i24 /devices 'Cloak' changes




ok, im not bothering to read more. I think I made up my own mind in my OP.

For those that do not understand my issue.

Stealth is an out of combat effect. It does not help my blaster at all. If i want to bypass (stealth through) mobs, I just run past them, AI doesn't even shoot at you! The only 'use' stealth might have is to get in close to mobs, then you could fire off a power that takes 20s or so, to activate, without getting attacked. This is a duplication of a POOL power, what is it doing in my BLASTER SECONDARY? The defense in Cloaking device is not real. Again, out of combat! Defense is worthless when nothing is shooting at you. It is currently a power that makes you transparent. This is a PLAYER effect, not an IN-GAME combat affecting ability. It just makes you transparent to yourself, and other PLAYERS. In itself, being hard to see to other players is a DEBUFF. This power as it sits is a debuff to you, that lies and says it is helping you when fighting, that is my issue with this power.

Now why would I even come here and tell you this because as BOYS, you think being transparent like a assassin or something inherently is 'cool'.. and dislike me for bringing this up... well,

Synapse is putting the i24 blaster fix (regen + recovery) into every blaster secondary set, for those not hearing this before. (THIS IS IN THE FUTURE! NOT IN GAME NOW). After i24 the blaster fix for /devices is in Cloaking Device! This forces any /devices blaster to take that self-debuff to get the +regen and +recovery. Now I did not sign up to be a stalker, I do not want to be invisible all the time, but if I skip this one power, I become so weak the DEVs say I am not really a blaster anymore, I would be GIMPING myself.

No other set is being forced to take a NON-COMBAT power to get this buff.

I have 2 OUT OF COMBAT attacks already and 1 OUT OF COMBAT DEFENSE in my secondary, you people that do not play devices can just shut the H E double TOOTHPICKS up. Obviously Synapse does not play a devices blaster.

So I am gutting all my purples out, selling them etc, I don't care. These blaster fixes, the snipe, the nuke, those are all for OTHER archtypes more than for a blaster, only this regen/recovery boost is the 'blaster' fix. I know he will put that on the damn cloak. I made up my mind my first character is done. I wonder how long the fun will last for my alts.

((devices has been hit with nerfs repeatedly (ED) and NEVER buffed. the SNIPE +acc buff thing in no way makes up for missing BUILD UP + NUKE and having No IN-COMBAT attacks/defenses in /devices when all other sets have these things))



Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
ok, im not bothering to read more. I think I made up my own mind in my OP.

For those that do not understand my issue.

Stealth is an out of combat effect. It does not help my blaster at all. If i want to bypass (stealth through) mobs, I just run past them, AI doesn't even shoot at you! The only 'use' stealth might have is to get in close to mobs, then you could fire off a power that takes 20s or so, to activate, without getting attacked. This is a duplication of a POOL power, what is it doing in my BLASTER SECONDARY? The defense in Cloaking device is not real. Again, out of combat! Defense is worthless when nothing is shooting at you. It is currently a power that makes you transparent. This is a PLAYER effect, not an IN-GAME combat affecting ability. It just makes you transparent to yourself, and other PLAYERS. In itself, being hard to see to other players is a DEBUFF. This power as it sits is a debuff to you, that lies and says it is helping you when fighting, that is my issue with this power.
You're entitled to feel however you wish, but you might feel differently if you understood the facts underlying the issue. The above-quoted paragraph is so blatantly wrong in almost every way that I can scarcely believe you're serious.

But hey, if you've made up your mind, then so be it.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
ok, im not bothering to read more. I think I made up my own mind in my OP.- (You gave up because your points suck.)
devices has been hit with nerfs repeatedly (ED) (You mean that thing that effected everything else in the game?) and NEVER buffed . the SNIPE +acc buff thing in no way makes up for missing BUILD UP + NUKE -(1:Build up is overrated, 2:nukes are a primary powerset issue, And trip mine is a good mini nuke. 3: The snipe buff is significant.))-

and having No IN-COMBAT attacks ---(Caltrops, gun drones.)--- /defenses ---(Caltrops, targeting drone, Cloaking device, Trip mines, Gun drones)-- in /devices when all other sets have these things (Give me an example.)
My text is paranthesis since i don't know how to bolden words. Apologies if it's hard to read, Oh wait, You're not bothering.



Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
ok, im not bothering to read more. I think I made up my own mind in my OP.
Yes, you made up your mind before wrote the OP. That's the one thing you've said that I comepletely agree with.

Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
Stealth is an out of combat effect. It does not help my blaster at all.
Except for the in-combat defense buff. Not as large as the out-of-combat buff, but it is there.

Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
In itself, being hard to see to other players is a DEBUFF. This power as it sits is a debuff to you, that lies and says it is helping you when fighting, that is my issue with this power.
I've played several stealthy characters, and can't recall any of my teammates having an issue with my transparency. Perhaps you play with people who see (pardon the pun) things differently.

Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
as BOYS, you think being transparent like a assassin or something inherently is 'cool'.. and dislike me for bringing this up... well,
Please cite your sources proving a) we are all male, b) males like stealth more than females. Also, stressing the word "boys" as you do could be taken as insulting; in the context of your post, it seems to be used to indicate immaturity.

Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
No IN-COMBAT attacks/defenses in /devices when all other sets have these things))
Hmmm, so are you saying that an in-combat defense buff (which CD provides) =/= an in-combat defense? Not sure what your definition is.

But even if you do read this, you seem to have made up your mind, and will not be swayed by facts. So be it. To borrow an old adage, there are none so blind as he who will not see.



Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
ok, im not bothering to read more. I think I made up my own mind in my OP.

For those that do not understand my issue.

Stealth is an out of combat effect. It does not help my blaster at all. If i want to bypass (stealth through) mobs, I just run past them, AI doesn't even shoot at you! The only 'use' stealth might have is to get in close to mobs, then you could fire off a power that takes 20s or so, to activate, without getting attacked. This is a duplication of a POOL power, what is it doing in my BLASTER SECONDARY? The defense in Cloaking device is not real. Again, out of combat! Defense is worthless when nothing is shooting at you. It is currently a power that makes you transparent. This is a PLAYER effect, not an IN-GAME combat affecting ability. It just makes you transparent to yourself, and other PLAYERS. In itself, being hard to see to other players is a DEBUFF. This power as it sits is a debuff to you, that lies and says it is helping you when fighting, that is my issue with this power.

Now why would I even come here and tell you this because as BOYS, you think being transparent like a assassin or something inherently is 'cool'.. and dislike me for bringing this up... well,

Synapse is putting the i24 blaster fix (regen + recovery) into every blaster secondary set, for those not hearing this before. (THIS IS IN THE FUTURE! NOT IN GAME NOW). After i24 the blaster fix for /devices is in Cloaking Device! This forces any /devices blaster to take that self-debuff to get the +regen and +recovery. Now I did not sign up to be a stalker, I do not want to be invisible all the time, but if I skip this one power, I become so weak the DEVs say I am not really a blaster anymore, I would be GIMPING myself.

No other set is being forced to take a NON-COMBAT power to get this buff.

I have 2 OUT OF COMBAT attacks already and 1 OUT OF COMBAT DEFENSE in my secondary, you people that do not play devices can just shut the H E double TOOTHPICKS up. Obviously Synapse does not play a devices blaster.

So I am gutting all my purples out, selling them etc, I don't care. These blaster fixes, the snipe, the nuke, those are all for OTHER archtypes more than for a blaster, only this regen/recovery boost is the 'blaster' fix. I know he will put that on the damn cloak. I made up my mind my first character is done. I wonder how long the fun will last for my alts.

