Joss Whedon to direct/write the Avengers sequel




Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
I'm a journalist. Misspellings (and especially incorrect names) are like you punching a baby in the face.
A daily occurance leading to much laughter?

By the way, if he ends up doing Avengers 3 can we count on it being a musical??



have not a single clue about who is this Joss Whedon guy is but the first movie was good and the second should be also from the bits and pieces about it that has been floating around since part one.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
have not a single clue about who is this Joss Whedon guy is but the first movie was good and the second should be also from the bits and pieces about it that has been floating around since part one.
/em breaks out the popcorn

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Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
/em breaks out the popcorn
hmmm dont seem to be as exciting of a movie you was hoping for this time huh. Oh well better luck next time.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The Cathy Lee Crosby Wonder Woman has been classified under Chapter 13, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Geek Code book. You'll find it listed in the index under W.W.N.S.O.T.

Yea but she fought Khan.


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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's because he was kept under control - this wasn't one of his vanity projects where he has license to indulge his trademark "coolness" for a season before cancellation - it was a carefully planned operation that was the climax of several years of work from other directors and writers who had established the universe, situations and characters that the movie would use.
That's true. Then I hope they KEEP a leash on him to prevent him from slipping into said 'coolness'. He did a good job with this one, and I'd rather he not screw up a good thing.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
I wonder who he'll kill off?

I jest, I jest :-).

You do, but you know he will...

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Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
I'm a journalist. Misspellings (and especially incorrect names) are like you punching a baby in the face.

Get over *yourself* and spell it right.
No. Neener neener neener.

Morgan Forks

Meaghan Fawks

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Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
Ugh, don't joke. This is one of my major problems with Whedon, his weird Grim Reaper obsession. Course if he killed one of the main cast there'd be a good chance they'd either come back immediately, or in the next movie. But god forbid you be a likeable second string character.
Oh please don't try blaming Whedon for that. With the exception of soap operas main characters rarely if ever get killed off. It is always the likable second stringers.

That has been going on since the beginning of T.V. drama. Get over it.



I think it's more a problem with every other writer/director being cowardly. "Oh no, we can't kill that character! People like them!!" If only the red shirts are mortal, there is no tension.

Game of Thrones seems to have sorted that, though. So maybe everyone will be killing off well liked characters now. (expect a couple in "The Hobbit", at least).

I really should do something about this signature.



I think one of the things that makes Doctor Who so great and long lasting is the fact that no actor/actress is critical to the show. They all frequently change.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's because he was kept under control - this wasn't one of his vanity projects where he has license to indulge his trademark "coolness" for a season before cancellation - it was a carefully planned operation that was the climax of several years of work from other directors and writers who had established the universe, situations and characters that the movie would use.
This is one of the better back-handed compliments I've ever seen. You're basically saying the only reason Whedon did a good job with the Avengers movie is that he was so well constrained and controlled by his venue that he had no ability to do anything beyond what a well trained chimp could have done from a writing and directorial point of view. Obviously the fact that he's been working in Hollywood and in comics for decades had no bearing on his ultimate ability to be trusted with this movie...

Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
I wonder who he'll kill off?

I jest, I jest :-).

Actually what would be funny at this point is if Whedon made sure that absolutely NO ONE died in his upcoming movies and/or TV shows. For him that it would be an "amazing unexpected twist" people would never see coming.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I think one of the things that makes Doctor Who so great and long lasting is the fact that no actor/actress is critical to the show. They all frequently change.
And it didn't take Joss Whedon to direct Earthshock.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post

I'll be in my bunk!
LOL!! This has made my morning, thank you! ( ' :




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's because he was kept under control - this wasn't one of his vanity projects where he has license to indulge his trademark "coolness" for a season before cancellation - it was a carefully planned operation that was the climax of several years of work from other directors and writers who had established the universe, situations and characters that the movie would use.
Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
This is one of the better back-handed compliments I've ever seen. You're basically saying the only reason Whedon did a good job with the Avengers movie is that he was so well constrained and controlled by his venue that he had no ability to do anything beyond what a well trained chimp could have done from a writing and directorial point of view. Obviously the fact that he's been working in Hollywood and in comics for decades had no bearing on his ultimate ability to be trusted with this movie...
GG has a radical bias against Joss Whedon -- once you understand that, it's easier to bypass it. And, yes, kudos to her for smiling while gutting Joss of any credit.
Edit: I do wonder what she qualifies as a vanity project considering Buffy went 7 seasons, Angel went 6, Fox monkied with Firefly and only got 2/3 of a season, and dollhouse went 2 (which dramatically tightened up the pacing when an endpoint was set). Maybe it was the indpendently produced Dr. Horrible? (doubt it). At least we have someone in Hollywood trying to entertain us with something different....I don't call that vanity.

