Help me create my last Hero!




Seconding a Robo/trap MM. Calculate the cost of summoning each piece, sum it together, and tabulate whether each mission is worth it. In fact, maybe the Assault Bot is a giant adding machine come to life.

As for a name, something like the opposite of Rogue. If I can digress for a second, one of my few gripes with the game's writing was the Rogue-to-Hero morality missions. "Hmmmm, here's a situation where I can make some money! But oh no, something has gone wrong and I can't make money! But, I'll save the day anyway just because I'm so nice!" Every single mission. This guy could be the polar opposite. "I could stop Malta's plan to kidnap the City Council... but for the same cost I could put out that burning building and stop two purse-snatchings! Away!"

If there was time, I would have been all over writing MA missions for this guy.



Make him Irish and call him:

R. Kane O'Ville

Then give him a cybernetic hand and make it a pale, pale grey.


Or better yet, make him a brute/tank type, fricking huge!

Call him Lump Sum.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
I'm pretty sure you need to make a character named Golden Girl.

Here's a picture for inspiration:

I don't remember ever meeting you there in your dev clothes - were you disguised as bAss_ackwards at the time?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Name: Ex Cell (get it? as in the spreadsheet software :> lmao) or X Cell

Does the hero take in to account that the time it takes to open his smartphone and figure out whether one crime is worth it or not could mean the difference of saving someones life?

Does he possess the ability to accurately assess the situation in the time it takes a normal hero to go with their gut instinct

We are often told that to act with wisdom is of utmost importance but to make sure that you act quickly enough to prevent something is just as important. (Which is why hero's are out there fighting the fight instead of politicians!)

I would like to see some form of robot or cyborg instead of a human. The type of hero you are portraying reminds me of the robots in iRobot where the robot saves the older man instead of the child because the older man will be able to contribute more to society. The decision is made instantaneously for the robot and there is no panic time or human error and personal emotions don't sway the decision, just hard calculated facts.

Would your hero save the bus full of handicapped children? Or would he diffuse the bomb that's about to kill 100 construction workers. Does he have any moral's or emotions or is it just hard calculated facts on what will be more of a benefit to society? Rescuing the hard working citizens or save the disabled children who will cost more to take care of.

So yeah, I think you should go with a Robot themed character, unfortunately I can't come up with a costume but hope someone that reads this takes inspiration from the idea.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
I always thought that scenario was bad. Because if I had super-powers, I'm pretty sure I'd do a LOT more good alive than dead, even at the expense of one hostage. I'd feel bad for the bad hostage, but hey, I just avenged them AND stopped the bad guy from hurting even more people! Superheroes just don't seem to think about the big picture enough. And that got me started thinking about the greatest hero of all.....
Heey. If heroes started to get smart, us villains would have to start getting smart too, and I really don't think the hero community wants that to happen.

Imagine if we, you know, just shot the hero in the brain instead of tying him to some elaborate torture device, gleefully explain the details of our overly elaborate scheme and then leave just before the hero is killed, giving him ample time to escape? No good can come of this. I kindly suggest that you heroes go back to being naive do-gooders, and we'll stick with the gloating plot exposition.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
There's a concept character I always wanted to make, and I figure this is the week for it. I know the theme, but I don't have a name or costume. So could you guys help me out with that?


[INSERT NAME HERE], The Fiscally Responsible Hero!

Our hero has a massive spreadsheet at home that he uses to calculate just how economical each act of heroism is, so he can figure out the Return on Investment.
  • Someone just stole a purse from grandma.....but it's 2 miles down the road. How much gas and time would it take to retrieve the purse, especially when there's a car crash a mile in the other direction?
  • Villain wants you to give yourself up in exchange for hostages? Well let's do the math and figure out the potential future earnings of all of the hostages and compare that to the money that's saved by the Hero stopping disasters.
  • Are the Skulls rioting in Steel Canyon? Well what if the Hero has a job interview with the Freedom Phalanx instead at the exact same time? He might be able to save more lives if he gets in.

