City of Creators




I'm not a coder nor a writer but I would invest if we can figure a way to make it profitable.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I've always wanted to contribute to something meaningful, in terms of story writing. Put my money where my mouth is, as it were. No-one's ever taken me up on the offer, however
I'd take you up on that offer. See ze sig
Really, I love all things writing. And I've been wanting to RP with more people on the server. Looking for any excuse for collaboration.



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
I'd take you up on that offer. See ze sig
Really, I love all things writing. And I've been wanting to RP with more people on the server. Looking for any excuse for collaboration.
I'd also be interested in doing something like this. Working on a story with multiple people involved and all that. It sounds like it would be fun. And a nice creative outlet.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
You know, it would be kind of cool if someone created a website specifically for allowing players of the game to upload their works related to City of Heroes, whether it's stories, comics, fan-art, etc.

Maybe even allow for groups of people to work together towards creating a 'shared universe' type thing between the comics and stories.
Yes, indeed. If only a place like that existed.

Though to be fair, Tropic has not posted in a very long time and I don't know just how much, or if, the site is maintained these days.
Not updated since July 2, 2010...



Count me in.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
That's great. Not really what I was talking about, but great.
I get what you were talking about, and am interested. As are a few others, from the posts I've seen. Nothing against the cooperative efforts of plans A - Z .. I'm not knocking them at all. I just think we don't necessarily have to hold & wait if we're inspired into doing something creative right now. So, if you've got something you wanted to open up, looks like you've got some contributors.



Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
I'd also be interested in doing something like this. Working on a story with multiple people involved and all that. It sounds like it would be fun. And a nice creative outlet.

Here's an example of -some- of my writings:



My Scrapper, CapeMike, has been around since 1997, ironically getting his beginning in a mass-author hybrid of m.u.d and add-your-own-chapter story on a newsgroup(similar to an idea proposed here); when he 'accidentally' arrived in Paragon City in an explosion that, to this day, he will swear was not his fault('that 20-foot crater was already IN King's Row!'), it only added to his 'story bible', giving him a trans-dimensional wanderer hobby...; since showing up here in late 2004, he's shown up in several webcomics, either in a brief 1 or 2 strip cameo, or, in the case of one webcomic currently on hiatus, he played a major role in a chapter-arc.

Should Paragon City lose it's ultimate battle, he can simply switch back to his home dimension(gotta love Flash-style vibrational frequencies)...but he will NEVER forget his time in Paragon City, no matter where he might roam! *salute*

...and, if anyone's interested, he shows up in issues 12 and 13 of 'The Spectacular Sparky', conveniently linked here:



Definitely interested in this if it comes to it.

Sorry that I'm just a writer, but I do know some coders & artists in the game industry. If this happens, I'll see what they might need to get involved. (If we still need them, that is.) If nothing else, I have access to enough industry types that could give us advice and point us in the right direction on several different avenues.



Ahhhhh, Wild Cards. Funny enough, I just started reading the first collection about a month and a half ago.

I've been tossing around the idea in my head lately about what it would take to have a periodical publication that would combine the ideas of a periodical magazine like Asimov's Science Fiction (which publishes the works of selected material mailed into them), Wild Cards, and comic books. This would kind of be like a family friendly version of Heavy Metal (sans any four letter words or nudity)... but with the TC's idea of common threads linking the stories (mainly the setting and a shared mythos in this case).

What had really stimulated these lines of thinking for me (prior to the announcement of CoH's shutdown), was a recent burst of creativity I had where I began fleshing out notes for a couple pieces of fiction. Mostly short stories. One that was a lot longer... and even a start on something that would fit within the superhero/comic book genre.

Understand I'm not a professional writer. I've always been a jack-of-all-trades kind of person. That being said, I would still like to think I have a strong enough grasp of the English language to tell a story. ON the flip side of that, I don't have a good enough hand to render the visual artistic side of comic books. I own most of the tools to do the inking (an old set bequeathed to me by a friend who had wanted to become a mangaka), albeit I can hardly draw a straight line. Damn you, Life. You can be a cruel mistress.

TL;DR: I like the idea, and have given some thought to it before. Would contribute as able to.

Straff to the left!



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
I get what you were talking about, and am interested. As are a few others, from the posts I've seen. Nothing against the cooperative efforts of plans A - Z .. I'm not knocking them at all. I just think we don't necessarily have to hold & wait if we're inspired into doing something creative right now. So, if you've got something you wanted to open up, looks like you've got some contributors.
Well, pretty much all of my personal plans are intended for my supergroup's private continuity, but considering the depth of the core idea(s), I suppose there's some interesting potential for a more open collaborative effort. I'll have to ruminate on it. I can at the very least say that it involves rewriting SSA1 (primarily retconning Sister Psyche's death), rescuing Penelope Yin's character, and making interesting use of the Clockwork King. For the moment, any story stuff I eventually end up working on will be posted on my supergroup's forum.

In regards to the other plans, I do think it would be a mistake to try and democratically vote a canon into existence for a shared universe project, especially if we're talking an open RP/writing wiki type thing. Start from what we already have, and let contributors do what they like. Not every story thread has to mesh perfectly and not every character has to fit into every story. Unless the plan is to collaborate on a "product" of some sort, let things grow organically. So I guess what I'm saying is, it'd be really cool to see a companion wiki to ParagonWiki and Virtueverse for the purpose of collaborative writing, regardless of some complicated Plan Z indie project.

And as for the City of Heroes PnP game, we're still getting the final steps done on our big announcement post and we still need to figure out how we're going to handle things moving forward. Stay tuned on that.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I write all the time for my toons, be more than happy to write for something like this.