Returning Player - State of the Game.




Originally Posted by Golden_Angel View Post
From what I've experienced from Freedom so far its a big game of "Spot of the Avengers".
That's not only on Freedom of course. It's still not as bad as when you couldn't throw a snowball in AP without hitting a DBZ imitator. Of course that was at its peak years before we got the snowball power, much less the facepalm emote, but it was also funny since a majority seemed to be Energy/Energy Blasters with descriptions of them being the toughest/strongest there is or some such and they'd usually spend a large chunk of the time faceplanted in actual missions...

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
I hardly ever run into RP in the wild, but I suppose people do from time to time.

You were definitely in Pocket D when you reached this conclusion.

That's right. We're a bunch of ERP catgirls that don't know how to play.

Anecdotal evidence varies from person to person. I've had a lot of bad experiences on "Freedumb". I've seen a few BAFs that went way worse than any I'd ever seen on Virtue. The farm and PL spam is a constant annoyance. I also tend to get a lot of blind invites- even to SGs!
I never said anything about catgirls and specifically said I doubt this reflected MOST of Virtue. I do have to say though....for a server that prides itself on it's RP...always seems people try to downplay the RP when trying to convince others to play on Virtue. That is what got me to transfer a toon to Virtue...a friend played there "Oh the RP isn't there if you don't wanna deal with it etc." Seems every PUG I ended up in had RP. The toon I transferred to Virtue was a female toon..and I got no less than 50 unsolicited tells in 9 months about how "sexy" I was... So much so I put it in my bio that I was a guy...which didn't slow it down much LOL! Like I said: YMMV. I prefer Freedom for it's fast paced, min/max, trial/tf galore playstyle. People say min/max like it is a bad thing on these forums, but I just look at it at trying to make your character the best it can be...which is what I enjoy about CoH (and Mids woot!).

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I never said anything about catgirls and specifically said I doubt this reflected MOST of Virtue. I do have to say though....for a server that prides itself on it's RP...always seems people try to downplay the RP when trying to convince others to play on Virtue.
That's because most of us who play on Virtue are aware that it's the "unofficial RP server", and not in any way official, and that RP on teams is something you normally have to look for if you want it.

That's more true now than ever. The reason "we" try to "downplay" the RP is that it's not really that common unless you go looking for it. Seriously.

In a way i almost envy you. See, while i don't actively look for RP most of the time i find it entertaining when it shows up in a PuG. Yet somehow i almost never seem to run into it and yet you who apparently dislike it find it everywhere you go. i guess it's sort of like how cats are always drawn to the person who has allergies.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
That's because most of us who play on Virtue are aware that it's the "unofficial RP server", and not in any way official, and that RP on teams is something you normally have to look for if you want it.

That's more true now than ever. The reason "we" try to "downplay" the RP is that it's not really that common unless you go looking for it. Seriously.

In a way i almost envy you. See, while i don't actively look for RP most of the time i find it entertaining when it shows up in a PuG. Yet somehow i almost never seem to run into it and yet you who apparently dislike it find it everywhere you go. i guess it's sort of like how cats are always drawn to the person who has allergies.
LOL must be.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm not an agent

Although I think that being a spy would be quite fun
You may not be an agent...but you could be! Click here!

I can picture Golden Girl going on Griever Patrol. *nods*

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I still play, and I'm on every server
Even on Union?!

How times change.



Seems every PUG I ended up in had RP. The toon I transferred to Virtue was a female toon..and I got no less than 50 unsolicited tells in 9 months about how "sexy" I was... So much so I put it in my bio that I was a guy...which didn't slow it down much LOL!
This is such a trap. But fine.

Those two aren't actually connected. Roleplaying is not ERP, and RP is certainly not sexual harrassment regardless of your real-life gender.

Report the sexual harrassment and get rid of the perps.

Report the -actual- ERP if it's in a public space. Don't get it confused with roleplaying in a reasonable setting. For example, if you'd get annoyed at what two people were doing when you're in the cinema trying to watch the movie - then it's probably overstepping the rules in-game too.

Not that I've ever actually managed to run into actual ongoing ERP in game, in public or private. Don't know how people manage this.

You think all RPers actually like being lumped in with the ERP and sexual harrassment? It's offensive. It's as bad as lumping all PvPers in with the trash-talking gankers.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



So I started up a Inv/SS tanker, a Emp/Psy defender (To replace Golden Angel) and some kind of scrapper or blaster at some point are in the plans.

Did a task force on Freedom, good group, very quickly got together. So surprised by how busy the game still is after all this time!

@Golden Angel
Power Clover - Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
Arcane Clover - Emp/Psy Defender - Freedom



Originally Posted by Golden_Angel View Post
So surprised by how busy the game still is after all this time!
Quality always lasts longer

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
That's right. We're a bunch of ERP catgirls that don't know how to play.
Hmm...I currently have 14 toons on Victory, but only 5 server transfer tokens...