In every situation, our Hero pops out his handy-dandy Smartphone and runs through the numbers so that he can be heroic AND fiscally responsible. This guy isn't about getting endorsement or self-promotion, he just wants to save the most number of people with finite resources. And he never leaves home without finishing at least one financial forecast.

But what would we call him?

And what would he look like?

Help me COH Players, you're my only hope....

I'm looking for:
Power Set/AT:
If any of you are up for it, I'd also love to see
Screenshot of the Costume:

You have until 5:00PM PST on Thursday, November 29th. Winner gets.....something. Probably a smile from me.
My two cents. Call him Cost Effective Man! His F10 Battle Cry is "Doing the MOST Good for the LEAST Effort!" Given the power and use of money, I think he has to be either a Controller or a Dominator. Hence, I'd propose Ice Control (Freeze their ASSets!) with either Trick Arrow, Thorny Assault, or Time Manipulation.

Thanks for letting me play, Black Pebble. I hope I win a smile!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I don't remember ever meeting you there in your dev clothes - were you disguised as bAss_ackwards at the time?



Hi, BP,

When I read your description of the character concept, it came to me. You said it best yourself...

Big Picture, The Fiscally Responsible Hero!

Power Set/AT: I'm looking at Mind/Kin controller. Mind to convince others that his/her thinking is sound and the best course of action, and kin to manipulate situations.

Screenshot of the Costume: Can't log into the game at the moment to make something, but I know for sure that it would be all business suit! In fact, one costume decked out in a proper business suit, smiling, and one costume showing the aftermath of how these weighty decisions take their toll! (loose tie and dress shirt, and a haggard, weary face choice)

I wonder what it's like to be a super hero.
I wonder where I'd go if I could fly around downtown.
From some other planet, I get this funky high on a yellow sun,
Boy I bet my friends will all be...stunned, they're stunned !
- Matchbox 20



Originally Posted by Nova Knight View Post
Reading your concept made me think of a heroic counterpart to the Clock King (as depicted in Batman: The Animated Series). Sort of like a heroic efficiency expert.

I suggest the names "Optimizer" or "Maximizer" with two possible variants: ranged/support and melee.

1) Corruptor/Defender pairing Kinetics with Beam Rifle. Kinetics seems efficient because you're leveraging an opponent's force to use against him or her. Likewise, Beam Rifle has the Disintegrate mechanic, which also seems efficient by allowing you to inflict additional damage.

2) Scrapper with Kinetic Melee and Super Reflexes. Same rationale for KM as Kinetics above. With regard to SR, you're forcing your opponent to waste their power with futile attacks. You could conceivably achieve the same result with Shields, but then you're looking at higher costs with regard to equipment and maintenance when the shield inevitably gets damaged and hey, money doesn't grow on trees. Alternatively, you could choose Willpower for a secondary because your guy seems a little obsessive/compulsive and determined to get the most bang for his heroic buck.
OK, I came up with more names and powerset options to go along with those above...

NAME: Bottom Line

His extensive knowledge of martial arts and his impressive dexterity allow him to use just the right combination of moves for offense and defense. No wasted energy, no wasted movement, no sloppy brawling, no showboating (I'm looking at you, Dual Pistols). He's Bruce Lee as an accountant.

Another one could be...

NAME: Cost Cutter
POWERSETS: Dual Blades or Street Justice/SR or WP

Dual Blades and Street Justice combos allow you to get more bang for your buck, which suggests cost effectiveness (and DB allows him to cut literally). SR and WP for reasons of efficiency or determination as stated above.

Finally, it just occurred to me that you could substitute a Stalker for a Scrapper if you're inclined towards a melee toon. Stalkers are all about precision and efficiency over brute force and being hidden will give him time to calculate the relative costs and benefits of each heroic act.



