Returning Player - State of the Game.




Hello, I'm a returning player. I stopped playing City of Heroes shortly before the architect missions were added. Maybe people remember? Doubt it. Anyways..

I'm wondering what the state of the game is, it seems populated enough on Freedom, my question is more about grouping. I've seen pretty much nonstop spam for "Farming", which seems to be something to do with the architect system (Which I feared would happen..).

Do people run task forces anymore, Hazard zones and the like? Right now the game seems rather different than what I remember.

I guess a second question would be are there any Freedom based Hero supergroups interested in mature (Age wise) returning players who are not really interested in farming, but doing story arcs?

@Golden Angel
Power Clover - Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
Arcane Clover - Emp/Psy Defender - Freedom



if you are seeing lots of farming requests you are probably on the Freedom server.
move to Virtue - just as populated, little farming.

Lots of teaming, lots of task forces.

You will see teams doing the Hollows and other old content but not often. But if you start a team doing that sort of thing you will get people to join you.



Ah, I have no free slots left to move server, but If I get into the game I'll buy a server transfer.

@Golden Angel
Power Clover - Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
Arcane Clover - Emp/Psy Defender - Freedom



Freedom has always been the unofficial farming server.

There are PLENTY of regular mish and tf teams though on just have to step outside of Atlas Park

Since you have not done them I would suggest getting to level 2 then running a DFB (Death From Below) it is a low level sewer trial for teams of 4-8. It will get you to lvl 6-7 easily and it is fun. Then I would suggest revisiting the was revamped some after you left. Once you are lvl 15 there is another lowbie trial called DiB (Drowning in Blood) which is also fun. Both of the lower level trials give you a temporary power/boost which can be quite useful.

Freedom and Virtue are the most populated servers and they both have their own pros/cons. Not sure if you have a level 50 toon, but if you do you may wanna read up on the Incarnate System...the new end game me that is the best part of this game now. The incarnate system is for VIP players only though..not sure if you are premium or VIP.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Chances are I'll either transfer characters to Virtue, or role a new one later. I'm not a VIP yet, planning on becoming one in a few weeks once I have some spare funds, if I am still playing then.

@Golden Angel
Power Clover - Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
Arcane Clover - Emp/Psy Defender - Freedom



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Freedom has always been the unofficial farming server.

There are PLENTY of regular mish and tf teams though on just have to step outside of Atlas Park

Since you have not done them I would suggest getting to level 2 then running a DFB (Death From Below) it is a low level sewer trial for teams of 4-8. It will get you to lvl 6-7 easily and it is fun. Then I would suggest revisiting the was revamped some after you left. Once you are lvl 15 there is another lowbie trial called DiB (Drowning in Blood) which is also fun. Both of the lower level trials give you a temporary power/boost which can be quite useful.

Freedom and Virtue are the most populated servers and they both have their own pros/cons. Not sure if you have a level 50 toon, but if you do you may wanna read up on the Incarnate System...the new end game me that is the best part of this game now. The incarnate system is for VIP players only though..not sure if you are premium or VIP.
Ok what are Virtue's cons out of curiosity?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I remember you, hi hi. Do you still play, if so.. What server?

@Golden Angel
Power Clover - Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
Arcane Clover - Emp/Psy Defender - Freedom



Originally Posted by Golden_Angel View Post
I remember you, hi hi. Do you still play, if so.. What server?
Don't worry, even if you're on the same server the odds are pretty good you won't meet.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden_Angel View Post
I'm wondering what the state of the game is, it seems populated enough on Freedom, my question is more about grouping. I've seen pretty much nonstop spam for "Farming", which seems to be something to do with the architect system (Which I feared would happen..).
Well, it's like this: most of the calls for farming are done in broadcast, while a lot (maybe even most) of the calls for task forces and such are done on global channels.

Every server is going to have one or more channels that focus on task forces, one or more for badge hunting, etc. Check in your server section to see what channels are available on your server for the things that interest you.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Golden_Angel View Post
I remember you, hi hi. Do you still play, if so.. What server?
I still play, and I'm on every server

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Well, it's like this: most of the calls for farming are done in broadcast, while a lot (maybe even most) of the calls for task forces and such are done on global channels.

Every server is going to have one or more channels that focus on task forces, one or more for badge hunting, etc. Check in your server section to see what channels are available on your server for the things that interest you.
Exactly this. If you have enough tokens to have global channels unlocked i'd suggest looking in the forum section for whichever server you plan to play on to see what global channels are used by players for that server.

If you can't immediately find a list there's always asking in the Player Questions section. It usually doesn't take someone long to respond.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden_Angel View Post
Chances are I'll either transfer characters to Virtue, or role a new one later. I'm not a VIP yet, planning on becoming one in a few weeks once I have some spare funds, if I am still playing then.
If you're into PvP or hard core leveling up and mechanics... then you want a farming and PvP server like Freedom.

When you subscribe, you get one free Server Transfer per month.

See this link for what you missed.

