This qualifies as a short-range blast!




So hey, devs, you'll be upgrading this one to 80 feet too, right?




Who let the Bane Spider in here?

Shoo, Shoo! Go shine the boots of your Supreme Huntsman and Crab Overlords!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I don't think it does, but if so, they need to look at Focus from the claws set.
Claws is hardly a blast set.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Claws is hardly a blast set.
Nor are Bane Spiders, really.



Melee sets I can see leaving at 40 feet, since that's their longest-range attack and... well, they're melee sets. Focus and Shockwave, Impale and Throw Spines, Hurl and Hurl Boulder... they're oddball ranged attacks in melee sets.

Bane Spiders aren't melee with ranged powers; they're offense/defense. In fact, looking at the powers, they get access to more ranged attacks in their primary than they do melee, so I'd certainly say they qualify as "blast-ish"

Poisonous Ray fits the bill for the powers being boosted: it's a shorter-range, higher-damage attack. It's more akin to Blaze and Bitter Ice Blast than it is to Impale or Focused Burst.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Melee sets I can see leaving at 40 feet, since that's their longest-range attack and... well, they're melee sets. Focus and Shockwave, Impale and Throw Spines, Hurl and Hurl Boulder... they're oddball ranged attacks in melee sets.

Bane Spiders aren't melee with ranged powers; they're offense/defense. In fact, looking at the powers, they get access to more ranged attacks in their primary than they do melee, so I'd certainly say they qualify as "blast-ish"

Poisonous Ray fits the bill for the powers being boosted: it's a shorter-range, higher-damage attack. It's more akin to Blaze and Bitter Ice Blast than it is to Impale or Focused Burst.
No. You're more akin to a Kinetic Melee Scrapper. You have your silly cone, and your silly short range "ranged" power. You, however, do have an extra ranged attack. Shrug.

I could see it being increased to 70 per the other Mace Blasts. I guess.

Not a big deal though.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
You have your silly cone, and your silly short range "ranged" power. You, however, do have an extra ranged attack
Three ranged attacks, huh? Bane Spiders have access to the following ranged attacks from their primary:
  • Single Shot
  • Burst
  • Heavy Burst
  • Venom Grenade
  • Frag Grenade
  • Mace Beam
  • Mace Beam Blast
  • Mace Beam Volley
  • Poisonous Ray
"But Guy, most of those are the Wolf powers! You can't use those on Banes because rules and reasons and stuff!"

Like bullony you can't. Gimping yourself by spurning the Wolf powers is as silly a concept-motivated farce as running a Mastermind without pets. *Looks at avatar*

Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
You're more akin to a Kinetic Melee Scrapper.
Conversely, Banes have access to the following melee attacks from their primary:
  • Pummel
  • Bayonet
  • Bash
  • Pulverize
  • Shatter
  • Crowd Control
Humorous, is it not, that the list is shorter? (-:

Even if you discount the Wolf powers, it still leaves Banes with 4 each of ranged and melee.



That's NOT a BLAST set.

Nice try though.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Neither are Dominator secondaries, but they're getting the range treatment.

Nice try though.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Claws is hardly a blast set.
Then you're playing it wrong.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Then you're playing it wrong.
So very very true. Back in the S/HO only days, I had 12 Centrioles slotted on my Claws/SR/Weapons scrapper. I'd kill entire spawns without being in melee range.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Neither are Dominator secondaries, but they're getting the range treatment.

Nice try though.


SoA's attack sets are more similar to Assault sets than anything else. I fully support this buff. Banes are the redheaded stepchild of the VEAT family anyway.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I don't think it does, but if so, they need to look at Focus from the claws set.

My claws blaster needs some range added too!



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Neither are Dominator secondaries, but they're getting the range treatment.

Nice try though.

Assault sets are partly derived from Blast sets though. Even then it'll probably only affect Blaze, Bitter Ice Blast and Power Burst. I'd be very surprised if Life Drain and Thorn Barrage were increased.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Three ranged attacks, huh? Bane Spiders have access to the following ranged attacks from their primary:
  • Single Shot
  • Burst
  • Heavy Burst
  • Venom Grenade
  • Frag Grenade
  • Mace Beam
  • Mace Beam Blast
  • Mace Beam Volley
  • Poisonous Ray
"But Guy, most of those are the Wolf powers! You can't use those on Banes because rules and reasons and stuff!"

Like bullony you can't. Gimping yourself by spurning the Wolf powers is as silly a concept-motivated farce as running a Mastermind without pets. *Looks at avatar*

Conversely, Banes have access to the following melee attacks from their primary:
  • Pummel
  • Bayonet
  • Bash
  • Pulverize
  • Shatter
  • Crowd Control
Humorous, is it not, that the list is shorter? (-:

Even if you discount the Wolf powers, it still leaves Banes with 4 each of ranged and melee.
Even looking at just the mace powers, it's still 4/4 ranged/melee. So yeah, Banes are an assault set.

Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
Assault sets are partly derived from Blast sets though. Even then it'll probably only affect Blaze, Bitter Ice Blast and Power Burst. I'd be very surprised if Life Drain and Thorn Barrage were increased.
Well, Life Drain is from Dark Blast.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



With the survivability of SoA, who cars about the 40ft difference. Get in there and kill stuff while the baddies pray one of their hits land. Oh yeah, and mez protection...



It's worth noting that even blasters have single target ranged attacks shorter than 80 feet that were not mentioned to be expanded. For example, the tier 1 immobilize powers on many secondaries.

The Bacon Compels You.



Originally Posted by JohnnyKilowatt View Post
It's worth noting that even blasters have single target ranged attacks shorter than 80 feet that were not mentioned to be expanded. For example, the tier 1 immobilize powers on many secondaries.
But the forcus of the range increase was "Blast" powers.

And I do believe when someone pointed it out to him, Hawk said they'd look at bringing all the tier 1s to Subdue's range.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by guyperfect View Post



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I don't think it does, but if so, they need to look at Focus from the claws set.

Arbiter Hawk has said that ONLY the short range blasts in blast sets and Dominator t9 short range blasts will be changed in this way.

Claws Focus doesn't qualify, neither does Impale or Focused Burst.

I would wager that Poisonous Ray won't fit the bill either.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I would wager that Poisonous Ray won't fit the bill either.
Well then Arbiter Hawk had better schedule a change of mind!

Maybe I can get Synapse to do it when Arbiter Hawk isn't looking... *Ponder*



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Well then Arbiter Hawk had better schedule a change of mind!

Maybe I can get Synapse to do it when Arbiter Hawk isn't looking... *Ponder*
That sounds like a Nomi Malone moment waiting to happen. *push*