Super Dow Jones X

Controller or dominator.

If Dominator: Mind/Psi
If Controller: Mind/Time (if you get far enough via dev cheats you get psi epic.)



I'd like to suggest a second name for your MinMaxing Cost Efficient super hero. While he needs at least one costume that is business attire befitting a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or certified public accountant, the character needs style, panache! Given you treated us to a brogue while wearing golden boxing gloves and (in retrospect) highly appropos Mickey Mouse ears, if you make the character French, he could be Le Roi de R.O.I. (Some might quibble this should be Return on Event or R.O.E.) I don't know the French language so apologies if I have an incorrect article.

Additionally, whatever AT and powersets you decide on, I think his Origin must be Natural, unless you prefer to go with something like him getting radioactive ink in his bloodstream from an accidental papercut.

The concept of Efficiency seems the best fit for idea. Hoping to win a smile, and best wishes for an excellent day!

Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
My two cents. Call him Cost Effective Man! His F10 Battle Cry is "Doing the MOST Good for the LEAST Effort!" Given the power and use of money, I think he has to be either a Controller or a Dominator. Hence, I'd propose Ice Control (Freeze their ASSets!) with either Trick Arrow, Thorny Assault, or Time Manipulation.

Thanks for letting me play, Black Pebble. I hope I win a smile!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



I nominate:

-Adjustment Bureau

And since we are talking about calculating a citizens future potential ..
-The Well

I still play for fun
From Liberty to Freedom
Any team level



Catastrophe Carl: Mutant: FF/Energy Defender. Loaded out for knockback, no shields. (note the story most likely will not fit within the character limits))

Carl was born with his powers, and he always dreamed of one day becoming a force for good in the world. Carl had one problem though in that he could barely contain his own powers.

As a child he tried to save a cat that was stuck up a tree. He focused energy around the cat and the cat shot off from the tree pushed along by Carl's energy, the cat was later found three blocks away on top of a building.

GIFT tried to train Carl to better control his powers and that was where he first got the nickname Catastrophe. Carl was still young and his GIFT class was getting a visit from Synapse and Minx. Carl very eager rushed over to greet one of his idols forgetting that he had a force bubble surrounding him and knocked Synapse thirty or so feet down the hall, much to the amusement of Minx who was heard to say, "So, that's 'Catastrophe Carl'." while speaking with the GIFT instructor.

When Carl was old enough he registered to be a hero. He quickly found out though that being a hero does not come cheap as the heroes were responsible for the damage and destruction they caused while fighting petty crimes. Carl was soon buried under massive debt because of the nature of his powers and he could no longer afford to save everyone and to stop every crime. It was just not cost effective.

Carl had to choose who to save, and in such a way that cost him the least amount of money. Once Carl perfected his initial system he began applying it to all aspects of being a hero. He decided who to save based upon how much it would cost to save them and the returns that would be generated by saving them. Carl hoped that those he could no longer afford to save would be saved by other heroes.

It was said that when Carl acted a catastrophe soon followed. Rather then hiding from this fact Carl embraced the name and was soon seen bouncing around all sections of the city except Skyway. Synapse wouldn't let Catastrophe Carl anywhere near Skyway but that is another story..



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Our hero has a massive spreadsheet at home that he uses to calculate just how economical each act of heroism is, so he can figure out the Return on Investment.
And people think I'm nuts.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Xenos View Post
Well, this one seems terribly obvious to me, but here it goes:

Roi, The Fiscally Responsible Hero!
Wow. I can't believe I missed that. Nice job.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
I'm pretty sure you need to make a character named Golden Girl.
There are two things I don't do in games.

Well there are a lot of things, but two of them are this:

1) I don't play female characters.
2) I don't play short characters.

This violates one of those two sacred tenets.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Wow. I can't believe I missed that. Nice job.
Call me Mr. Obvious. Glad you liked it.

Would love to see a screenshot once you make him.