why doesn't the single player game of CoH work for you?
Well, I prefer solo.
I am now preparing for rotted fruit.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
The title of your thread implies that the solo game does not "work" - that is completely in error, as it works for a significant portion of the playerbase just fine. I am actually a bit offended at the title of this thread for starting from a negative and asking people to disprove it.
I solo nearly 80% of my time in game, and generally only team with friends at scheduled events (weekly TFs).
I have repeated content several times - mostly in story arcs that I enjoy, some for the story (O Wretched Man) and some for the particular challenges, but also some arcs which have specific rewards I want (Stephanie Preebles' arc with the wedding band, Monty's Midnighters arc, etc.)
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
It does work. If it didn't, I wouldn't play the game at all. Not that I'm a raging team-hater per se but I see teaming as an "extra feature" rather than a primary draw.
I'm pretty much solo all the time, these days, except for trial stuff.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
The single-player game works just fine for me.
The parts that most frequently don't work are the parts that expect you to be able to team up with other players (missions with multiple elite bosses in one group and iTrials are my biggest gripes currently).
This is especially true when the content I want to run isn't 'popular' -- I ended up running a small but solid group through the 1st Terra Volta respec trial last week when it was the WTF in order to get a Notice of the Well for my Incarnate character, but the process of recruiting was painful.
I have no idea how I'd have gotten as far as I have into the Incarnate content without being able to run Dark Astoria solo to 'prep'.
Ive always enjoyed the solo content, I love the story arcs but I've recently started to multi-box a lot so does that count as teaming?
Member of the Hyperion Force
The solo content (well, duo- I team with my wife) is the core reason I'm still with CoH:
I've been here 7+ years
I haven't run an Incarnate trial in about 6 months.
I haven't done a Task Force in.. well, longer than that.
I've visited a PvP zone once in the last year.
Heck, I can count the number of TF's I've done on one hand.
I've done DFB once heroside, once villainside.
I've yet to do DiB.
With the mix of newspaper/scanner missions, starting locations, Praetorian story paths, tip missions, "classic" arcs, signature storyarcs, and zone-based story arcs I get a good enough mix for leveling that each character's path is varied. (I also don't bother taking all of them to 50, as the endgame isn't much interest to me, so the leaner selection of content in the mid-to-upper 40's doesn't affect me much).

I solo by large preference when I play anything that doesn't require a team. I don't resent having to have a team for some things, but if I don't need a team, I rarely join or form one.
And when I do team, I always prefer it being with people I "know" from global channels. That's one of the cool things about this game - you can solo and still be socially active. I don't ignore other players (I'm actually fairly chatty - shocking I know given my post count). I just don't always team with them.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I solo 99% of the time, if not more.
Game works great for me- there's a lot of crappy older content, but it's getting easier and easier to ignore/skip over as they add decent repeatable missions & new story arcs at various levels.
I've been playing mostly 50's or lowbies since my return- last night I logged in my level 24 scrapper, hit 'find contact' and WOW there are a lot of them in the First Ward! Haven't played any of that stuff yet.
So, yeah, plenty of old stuff needs an overhaul or replacement, but single player was massively improved during my year long hiatus.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I solo most of the time as well, and really wish there was a way to play thru TFs solo. I'd probably do some of the Shadow Shard TFs if I can solo them, but I don't have that many hours to do and once with a team.
I tend to enjoy teaming when I do it, but I prefer to team in a happenstance sort of way.
For a while now, I've become somewhat self absorbed, so to speak, in that I really just enjoy logging into the game, focusing on my character and running nothing but rather generic content: radio/paper missions and the safeguards/mayhems, tip missions and just general street sweeping.
I love it.
I'm not sure what it is, but when I've tried playing some of the newer story arcs, I just get very disinterested.
My wife occasionally likes to run arcs and I'll team up with her for them, but I often find myself being more annoyed with the arcs than enjoying them.
I'm not ready to lay any blame on the writing or the arcs' mechanics or anything and just attribute it mainly to my own feelings and interests for the time being.
Either way... I've been vastly solo-only for a while and enjoy it quite well.
