Questions I DEMAND answers for! (points at Rednames)

Adeon Hawkwood



1.) How does a power's aura visibility affect PVP?

2.) If threads get locked due to necroposting, why not just set the forum to auto-lock anything over a certain age, thereby making Necroposting impossible?

3.) What would happen if a Praetorian Clockwork and a Primal Clockwork that really loved each other... you know... ?

4.) Are all of our characters stuck in an alternate dimension of CoH and we just don't know it?

5.) Bacon Primary* and Waffle Secondary. When's it happening?

6.) When are you going to reveal details on your "secret project?"

7.) Does Zwillinger own hundreds of hats, or just one that he alters every night?

8.) Who bakes the best brownies in the office?

9.) Who's the only one here who knows secret ninja moves from the government?

10.) Toe-may-toe? Toe-mah-toe?

11.) What incarnation of CoH will follow Freedom?

12.) Really?

14.) Has anything ever been left out of CoH due to superstition?

15.) Is the soda machine a Nemesis Plot?

16.) Passport badge. When?

17.) What dev, back in the day, decided the color scheme would be "blue=heroes" and "red=villains?"

18.) Is it true that Base Salvage will be re-introduced around the same time we get a major Base update?

19.) Will we ever see a system to de-level alts that you wish to retire incase you plan to start over again without losing character/badge/etc. progression?

20.) Are there any plans to implement a new "achievement" system so we have something else to collect besides badges, salvage and pets?

PLEASE NOTE: Only Rednames may answer this thread. No players have permission to answer any questions provided.** However, you (said players) have permission to create your own questions in demand for the Rednames.

* Bacon
** If a player can give an answer in the form of a question, then you may.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Shouldn't this be in For Fun?



1.) This game has PvP?

2.) Have you ever considered that maybe it could break something like locking new threads automatically by accident?

3.) Loyalist or Resistance clockwork?

4.) Have you ever thought that maybe YOU are in someone else's imagination?

5.) Did you overdose on cough syrup and now have the munchies, again?

6.) Did you hear that Penelope Yin is going to [Censored]?

7.) Do you honestly think he is rich enough to buy a toupee?

8.) Magic brownies or regular?

9.) Chuck Norris?

10.) Are you a redneck or a hillbilly?

11.) Do you think they would actually answer that now?

12.) Seriously?

13.) Did you leave out this number due to superstition? I was born on a Friday the 13th, day before valentines day, dont'cha know?

14.) Did I just answer your question before you asked it?

15.) Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?

16.) Are you planning to go on vacation?

17.) Which side is more conservative than liberal?

18.) Do you think we'll be able to add actual bathrooms to bases? Are you as sick as I am to find every bathroom door in the game locked and you have to go behind a bush only to find a Hellion that woke up in a bad mood?

19.) You don't think starting a new character is fun?

20.) You don't think opening almost 200 super packs, like I did, for a black wolf pet isn't enough with no badge to go with it?

Edited for typos, or was it?



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
1.) How does a power's aura visibility affect PVP?
Have you ever PvP'd against the type of character whose combination of garish colors, costume, and aura customization makes foes pause and contemplate gouging out their eyes... or just to type "WTF?" before they die?

2.) If threads get locked due to necroposting, why not just set the forum to auto-lock anything over a certain age, thereby making Necroposting impossible?
Do you want to suck all the fun out of a mods' day?

3.) What would happen if a Praetorian Clockwork and a Primal Clockwork that really loved each other... you know... ?
You haven't been to Virtue's Pocket D immediately after these costume codes were released, have you?

4.) Are all of our characters stuck in an alternate dimension of CoH and we just don't know it?
Are all of the players stuck in alternate dimensions and we just don't know it?

5.) Bacon Primary* and Waffle Secondary. When's it happening?
Given the forum's propensity for *pancake* do you even have to ask?

6.) When are you going to reveal details on your "secret project?"
Haven't you been getting the coded messages too?

7.) Does Zwillinger own hundreds of hats, or just one that he alters every night?
Does this mean you HAVE seen the coded messages, but you just haven't figured out the code?

8.) Who bakes the best brownies in the office?
Do the *special ingredient* brownies count?

