Humans are herd animals.
Often nobody will do anything until another wants to do something.
1) Not everybody should lead.
2) Sometimes leaders only emerge when there is a need(reluctant hero).
3) Often people don't form anything unless there are enough people that it has a high chance of collecting enough.
I can't fault anybody for asking, but I can fault somebody for complaining about polite requests in the expected and proper chat channel that they could always ignore/close.
It's more the passive-aggressive "how dare somebody else not form this trial for me" comment at the end that's annoying, not just that somebody is unwilling to lead.
It's more the passive-aggressive "how dare somebody else not form this trial for me" comment at the end that's annoying, not just that somebody is unwilling to lead.
They were rather common, at least on Freedom, the past week.
Anyway, feel disgusted by what was said all you(all instances of "you" are "in general"/"anybody") want. You have a right to your opinion, but complaining to a bunch of other people, especially permanently stuck on the forums, for just one comment comes off as a bit of a "rage issue" with how exaggerated that makes such a comment.
Well basically I can agree to the repeating yourself over and over and over and .. LOL you get the idea. I have seen this in DA and its beyond annoying but I belong to just about every Global channel you can think of on Virtue and also keep the new LFG in my open tab so I can see just aboiut anything forming. Now how many of you out there, like me, have logged on and patiently waited to see what was forming. After about 5 minutes of dead silence you see this in broadcast ...
Team Leader: Full ty
Full what? and where was the advertisment for whatever you just filled? Okay I have run enough TF and some trials to realize that you make ONE announcement and then start dealing with a group of Tells that are coming in so fast at times you have to scroll back to be sure you didn't miss anyone. But I have sat around, as you suggest Guy, patiently waiting for someone to form a Trial for as much as ten minutes before seeing that sort of message. Nothing in globals, nothing in local chat, etc. Unless a leader is actually answering every single Tell before inviting I can't possibly see how it woiuld take THAT long to invite everyone from a announcement sent in broadcast. I'm sort of assuming since the leader in question felt the need to say in broadcast the Trial is full,Thank you for your support, that at some point they did try recruiting via zone broadcast. Fie minutes i can see .. I logged on and missed the message. Ten minutes? Did you take a bio break and grab something to eat? lol'
So what horrible crime against humanity am I committing by announcing ONCE when I log on Looking for ny trial .. or if I am working on opening a specific power listing all the trials that provide IXP for that? It lets any trial leader still looking for maybe 1 or 2 more that I just logged on and I AM interested in what your doing. Don't forget before we got all the globals and now the LFG broadcasting in zone LFG was the way a LOT of us found teams. And now I see lots of players doing exactly the same thing in the new LFG channel. As long as it's not obnoxious or done so frequently it is driving the entire zone crazy.. what's the harm?
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
This. Would you REALLY want to be on a trial led by the guy who was spamming broadcast?
Team Leader Lambda forming PSt for invite
Team Leader Lambda forming PSt for invite
Team Leader Lambda forming PSt for invite
Team Leader Lambda forming PSt for invite
Team Leader Lambda forming PSt for invite
all within like 10-15 seconds of one another. And to answer your question... No I have never once sent THAT guy a tell and joined his team
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I put people like that on ignore.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
The user was not spamming. This happened over the course of about ten minutes.
Honestly, I see nothing wrong with asking, per se. If I'm looking for a raid, I'll usually ask in broadcast first, in case one's already forming. If I get no reply, I'll either (a)do missions in the area, and hit broadcast in between after every couple (in case one started forming while I was on a mission map), or (b)start my own if I'm not the only one to pipe up.
However, if someone's standing around in the zone itself, then the chances of them missing a call-out seem rather slim.
Snooty people are snooty
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I have to agree; no spamming, no entitlement, no rudeness... at worst, maybe that last line the person broadcast was pointless, but that's all. I don't really see where it's a problem worth bringing to the forums, or an example of... of anything, really.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
i sort of get the platter bit. i mean, it probably refers to wanting things on a silver platter, but then it doesn't work with the leeching bit. The definition of leeching i know is not contributing while receiving the same rewards as those who do. The person looking for a team certainly didn't say anything to indicate an intention to not contribute to any league they joined, so maybe that was info only known to the OP.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
Meh... I see this all the time and have for quite some time. It doesn't bother me and generally I never join their team/league.
I rarely IGNORE people in game but I do use the star/rating system on almost every person I team with which is quite beneficial.
I 1 starred a spammer tonight. I was forming a BAF and he kept spamming his Mag farm every 10-15 seconds. He eventually gave up (after about 4-5 minutes of non-stop spam) as there were actual Mags going on and people joining those and other itrials.
