Why aren't you playing a Mastermind

Agent White



Complete inefficiency doing speed content. Simple enough.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Ummmm NO that would have been directed toward the OP for this thread who wrote and I quote:

Who at the very least makes it sound like all MMs do is unleash pets and stand back and watch the carnage. Sorry if for some reason you took my post to be aimed at you. I don't even recall what you posted to be honest. I'll have to go look now.
Apologies then, without a quote or indicator to show who exactly replies are too I tend to assume that comments are pointed towards the previous poster.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Here's my dirty little secret for pet micromanaging... I don't. It's either all out aggressive or passive or, sometimes for strategy, Body Guard mode. Situational awareness, movement, and Team Teleport is the best pet control power, IMO.

Also, I let 'em die and resummon... no fretting over their 'death.'

Speed runs love my pets because they clean up the stragglers or rezzers for kill-alls while the Brutes forge ahead. Or, I'm sending pets to the next spawn ahead of the group.

Lambda? I solo crates.

But I can see how people who don't like playing a defender don't like MMs. On my MMs, I feel like a Defender with my own team of death.

Oh, and the crazy agroing of pets trials with 'Bosses' is fixed in a patch on Beta. Coming 'soon' to Live.

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I had a Ninja/Storm and while all the chaos you unleash is fun (tornados and thunderstorms flying all over) it was too much of a hassle running around with Hurricane keeping things packed in to benefit from the massive tohit debuff (obnoxious Repel mechanic) and the pets being too squishy eventually got that MM permanently shelved. I pretty much refused to play the buff-oriented MMs before the casts became AoE for the same reason I hated Kinetics--I hate having to spend most of my time individually reapplying short-duration buffs. Since the quality of life improvement I tried out a Ninja/FF which is quite enjoyable. Pets are defensive enough to not be splattered constantly, and I can focus on Smoke Flashing to beef up the Oni's widespread damage or Jounin's nice single target choppy-choppy, and occasionally popping off cones of arrows.

I did try out a Demon/Trick Arrow once (just because TA is so lame on Corruptors or Defenders) and thought the lit up oil slicks blazing with demon fire sure were neat. Guess being able to insta-hold bosses when focusing Ice Arrow with the Prince was okay. Demons were pretty neat--might need to give them a second shake. A real shame TA is otherwise just so...one-trick arrow. Such a mediocre set that others outshine. Mercs are rather meh damage without slotting in Achilles' Heel procs (Thugs >), Bots are just kind of boring and blehcros have that terrible Lich and his wonderful uncontrollable knockback cone. Dunno about beasts since I didn't buy them.

I wish MMs had a really Advanced pet controls screen where you could check on and off what powers you want them to use so you could have more control over their behaviors. Nothing like having to tell a dumb-butt ninja to stop shooting his dinky little arrow and get into melee range to go to it with his ninja blade. Alternately, tell the range-oriented pets to not run into melee range to use their awesome Brawl attack.

One thing I do hate is you still occasionally have maps where the pets simply disappear, stuck in an elevator limbo loop. I wish Team Teleport would summon them out of that. (oh, and MM is the only AT I've ever seen Team TP useful on )



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Here's my dirty little secret for pet micromanaging... I don't. It's either all out aggressive or passive or, sometimes for strategy, Body Guard mode. Situational awareness, movement, and Team Teleport is the best pet control power, IMO.

Also, I let 'em die and resummon... no fretting over their 'death.'

Speed runs love my pets because they clean up the stragglers or rezzers for kill-alls while the Brutes forge ahead. Or, I'm sending pets to the next spawn ahead of the group.

Lambda? I solo crates.

But I can see how people who don't like playing a defender don't like MMs. On my MMs, I feel like a Defender with my own team of death.

Oh, and the crazy agroing of pets trials with 'Bosses' is fixed in a patch on Beta. Coming 'soon' to Live.
See, the thing is I LOVE my Emp/Psi defender. With her, I can turn the entire team into walking, stompy death machines that nearly never die. I can make blasters fire nukes and then keep on trucking, because Adrenaline Boost negates the Nukes -rec. I can make Scrappers and Stalkers as tough as a Tank. I can stop squishies getting mezzed.

My MM doesn't feel that good. If anything, I feel like a damn liability, because my Primary set is only doing what it's meant to be doing 50% of the time, if that. I don't have *any* control over where and when my Assault Bot uses his missiles, or when my Protectors use their seeker drones and healing ray. For a set that is all about 'control'...MM's still actually have very little. Even less than they are meant to, given the state of pet A.I. Which annoys the bolts out of me...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
See, the thing is I LOVE my Emp/Psi defender. With her, I can turn the entire team into walking, stompy death machines that nearly never die. I can make blasters fire nukes and then keep on trucking, because Adrenaline Boost negates the Nukes -rec. I can make Scrappers and Stalkers as tough as a Tank. I can stop squishies getting mezzed.

