Suggestion: Make Grey Mobs Give Inf/Exp
Yeah, no. I know it seems like it can't be exploited if it's just 1 inf, but I'm sure someone would find a way.
Even assuming it couldn't be exploited, I'd still say no. Heroism is its own reward. Superman doesn't stop muggings because he gets a dime every time he does it (which he doesn't, by the way), he stops muggings because he's a nice dude and despite his nigh-godlike abilities (depending on the writer), he's not above helping an average person. Victims already thank you when you save them, if you're really a hero that ought to be more than enough.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Yeah, no. I know it seems like it can't be exploited if it's just 1 inf, but I'm sure someone would find a way.
Even assuming it couldn't be exploited, I'd still say no. Heroism is its own reward. Superman doesn't stop muggings because he gets a dime every time he does it (which he doesn't, by the way), he stops muggings because he's a nice dude and despite his nigh-godlike abilities (depending on the writer), he's not above helping an average person. Victims already thank you when you save them, if you're really a hero that ought to be more than enough. |
Whereas now, it the message is "ignore these guys, they con grey."
It's won't have an effect on game balance, but it would be a nice way to highlight the difference between the superhero experience vs "the other guys".
TW/Elec Optimization
Then you'd have level 50+3 Incarnates going around and using Judgement all over the lowbie zones for some quick 1infs.
IIRC, you already get a small reward for taking out purse snatchers.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
This can be Exploited and people won't do any real content any more and just do Sweep cleaning all day.
No thx I will pass on this, we been fine since this game came out, no reason to change how things are set up now.
If you want Influence Hunt DA Mobs for your Incarnates or whatever mobs you may face at your lvl range.
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus
Because when I am playing my purpled/incarnated 50 and I stop to defeat a purse-snatching Hellion in AP, it would make me feel happy to get even the 1 inf. A reward for doing small things, even when I could be defeating demi-gods. |
Material rewards I don't support, but a badge or other ephemeral mark of respect I'd totally support.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
But in this game, influence =/ dollars. Influence is a reward for doing something that helped the world (infamy = the opposite). Getting even 1 inf for defeating a hellion would say "hey, this isn't worth much, but it means something".
Whereas now, it the message is "ignore these guys, they con grey." It's won't have an effect on game balance, but it would be a nice way to highlight the difference between the superhero experience vs "the other guys". |
Only reason we get money in this game because well this is a Video Game and that why.
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus
I am laughing out loud at the idea of 1 inf kills being exploitable. Do the math, and realize that 1 inf is not something possible to exploit. Let me put it simply: even if your T4 Ion Judgement recharged in one second and hit max targets continually, you still would be getting less than 40 inf a second. Ir would be physically impossible giving max targets limits to make this as rewarding as killing even a single even level minion every few minutes.
I literally would donate every single enhancement, recipe, and scrap of influence to a person that could come up with a legitimate way to exploit 1 inf drops. And I'm not exactly poor.
Anyway, I think people are viewing influence as money. But influence is simply a reward for doing something in game, not gold. Sure, we use it the same way, but this wouldn't be a way of forcing people to farm hellions. Instead, it would just show that even the lowest of the low are still worth something. Therefore, current gray mobs are "worth nothing", and less superhero-ey.
And yes, I'd support a badge or other token for doing small-time good deeds.
TW/Elec Optimization
Oddly, I was only this morning thinking there ought to be a badge for foiling purse-snatchers. I have a hard time passing them by even when I'm tooling through Atlas or King's Row on one of my 50's.
Material rewards I don't support, but a badge or other ephemeral mark of respect I'd totally support. |
Anyway, I think people are viewing influence as money. But influence is simply a reward for doing something in game, not gold. Sure, we use it the same way
So, yes. Influence/Infamy/Information is money. Honestly, even RPing the other way makes *zero* sense. Let's take a typical transaction and make influence "influence."
"Hi. I'd like to change my costume. I was thinking about just going to something casual for those off days, just jeans and a T-shirt."
