City of Creators




I sent a VERY late/early message to TonyV about something we have been toying around with the last few days. This is even something, barring the worst case scenario, that could come to pass if enough people are interested.

Let me start out by stating this has been tried before by George R. R. Martin himself and it became known as Wild Cards. However, the scope of what we (and I say this because three people utilize this account - don't judge us) have in mind will set our proposal far appart from that litterary work.

What we are proposing is that there is a sheer wealth of creators here. Writers, artists, editors... you name it we can do it. Why let our creative process die with the game (again, in case the worst happens, not saying it will.) We can rebuild our universe, make it a shared world, and show everyone just how talented we truly are. Heck, we could even bring in some of the developers, if they're interested in starting up something new.

Yes, I'm proposing we create our own Comic Book universe. Get something good out of all this. This would be an amazing way to keep the community together and show everyone just how tight a group we really are.

If you are interested, I will be available on the forums until Sept. 30th. After that, I also have to make some hard decisions about my future, but I will keep the lines of communication open with TonyV and his efforts. I think this could be just one more way to show NcSoft and the gaming community just what this game meant to us, it is our inspiration!



You know, it would be kind of cool if someone created a website specifically for allowing players of the game to upload their works related to City of Heroes, whether it's stories, comics, fan-art, etc.

Maybe even allow for groups of people to work together towards creating a 'shared universe' type thing between the comics and stories.



I've always wanted to contribute to something meaningful, in terms of story writing. Put my money where my mouth is, as it were. No-one's ever taken me up on the offer, however

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
Yes, I'm proposing we create our own Comic Book universe. Get something good out of all this. This would be an amazing way to keep the community together and show everyone just how tight a group we really are.
There are already some basic ideas being kicked around as Plan Z - as the name implies, that plan will only get put into operation if NCSoft takes everything from us - the game, the source code, the IP - it will be a co-operative project involving as many members of the community who want to take part, and the basic project goal will be to create an online superhero experience in some form that translates the spirit of CoH into a new environment.

But right now, we're still only 1 week into the crisis, and we're focusing on saving CoH for everyone here.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
You know, it would be kind of cool if someone created a website specifically for allowing players of the game to upload their works related to City of Heroes, whether it's stories, comics, fan-art, etc.

Maybe even allow for groups of people to work together towards creating a 'shared universe' type thing between the comics and stories.
Yes, indeed. If only a place like that existed.

Though to be fair, Tropic has not posted in a very long time and I don't know just how much, or if, the site is maintained these days.



Throwing in my support for this.

I already had plans to radically retcon, remake, and rewrite certain...unfavorable story elements from the last six months of CoH for my personal RP group, and even if folk disagree on the changes I was planning on making, the point was I was in the process of making the jump from purely original RP content to creating full blown fanfic.

Me and the rest of the guys at Great Forge Studios are also still working on completing a finished build of our City of Heroes tabletop/PnP game by November, which should provide another outlet for folks as well. (The PnP game will adhere more strictly to existing canon, albeit with some small changes.) NeverDark will eventually be putting up a post here on the forums along with a video explaining more about the project within the week if all goes well.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I'd love to be part of this

And I'm working on something currently that has the perfect synergy!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



As a former writer of Hero fiction I'd be interested in helping out if it comes to this. COH actually put a stop to my writings as It gave me the avenue I needed to get out everything my mind had kicking around inside it.



We've been getting a lot of volunteer offers from writers, which is to be expcted when the game has the AE - but we're also going to need plenty of coders, modellers and artists if we're forced into Plan Z.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I already had plans to radically retcon, remake, and rewrite certain...unfavorable story elements from the last six months of CoH for my personal RP group, and even if folk disagree on the changes I was planning on making, the point was I was in the process of making the jump from purely original RP content to creating full blown fanfic.

Me and the rest of the guys at Great Forge Studios are also still working on completing a finished build of our City of Heroes tabletop/PnP game by November, which should provide another outlet for folks as well. (The PnP game will adhere more strictly to existing canon, albeit with some small changes.) NeverDark will eventually be putting up a post here on the forums along with a video explaining more about the project within the week if all goes well.
It's important to make it clear that Plan Z, if we were forced into it as our only option, would not be one person's interpretation of the game, or even the views of a small handful of players - what some people dislike about one part of the lore, others have use that same part to generate entire SGs - the main goal of a new IP would be to allow every single player's current backstory and bio to be translated into the new environment with only a few tweaks needed for names, places and dates.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's important to make it clear that Plan Z, if we were forced into it as our only option, would not be one person's interpretation of the game, or even the views of a small handful of players - what some people dislike about one part of the lore, others have use that same part to generate entire SGs - the main goal of a new IP would be to allow every single player's current backstory and bio to be translated into the new environment with only a few tweaks needed for names, places and dates.
An interesting concept. If it comes to that, I'd definitely like to help/participate.



