New Interview With War Witch

Agent White



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
"Villains, already established in the Rogue Isles, are growing a little restless under the thumb of Arachnos and so they’re starting to rebel to form their own group and if I were a name-dropping type, I might mention Captain Castillo and Odysseus actually working with you."
Interesting. That certainly explains all the buildup around Odysseus appearances in recent issues.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I can't help but notice how many times War Witch Task Force was repeated.
She SHOULD have one! Stop the forces of First/Night Ward spilling over into Croatoa!



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
*Applies oil to the hinges*



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
Saw this on the CoH Facebook thread...

Not a lot of new info... EXCEPT THIS:

"Sure! For the 8th Anniversary we gave away the Statesman Salute rewards to pay homage to a great hero, there will also be a new invasion involving the Nemesis (it’s a Nemesis Plot!) who will take over Paragon City and the Rogue Isles."

A Nemesis invasion???? Snipers everywhere, swarms of Jaegers in AP? I like!

Nemesis HORSIES???? Finally???????

@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd be interested to see more about the Archnemesis and Journal ideas that Positron had.
Positron did provide some info on the archnemesis thing ages ago. Not sure if it was on the boards or an interview, but it was pre-cryptic's-other-product-to-remain-nameless. I recall that when I saw that other place's nemesis system I noted how it paled in comparison to Posi's plan (though there were some similarities).

EDIT: it had to be Pre-Issue 8. Found an archived interview talking about I8 with the following:
What happened to the archenemy system, you mentioned some time ago?
It’s sadly on the backburner for now and we’ll not see it in the next 12 to 18 months. I really want it, but it’s a very difficult system to implement, though not impossible.

EDIT: found it- positron's "ask a dev" on these boards. Unfortunately, unavailable, but I found a google cache of another gaming forum where someone reposted it.

Can you tell us anything about the hinted Archenemy system?

I designed (meaning wrote up and worked out) an Archenemy system for City of Heroes where you collected ?tips? about a super-powered Villain, and then when you got enough tips, turned them in and in essence crafted your Archenemy. This Archenemy would show up on your normal missions until you worked out with your Contact that you wanted to ?take him down?. That would spark a short story-arc ending with your Archenemy thrown in the Zig. Tips would then start dropping again, so you could craft a new Archenemy to plague you. Eventually, your rogues? gallery would break out of the Zig and hunt you down collectively, and you?d have to defeat them all and stick them back in jail.

Sound cool? Yeah, I think so to. Problem is, it?s a HUGE system to implement, involving multiple teams to get everything working just right. I?m being a stickler about it too, I don?t want it ?half-implemented? or a simplified version of it done. Stuff keeps coming up that needs one or more of the teams that could be working on Archenemies, so it just has never had a chance to happen... yet. I keep pushing for this, and hope that someday it will be a reality for the users to play with.



I wonder how they'd market a new system now post-Freedom?
We're coming up to 3 Issues now without any new game systems - we've been getting the usual free zones, power sets and costume parts as part of our subs - but would any new game system also be free to VIPs?
Currently, VIPs are marketed as having "full access" to the game - which could imply that any new game systems would be included in the deal too - and that could make pitching ideas for new game systems difficult, as they'd require a lot of development time and resources for a smaller return on the investment - although one possible way of avoiding that would be to make a new game system be part of an expansion pack rather than a stand-along item, which would allow them to sell it to VIPs too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Positron did provide some info on the archnemesis thing ages ago. Not sure if it was on the boards or an interview, but it was pre-cryptic's-other-product-to-remain-nameless. I recall that when I saw that other place's nemesis system I noted how it paled in comparison to Posi's plan (though there were some similarities).

EDIT: it had to be Pre-Issue 8. Found an archived interview talking about I8 with the following:

EDIT: found it- positron's "ask a dev" on these boards. Unfortunately, unavailable, but I found a google cache of another gaming forum where someone reposted it.
Can you tell us anything about the hinted Archenemy system?

