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  1. ok, im not bothering to read more. I think I made up my own mind in my OP.

    For those that do not understand my issue.

    Stealth is an out of combat effect. It does not help my blaster at all. If i want to bypass (stealth through) mobs, I just run past them, AI doesn't even shoot at you! The only 'use' stealth might have is to get in close to mobs, then you could fire off a power that takes 20s or so, to activate, without getting attacked. This is a duplication of a POOL power, what is it doing in my BLASTER SECONDARY? The defense in Cloaking device is not real. Again, out of combat! Defense is worthless when nothing is shooting at you. It is currently a power that makes you transparent. This is a PLAYER effect, not an IN-GAME combat affecting ability. It just makes you transparent to yourself, and other PLAYERS. In itself, being hard to see to other players is a DEBUFF. This power as it sits is a debuff to you, that lies and says it is helping you when fighting, that is my issue with this power.

    Now why would I even come here and tell you this because as BOYS, you think being transparent like a assassin or something inherently is 'cool'.. and dislike me for bringing this up... well,

    Synapse is putting the i24 blaster fix (regen + recovery) into every blaster secondary set, for those not hearing this before. (THIS IS IN THE FUTURE! NOT IN GAME NOW). After i24 the blaster fix for /devices is in Cloaking Device! This forces any /devices blaster to take that self-debuff to get the +regen and +recovery. Now I did not sign up to be a stalker, I do not want to be invisible all the time, but if I skip this one power, I become so weak the DEVs say I am not really a blaster anymore, I would be GIMPING myself.

    No other set is being forced to take a NON-COMBAT power to get this buff.

    I have 2 OUT OF COMBAT attacks already and 1 OUT OF COMBAT DEFENSE in my secondary, you people that do not play devices can just shut the H E double TOOTHPICKS up. Obviously Synapse does not play a devices blaster.

    So I am gutting all my purples out, selling them etc, I don't care. These blaster fixes, the snipe, the nuke, those are all for OTHER archtypes more than for a blaster, only this regen/recovery boost is the 'blaster' fix. I know he will put that on the damn cloak. I made up my mind my first character is done. I wonder how long the fun will last for my alts.

    ((devices has been hit with nerfs repeatedly (ED) and NEVER buffed. the SNIPE +acc buff thing in no way makes up for missing BUILD UP + NUKE and having No IN-COMBAT attacks/defenses in /devices when all other sets have these things))
  2. 11.2 for me, nothing newer has worked right in both COH and another OpenGL program I use. And I have tested many newer drivers until it became a pain. I wish I could disable the red text telling me I am doing it wrong when I log in :/
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    ... You can also put a FF +rech proc in your BR to bring it up even more quickly.)
    Yes that will work, as long as you do not swap ammo. When you swap ammo, procs that rely on a property of the power to work (in this case Force Feedback's +recharge is a KNOCKDOWN slotting) will stop working with ammo that does not have the proper effect. A very disheartening Dual Pistols failure. This includes things like slotting Supressive Fire's HOLD, and then shooting it with swap ammo off, you get no +disorient slotting on that power.

    My DP/MM has S/L/E/R soft-capped with enough recharge for Drain Psych. It certainly feels strongly defensive at least. (for a blaster).
  4. I have been playing energy device blaster since release.

    Cloaking Device grants a blaster a little stealth and tiny +def at a small -endurance cost. What they do not explain about this power is the effect is only useful out-of-combat because it is suppressed (though you stay transparent?!) in-combat.. And, well, defense is only really useful when things are trying to hit you! Of course that stealth bonus, that goes away in combat too... so this is an OUT OF COMBAT sort of power. (Do not spend endurance on this in-combat unless you like being transparent like a 'stalker' yuck yuck.)

    I take it only as a set mule for LoTGs Recharge bonus (x5!)... Using this power turns your character (and outfit) Transparent and hard to see. This is a neat effect, the first 20 or so times you see it, but then, it begins to pale.. (one reason I suspect stalkers are not more popular.)

    And now, the DEVs, trying to Help! blasters like me, are going to, buff this un-useful pool power (wait, its a pool power in my secondary?!). Yes we take that power, but Nobody (should) Use It! Its just a waste of endurance in combat! Makes you impossible to see, makes it hard to position, friends to spot you (''you were with us tonight?!''), its a pain. There is no combat advantage to this power in a set that lacks, well, much of any combat advantage! Both the attacks in this set are OUT OF COMBAT too!!

