominations found in the Twilight series for my liking.

Don't ever come that close again.
May I suggest a new movie that came out yesterday?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SevereCalamity View Post
I enjoy Dechs' guide. I would start there for sure. Tri-form warshade plays totally different from a peacebringer. And by totally different I mean totally more awesome. My own personal opinion of course, playing a warshade only in human form is kind of selling yourself short.
I wouldn't necessarily call it selling yourself short (as an all-encompassing statement). Rather, you may be selling yourself short damage-wise.

Playstyle-wise or surviveability-wise....I'd be more apt to say they're on par with eachother.

Now, because everyone seems to be narrowly focused on just the "damage" aspect of pretty much every AT there is (except possibly the tank and defender), that's why these *blanket statements* about "selling yourself short" are made.

In actuality, I could also say that by playing tri-form, you're "selling yourself short" on a completely different set of toggles that you could be using to differentiate your playstyle. By not taking those toggles (I.E. Orbiting Death, Inky Aspect, Shields, Leadership powers , any toggles from APPs, etc., etc.), you're selling yourself short on a whole other toolset you could be using for damage mitigation/team play. Most "dancing" tri-formers worth their salt aren't going to be spending any length of time re-toggling up every time they switch forms.

Therefore, it is a *choice*. You're not selling yourself short in EVERYTHING. You may be just selling yourself short in damage and specific situational options.

Playing an all-human form Warshade isn't a "detriment."

It's a lifestyle.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
In a way. Again, Kheldians are beings of light and energy. I see the nictus as vampiric versions of the "natural" Kheldians, who thrive off of other energy sources.

Not so much recycling as... eating.
So, I guess that means that Warshades suck . . . literally! (It had to be said.)

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