Edit 2: Perhaps for a more accurate depiction of vanity, we should look at a certain player-made comic book that provides a new player introduction to city of heroes, which by the way stars a certain forum poster's avatar.




Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
I wonder who he'll kill off?

I jest, I jest :-).

my thoughts exactly



Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
GG has a radical bias against Joss Whedon -- once you understand that, it's easier to bypass it. And, yes, kudos to her for smiling while gutting Joss of any credit.
Edit: I do wonder what she qualifies as a vanity project considering Buffy went 7 seasons, Angel went 6, Fox monkied with Firefly and only got 2/3 of a season, and dollhouse went 2 (which dramatically tightened up the pacing when an endpoint was set). Maybe it was the indpendently produced Dr. Horrible? (doubt it). At least we have someone in Hollywood trying to entertain us with something different....I don't call that vanity.
Besides even if you can somehow dismiss -everything- Whedon has ever done as "failed vanity projects" it's hard to hand-wave away the fact that he's had multiple shows and movies made over the years by top line networks/studios. Love him or hate him how many other people can say that on their resumes? For a supposedly failed career he's produced far more in Hollywood and in comics than most people could ever dream of.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Besides even if you can somehow dismiss -everything- Whedon has ever done as "failed vanity projects" it's hard to hand-wave away the fact that he's had multiple shows and movies made over the years by top line networks/studios. Love him or hate him how many other people can say that on their resumes? For a supposedly failed career he's produced far more in Hollywood and in comics than most people could ever dream of.
Lothic we're talking about GG here. Reality has never had any bearing on what she believes or tries to argue.



I think GG's point was more that it wasn't a Joss project.

In his shows, even in comics he's written for, he's had freedom to kill off main/important/fan favorite characters.

Kill off Spike at the end of Buffy? Yeah! Let's do it!

"Kill" off Kitty Pride at the end of X-Men run? Yeah! Let's do it!

Kill off Wash at the end of Serenity? Yeah! Let's do it!

Killing off characters means this is serious!

With Avenger's Joss was kept under tighter control, in so much as if he did kill off any of those main Avengers, then their solo movie titles would suffer.

I've enjoyed almost everything Joss has done (okay Doll House left me unimpressed), which includes his Buffy: tVS movie (I quite enjoyed it), but he does have a tendency to kill off characters the fans don't want to see die.

In his own shows this isn't so bad. You feel for them. It's does add to the emotion.

In comics (that arent his Buffyverse) and this Marvel movie universe, it's a different story.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I think GG's point was more that it wasn't a Joss project.
Right. But since GG was responding to this:

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
He earned a lot of credit with me with the first Avengers movie, but that didn't really give him enough time to slip into his bad habits.
It seemed pretty clear that the only reason GG thought Avengers turned out well was that she thinks Whedon wasn't allowed to have -any- specific creative input. Effectively she's saying that as long as Whedon can't behave like "Whedon" then he's good - which is a very backhanded, roundabout way of saying that she thinks he sucks. *shrugs*

I suppose we shouldn't mention to GG that Whedon still managed to kill off Agent Coulson and cram the movie with obvious other Whedonisms that made the movie great despite his supposed lack of being able to express his trademark "coolness".

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I'm sure she's got an excuse for the success of Cabin in the Woods, too. That also had nothing to do with Whedon's creative input.


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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
In his own shows this isn't so bad. You feel for them. It's does add to the emotion.
I'm never affected this way. Whenever a favorite or likable character is killed off all I see is the attempt to add gravity and emotion to the story. I never feel that emotion though; just annoyance that they've killed off a good character for shock value.

Maybe I'm just being a stick-in-the-mud, but it always strikes me as the easiest, most boring and unimaginative way to add depth to your story. Every time it comes up I just roll my eyes in frustration.



Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Maybe I'm just being a stick-in-the-mud, but it always strikes me as the easiest, most boring and unimaginative way to add depth to your story. Every time it comes up I just roll my eyes in frustration.
I get what you're saying but everything in a story is contrived. At least in fiction. It's all made up for the reason of making the story moving or touching or enjoyable.

I am more willing to listen to the argument that person X or Y uses technique 1 or 2 too often, but the idea it's done simply for effect... Well everything in a fiction story is done for effect.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I get what you're saying but everything in a story is contrived. At least in fiction. It's all made up for the reason of making the story moving or touching or enjoyable.

I am more willing to listen to the argument that person X or Y uses technique 1 or 2 too often, but the idea it's done simply for effect... Well everything in a fiction story is done for effect.
True, but I'm more forgiving of character death if it's clear it was always planned that way. I've watched movies and played video games where characters die and not had a problem with it.

This is mainly a problem with TV shows and comic books. In those mediums it seems more contrived than usual. Maybe I'm just being cynical about a trope I don't like; or about the fact that it always seems to happen to my favorite characters.