((devices has been hit with nerfs repeatedly (ED) and NEVER buffed. the SNIPE +acc buff thing in no way makes up for missing BUILD UP + NUKE and having No IN-COMBAT attacks/defenses in /devices when all other sets have these things))
This my friends, is an example of a perma-noob. Someone who so tenaciously clings to ignorance that it cannot be rectified by any means.

The level of ignorance in this post is truly epic.

If you hate Devices as much as you imply in this post, why did you roll one in the first place?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
This my friends, is an example of a perma-noob. Someone who so tenaciously clings to ignorance that it cannot be rectified by any means.
Indeed. Although I did find the gender-based insult hilarious.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
If you hate Devices as much as you imply in this post, why did you roll one in the first place?
Epically, Devices just got buffed this morning, while she was writing that.

  • Devices - Gun Drone's AI has been modified. It now strongly prefers attacking at long range rather than in melee range, and it will no longer seem to "stick" to the floor when trying to path to its owner.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
I wonder how long the fun will last for my alts.
Given that for you, ignorance is not bliss, I'm not encouraged.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Epically, Devices just got buffed this morning, while she was writing that.

  • Devices - Gun Drone's AI has been modified. It now strongly prefers attacking at long range rather than in melee range, and it will no longer seem to "stick" to the floor when trying to path to its owner.
A nifty change indeed, combined with the instant cast time change a while back it's *almost* an actually good power.

A bit more buffing and I'll be a wholehearted supporter.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
ok, im not bothering to read more. I think I made up my own mind in my OP.
I do believe you have made that abundantly clear.

Stealth is an out of combat effect. It does not help my blaster at all.
Try telling the same thing to an /Energy Aura toon.

This is a duplication of a POOL power, what is it doing in my BLASTER SECONDARY? The defense in Cloaking device is not real. Again, out of combat! Defense is worthless when nothing is shooting at you. It is currently a power that makes you transparent. This is a PLAYER effect, not an IN-GAME combat affecting ability.
Again...try telling that to an /EA toon. Now I WILL grant you that for a power that is built into a set...it should have at least some bit of signifigant advantage over a pool power. As it stands now...the only major advantage CD has over the stealth PP is that it has no movement penalty (pool stealth applies a -runspeed...CD does not). Honestly...I would like to see CD get a slight boost to the defense buff...even if it is only 1% or 2% higher than it is now.

It just makes you transparent to yourself, and other PLAYERS. In itself, being hard to see to other players is a DEBUFF. This power as it sits is a debuff to you, that lies and says it is helping you when fighting, that is my issue with this power.
Hmm...funny you should say that. I used to run on a 3-man team with one of the people being an ill/ troller that ran superior invisibility full time and i had no troubles at all seeing where he was. Maybe that was because i could always see his name wherever he went. /em shrugs.

While we're on the subject...i seem to remember quite a few of those afore mentioned /EA players riling themselves into an uproar when the devs made a slight change to Energy Cloak where the transparency visual suppressed while in combat. Apparently...a lot of people actually DO like being see-through.

Now why would I even come here and tell you this because as BOYS, you think being transparent like a assassin or something inherently is 'cool'.. and dislike me for bringing this up...
Ok...yes...guilty. I do INDEED...have twig and berries. I would say that I'm sorry for being a representive of the male gender but honestly...I'm not.

Secondly...for me it was never so much of the "coolness" of being transparent (and let's face it...i'm a guy...i'm already pretty transparent) as much as it was FITTING. You don't see the Invisible Woman walking around in broad daylight saying "I'm invisible...you can't see me.", do you? Nnnnooope! She's actually (gasp) INVISIBLE! That is how almost ALL stealth powers in this game (and frankly...many, MANY others) are portrayed. You're transluscent/transparent. One exception to this would be Super Speed...but that makes sense thematically as well. You zip by so fast that stuff is kinda like "wtf was THAT?"

Oh...and we don't particularly dislike you because you bring it up...we just think your a dunce because even when given statements and evidence that states the contrary to your claims...you STILL hold firm to your own self-proclaimed conclusions and that everyone else is out to get you...or...something.

