Dont do oro arcs




apparantly support cant help you if you are being sent to precint 5 and cant abandon the mission.



That's what the "Abandon Mission" or "Quit TF" buttons are for. It's a Known Issue.

On that note, if you abandon a mission, you should be able to talk to the contact again and pick it up again, hopefully with the correct destination.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
That's what the "Abandon Mission" or "Quit TF" buttons are for. It's a Known Issue.

On that note, if you abandon a mission, you should be able to talk to the contact again and pick it up again, hopefully with the correct destination.
what if you cant abandon it?

if i quit the tf i´ll have to do it all over again and may run into the bug once more.



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
what if you cant abandon it?

if i quit the tf i´ll have to do it all over again and may run into the bug once more.
Them's the breaks.



Did you read that it's a known issue? ...

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Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Did you read that it's a known issue? ...
Yes in todays gmotd. However my ticket has been open for 3-4 days now, today they said that i had to quit the tf before they could abandon it(lolwut)



I'm confused what the problem is...?

I mean I get what's happening, but where's the actual problem?



Originally Posted by Sojourn_EU View Post
I'm confused what the problem is...?

I mean I get what's happening, but where's the actual problem?
Apparently Terror1 started an arc through Ouroboros, made some progress on the arc, and then received a mission with a door location in Praetoria (the known issue). The only option for Terror1 at this point is to quit the arc, which abandons all the progress made to that point. (Since you can't abandon a mission in TF mode.)

Ouroboros arcs are now a little risky due to the bug. It's unfortunate, but fixing the bug probably won't help Terror1. I suggest quitting the arc and moving on for now.



Ok I get that it's very annoying, but is it really worth shelfing a character for 4 days?



Originally Posted by Sojourn_EU View Post
Ok I get that it's very annoying, but is it really worth shelfing a character for 4 days?
No, since Terror1's problem probably won't go away when the bug is fixed. The mission door won't magically be reassigned.



Originally Posted by Sojourn_EU View Post
Ok I get that it's very annoying, but is it really worth shelfing a character for 4 days?
Shelfing because at the time i did not know of this issue(the gmotd popped up today) and contacted support and they didnt bother showing up until today and had to wait for them skimming through and posting non relevant copy pasta and actually reading my ticket(seems to be standard practice)
First i got the whole you have to quit the tf so they could reset it(magnets how do they work, miracles) and then i had to explain to them how oro arcs work.
Then finally they said that they cant do anything.



I've never liked the fact that Ouroboros arcs are in TF mode. That means if I run into a problem, I may have to quit and start over again. That can be a real pain if I'm deep into a long story arc. I want the option of abandoning or auto-completing a mission.

So yes, beware of long Ouroboros story arcs until the bug gets fixed.



I have to wonder - can't the Mission Teleporter take you there?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have to wonder - can't the Mission Teleporter take you there?

I have the same problem with a Tanker I had running a Vahzilok mission.

I had been planning on having that tanker complete every story arc in the levels 1-20 by turning off experience. I started the final arc in the levels 1-14, the Vahzilok water pollution plot, when I hit the Precinct 5 bug. I tried to use the mission teleporter to get to the door, wouldn't work. An invisible barrier prevented me from going there.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
I've never liked the fact that Ouroboros arcs are in TF mode. That means if I run into a problem, I may have to quit and start over again. That can be a real pain if I'm deep into a long story arc. I want the option of abandoning or auto-completing an O- mission.

So yes, beware of long Ouroboros story arcs until the bug gets fixed.
This, oh god, THIS!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
I've never liked the fact that Ouroboros arcs are in TF mode.

When you're doing the arc normally, if you run across a mission that's a bit hard for you to handle, you can back off, invite more people, complete the mission, thank them for their help, and keep going through the arc.

With Ouro, if you want to experience the content again, you either have to treat it like a full TF and invite a lot of people to begin with (which no one wants to do since the merits aren't usually worth it compared to normal TFs), or just start the whole thing over if you run into a brick wall.

Not cool.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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