My MM doesn't feel that good. If anything, I feel like a damn liability, because my Primary set is only doing what it's meant to be doing 50% of the time, if that. I don't have *any* control over where and when my Assault Bot uses his missiles, or when my Protectors use their seeker drones and healing ray. For a set that is all about 'control'...MM's still actually have very little. Even less than they are meant to, given the state of pet A.I. Which annoys the bolts out of me...
Uhh that only happens if you stay in BGmode and afk your way through a mission. If you have proper macros you can control your pets much better. I macro my assault bot attack to my taunt and it works alot better while the rest stay in BG and keep me safe.



MMs can be an acquired taste, or some just love it, and some just hate it. but i love MMs. i dont play them often because i have altitis and there are a lot of ATs. The ones i do have, i adore and they kick ***. i even have one petless [can of worms! XD].

i dont play all the powersets though, for these reasons:

demons - too big and ugly and noisy. too bad they dont look like any of the other zillion demons in game. anything else would work for me.

bots - im not big into tech themes

beasts- to many damn wolves, lame looking lvl 18 extra power. damn. wolves.

that leaves ninjas, zombs, thugs and mercs... which i all have MM's of at various levels, a couple 50's. as for secondaries: i usually stick with Dark, Storm, Poison, Pain dom or maaaaaaybe Forcefield. I just dont like the other sets. those five i find either wicked fun or wicked useful for the AT, and usually compliment my primary or theme. storm dark and poison are much more interactive sets than some of the more shield based sets. and the epic pools round out my characters survivability and versatility.

it's one of my favorite ATs. I just started a beast/storm to give that powerset another try. we'll see how that ends up. what would make me stick with MM's a lot more would be pet customization, but that's a different topic i suppose.

still... badge unlocked alt pet models of in-game enemy group NPC's please! it only makes sense

and i'm so just not into meelee. :shrug: standing in one place and taunting enemies to you is not for me. i like to blast them across the room, run up to them, and blast them away again. yes, i am also into knockback when it's used in a smart and effective way. keeps my MM face pretty.



Why aren't you playing a Mastermind
Because I hate them.

'Nuff said.

I can't stand the playstyle, and I hate being a buff bot to stupid teams. And a Mastermind's pets are a REALLY stupid team.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I can't stand the playstyle, and I hate being a buff bot to stupid teams. And a Mastermind's pets are a REALLY stupid team.
Maybe that's the deciding factor, then. I like being a leader to teams that listen to me. MM pets are stupid, but they DO listen.

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Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Uhh that only happens if you stay in BGmode and afk your way through a mission. If you have proper macros you can control your pets much better. I macro my assault bot attack to my taunt and it works alot better while the rest stay in BG and keep me safe.
With a Bots/Traps it's nearly impossible to 'afk' yourself through a mission. Believe me, I try controlling them. They just don't want to know about this 'ranged' malarky, when they clearly want nothing more than to punch ALL the EBs and AVs in the face.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
With a Bots/Traps it's nearly impossible to 'afk' yourself through a mission. Believe me, I try controlling them. They just don't want to know about this 'ranged' malarky, when they clearly want nothing more than to punch ALL the EBs and AVs in the face.
Yeah I guess. Bot/trap is overrated especially in incarnate content. A good secondary with reliable -tohit and any amount of heals makes life much easier especially for bots that can't slot the other pet procs.



I deleted my only lvl 50 MM but I've got a couple more brewing but they are very different to my preferred ATs and take a lot more work

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
With a Bots/Traps it's nearly impossible to 'afk' yourself through a mission. Believe me, I try controlling them. They just don't want to know about this 'ranged' malarky, when they clearly want nothing more than to punch ALL the EBs and AVs in the face.
Then there's the Bruiser who always opens with a long activation time rock throw when he should be up close smashing. The arsonist, of course, runs right on in to the melee.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Then there's the Bruiser who always opens with a long activation time rock throw when he should be up close smashing. The arsonist, of course, runs right on in to the melee.
The way I can best sum up my frustration with my MM;

Imagine that you have six pets...and they are all Arsonists.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



well, as I said before, i have one of everything, and i have a demons/poison mm, its fun in small doses, but , to borrow alpha's thing for a second, I want to punch all the av's/eb's, gm's and npc's in the face..or rather kick them in the face. mm's generally cater to a playstyle of standing back, running the show and not getting your hands dirty much, and that's great, but I didn't even use weapon based characters till the carrot of weapon customization lured me in, I kind of like to be the fighter, not control the fighters from a somewhat safe distance.



To the title question.
My reason. My first villain to lvl 50 was a Mastermind... a bots/FF.
I had all my commands to the pets on my numpad, played it as good as i could, but I found it boring. I had decided that I wanted to unlock the Veat, so I did get the mm to 50. Now... she is simply gathering dust!

My playstyle is blapper and I love blasters/dominators and Def/corrs, so that must be my second reason.

