ATI and FSAA - terrible frame rate.




Im running with an ATI Radeon HD-4950, 6 gig of ram on Windows 7x64.

I can set everything to max and have no issues, as soon as i touch the FSAA bar even to set it from 0 to 2x my frames drop to >15. If i dare turn it up to 8x my entire computer lags. I have 2 displays running and a movie or whatever on the 2nd one will match the framerate of the game.

I run the game at a res of 1920x1080. It seems when i turn down the resolution or the general graphics bar, i get some play with the FSAA bar. If i decide to play in 800x600 or with all graphics turned down.. i can have the FSAA turned up.

I can run newer games like WoW and Rift with max or almost max settings in every category

I'm posting from work otherwise id have a nice dxdiag and everything to see what exactly might need to be tweaked, without that - Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this?



Originally Posted by Jeno_Aran View Post
Im running with an ATI Radeon HD-4950, 6 gig of ram on Windows 7x64.
I can set everything to max and have no issues, as soon as i touch the FSAA bar even to set it from 0 to 2x my frames drop to >15
While that is a nice system, games like WOW and Rift are designed to let you max everything. This game has MORE possible graphic effects than those do. That doesn't mean it looks better, just that newer, more GPU intensive stuff (mostly with lighting and reflections) is available in City of... than in WOW.

I have an ATI card too. You need to back off on the ambient lighting occlusions at the least. The game is down now or I could give you more pointers, but mostly you can FSAA but some of the more Advanced sliders, can run that card out of memory and then it will thrash (virtual memory, ugh). FSAA takes a lot of memory, but in itself is not that GPU intense anymore. Those ambient occlusion shaders are intense. Especially if you max out physics particles too.



No need for DXDiag. Just the CoH Helper and HiJackThis logs.

The other two games you mention are both DirectX based games, not OpenGL. Huge difference in the graphics drivers support between DirectX and OpenGL.

The first one you mentioned was released about 7 months after CoH so calling it a newer game is mostly semantics.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Thanks much for the replies. Im just now coming back to the game after only playing for about 6 months after initial release.

I didnt even take into account that theres about 5 times as many possible graphics options in this than in either of the other games i mentioned.

Ill play with them when i get home, thanks for the advice on which ones specifically can impact pretty hard.