Revised iReport up on CNN




Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
You all realize that the reccomend button and share button aren't what we need to get this on CNN's big radar right? We all need to click the button "This belongs on CNN." We need roughly what?.. 4000 people to click that before we get to the big leagues.

Start pushing that down all your friends and family's throats. If we can get that many signatures to save the game in a few hours we shouldhave already been on CNN's tv broadcast by now!

Yes, that's the button I pushed. I'll see if I can get more.



People need to play up the economic impact of this as well.

80 American workers lost their jobs because some Korean company made a whack decision in some boardroom 1000s miles away.

The money the players were spending on the game was going to someone here in the US as well (the 3rd party store folks).

And what about the folks working the servers in TX?

The economy is big national news.

There's your in.

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by Vengeance_MK2 View Post
Its now CNN vetted & official.

I gave it my "this belongs on CNN" green light! Is there a chance this could end up on CNN proper?



This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?

Y'all are little better than crack addicts desperate for a fix.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?

Y'all are little better than crack addicts desperate for a fix.
God I hope you're kidding.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



That's why I say their Geek blog. They've covered cosplaying at Dragon-con and sexism in gaming. A link to one of the Geek blog stories occasionally appear on their front page.

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?

Y'all are little better than crack addicts desperate for a fix.
Got any better ideas?



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?

Y'all are little better than crack addicts desperate for a fix.
I had a legit response typed up and ready for you, but then I realized you probs don't care regardless of what's said.




I thought the whole point of iReport was to allow people a chance to report on news directly relevant to their interests, which CNN would then approve based on its quality. CNN itself runs a website that, in theory, has plenty of space for all kinds of articles, including African warlords. Or to borrow a Wikipedian catchphrase, "CNN's website is not paper."

Speaking of Wikipedia, I tried to cite the vetted iReport carticle on the City of Heroes page, but it was immediately removed by a Wikipedian saying that op-ed pieces don't count. C'est la vie.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I had a legit response typed up and ready for you, but then I realized you probs don't care regardless of what's said.
But I'll bite. I've got about five minutes.

Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?
If a tool ostensibly designed for a serious use is later repurposed by other users for more "frivolous" uses, that intrinsically invalidates neither the tool nor the secondary purpose. I agree: this isn't using social media in any of those relevant major real-world uprisings that message board rules prevent me from enumerating directly.

It's using iReport--a tool which regularly sees far, far less news-worthy topics--to address an online community's reaction to the potential destruction of said community. Parallels can be drawn to the potential destruction of real-world communities; as these parallels can at least be drawn--however tenuously--this can be a story of legitimate journalistic merit that highlights the emergence of purely virtual societies in post-Industrial America.

Annnd...that's my five minutes. Good work, Paindancer! Keep spreading the word, everyone! This article needs hits, too!

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want ... to save a game?
Nope. Pretty sure I'll have the option available to play CoH in a year or two irrespective of what goes down. And regardless of that, I agree with Canny; just because CO isn't in the state I'd like right now doesn't mean it couldn't be. (Nor does it preclude TSW hitting the 'awesome' button it's been hunting for way harder, or even a new property surprising me out of nowhere.)

I want to save the CoH community and, insofar as it's possible, Paragon Studios. I like those guys.

I've compared this to saving a city park. Do you find fault with that analogy, or do you think that's an illegitimate news story too?



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?
Have you actually read the news on most national and international news organizations. I have. Daily. And that's why I know how astronomically idiotic what I have quoted here is. Really, I want the energy back from the lit pixels on my screen that showed me the rampant stupidity this illustrated.

First of all, gaming news isn't going to displace warlords in Africa unless no one was reporting on those warlords to begin with. News organizations will report on what they think is news, and I promise you, for CoH to get their time, there was nothing else going on they cared about more.

News isn't a zero-sum game. It's not like is a newspaper where only so many stories can fit on the pages available. It's a website. They can slap on as many web pages as they have people to create. The only contention is for those man hours. And I promise you, the people vetting stories like ours are not the ones looking for stories about what's going on in Africa, Syria, Greece, or wherever else life-changing (or life-ending) news stories are breaking.

Wake the hell up.

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Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?

Y'all are little better than crack addicts desperate for a fix.
Did you even bother to read my article?

i guess, you are right....

an event that is changing the way the gaming industry is going to look at sunsetting projects isnt news.

People standing up to faceless corperate decisions isnt news.

People concerned about the jobs, welfare of others, etc being cost isnt news.


in your world.. you just take what the man gives you, sit down, shut up, be quiet, because you have no voice, no say, no right to be heard.

funny.. you dont seem that type.

I think you are just trolling for the sake of trolling.



Originally Posted by Vengeance_MK2 View Post
Did you even bother to read my article?

i guess, you are right....

an event that is changing the way the gaming industry is going to look at sunsetting projects isnt news.

People standing up to faceless corperate decisions isnt news.

People concerned about the jobs, welfare of others, etc being cost isnt news.


in your world.. you just take what the man gives you, sit down, shut up, be quiet, because you have no voice, no say, no right to be heard.

funny.. you dont seem that type.

I think you are just trolling for the sake of trolling.
Dear god, listen to yourself man. It's a game. "Faceless corporate decisions"? "The man"? Boyo, if you were even half as active as I am in politics...

The fact is, this is not worthy of CNN. This is worthy of gaming magazines and websites. I say the same thing about many of the other stupid stories. There are people who are getting gutted by corporate decisions who have worked at corporations for the better part of their lives. Factories are being closed that employ thousands of American workers so we can ship jobs to lands where workers make pennies on the hour.