Synapse is putting the i24 blaster fix (regen + recovery) into every blaster secondary set, for those not hearing this before. (THIS IS IN THE FUTURE! NOT IN GAME NOW). After i24 the blaster fix for /devices is in Cloaking Device! This forces any /devices blaster to take that self-debuff to get the +regen and +recovery. Now I did not sign up to be a stalker, I do not want to be invisible all the time, but if I skip this one power, I become so weak the DEVs say I am not really a blaster anymore, I would be GIMPING myself.

No other set is being forced to take a NON-COMBAT power to get this buff.

I have 2 OUT OF COMBAT attacks already and 1 OUT OF COMBAT DEFENSE in my secondary, you people that do not play devices can just shut the H E double TOOTHPICKS up. Obviously Synapse does not play a devices blaster.
This just has so many diverse levels of "wrong" that I don't even know WHERE to begin...save for the fact that my very first level 50 in this game was an Elec/Dev blaster. Ssssoooo....BZZZZZT!!!

But I suppose that I will also echo that CD does have DEFENSE while IN COMBAT. Minimal as it may well be...IT IS THERE. And as anyone that is scratching for +defense numbers via IO's will tell you...EVERY PERCENTAGE POINT COUNTS! This one detail in and of itself negates your claim that this is a NON COMBAT POWER!

Mmmmmmmmoving on!

So I am gutting all my purples out, selling them etc, I don't care. These blaster fixes, the snipe, the nuke, those are all for OTHER archtypes more than for a blaster, only this regen/recovery boost is the 'blaster' fix. I know he will put that on the damn cloak. I made up my mind my first character is done. I wonder how long the fun will last for my alts.
Can I has your stuff?

((devices has been hit with nerfs repeatedly (ED) and NEVER buffed. the SNIPE +acc buff thing in no way makes up for missing BUILD UP + NUKE and having No IN-COMBAT attacks/defenses in /devices when all other sets have these things))
Um...ED curb-stomped everyone. Yanno...in case you missed it.

And now that I have finally made it to the end of your seemingly endless rantings of WRONG...let me just say one last thing. If you wanted a blaster secondary power set of IN COMBAT ATTACKS...you SERIOUSLY picked the wrong secondary. /Devices has never had, nor most likely never WILL have these things UNLESS they devz were to DRAMATICALLY OVERHAUL a fairly SIGNIFIGANT portion of the ENTIRE set (you know...typing all the capital letters is kinda fun. I should really do this more often. Is that why you do it?)

Of course...my saying all of this is ultimately pointless as you're not going to bother reading this anymore. But honestly...why did you bother to even MAKE (yay! I did it again!) this thread if you were just gonna throw a hissy-fit temper tantrum simply because everyone here did not bend to your will and jump aboard your delusional band-wagon and storm the dev's office with pitchforks, torches, and picket signs that read "This chick is crazy...but yeah...what she said!" and begin DEMANDING that they do...whatever the heck it was you were trying to lobby for.

....Eh...whatevz. I'm done.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



devices has been hit with nerfs repeatedly (ED) and NEVER buffed
I was going to address this earlier, but didn't have a chance to.

Devices has been nerfed exactly TWICE.

-Once was ED, which screwed everyone. Saying Devices was the target of ED is just.....wrong.

-The second was actually a fix. Smoke Grenade had a decimal point in the wrong place and was giving everything it hit a 50% to-hit debuff. Blasters having ONE power that effectively gave them more defense than an SR Scrapper's entire secondary with no non-positional/psionic hole was more than a little overpowered.

That is the entirety of the "nerfs" to Devices. One was a global nerf that affected everyone, the other was a fix to an accidentally broken as all hell power.

Now, buffs.

-Taser used to be a melee range stun that dealt negligible damage. Now it is a ranged stun that deals negligible damage. A nice buff for a set that specializes in remaining at range.