9.) Who's the only one here who knows secret ninja moves from the government?
Does it cease to be "secret" once that person fesses up?

10.) Toe-may-toe? Toe-mah-toe?
Why isn't "ketchup" an option?

11.) What incarnation of CoH will follow Freedom?
Isn't it about time for a "greatest hits" album?

12.) Really?
Why doesn't anyone ever believe me?

14.) Has anything ever been left out of CoH due to superstition?
You weren't part if Issue 13 closed beta, were you?

15.) Is the soda machine a Nemesis Plot?
Isn't everything a nemesis plot? Is the soda machine part of everything?

16.) Passport badge. When?
Where? How? Why?

17.) What dev, back in the day, decided the color scheme would be "blue=heroes" and "red=villains?"
Would you prefer Fuchsia and Turqouise?

18.) Is it true that Base Salvage will be re-introduced around the same time we get a major Base update?
Have I ever given a misleading answer?

19.) Will we ever see a system to de-level alts that you wish to retire incase you plan to start over again without losing character/badge/etc. progression?
If I answer this as I planned, and it thus gave you an answer to my previous question-as-an-answer, would my entire post be disqualified ?

20.) Are there any plans to implement a new "achievement" system so we have something else to collect besides badges, salvage and pets?
Have you seen the proposed "hat-a-day" collection system that Zwillinger's been alpha testing?

PLEASE NOTE: Only Rednames may answer this thread. No players have permission to answer any questions provided.** However, you (said players) have permission to create your own questions in demand for the Rednames.

* Bacon
** If a player can give an answer in the form of a question, then you may.
Does this count?



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
2.) If threads get locked due to necroposting, why not just set the forum to auto-lock anything over a certain age, thereby making Necroposting impossible?
Because it would make updating guide and event type posts impossible.
Granted, someone, who should remain nameless, recently manually locked down a guide post in an overabundance of necropost-stopping zeal...

But, normally, those sorts of things shouldn't happen often.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I thought one of the red names said something a year ago about WildStar NOT being the unnamed project.

That would make sense because WildStar has been named.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Wildstar's Carbine Studios, not Paragon.... or am I missing something?
That link says Paragon Studios, not Carbine.

EDIT: Really odd since Z said a short time ago that Carbine was doing WildStar. Can we blame the web team for this? Please?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
That link says Paragon Studios, not Carbine.

EDIT: Really odd since Z said a short time ago that Carbine was doing WildStar. Can we blame the web team for this? Please?
Carbine's site still says Wildstar...
Paragon's site still doesn't...
Both sites seem relatively active...

it *does* seem to be a likely web team errors...

But in the interest of discouraging such errors by making their fallout so painful to address, I will gleefully spread misinformation and feed the conspiracy theorists:

I often heard people call Carbine Paragon's "sister studio"...
...this is a superhero MMO...
...and the genre is full of characters with alter-egos...
...has anyone else noticed how you never see Carbine and Paragon Studios in the same room at the same time...
...sister studios.... or (insert dramatic flourish) ONE AND THE SAME?

Ok... so... I can check "give the community team more gray hair" off my to-do list for today.



Troy Hewitt from Carbine came up to the second HeroCon to help with some of the stuff going on.

So yes, I've seen Carbine and Paragon in the same room at the same time.

EDIT: Also, it is nice to see Gaffer (Jeremy Gaffney) is Executive Producer At Carbine.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Troy Hewitt from Carbine came up to the second HeroCon to help with some of the stuff going on.

So yes, I've seen Carbine and Paragon in the same room at the same time.

EDIT: Also, it is nice to see Gaffer (Jeremy Gaffney) is Executive Producer At Carbine.
:unchecks the 'give the community team more gray hair' task and starts working on plan b while muttering not-nice words to Texas Justice



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
:unchecks the 'give the community team more gray hair' task and starts working on plan b while muttering not-nice words to Texas_Justice
Who is this Texas_Justice you speak of? Some of us live in a world where _ is not required.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



At one point I was doubtful, but Im beginning to join the CoH2 is the secret project crowd, especially considering they reupped their trademark claim for it a third time in April of 2012.