I might be a bit turned off by the thread title if I didn't think that Dug just likes to initiate potentially interesting discussions. Thread title wording can sometimes be as poor as headlines and I'll not think more on this particular one.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I solo easily 95% of the time, if not more. Only time I team is for Mothership/Hami Raids, Incarnate Trials and occassional TF/SF (the latter two I only bother with on my badger, specially the TF/SFs). Heck, some of the TF/SF content I could probably solo to an extent (with HVAS/Shivans as needed) if it wasn't for the min team requirement.
That said, the only reasons I can see the 'solo game' not 'working' is:
1) Some ATs have a harder time of it as others
2) folks get sick of running some of the earlier content over and over again, which results in PLing in DFB and DiB (which...is kind of hypocriticial if you think about it....)
Server: Guardian Globial: @Asri1
Asri - lv 50 MA/Regen/Darkness Scrapper, Incarnate, Badge toon.
Tiny Spider - lv 37 SoA, Crab
Street Cleaner - lv 30 Staff/Willpower Scrapper
Golden Moonlight - lv 11 Beast/Storm Control Mastermind
I solo whenever I'm not on a team.
Seriously, I solo quite a bit, on both sides. As I usually alternate gameplay from hero to villain back to hero etc., it tends to keep arcs/missions/etc. more fresh. The times I will team up? TFs, trials, or giant monsters. Or if I happen to see cries for help from someone.
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
I mostly solo, or play duos with my wife. I don't have any problem with it. There's enough varied content that I can do alot of different things, from the actual story arcs to MA content to Signature Story Arcs, etc.
I almost exclusively play Redside where I think, aside from the new Mercy Island (which rather blows), the writing and missions are all much better. If I make a new character, I usually just street sweep my way to the ferry and go right to Oakes.
Do you play a solo game in CoX (all or part time)? What part of it works for you, and what part drives you away?
Solo fights are also kinda simplistic for some characters. Teams can add more chaos and options.* "If I run over there, the guys chasing me will hit those caltrops that other dude threw down, and I'll have enough breathing space to drop some cones, then hopefully lay down some controls before that Blaster dies..."
I enjoy playing Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Dominators, which makes all of this worse, because a lot of the combos under those ATs solo waaaaaaaay too slowly for my tastes. (Note that there are Blasters, Scrappers, and Brutes who solo too slowly for my tastes. My tastes are unreasonable, but I can't exactly change them.)
In favor of soloing, some characters have complex enough gameplay and/or move quickly enough that I enjoy soloing them more than teaming.
* Teams can also completely bore me by making everything an exercise in trying to stay awake as the Elec/Shield Scrapper and three permaHastened Blasters nuke every mob in sight as fast as I can run forward. It's a balancing act.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Do you play a solo game in CoX (all or part time)? What part of it works for you, and what part drives you away?
Large kill all missions turn me off. I'll sometimes kill all (most) on a large map because I want to, but I am not fond of needing to kill everything on a giant map. I also prefer missions that cross zones, I am not a fan of every mission in an arc taking place in the same zone (although the way newer arcs send me to a different zone inside the missions while all the doors are in the same zone actually works for me, it feels like I am spanning more of the world (but I do also like doors actually being in various zones as well)).
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Whachoo talkin' 'bout, Willis? CoX has been more successful, IMO, at balancing the solo and team aspects of the game than any other MMO out there.
While I don't feel that MMO's are meant to be experienced primarily solo (any more than ships are meant to stay in port, even though they can), the fact that the CoX design has always made solo play an equal partner to team play has been one of its best features.
NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
I do both solo and team play. I am convinced you make these crazy threads each week for attention and post count.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
I play solo about 90% of the time, only forming a team for SG stuff, TFs and trials.
I do almost nothing but solo and the occasional baf/lam (really occasional).
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Oddly enough, the thing that sold me to this game was the background description they tell you to fill during character creation - which can be updated any time you want. This little feature becomes more and more awesome as you learn the boundaries of the game's lore - suddenly you're not just some random mutant invader from another dimension, you're a former Top Dog who defected after learning of Emperor Cole's plans to invade Primal Earth! For me, a little role-playing is fundamental to solo play, which involves fleshing out my toons as if they were part of the game.