But this person wasn't spamming. Those broadcasts in the OP's example apparently averaged about two full minutes apart.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
But this person wasn't spamming. Those broadcasts in the OP's example apparently averaged about two full minutes apart.
Spam to me is the same message over and over... If I am standing in PD (Where Freedom starts their itrials) ... I stand there for a few minutes to see what is being offered up in broadcast. If I do not see what I am looking for advertised...I send out a broadcast looking for whatever trial I am looking for. There is no need to send that broadcast again in 2 minutes..and again in 2 more minutes and again in 2 more minutes. Reminds me of some caffeinated teenager bugging their parents nonstop... It's a sad commentary on society (especially virtual society) and is reflective of the "GIMME NOW" attitude.
In other words...If I am looking for a TPN... and announce this...and in a few minutes no one has invited me or started advertising for one...I will start my own. Instead of standing around repeating myself over and over and over.. I will take a proactive approach at doing the trial I want.
Maybe I am more patient than most gamers, but spam (yes that's what I consider what someone like this is doing) is just unnecessary and irritating, and does not make me want to invite that person to my league...it actually has the exact opposite effect.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
If everyone were guaranteed to be in the same zone at all times of day it might be spam. As it is, every few minutes or so there could be people who just logged in, people who just zoned in, or people who just finished a trial and might need fresh meat that did not see the prior message(s).
Had enough to find people leading that I'll cut them some slack over how they recruit.
Often a person recruiting every few minutes in broadcast will get people each time they do broadcast
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
It'd be nice if everyone could be as proactive as some, but a lot of players don't feel comfortable starting up their own trials. It's kind of daunting. I know I myself would never attempt to lead anything that wasn't a BAF, Lambda, or Keyes trial, simply because I don't feel I know all the ins and outs of other trials well enough to explain them to a group of twenty people in mid-battle. I'm perfectly comfortable participating in a TPN or MoM or Diabolique trial, but if I tried to lead one, it'd be a mess and likely a failure. So I save everyone that grief and don't start those myself. I let someone qualified do it, at least until the day comes that maybe I do feel like I could lead something like that effectively.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
Not even close. Frequency counts. Every few seconds? Sure, that's spam. Waiting long enough for things to change (someone new zones in, a league returns after finishing their last trial, a team exits a mission) and then trying again? That's just trying again.
It'd be nice if everyone could be as proactive as some, but a lot of players don't feel comfortable starting up their own trials. It's kind of daunting. I know I myself would never attempt to lead anything that wasn't a BAF, Lambda, or Keyes trial, simply because I don't feel I know all the ins and outs of other trials well enough to explain them to a group of twenty people in mid-battle. I'm perfectly comfortable participating in a TPN or MoM or Diabolique trial, but if I tried to lead one, it'd be a mess and likely a failure. So I save everyone that grief and don't start those myself. I let someone qualified do it, at least until the day comes that maybe I do feel like I could lead something like that effectively. |
Not everybody is in the zone all at the same time to see the first message.
How stupid a comment?
They repeat a message so that "new log-ins and zone-ins" will know they are interested in a group.
The more people sending messages to the same channel and the more population and traffic in a zone the faster you should expect people to send messages.
Ever try to talk to someone right next to you in a room full of people doing the same?
Nobody means to talk loudly, but their voices, all relatively similar soundwaves, amplify or cancel each other out such that everyone ends up needing to increase their volume just to be heard at close range.
In the case of the game, a chat channel gets spammed by so many people, or people go in and out of range so quickly(zoning and logging), that the "volume" and speed of chat messages needs to increase to catch the attention of the intended target.
This is especially true if you can't send private messages.(This is why I would think it better to allow F2P private message access first. They can't spam multiple people this way and get annoyed in a global channel such as Help when people ignore their only method of communicating easily. Communication is a necessity, not a privilege.)
So, I don't see any problem with somebody even spamming so long as they have about 30 seconds or more between messages, in the same chat channel.
I have a problem with people who judge people way too early and harshly when they are also likely guilty of similar/same at other times.
Apologies to this person, but this isn't how it's done...
Seen in Dark Astoria:
[Broadcast] <redacted>: lf magi farm
[Broadcast] <redacted>: lf magi farm
[Broadcast] <redacted>: lf magi farm
[Broadcast] <redacted>: i give up, maybe later
and half:
If you want on a trial, either wait for the one you want to form, or form one yourself. Don't try to summon other people to do something for you.
"But Guy! Some people are nervous or antisocial or whatever and can't lead or form trials or task forces!" That's fine, and I understand that. Their option is then to wait for one to form. Because the only other course of action is to leechplatter, and that's not an option.
Remember, we're all here because we want to be, and people don't generally want to drop what they're doing to form a trial or task force just because someone is looking for a group running it. Wait or form and, uh... good luck will follow you all of your days?