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Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok what are Virtue's cons out of curiosity?
Well this is just from my not saying it is 100% reflective of the server/players:

It can be very cliquish

The RP can get very annoying if you are not into RP

I found that on Virtue more people are into "hooking up", ERP, etc... I come to play not flirt/cyber.

I found regular leveling slower through missions etc...not sure if it's because the people i played with were into RP and talked a lot...or maybe it's because their powers were selected for RP purposes and not so much getting the job done hehehe.

These are the things that drove me away from Virtue... YMMV. AGAIN I am not saying this is ALL of Virtue, or even MOST of is just reflective of the experience I had playing there for approx 9-10 months in 2010-2011.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Welcome back to the game GA.

If youre seeing massive farm broadcasts, it probably means Atlas Park is the setting. Get out of there, run some teams, TFs etc and youll be fine. I personally dont judge all of Freedom on farming/PLing based in AP anymore than I judge the whole of Virtue on the RP regularly taking place in Pocket D.

When I can play, Im on Virtue and Freedom...I enjoy both. Get into an active SG coalition, jump on the chat channels and you'll have fun either way you decide to go.

Freedom Channels -

Virtue Channels -


"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I still play, and I'm on every server
Undercover agent for the Devs

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
it is just reflective of the experience I had playing there for approx 9-10 months in 2010-2011.
You must've had crappish luck, then. Sorry 'bout that.

For OP and Ultimus, Virtue's cons can be pretty well avoided if you stay out of Pocket D. Even if you're into RP. Everywhere else is pretty good about forming up teams. Always a sewer trial in Atlas Park, always an incarnate trial in Dark Astoria. And PuG teams form regularly, both RP and non.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
You must've had crappish luck, then. Sorry 'bout that.

For OP and Ultimus, Virtue's cons can be pretty well avoided if you stay out of Pocket D. Even if you're into RP. Everywhere else is pretty good about forming up teams. Always a sewer trial in Atlas Park, always an incarnate trial in Dark Astoria. And PuG teams form regularly, both RP and non.
So last night i logged on with my 34 WS on Virtue and set my LFT flag to any and was discussing what was going on in a couple global channels and within two or three minutes received an invite to a team running assorted level 28 story arc missions. Now this wasn't really an RP team, just a group of players throwing themselves at groups of purple and red mobs. Entertaining despite the occasional teamwipe and everyone had fun. Well, except the Tanker who was apparently upset at not being the essential unique lynchpin snowflake. Seriously, they were doing a fine job managing aggro and helping take down enemies, but they logged off because they weren't "needed". Which prompted some facepalming and discussion afterwards since several us pointed out that no single player on the team was needed; we had a mix of ATs with overlapping roles.

But i digress...

In my experience you have to seek out an RP team in order to find one on Virtue. Most teams are just players running missions where anywhere from none to most teammates tend to chat in character while doing the mission. To find a team that stands around RPing instead of blowing stuff up generally requires a conscious effort. Some of the the more pretentious, cliquish RPers could possibly be annoying to interact with, but generally you have to go looking for them, they won't be seeking you.

Catgirls... aren't nearly as common as xX DarKdeatHlord Xx types with bios that say "Is the strongest their is!" on Virtue. Actually catgirls aren't all that common on any server, but i think that probably GG's pet allergies and/or aversion to felines make it seem more common to her.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually catgirls aren't all that common on any server, but i think that probably GG's pet allergies and/or aversion to felines make it seem more common to her.
I love cats

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
she's not undercover



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
she's not undercover
I'm not an agent

Although I think that being a spy would be quite fun

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thanks for the welcomes people. Decided to roll up a new tank and defender. Most likely going to put money into a subscription next week. Just need a server to move too, I'm thinking Virtue.

If anyone wants to chat, invite me to a super group or send me death threats, my handle is @Golden Angel

@Golden Angel
Power Clover - Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
Arcane Clover - Emp/Psy Defender - Freedom



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Well this is just from my not saying it is 100% reflective of the server/players:

It can be very cliquish

The RP can get very annoying if you are not into RP
I hardly ever run into RP in the wild, but I suppose people do from time to time.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I found that on Virtue more people are into "hooking up", ERP, etc... I come to play not flirt/cyber.
You were definitely in Pocket D when you reached this conclusion.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I found regular leveling slower through missions etc...not sure if it's because the people i played with were into RP and talked a lot...or maybe it's because their powers were selected for RP purposes and not so much getting the job done hehehe.
That's right. We're a bunch of ERP catgirls that don't know how to play.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
These are the things that drove me away from Virtue... YMMV. AGAIN I am not saying this is ALL of Virtue, or even MOST of is just reflective of the experience I had playing there for approx 9-10 months in 2010-2011.
Anecdotal evidence varies from person to person. I've had a lot of bad experiences on "Freedumb". I've seen a few BAFs that went way worse than any I'd ever seen on Virtue. The farm and PL spam is a constant annoyance. I also tend to get a lot of blind invites- even to SGs!



From what I've experienced from Freedom so far its a big game of "Spot of the Avengers".

@Golden Angel
Power Clover - Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
Arcane Clover - Emp/Psy Defender - Freedom