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Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
To the title question.
My reason. My first villain to lvl 50 was a Mastermind... a bots/FF.
I had all my commands to the pets on my numpad, played it as good as i could, but I found it boring. I had decided that I wanted to unlock the Veat, so I did get the mm to 50. Now... she is simply gathering dust!

My playstyle is blapper and I love blasters/dominators and Def/corrs, so that must be my second reason.
I love the MM AT, but I could never play one with FF secondary.




I have a Ninja/Poison MM I play from time to time. I love the character concept, but I the actual gameplay frustrating: I am extremely reliant on my halfwitted flunkies to do anything, and their bumbling gets old rather quickly. It's a bit like trying to cook while wearing boxing gloves, I suspect.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
So bad is this problem in Lambda, that I actually ended up deleting my baby Beast MM over it. Too many times the league is sitting at the main door, waiting for it to be time to acid the portals shut when all of a sudden, golly gee look! All of someone's Beasts, lead by that most annoying Direwolf [and does that thing ever SHUT UP, and here I was thinking Demons were bad...!].... when all the Beast pets break lose and make for Marauder as if they were so many arrows speeding to a bulls-eye. And suddenly its on, whether we are ready or not. Nice.

The MM in question always says they're trying to heel, but the pets are ignoring him or her. Is this true? I dont know, and have little inclination to find out. I'm not getting another MM to 50 only to find they cant participate in half the end-game content anyways: as it is My MMs have yet to run LAM, TPN, Keyes or MoM - I may be crazy, but stupid I am not. The people I see dragging MMs through these trials almost never make a decent fist of it and end up causing tons of trouble.

I always unsummon my pets for the warehouse run on Lambda; actually, I usually unsummon them when we start the turret sweep, and I don't resummon them until we're ready to charge Marauder. Which is annoying, since I didn't take any of the attacks (I just use Veteran powers when soloing). Still, being largely useless is much better than being far worse than useless. :-/


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Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
I have a Ninja/Poison MM I play from time to time. I love the character concept, but I the actual gameplay frustrating: I am extremely reliant on my halfwitted flunkies to do anything, and their bumbling gets old rather quickly. It's a bit like trying to cook while wearing boxing gloves, I suspect.

I always unsummon my pets for the warehouse run on Lambda; actually, I usually unsummon them when we start the turret sweep, and I don't resummon them until we're ready to charge Marauder. Which is annoying, since I didn't take any of the attacks (I just use Veteran powers when soloing). Still, being largely useless is much better than being far worse than useless. :-/


than maybe MM play isnt suited to your style.

i always take the MM attacks. and i usually have most of my secondary set as well. again, depending on which secondary you have, is your versatility as a "useful character"... so do epic pools... i can find plenty to do if the battle is heated and i am unable to re-summon my pets, or if i prefer to not use them for the particular task.

and i usually remain far enough away and do not have a target selected if i don't want them to attack anything just in case the pet AI goes loopy like it sometimes does.

most of the pet sets are ok. zombies are pretty sweet. and again /storm or /dark have plenty of other abilities to use if your pets all die, that can benefit a team, plenty to do. both even have pseudo-pets you can use.

some pets are better suited to turret sweeping, some are not. too bad there aren't any flying pets right now :/



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
You answered your own question, at least where it concerns me.

I'm not against Controller/Dom pets (Or random 1 offs like Dark Servant/Extraction), because I don't feel that they overshadow my character, but basically all a MM IS is a pocket (de)buffer for it's own pets, and I for one find that INCREDIBLY boring.
Same here.



I run a mastermind, but I found it to be too slow and cumbersome, not free to fly around and whack things themselves. I felt like something kinetic was removed from my gameplay with them.

Efficient and effective AT, though.



I've been playing my Beast/Sonic MM steadily since Beast Mastery was released. It is awesome. MM tactics are completely different from every other AT in this game, so it's refreshing to play something so unique. It certainly is making it hard for me to play anything else right now.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



My first 50 Villain was a Merc/Traps MM. She's evolved a little bit over the years, but I still play her with a strong emphasis of support. She has the Medicine and Leadership PP's, and is overall a very active set. Placing mines, caltrops and traps while the pets do the heavy lifting and tossing-out the occasional heal or self-heal as needed.

She excels in BAF's, and is so-so with Lambdas (depends a bit on team composition). Mercs don't have quite the DPS as Thugs, but they dish-out more debuffs (stuns, -def, occasional KB and heals).

Like every other MM, I wish the AI was a bit better, but I've learned to work around their shortcomings most of the time. Like Zombie Man, sometimes letting the pets run free actually works better than trying to overly micromanage them, although I do make fairly liberal use of "Move to this location".

I haven't played any other MM yet mainly because most of the other alternatives haven't piqued any concepts for me yet. I'm not a big fan of Ninjas or Undead, I'm on the fence with Demons, Thugs are a little too close to my beloved Mercs, and Bots just never did much for me. Beast mastery has caught my fancy, and I will probably start one of them up in the near future.