Familiarity with the game's NPCs is another thing I like about the (new) solo portion of this game - not saying the PCs should start going on dates with the NPCs, but it's endearing to know that Faultline and Fusionette still remember you as a friend when you meet them at Vanguard, or that Overdrive never gave up hope that your villain can be redeemed, or that Katie Douglas is now calling you by your name instead of just "Killer", or having Twinshot invite you to her supergroup (I wish we could return the favor and "invite" her to our own supergroup as well). Cultivating the PC's relations with the game's NPCs, as is happening in the SSAs and First Ward/Night Ward/Dark Astoria, is IMO, very important for a primary soloer.
First, the game would benefit alot from a reduced number of NPCs that popped up more often instead of a horde of copy-paste look-alikes with different names and costumes - just count how many young perky female reporters we have, Amanda Vines, Lillian Issan, Jessica Flores, Deborah Rosenfeld, Linda Summers, Maggie Greene...
Second, the difficulty. The notoriety NPCs offer the possibility to downgrade bosses into lieutenants, they should downgrade Elite bosses into bosses as well. They should offer the possibility of disabling Quantum Guns and Voids. They should prevent the random spawning of +1 mobs when your rep is set to +0.
Third, NPC "escort" missions. Ever since the Fitness pool became inherent our toons will always outrun NPCs, who seem to have the eyesight of a myopic mole suffering from conjuntivitis. Who Will Die #5 offers a much better solution for this problem, a sort of "ally-ambush" at set points (boss battles and such), leaving the PCs free to wander at their own leisure. When it's time to face the Elite Boss, our NPC ally won't be stuck in a flight of stairs 3 clicks south of the boss fight.
Fourth, kill-all missions. I hate those, hate, hAte, HAtE!!
Fifth, the Mary-Sue treatment given to the PCs. We, and by we I mean I, screw up. Alot. Sometimes we do it within the confines of a mission's parameters, by messing up a timer or letting an escort get killed - we get blamed for those failures, as should be. Other times it's the mission itself that forces us to fail, like in WWD #3/5/6, or when Shadowstar sends you to warn Freeflight that she's being hunted by the Council - for some reason, we don't get blamed for this, in fact, we get a medal in some of those missions! Having NPCs sugarcoat everything we do wrong (as Manticore says, out of fear of hurting our feelings) is even worse than forcing auto-failure in a mission. I can stomach auto-failure for plot reasons, but at least be consistent about it.
Do you play a solo game in CoX (all or part time)? What part of it works for you, and what part drives you away?
With that specific definition, the "solo" part of the game has the problem of breaking a team for a time as you investigate the Hellions lair in disguise, or do so-and-so's personal story arc.
Now, as far as *Soloable* content (IE, 90% or more of the game) goes... I like that none of it is *un*soloable, between difficulty settings, inspirations and the like. That's without going into temp powers. Not just "Soloable for high damage/high survivability characters," like many other games, or "Soloable when outlevelled." Or "Soloable with an IO build."
I like that I can go through at my own pace, read what I'm interested in, /em dance at a group if I feel like it without the "rush rush need expees nao rush rush!" of some teams (or sitting around doing nothing because "we need a tank!" - er, no we don't.) I can stop and *read* clues, *read* dialog, scroll up in my chat bar and *read* what flew by and know why I'm doing whatever I'm doing.
I'll *tend* to solo during the week, just from the hours I work (or if I happen to have dead time during work,) and team more on weekends, though lowbies may team for a DFB/DIB/Posi from time to time, as they're fairly fast. And of course if I get a bug to do an itrial, but that's typically weekends for the same reason.
I'm actually playing a level 42 character instead of deleting and starting over. I have 3 accolades and am working on Portal Jockey. So I just soloed the Tina McIntyre arc.
It is not great content compared to SSA1 or really good AE arcs (see my sig), but it is actually pretty good. And it is fun to play through.
Now I rarely solo much, I prefer teams. But I remember when I started years ago I did the solo content. It was fun and it was what I considered the game to be (teaming was so much harder then).
I've tried getting back into the solo again but either I've done it a dozen times (Striga), I get sent to the KR hero corps agent, then the Hollows, then a security chief, then the PvP zone person, etc and I give up.
The other issue I have with it is that the introduction is not compelling.
"X works on cases involving the Warriors" is not something that makes me want to go talk to them. The contact introductions are like the dullest wikipedia entries ever.
Do you play a solo game in CoX (all or part time)? What part of it works for you, and what part drives you away?