If I could save City of Heroes, I would. Do I think the developers at Paragon Studios deserve to keep their jobs? Yes. But I think we need to gain some perspective here. We're a gaming community. NCSoft's decision affected the gaming and entertainment lives of a few dozen-thousand people, and the work lives of less than a hundred. This is not "standing up to the man". This is whining and screaming and trying to act more important than you really are, to an organization that reports bombing runs on Baghdad and uprisings in Syria. Perspective, grasshoppah. Do an iReport to a gaming mag.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
There are people who are getting gutted by corporate decisions who have worked at corporations for the better part of their lives. Factories are being closed that employ thousands of American workers so we can ship jobs to lands where workers make pennies on the hour.
So.. should I have made some noise or not according to you? Ill take that to mean, 'No, I didnt bother to read it, and am ******** on pricniple'

(lets see, if I am Grasshoppa, does that make you Flick here?)

Ok Flick, the issue is, you are wrapped up in your perspective. That it is a game. And from that perspective, you are right. I probably wouldn't have made the effort if that's all it was.

But.. there is more to whats going on that that.

We have issues of employment, and the marginalization of the American market. We have corporate decisions ignoring the consumer desire (these actions are appropriate checks and balances to corporate power, btw). We have the fact that this game is as much a social platform where families keep in contact, disabled vets run and fly again and more.

So.. Flick, it really is a big ol world out there, and there is more to it than the perspective you can get from your anthill.

Simply put, there is more here to save, than just a game.

You just dont see it. Thats all.



We have issues of employment, and the marginalization of the American market.
Again, grow up. This isn't an American company shipping jobs to China. This is a Korean company shipping jobs to Korea. Can you fault them for it?

We have the fact that this game is as much a social platform where families keep in contact, disabled vets run and fly again and more.
And where snotnosed teens get their lulz. I love it when people try to pull rhetorical devices on me.

Simply put, there is more here to save, than just a game.
No sir, it is just a game. It is a game with many tangential benefits that ALL social games share. By all means save it, just don't bother CNN with it. You really think anyone's going to care who isn't already a die-hard gamer?



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?

Y'all are little better than crack addicts desperate for a fix.
Then what of the official articles posted by actual CNN reporters for WoW seeing a dip in subscribers, hype surrounding the Pandarama expansion, the recent Blizzard security breach or the ruckus created by ME3 fans over the ending of the game?

If you don't care about the situation, fine. But please don't belittle the people who do.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Dear god, listen to yourself man. It's a game. "Faceless corporate decisions"? "The man"? Boyo, if you were even half as active as I am in politics...

The fact is, this is not worthy of CNN. This is worthy of gaming magazines and websites. I say the same thing about many of the other stupid stories. There are people who are getting gutted by corporate decisions who have worked at corporations for the better part of their lives. Factories are being closed that employ thousands of American workers so we can ship jobs to lands where workers make pennies on the hour.

If I could save City of Heroes, I would. Do I think the developers at Paragon Studios deserve to keep their jobs? Yes. But I think we need to gain some perspective here. We're a gaming community. NCSoft's decision affected the gaming and entertainment lives of a few dozen-thousand people, and the work lives of less than a hundred. This is not "standing up to the man". This is whining and screaming and trying to act more important than you really are, to an organization that reports bombing runs on Baghdad and uprisings in Syria. Perspective, grasshoppah. Do an iReport to a gaming mag.
If CNN didn't feel this was worthy of their glorious website, then why would they approve it? There's also the fact that CNN does have a section devoted to gaming.

To the OP: Nice article and congrats on getting it vetted.



The social media aspect of this is itself news... it's got to be more newsworthy than the interestingly split colored cat that got adopted ... that made my the TV news here in the Detroit area. ABC... and maybe Fox too... i forget

The final line of a post by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Then what of the official articles posted by actual CNN reporters for WoW seeing a dip in subscribers, hype surrounding the Pandarama expansion, the recent Blizzard security breach or the ruckus created by ME3 fans over the ending of the game?

If you don't care about the situation, fine. But please don't belittle the people who do.
Truth, right here. Angry_Citizen, if you're going to throw a temper tantrum about CNN allowing coverage of gaming issues, and if you seriously think that's somehow taking away from coverage on African warlords, you should be complaining to CNN. The community's efforts to get coverage of City of Heroes on CNN, as CNN has done with World of Warcraft, is not a sign that the community needs to "grow up."



Angry, I get your point, the closure of Paragon Studios and CoH isn't a world-changing event, and it's certainly not the biggest news story that CNN has gotten a scoop on, but it is newsworthy.

CNN aren't gonna drop all their stories about Afghanistan or social injustice or civil wars just because we signed a petition, but they can assign one journalist to write an article that can be linked on their front page, if people show enough interest. I think that's all we can ask for from them, and that's fine.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Again, grow up. This isn't an American company shipping jobs to China. This is a Korean company shipping jobs to Korea. Can you fault them for it?

And where snotnosed teens get their lulz. I love it when people try to pull rhetorical devices on me.

No sir, it is just a game. It is a game with many tangential benefits that ALL social games share. By all means save it, just don't bother CNN with it. You really think anyone's going to care who isn't already a die-hard gamer?



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
You really think anyone's going to care who isn't already a die-hard gamer?

For the rest of it, a wise man once said,

Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen
Dear god, listen to yourself man.
Failing that, listen to the rest of us. "Vengeance_Mk2" isn't the only person speaking here. You're scrapperlocked.