    All the other set's have their upcoming regen and recovery in powers they actually want to use, or that the base effect has an In-Combat bonus! Not Cloaking (Field Agent or whatever) Device.

    Please dear superhero gods, please just put this effect on a power we actually WANT TO USE IN COMBAT! (Targeting drone only buffs to-hit.. that is just one base effect, put it on that! If you need a better suggestion than a power like Cloaking device that i have reasons to Not Want running on my character in-combat..)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Field Operative is the only toggle in the bunch of defense powers and it's a stealth besides

    Targeting Drone allows you the one-second snipes at level 22 and it boosts snipe damage.

    What else would you need?
    Not sure about some future power that does not exist, but Cloaking Device is the stealth power in Devices, it does have Defense, but it is completely worthless because the +DEF is just about 0% in-combat no matter how you slot it. So as soon as a NPC sees you, you are in combat, the +DEF supresses, the +STEALTH supresses, so its.. umm, not worth taking

    edit: P.S. This power completely ruins my very expensive outfit, which really completely annoys me as well. Its complete rubbish, and if they buff it to have the +regen +recovery I will cry. Energy/Devices is my first character. I have NEVER had much luck with this character, now this. I just.. im thinking of quiting.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sylph_Knight View Post
    Also, this punishes players for taking IO Sets as opposed to just slotting individual Enhancements for Damage, Endurance, and Procs. It also punishes those of us who used Enhancement Boosters on powers that enhance recharge speeds. This is counter-intuitive.
    This! These changes punish people who spend lots of time and work and REAL MONEY to make their character and playtime better. Why make these changes at all? Just set them all to a chance to go off regardless of HOW HARD THAT PLAYER WORKED!

    Saying a good player that played your game a LOT more than someone else should be punished for making their character better is wrong.

    I have sets, purple sets. I am not rich, it take me many many years to get those sets. Now those sets cap my recharge per power, there is no REASON to nerf me. I can't AFFORD to replace those Procs, I am very very mad

    Maybe I spend to many years sending you money and you keep doing these things.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
    The reason it would throw off the balance is because of the way the developers designed Blasters to begin with.
    yeah, they balanced blaster AT with the rest of the AT's by assigning it the role of 'punching bag dummy'...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
    See, this is exactly what I'm talking about though. People don't want to take the mez resistance that is available because they don't think it's worth it, then complain that there isn't enough available.

    Acrobatics cuts hold time in half. That's pretty huge. Add in the mez resistance available through IOs and Incarnates and mez should never be an issue. It's simply a matter of using the tools that are available. You might have to make sacrifices to get it, and you might not have a strictly min/max build, but it is there. I see this as the problem. People want the defense capped builds, but they don't want to accept the sacrifices necessary to get it. It's just easier to ask the Devs to fix the problem for them.
    cuts holds in half? You used this power? I am thinking not. All I take it for is the little ground area hold clouds and the stupid minion holds. But they still stack and land on me anyway. Its usefulness is too minor to count on. My bf likes jumping pool, so its a free tiny power for the level 49 slot for him, but useful? uhhh.
  9. My Energy/Devices was easier to soft-cap defense vs S/L/E/R than my DP/Mental. /Devices sets get lots of exotic slotting choices. 45% was surprisingly easy and inexpensive to get. My problem was more about picking which powers and sets most supported the playstyle to which I wished to become accustomed.

    I wanted to blast indiscriminately at anything that moved and not care if it tried to hit me back. And I can. That is a nice feeling. It took me 8 years. Hope you get there sooner.
  10. On my energy/devices I love having 2 gun drones and 3 spiderlings out at the same time. The drones are very strong but do drain a lot of endurance.

    I used expedient reinforcement and blood mandate IO sets for ranged defense. The pets may not be the best investment, but its a lot of fun. Might mess with sleep controls though.

    ((you can add 2 blessing of the zephyr to hover to get more speed out of it and pick up some more ranged defense, un-slotted it is terrible slow))
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    You're adding qualifications that weren't implicit in the post I quoted. Also, those defenses are possible around level 35.
    You saying you can cap S/L/E/R at 35!!! omg HOW?! I been trying so hard with my DP/Mental but I just can't get them all capped. I get mezzed all the time, how in the world, omg, man is the smartest dude ever!