-Gun Drone used to be called Auto Turret, and was completely immobile. It also took forever and a week to cast, and now it has an instant cast time (which I actually didn't know, haven't played my /Devices blaster in a while).

-The devs have also mentioned "something cool" being planned for Time Bomb. They haven't mentioned exactly what yet, but they've had a pretty good track record with power buffs lately, so I'm looking forward to it.

-It is a very specific buff, but Targeting Drone adds damage to Sniper Rifle. I'm in favor of that damage bonus being spread to the other snipes as well.

Oh, and as far as Cloaking Device being an "out of combat power":

-When I play my Sonic/Devices I can attack one target and have other targets not notice that I did so.
-I can lay a Trip Mine in the middle of a spawn with impunity, thanks to Cloaking Device and the Stealth IO I have in Hover.
-I get as much defense from Cloaking Device when it is suppressed as I do from Hover. When chasing the soft-cap that 2% is very valuable.

Yeah, too bad none of those things are useful while I'm fighting things. Gee, I wish Cloaking Device had some kind of application in combat.

The best part? Since Cloaking Device is part of my secondary, I don't have to waste a power pool choice to get one power out of an otherwise useless pool. I can have stealth and I can still have 4 power pool choices.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Said some additional stuff about /dev nerfs and buffs that really doesn't need to be slammed into a big ol' quote box but at least deserves to be referenced in a quote box...
Pretty much this. I had actually forgotten the buff they gave to GD...it's been a while since i've been on my /dev'er too...but i remember messing aroun with it. And taser was one of my skips as at the time it was a melee range and i was aiming for full RANGED range combat.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I was going to address this earlier, but didn't have a chance to.

Devices has been nerfed exactly TWICE.

-Once was ED, which screwed everyone. Saying Devices was the target of ED is just.....wrong.

-The second was actually a fix. Smoke Grenade had a decimal point in the wrong place and was giving everything it hit a 50% to-hit debuff. Blasters having ONE power that effectively gave them more defense than an SR Scrapper's entire secondary with no non-positional/psionic hole was more than a little overpowered.

That is the entirety of the "nerfs" to Devices. One was a global nerf that affected everyone, the other was a fix to an accidentally broken as all hell power.
For some reason a lot of players have an extremely poor memory when it comes to buffs and nerfs. In particular, a lot of people seem to remember more nerfing for their favorite powersets than has actually occurred. I would think that if someone was going to type "powerset X has been nerfed tons of times" that before they hit enter they would actually stop to see if they could actually remember a list of them first.

But maybe that's just me, self-nerfing my posts with the facts.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In particular, a lot of people seem to remember more nerfing for their favorite powersets than has actually occurred.
... Are you saying you made up your extremely long SR nerf list?

BTW... didnt the last patch break Accuracy again, for the billionth consecutive time since game launch? (However did THOSE threads stop coming up?)



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
... Are you saying you made up your extremely long SR nerf list?
I actually have a real list.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



As someday it may happen that a powerset must be nerfed,
I've got a little list — I've got a little list
Of myriad abilities that might well be overpowered
And that never would be missed — that never would be missed!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I actually have a real list.
And for most of us, the length of that list might seem surreal.

I, for one, am also looking forward to the changes to Cloaking Device. I already use it on my AR/Devices toon and the change will be nice.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
I, for one, am also looking forward to the changes to Cloaking Device. I already use it on my AR/Devices toon and the change will be nice.
As am I.

In fact, that change and the sniper attack thing prompted me to do something I swore I'd never do: Roll another Devices character.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
This my friends, is an example of a perma-noob.
How much global recharge does that require?

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Gonna try something here, 'cause I think the OP had some valid points which were obscured by her tendency to overstate things.

What I think she meant to say:

Blasters need the i24 survivability buffs to avoid being underpowered.
I agree with this one
For my /Dev Blaster, this means I must take Cloaking Device or remain underpowered.
This one too.