It was originally filed in November of 2010 and the extensions can only be utilized before an actual product is released for 3 years.

Im not sure if there's any actual penalty for failing to release a product using the trademarked name, but the "It's to protect their potential IP" argument falls flat simply by the fact even Blizzard hasn't trademarked the idea of "World of Warcraft 2" to protect it.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Have you ever PvP'd against the type of character whose combination of garish colors, costume, and aura customization makes foes pause and contemplate gouging out their eyes... or just to type "WTF?" before they die?
HEY!...we were on the same side...



For a serious answer to your number 2, Commander, probably because any auto-lockfeature would either a) only read the thread's creation date, and there are threads that have been going the entire time since they were created years ago that would fall afoul, or b) it would have to be coded.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



1.) How does a power's aura visibility affect PVP?
Do dinosaurs roam the earth, blocking your view of the sun?

2.) If threads get locked due to necroposting, why not just set the forum to auto-lock anything over a certain age, thereby making Necroposting impossible?
How do you think the Zombie overlords would feel about this? They... had feelings... once.

3.) What would happen if a Praetorian Clockwork and a Primal Clockwork that really loved each other... you know... ?
Does the image of a computer smoking after it's shorted out give you the proper idea?

4.) Are all of our characters stuck in an alternate dimension of CoH and we just don't know it?
Know about what?

5.) Bacon Primary* and Waffle Secondary. When's it happening?
Do you really think they're "munching" on this idea?

6.) When are you going to reveal details on your "secret project?"
Would they have to kill you if they told you?

7.) Does Zwillinger own hundreds of hats, or just one that he alters every night?
Do you think he has a revolving account at a haberdashery?

8.) Who bakes the best brownies in the office?
Why didn't you mention Pizookies?

9.) Who's the only one here who knows secret ninja moves from the government?
Are you sure you would be able to recognize them with all the secret ninja moves they've done?

10.) Toe-may-toe? Toe-mah-toe?
Is it time to call the whole thing off?

11.) What incarnation of CoH will follow Freedom?

12.) Really?


14.) Has anything ever been left out of CoH due to superstition?
Should I have avoided that black cat, and avoided walking under that ladder before answering this?

15.) Is the soda machine a Nemesis Plot?
I heard Nemesis is a Hack. Do think that's true?

16.) Passport badge. When?
Has the Department of Home Land security stopped looking at you funny when you travel?

17.) What dev, back in the day, decided the color scheme would be "blue=heroes" and "red=villains?"
Would you have preferred "Chartreuse = Heroes" and "Mauve=Villains"?

18.) Is it true that Base Salvage will be re-introduced around the same time we get a major Base update?
Do the devs like playing Jenga... I mean Jenga while it's on Fire?

19.) Will we ever see a system to de-level alts that you wish to retire incase you plan to start over again without losing character/badge/etc. progression?
When do you expect Rush Limbaugh to out himself as a closet Democrat?

20.) Are there any plans to implement a new "achievement" system so we have something else to collect besides badges, salvage and pets?
Why would you want another currency added to the game?

PLEASE NOTE: Only Rednames may answer this thread. No players have permission to answer any questions provided.** However, you (said players) have permission to create your own questions in demand for the Rednames.

I'm not a redname, nor do I play one on TV. Does that count for anything?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!



(I'm too lazy to go back and find the right post to quote)

WildStar is definitely being done by Carbine Studios, NOT Paragon. The Seattle web team is once again operating at full capacity (which is to say, terribly).

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
7.) Does Zwillinger own hundreds of hats, or just one that he alters every night?
I have this mental image of him pulling one out of a Kleenex™ box next to the door as he leaves the mansion each morning. What was that movie where some rich guy did that? He had a Kleenex™ box full of monogrammed something or another, handkerchiefs or underwear or something, and every day he just pulled a new one out of the box.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Some of these questions are good. I think some of these should be asked at the next Twitch TV Coffee Talk.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Some of these questions are good. I think some of these should be asked at the next Twitch TV Coffee Talk.
And some are so terrible they should be buried where no light in any form in the universe can ever reach them.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!