    Please post how asap!
  12. One thing you guys keep saying over and over that simply is not true about blasters. You think my first three powers are attacks that I can use while mezzed to save myself. This is untrue. I have one attack, its the best of the first three powers, but that is all I have. Having two did me no good at all when mezzed and considerably harmed un-mezzed play by taking all my slots for such a weak power instead of a stronger one.

    I never understood that, why can't I use my first 3 powers!?!?!? why only 1? Why is that, why not let me use the first three powers in my build, that would be much better for me. Of the powers available I will not take those sucky one's that make me weak. That would be foolish. They don't help with being mezzed, that is words said by someone that doesn't play a blaster, I die when mezzed unless I can un-mezz myself. 2 attacks will not save me, so I make a stronger blaster by getting better powers, but die stunned constantly. I need to incarnate, get a t4? Is that the answer? 15$$ USD?

    I just won't play this blaster, like all the 'don't buff that blaster' people, I will play my Brute. The devs already know blaster performance is so bad because we constantly die while mezzed. I wish wish wish I never picked a blaster to play first. Scrapper they said.. silly me.
  13. Thank you all! I have played around with the build a bit after listening to you all, and decided to go with a lot less defense spread around more, and to focus more on the clicky powers that increase survivability. But mostly I want to ramp up the single target dps over the build I was testing as that proved to be too tasty to pass up in testing.

    Here is the build that prompted me to start this thread, though I have since started working on a different concept for myself.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    ((Dropping pistols from my build and trying Dual Wield + Executioners shot with Piercing Rounds for my ST attack chain made a surprising improvement.))
  14. Would taking S/L defense up to 60% be worth it for my blaster? For just standard playing around doing trials and taskforce stuff? Obviously overkill for farming, but I was messing around with Mids..


    (Could re-name this thread to; "is Gladiator's Armor: +3% Def bonus worth putting on a blaster? if it will take you to 60%+?)
  15. Ok, after the 'stealth' nerf yesterday (5/24/2011).. well It was nice being a WHOLE blaster for a few weeks, now that my character is once again only half a blaster, with just half a power set and devices is totally worthless?

    I no longer suggest spending money (and your time is worth something) on a power set that inevitably leaves someone feeling gimped at 50.

    If you stubbornly insist (it will be all right) etc, and/or don't intend to play this set as a main character, then skip everything that breaks your flow.. Powers like tripmine and timebomb and even smoke grenade and webnade, worthless really. They slow you down, trip you up trying to use them, and break your rhythm during combat. Which leads to faceplants all on its own trying to use that crud. Caltrops helps reduce incoming dps (a little bit) so that's all right. Gun drone is a bit of all right, but it's still annoying to have to re-summon it for so much time and endurance to have it vanish again after 2-3 attacks? Warshade pets might be worth summoning, Gun drone is not.

    Good powers would be Caltrops, which is still lackluster compared to other sets, and Taser, which when slotted up and Hastened can be stacked on a boss. The rest is either junk though I have some because you can only get 5 power pools and I wanted to slot them up as set mules, or it actually makes you worse during play by having them. TripMine/TimeBomb.

    ED gutted devices. Incarnating helped bring it back up to normal blastery type fun, stealthNerf took it away again. 700 million inf and 3 weeks work. Pssst away.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jeno_Aran View Post
    Im running with an ATI Radeon HD-4950, 6 gig of ram on Windows 7x64.
    I can set everything to max and have no issues, as soon as i touch the FSAA bar even to set it from 0 to 2x my frames drop to >15
    While that is a nice system, games like WOW and Rift are designed to let you max everything. This game has MORE possible graphic effects than those do. That doesn't mean it looks better, just that newer, more GPU intensive stuff (mostly with lighting and reflections) is available in City of... than in WOW.