So what exactly is this? An interactive RP board? Brainstorming for an indie game?



Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
An interesting concept.
I' say it was more of a logical one - just look at how many people are deeply attached to their avatars, from the RPers with years of plots woven out of the game lore, through the people who filled out a few lines in their bio to the players who just have a backstory in their heads when they play - every single one of them has found a part of the CoHverse that clicked with them - and if the worst happened, and we were forced to turn to Plan Z, then it'd our duty to them and to the memory of the game that inspired them to attempt to give them a new world where they could all feel at home.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
So what exactly is this? An interactive RP board? Brainstorming for an indie game?
Some kind of indie game would be the goal of Plan Z - which is pretty crazy - but if crazy is all weäve got left, tehn we'äll just have to eb crazy.

But the fight to save CoH isn't over - we're continuing to spread the story and get signatures for the petition, and are carrying on with several other options to encourage NCSoft to do the right thing.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I' say it was more of a logical one - just look at how many people are deeply attached to their avatars, from the RPers with years of plots woven out of the game lore, through the people who filled out a few lines in their bio to the players who just have a backstory in their heads when they play - every single one of them has found a part of the CoHverse that clicked with them - and if the worst happened, and we were forced to turn to Plan Z, then it'd our duty to them and to the memory of the game that inspired them to attempt to give them a new world where they could all feel at home.
So for a new IP we're talking about a story-bible that gets voted on by all participants, and any additions to the overall story would need to be likewise vetted by the group.

I have long thought that a complicated hypertext novel would be a very cool thing to do, but it would require someone who is ridiculously prolific or a group of like-minded writers to make something genuinely epic.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



I am wholeheartedly behind this idea! In fact I have already written a short intro for a couple of my characters as well as a rant about the pain this is causing me on my blog. Let me know if my stuff is up to the quality you are looking for, you can check it out here...

And just in case, thank you one and all for being the best damn community on the Internet ever! And heartfelt thanks to Cryptic for creating this game and to Paragon Studios for continuing the tradition of excellence!

My 50s:
Prime Minister MA/SR Scrap - Protector
Captain Hit-Guy DM/Reg Scrap - Freedom
Prime-Minister ILL/TA Troller - Freedom
Ultimate Minister Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's important to make it clear that Plan Z, if we were forced into it as our only option, would not be one person's interpretation of the game, or even the views of a small handful of players - what some people dislike about one part of the lore, others have use that same part to generate entire SGs - the main goal of a new IP would be to allow every single player's current backstory and bio to be translated into the new environment with only a few tweaks needed for names, places and dates.
That's great. Not really what I was talking about, but great.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I would love to be a part of this as well, though I already need to go through extensive work to fix my own stories so as to avoid infringing on intellectual property.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Amateur writer here who cut the milk teeth on fanfiction. I'm also an old school pen & paper gamer from the days of AD&D 2nd Ed as well as the old Advanced Marvels Super Heroes RPG.

I'd love to get behind something like this, but I can bring one sorta tech-ish skill-in-development: textures. I'm not so good at the 3D modeling, but I've been learning how to re-texture existing models via a program called DAZ Studio.

I don't know if I'd be any help to the cause, but I'm willing to give it a go.

EDIT: Also, I have domain space that I've done absolutely nothing with for a couple of years now and I'm willing to put that up for use if situation calls for it. It's paid for, nameless, and of course completely blank. Just let me know if it's needed.

SG Leader "Knights of Tir Asleen"

"I am a humanoid... I get really annoyed at the things humans do."

"Shepherd" ID: 135806 - Heroic Morality Story Arc



I am a writer and a 3D modeler/animator. I guess I could pitch in a little assuming I find the time with a new job on the way.




It would be cool if we could get wiz kids on board to make custom city of heroes of people's characters. I know they did some promotional heroclix for the game back in the day. It would be a nice way to commemorate characters as well as promote heroclix. But NC Soft would probably need to be on board for legal issues. I have never played heroclix but this might be a good reason to start.