So if nothing "new" is added to the Market today




Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Boo. The only new thing is some IDF transformation powers and they put the fishbits on sale.
Which IDF?

And I missed the fist parts last time, so that's good news for me.

Shame there's no Nature Affinity though



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
That would be the one referred to as "Monks With Laser Swords and other Bits In SPAAAAAAAAACE!"
Ah, oh well. Weirdly enough even though I've seen every one of those movies dozens of times, all of them even when they were originally released in theaters, I've never really had much overriding desire to play a MMO set in that universe. That's probably why I didn't remember it. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Is.. that a Starwars reference or..? I don't understand.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I've been squirreling away a few dollars each month
Of course you have. No other verb would really work there, would it?

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
That would be the one referred to as "Monks With Laser Swords and other Bits In SPAAAAAAAAACE!"
That's the one that actually launched last year, and within 6 months supposedly peaked at 2 million customers then dropped to under a million but over five hundred thousand, with five hundred thousand being the minimum they reported they need to turn a profit.

The fall thing is their desperate attempt to save the game by hurriedly switching to a hybrid f2p business model.

And for the record despite it's many glaring faults I do hope they can save the game. I like that IP much more than the tribble game.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Of course you have. No other verb would really work there, would it?
With my avatar I had to use that verb.



Originally Posted by Dr_Zemius View Post
Is.. that a Starwars reference or..? I don't understand.
Yes. We are attempting to follow forum rules by not mentioning competing game names which is a no no.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
And I missed the fist parts last time, so that's good news for me.
I missed them as well back at Halloween, will probably pick them up this time around. So there is a benefit to bringing unavailable items back on the market.

Good to hear from people who are (somewhat) pleased by the sale offerings.



Originally Posted by Elf_Sniper View Post
I missed them as well back at Halloween, will probably pick them up this time around. So there is a benefit to bringing unavailable items back on the market.

Good to hear from people who are (somewhat) pleased by the sale offerings.
Personally I'm not against the sales. I would however be very pleased if the devs would/could implement a regular schedule of when we could expect brand new things to be introduced so I can plan ahead and have points ready for the shinies.

I'd be thrilled if they could do it once a month but I realize that might be cutting things too close and once every 6-8 weeks might be more reasonable.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post

...are thrown around, the fan base expects something.
this fan doesn't expect anything in particular from week to week.

over the course of a month, yeah it's nice to get genuinely new stuff.

This week I'm VERY HAPPY to get the fish parts, which I have coveted since seeing them used to good effect in the 'post your best costume' thread.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Doesn't the MMO gorilla have a bear based expansion coming out in September too?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



As far as Nature Affinity - the last powerset's Intrepid Informer explicitly said at the bottom "coming next week". Nature Affinity's did not, merely soon.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I've been squirreling away a few dollars each month for this upcoming game quite some time. Just like I did for that monks with laser swords in space game. And luckily this year I didn't have any financial crisis that would have caused me to dip into those funds. So yes I'll be getting both that game and whatever is added to the market.
I was going to buy it, but now I have to hope my tips add up quick enough
Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Which IDF?
It's a pair of them - Ranger and Olympian guard, I think.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Why would that have any impact on what's going on here in CoH?
i'm guessing its because people have noted that we have big news released around when big name gaming events happen, like major releases. I'll admit that while I dont care for the game, since the expansion is bringing a heavily eastern themed zone and a martial artist class, i would be more excited about that release than any.

As for nature affinity, the facebook thing said soon, so im guessing next week, which is still in month. It is a set I am really looking forward to because i want to make a nature/water defender, that was fun on beta. We did just get beta last week, so its not like we are exactly bereft of shineys right now, ya know?



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post

It's a pair of them - Ranger and Olympian guard, I think.
So let me get this straight, of ALL the IDF enemies, including Seers, Heavy Troopers, Commanders etc.

They give us costumes of the enemies that we have specific costume parts of? And that have nothing special about them?




Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
So let me get this straight, of ALL the IDF enemies, including Seers, Heavy Troopers, Commanders etc.

They give us costumes of the enemies that we have specific costume parts of? And that have nothing special about them?

Not quite-- the Rangers have that incredibly detailed chest piece with the antennae on the back.

Which I really wish we had access to.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Not quite-- the Rangers have that incredibly detailed chest piece with the antennae on the back.

Which I really wish we had access to.
You're thinking of the Elite Ranger. The regular Ranger doesn't have the back piece.



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
Isn't Guild Wars the one where you can't jump?

I played it once like six years ago, and that's the only part about it I remember. Not being able to jump. In an action-fantasy MMO.

Guild Wars (the original) isn't really a MMORPG. When it launched Arenanet went to some pains to attempt to distinguish it from real persistent world RPG's by calling it a MMCRPG - Massively Multiplayer Competitive RPG.

Guild Wars was not originally intended to be focused on the RPG side of things. At it's core it's a PvP Arena game based around organized teams; hence the Guilds. The RPG was sort of a side-game that gave you an excuse to acquire your skills and learn to use them before you jumped into the PvP end game.

Essentially, at its core Guild Wars is a series of matchmaking lobbies with strings of instanced battle scenarios attached to them. It has the trappings of a MMORPG but the gameplay is only marginally related to what most gamers think of as a MMORPG.

Of course,that didn't prevent most new players from approaching it as a MMORPG and judging it as one. Likewise, while Guild Wars does have a strong PvP community, the PvE community quickly eclipsed it like pretty much every other MMORPG ever made. The upshot is that over the years the game has developed a lot more on the PvE side of things than on the PvP side. The core gameplay is still what it always has been, though.

In short, if you approach it as a persistent world MMORPG like City of Heroes it will appear to come up short, but that's just because it's NOT a persistent world MMORPG. If you take it on its own terms, it's a pretty entertaining game, despite the old-fashioned "geography dictates your path because there's no Z-axis" design of the instances. There's a lot of great story-telling going on, which is one reason that players are so hyped-up about Guild Wars 2.

Yeah, sorry. I realize that comes off like a Guild Wars advertisement but at least it's another NCSoft game, heh. I always feel this knee jerk need to say something when I see people talking about its shortcomings as a MMO when it's not really a MMO in the strict sense.



I always put gw in the same category of games as phantasy star online. the only massive aspect was the towns/ships. the world was instanced. that really is not the case anymore though, gw2 is far more an mmo. Im already pre purchased on it (thank you abusive amounts of overtime) will play when i get around to it, now that we know when nature affinity hits, I will definitely shift to here to get said defender made and leveled.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yes. We are attempting to follow forum rules by not mentioning competing game names which is a no no.
Actually you are allowed to mention other games. The rules are just against having discussions about those games.
We can say the names, no problemo.
Also, I understand it can be a little confusing, because the rules have been altered a bit a few times.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Actually you are allowed to mention other games. The rules are just against having discussions about those games.
We can say the names, no problemo.
Also, I understand it can be a little confusing, because the rules have been altered a bit a few times.

Careful. Discussing how the mods enforce the rules may also be considered a forum violation.



It wouldn't be the first time I got moderated for bending the rules until they break. C'est le vie if it happens, heh.

Back on topic, G+ has an announcement that August 21 is when Nature Affinity lands. I might have to buy it just so I can have this power:

Although, I do have to admit that it makes me want to dub it the Jordy Verill powerset...



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
You're thinking of the Elite Ranger. The regular Ranger doesn't have the back piece.
So yeah, it's two "NPC transformations" that transform you into something you could easily make yourself.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
So yeah, it's two "NPC transformations" that transform you into something you could easily make yourself.
If you find the costume powers fun, it's because you enjoy the ability to toggle them on and off at a moment's notice without the bother or complications of designing a costume or consuming a costume slot. The ability to make something close or identical doesn't really play into it, IMO.