"I'm sorry, I don't think you're quite good enough for jeans and a T-shirt. I can change the color of your tights if you'd like."
"No, thanks."
Character goes to auction house. Puts a luck charm on the market where some unknown person or mechanic pays 30,000 inf. Character goes back to Icon.
"Hey. I just gave some unknown person a ring."
"OH MY GOD, you're WONDERFUL, you FABULOUS person you! Let me get RIGHT on that costume! Jeans, you said? EXCELLENT choice! But wait, you're not quite famous enough for a T-shirt yet."
Person goes to the Natural store and... does.... something - shows someone how to hit someone in a back alley somewhere and stun them, I suppose. (Back Alley Blind Strike.)
"Hey, I showed someone in a store how to hit someone."
"GREAT! Now I can give you a shirt too!"
.... yeah, makes *perfect* sense not to just admit it's currency.
Often the npc you save gives you a bit of influence. Once in a blue moon I will run through atlas and "collect" an entourage of people wanting to thank me(mind, its more for the amusement of having 20 civilians desperate to say thanks before they can despawn than any influence they may or may not give).
I believe the amount is even zone dependant. If I remember correctly, places like founders falls civilians give more influence because it is a richer part of paragon.
Mind you it is about 7.5 years since I paid attention to anything the civilians give me, so that might be incorrect.
I would rather they give an random inspiration drop than influence anyway.
But in this game, influence =/ dollars. Influence is a reward for doing something that helped the world (infamy = the opposite). Getting even 1 inf for defeating a hellion would say "hey, this isn't worth much, but it means something".
Also, sorry, influence in this game is money. See Memphis_Bill's post.
SinisterDirge has the right idea actually, a random inspiration drop would make sense thematically and isn't really anything that could possibly be exploited. A good deed is its own that it inspires you to continue doing good deeds.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
im pretty much never heroside but when i am i usually always ignore them partially cause im always saying im an undercover villain and partially cause i dont care cause of no reward
but for this, to me 1 inf IS essentially no reward, you would have to kill 36,500(43,000 if you are including the leprechaun pet) baddies to get the same reward as i get for a single +4 boss in DA
now if we were talking badges i would "save" poeple all day long for that even though it has no monetary value, just bragging rights to say i have it lol

Like I said, in my mind influence from mobs isn't a gold drop, just the game saying "hey, thanks." Of course, I can see while other people don't feel that way, but maybe because I make about 1% of my money from defeats I have a slightly different reaction.
But because everyone's reaction, I want to say again that I would be fine with inspiration drops or badges. The idea is more for the feeling than the actual benefit.
TW/Elec Optimization
I am for the random insp drop...because you see when I am travelling around on my main toon; regardless of where...if i happen to stop and see someone getting mugged...i go help them.
I am not against the OP's suggestion...and find it hilarious that people think it would be exploitable at 1 inf lol. Seriously?? you somehow think someone is going to make millions off this?? LOL Sometimes I think people on here object just to object lol. There are MUCH easier ways to earn inf/rewards at zero risk in this game.... and at a MUCH MUCH MUCH faster rate.
Just a lil math for you:
Assuming you could kill 1 lvl 1 npc every second (good luck with that..not like there are hundreds of them gathered in one spot respawning every minute)... but even if you could .. it would take you 277 hours to make 1 million inf... yep a lil over 11.5 days of 24 hour a day lvl 1 hunting lol.
60(seconds)*60(minutes)=3600 (# of kills per hour)
1000000(inf)/3600(max kills per hour)=277.77777777777777777777777777778(hours)
277.77777777777777777777777777778(hours)/24=11.574074074074074074074074074074 (days of non stop 1inf farming)
Or you could just go run one AE mission set to -1x8 and make 5 times that with salvage rolls in.. 10 mins.
Yeah... the 1 inf is TOTALLY exploitable LOL!