    I have an ATI card too. You need to back off on the ambient lighting occlusions at the least. The game is down now or I could give you more pointers, but mostly you can FSAA but some of the more Advanced sliders, can run that card out of memory and then it will thrash (virtual memory, ugh). FSAA takes a lot of memory, but in itself is not that GPU intense anymore. Those ambient occlusion shaders are intense. Especially if you max out physics particles too.
  17. Try IOing it out with recharge and getting incarnate powers. Works for me. Its great actually. Took a while to figure it out though. Some powers have that certain synergy with incarnate powers, real treat.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I try to make the following macro on all my people with Lore (so far I am failing miserably and only have it on 2 of ~7 characters with Lore).

    /macro Atk "petcom_all aggressive attack"
    All that being said, I was on an STF and while tanking Recluse I tried to have my Lore pets help on the towers. .. and summoned the pets, I then targeted the red tower and pushed my macro. Vicki charged Recluse..
    When you set the pets to Aggressive stance, that put the AI in charge, which is why she swung around onto the closest target. Basically you are telling them to attack my target, and then you tell them to set stance aggressive which puts the AI in control.. Try "petcomall attack" without the stance instead or "petcomall attack aggressive" might work, I never tried to do that as it seems counterproductive to me. You need "petcomall defensive follow" and/or "petcomall aggressive follow" (that last is default controller pet behaviour).
  19. LKT-1700 Jet Pack - micro-transaction flight power.

  20. /rant
    wow, what a .... fortunately she is gone, as well as wrong.

    (edit: in the interest of clarity:

    read the link to the TOS she provides. It talks about reverse engineering, derivative works, hacking the game code... cheats basically. Pretty standard stuff. The so-called "Mods" used by the community to change maps, turn off sounds etc, are using a provided-by-the-developers, pointed out to us by the developers, explained to us, by devs... resource. Put there, for the users, for allowable client side minor changes. Not modifying the game code etc. Not in violation of the TOS. Its not a violation of the TOS nor the laws of the United States of America for some kid to stick a Red S on his chest. Regardless of what some customer service rep that doesn't understand the technology nor the terminology that goes along with it. If it was, then NcSoft would be going after those sites that allow people to modify their game (which our "Mods" do not do anyway), just like every other game company has been doing for years. The whole thing was just one woman's powertrip thinking she was 'right' and 'something must be done'. Note that not a single other representative has EVER replied to this thread. I would be happy to hear a definitive answer, but honestly, this subject was covered, by developers, in other forums, years ago. Good luck finding those posts though, its been a long long time. They never did add that ability to disable sounds, though they did change several, why? They didn't need to! Users already figured out how to fix it on their own *shrugs*.)

    OH AND IN THE INTEREST OF FULL DISCLOSURE I MOD MY CLIENT USING THE DATA FOLDER TO TURN OFF SOUNDS AND MARK MAPS... ok? I'm a 1%er? ha! I don't think so. Its so easy to do, because the developers make it so. You just stick a file in a folder that the game creates for you, to be used by you, the game doesn't use it, its an empty folder until you, the user, use it. Duh. Now if that's a violation of the TOS, please, I'm begging you, ban me. I could use the 15 dollars a month I been spending here for the last 4+ years. As much as I love this game, seriously, if this is really an issue, I'm asking for it, here I am. Also I am disabled and maybe we could do court I need something to occupy my time other than reading forums and science websites.

    quotes from the tos:
    you may not.. "(b) modify, adapt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software" - "Mods" as the word is used by the City of.. community do not do this.

    "However, you acknowledge and agree that you shall not reproduce, prepare derivative works based upon, distribute, publicly perform, or transmit any Game Content for commercial uses without first obtaining the express written consent of NC Interactive."

    Map "Mods" by editing the in-game maps are Specifically allowed, for non-commercial distribution. This would cover sound mods, costume mods, etc. Fan stuff. They want fans to do this stuff, they provide an in-game service to allow fans to do this stuff! Or the TOS would say don't do it and the game would not load our "Mods" for us. And that's why map sites like and costume change mods found on many Supergroup sites are not being targeted by NcSoft legal. Very stupid to attack your fans as long as they are just-being-fans! CuppaJo must be a very personable woman, but she did not understand this stuff when she first came to work here, and I guess the boys just did not want to contradict the new girl. Understandable.

    (so tired of kiddies endlessly debating things they know so very little about but speak so authoritatively against. lets find out.)
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    This is so great. I feel really strong!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh great.. now everyone knows!! incoming FOTM