I especially dislike the transparency effect, because it obscures my costume.
I sorta agree with this one.
I work hard on my costumes, they are a fundamental part of my enjoyment of this game. If I can't see them, that character is 'broken' for me.
I sorta agree with this one. I often solo just so I can clearly see my costume without layers of team buffs all over it.

The power's other effects are not strong enough to make up for the costume issue, as the defense buff is too small when suppressed, and stealth isn't needed for my playstyle.
Don't necessarily agree with this one.

I think it's wrong for the devs to add the needed survivability buffs to a power that is a) not that great to begin with and More importantly b) that obscures my character's costume.

I dunno if this discussion is salvageable, but I think it's worth having.



Originally Posted by NoiseBlind View Post
Gonna try something here, 'cause I think the OP had some valid points which were obscured by her tendency to overstate things.

What I think she meant to say:

Blasters need the i24 survivability buffs to avoid being underpowered.
I agree with this one
For my /Dev Blaster, this means I must take Cloaking Device or remain underpowered.
This one too.

I especially dislike the transparency effect, because it obscures my costume.
I sorta agree with this one.
I work hard on my costumes, they are a fundamental part of my enjoyment of this game. If I can't see them, that character is 'broken' for me.
I sorta agree with this one. I often solo just so I can clearly see my costume without layers of team buffs all over it.

The power's other effects are not strong enough to make up for the costume issue, as the defense buff is too small when suppressed, and stealth isn't needed for my playstyle.
Don't necessarily agree with this one.

I think it's wrong for the devs to add the needed survivability buffs to a power that is a) not that great to begin with and More importantly b) that obscures my character's costume.

I dunno if this discussion is salvageable, but I think it's worth having.
The problem of stealth suppression was brought up earlier, and I mentioned it specifically to Arbiter Hawk to consider. The gameplay-critical issue is escort missions.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Like I said before, the fade of cloaking device could be changed when it's brought over to the new power. They could probably add a No Fade option to it in power customization with little work. With the name change, it would probably be a good idea anyway, as the power is now presented as training based as opposed to technology based. Then everyone could benefit from the power change, and both those who like the fade and don't would have a satisfying option.

Seeing as the power will be a lot harder to skip now the fade can't be as easily avoided by those that don't like the look of it. Since skipping the power now would probably be detrimental it would be nice to add the graphic choice so players can keep their desired character look and feel. It would be just one extra bit of power customization.

More choice can't hurt, eh?



I totally agree with the OP. On my current build I immediately specced out of cloak for this very reason.

When stealth is suppressed, stop the transparency effect COMPLETELY. If it means losing those 1.75% or something combat +Def, then so be it!

This way I can easily tell when it is on or off, my team can see me when it is important (in combat) and I can see myself most of the time (in combat). Out of combat I can turn it off to see myself.



Maybe I'm odd, but in combat I'm not admiring my own character or my teammates'. I'm looking at the enemy. Come to think of it, I'm only "concerned" about how my character looks when I'm in a costume contest. Sounds like a lot of 6-slotted narcissism out there.

Granted, character transparency IS the only valid statement the OP made about CD, in as much as, yes, it does make your character transparent.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
I'm looking at the enemy. Come to think of it, I'm only "concerned" about how my character looks when I'm in a costume contest. Sounds like a lot of 6-slotted narcissism out there.
Hey, when playing a blaster I want to be sure the defenders can see me too! Plus, this is CoH. Costume narcissism is very important, at least it is to me and lots of other people.

While this is a very tiny concern, I have occasionally had some trouble picking up an ally's location due to their stealth. When it matters I almost always have used the team window anyway, and with the reticle it is very easy to locate any ally. However, I sometimes just click on their avatar and I can remember a few times where I was spinning my camera looking for someone, rather than using the team window. I tend to think of that as operator error, "Sorry I let you die, I wasn't fast enough finding you," but stealthy allies are ever so slightly harder to pick up that way when playing a buffer. Not anything I would normally think of as an issue though.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.