Assuming you could kill 1 lvl 1 npc every second (good luck with that..not like there are hundreds of them gathered in one spot respawning every minute)... but even if you could .. it would take you 277 hours to make 1 million inf... yep a lil over 11.5 days of 24 hour a day lvl 1 hunting lol.
but as you said and i agree that at 1 inf its still essentially nothing and you would have to kill 5000 baddies for equivalent of 1 lvl 50 baddy

SinisterDirge has the right idea actually, a random inspiration drop would make sense thematically and isn't really anything that could possibly be exploited. A good deed is its own that it inspires you to continue doing good deeds.
As long as the size of the insp dropped is comparable to the NPC getting ganked I see no problem, but I still think badges should be included.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Depends on the size of the inspiration. I sold the green insp from the tutorial yesterday for half a million inf.
As long as the size of the insp dropped is comparable to the NPC getting ganked I see no problem, but I still think badges should be included. |
"Went Out Of Your Way" - You went out of your way to help the citizens of Paragon etc etc
Kill 10,000 grey cons the badge could be: Needs A Real Job :P "Seriously do you have nothing else you could be doing...isn't there an invasion or some AV you should be dealing with?"
Depends on the size of the inspiration. I sold the green insp from the tutorial yesterday for half a million inf.
As long as the size of the insp dropped is comparable to the NPC getting ganked I see no problem, but I still think badges should be included. |
I wouldn't argue for a guaranteed lg skittle for every defeat, but maybe have it give a chance for a large one to drop at 50. 30 to 49 could have the medium skittles open up.
I dont think using someone with more influence than time for an example should be used as an argument against. In the end though, who cares? The prices would drop(not that anyone is required to pay that much), and making billions off of large inspiration sales sounds more tedious than it is worth to me.
To play devils advocate though, one could argue that the game is already too easy, and farming grey spawns for inspirations is completely unnecessary.
I would probably agree.
Haven't read the thread yet, but I would have sworn Enhancement converters drop from grey cons, even the ones far below your level.
If not, then it must have been a bug when my lvl 43 DP blaster was putting out another fire (thank you, Cryo Rounds ) and I had to take down some Hellions, I got 2 during one building fire.
I didn't check to see it they dropped from the fire or from the hellions but I defeated a lot more hellions than fires for 2 to have dropped.
I wouldn't mind converters dropping from greys if they don't already.

Now, this seems a little silly. Why would you reward people for fighting mobs that are completely unable to fight back?
But I'm not talking about giving the same as even greens. I'm talking as little as 1 exp and inf per kill. Why? Because when I am playing my purpled/incarnated 50 and I stop to defeat a purse-snatching Hellion in AP, it would make me feel happy to get even the 1 inf. A reward for doing small things, even when I could be defeating demi-gods. Wouldn't you feel awesome getting that 1 inf for the in-game equivalent of rescuing a kitten from a tree? Sure, it's not much, but 1 is more than nothing. |
Haven't read the thread yet, but I would have sworn Enhancement converters drop from grey cons, even the ones far below your level.
Also have only skimmed the thread, but this is where my head is.
1) You do it for the kitten, not the influence.
2) You still get stuff for greys. Tips, Badges, Converters.
I think they still give inspirations when they chase you and say TY, but I'm not 100% sure.
Which is still not why Superman stops muggings. He doesn't do it for the acclaim, he does it because it's the right thing to do.
And given the pathetic amounts we're talking about here, this is a token reward - whether it's currency or not is a moot point.
That said, there doesn't seem to be a compelling reason to add such a token reward, either. If they were going to go down that road, a badge (or series of badges) would seem like the better way to go.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Now, this seems a little silly. Why would you reward people for fighting mobs that are completely unable to fight back?
But I'm not talking about giving the same as even greens. I'm talking as little as 1 exp and inf per kill.
Because when I am playing my purpled/incarnated 50 and I stop to defeat a purse-snatching Hellion in AP, it would make me feel happy to get even the 1 inf. A reward for doing small things, even when I could be defeating demi-gods.
Wouldn't you feel awesome getting that 1 inf for the in-game equivalent of rescuing a kitten from a tree? Sure, it's not much, but 1 is more than nothing.
TW/Elec Optimization