Revised iReport up on CNN




Originally Posted by Vengeance_MK2 View Post
Slaunyeh, im ALREADY working on my 3rd degree, working on another fashion publication, and redesigning a hubless electric motorcycle drivetrain. NOW I have to stop african warlords too?
I could list what's going on in my life right now, but I don't like to sound showy--it starts with "second and third degrees," though. And while the African warlords deserve coverage, as do pressing social and political issues, I maintain my assertion that this fact does not invalidate the coverage of lesser events, especially in an online medium where there is practically infinite storage and users can contribute quality work. Maslow's Hierarchy assures us that, the higher we climb in life, the more varied and nuanced our interests will become. Having news coverage to reflect this fact in a relatively cushy, post-Industrial society isn't a bad thing. Having well-rounded interests--the arts, football, and politics, for instance--isn't a bad thing.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



You know, if I were a dev. right now, no matter what happens to the game I would be very choked up with the amount of effort that thousands of players have made to preserve Paragon Studios and its employees. It is simply amazing that so many people have banded together in such a fashion and I'm glad to be a part of such a great online community.




Good article. I enjoyed reading the revised article and thank you for your work in getting the message out there to save City of Heroes! Keep up the good work.



Originally Posted by Torment And Agony View Post
The same Fox News that went to court to prove that news agencies have no legal obligation to tell the truth?

The same Fox News that has such gems as "OMG YOU GOT BEDBUGS!" and "WTF THERES FECES ON MY REMOTE CONTROL!"

That Fox News?

Probably best that they not cover our protest of CoH shutting down. We'll stick with CNN because we want to be taken seriously.
I didn't suggest that you put it on Fox News. I was trying to explain why I've never heard of a "gaming" section on a news website - because I tend to follow Fox News and Al Jazeera, the former of which doesn't have a readership interested in gaming, and the latter because it has self-worth. Don't even get me started on Fox News being a piece of utter trash. I follow it precisely because it's a Republican propaganda machine. It's good to know how the other side is distorting your side's positions.



This is really doom.



Flick is just looking for attention. He tries to make issues he feels are important dominate out of his own lack of self worth. Notice how is response to me wasnt a response, just insults?
You're really going to put these two sentences one-after-the-other? Your entire thread is about seeking attention from other people, and your entire post is essentially one long "ignore him, he's acting childishly" - while acting childishly.



This is really doom.



It's threes sentences.

Ya came in here, full of piss and vinegar, attacking people for a choice CNN made. Yes, you were being a bit childish. When responded to, in a more civil tone than you were offering yourself, you insulted more.

So yes, we are going to treat you a bit like a kid at this point.

But, I have also seen you are big enough to back down.

Its not that your issues arent important, they are, but you clearly werent seeing the side we were. Doesnt make you wrong, but it makes your actions unjustified. Thats all.

You sound like a pretty passionate guy. Hell, even I am not brave enough to watch Faux News.

Look at it this way: We got a lot of momentum on something that is important to this focus group. All of the people at the forefront of this, are getting some killer experience in social mobilization. People in general.. as seeing.. maybe we can make a change, make an effect.

In a political climate where apathy dominates, even a small step like this is a good one, even if it is a practice one on a game.



I watch fox news all the time!

They're just so cute (before they grow up and forget how to feel joy).



Thats a New Fox, not Faux News!



Originally Posted by End Sinister View Post
You know, if I were a dev. right now, no matter what happens to the game I would be very choked up with the amount of effort that thousands of players have made to preserve Paragon Studios and its employees. It is simply amazing that so many people have banded together in such a fashion and I'm glad to be a part of such a great online community.
Actually, at the start of the most recent TwitchTV Coffee Talk, Zwillinger did in fact get very choked up and was nearly in tears as he talked about how the community is mobilizing to save the game.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
They're just so cute (before they grow up and forget how to feel joy).
Is that what happened to me...??

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



An interesting thing happened while I was at my parent's tonight. I was on one of their computers looking at the CNN piece on the new iPhone and when I got to the bottom of the page, guess what I found?

Not sure how long it'll stay there but here's the link to the iPhone story.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
An interesting thing happened while I was at my parent's tonight. I was on one of their computers looking at the CNN piece on the new iPhone and when I got to the bottom of the page, guess what I found?

Not sure how long it'll stay there but here's the link to the iPhone story.


"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Recommended, Shared to every where it would let me. saved in Favorites. Oops need to comment. I am on it.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
An interesting thing happened while I was at my parent's tonight. I was on one of their computers looking at the CNN piece on the new iPhone and when I got to the bottom of the page, guess what I found?

Not sure how long it'll stay there but here's the link to the iPhone story.
Oh man, that could have been a scathing article on African Warlords. Brace for A_C rage!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Oh LOL I am getting old. I did comment on it already. Sigh They say the mind is the first thing to go.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



Shared it on the bookface



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
An interesting thing happened while I was at my parent's tonight. I was on one of their computers looking at the CNN piece on the new iPhone and when I got to the bottom of the page, guess what I found?

Not sure how long it'll stay there but here's the link to the iPhone story.

Originally Posted by Kentor1701C View Post
Oh LOL I am getting old. I did comment on it already. Sigh They say the mind is the first thing to go.

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Oh man, that could have been a scathing article on African Warlords. Brace for A_C rage!
All I see is an article on an iPhone. Maybe I'm missing something :|



This is really doom.