I designed (meaning wrote up and worked out) an Archenemy system for City of Heroes where you collected ?tips? about a super-powered Villain, and then when you got enough tips, turned them in and in essence crafted your Archenemy. This Archenemy would show up on your normal missions until you worked out with your Contact that you wanted to ?take him down?. That would spark a short story-arc ending with your Archenemy thrown in the Zig. Tips would then start dropping again, so you could craft a new Archenemy to plague you. Eventually, your rogues? gallery would break out of the Zig and hunt you down collectively, and you'd have to defeat them all and stick them back in jail.

Sound cool? Yeah, I think so to. Problem is, it's a HUGE system to implement, involving multiple teams to get everything working just right. I?m being a stickler about it too, I don't want it 'half-implemented' or a simplified version of it done. Stuff keeps coming up that needs one or more of the teams that could be working on Archenemies, so it just has never had a chance to happen... yet. I keep pushing for this, and hope that someday it will be a reality for the users to play with.
Very nice detective work, Chase. Thanks!
I don't recall reading that before... that is an excellent plan, Positron!!
I hope, some day, the work for it can be done!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I wonder how they'd market a new system now post-Freedom?
We're coming up to 3 Issues now without any new game systems - we've been getting the usual free zones, power sets and costume parts as part of our subs - but would any new game system also be free to VIPs?
Currently, VIPs are marketed as having "full access" to the game - which could imply that any new game systems would be included in the deal too - and that could make pitching ideas for new game systems difficult, as they'd require a lot of development time and resources for a smaller return on the investment - although one possible way of avoiding that would be to make a new game system be part of an expansion pack rather than a stand-along item, which would allow them to sell it to VIPs too.
I'd say that approach started with Going Rogue. Especially since they were planning the new business model before Going Rogue, so I'd say you're right about that.
Of course, they may change that plan, but it's a good guess.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I like the admitting to the fridging of Sister Psyche for Manti, and now eagerly await people starting threads about it! *waits*

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I like the admitting to the fridging of Sister Psyche for Manti, and now eagerly await people starting threads about it! *waits*
I can't help but wonder what the response would be if the roles were reversed and Manti was "fridged" (REALLY hate that term) for Psyche.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
I can't help but wonder what the response would be if the roles were reversed and Manti was "fridged" (REALLY hate that term) for Psyche.
Considering what was going on in the arc, she would have killed us all with her mind.



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
I can't help but wonder what the response would be if the roles were reversed and Manti was "fridged" (REALLY hate that term) for Psyche.
I hate the term too.

But since it was such a big deal to everyone. Even talk of "I stopped reading stories because of that" and seeing those people still around and quiet. It had me wondering why no one was mentioning it now when it happened to a main character, and not some one shot character no one really heard of.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
It had me wondering why no one was mentioning it now when it happened to a main character, and not some one shot character no one really heard of.
Yay selfquote
Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Psyche was clearly a Stuffed Into The Fridge thingy for Manticore.


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

Good news: I've already written a full-on War Witch TF. (And made a trailer for it, too.)

Bad news: Until they fix the AE, no one gets to play it.

This MUST be remedied! I wanna play it now!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
As a follow up, Positron's anniversary letter is up on the main page now - I24 will be dealing with the fallout from the fall of Tyrant and the loyalist dictatorship, and the Battalion will arrive in I25:
The "Summer Blockbuster" sounds like fun.

As for the i24 and 25 thing, that sounds about right. I figured we'd have to deal with Praetorian Hamidon and the fact that removing Tyrant doesn't solve all the problems.



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
The "Summer Blockbuster" sounds like fun.

As for the i24 and 25 thing, that sounds about right. I figured we'd have to deal with Praetorian Hamidon and the fact that removing Tyrant doesn't solve all the problems.
I think that we'll need to deal with loyalists hold outs and Crusader anarchists too - there'll still be some stiff armers who'll fight agaisnt freedom even when their evil master is gone, and there'll also be some Crusaders who find that they've got less of a reason now to back up their love of chaos and anarchy.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I say it's a good time to give the Praetorian side it's own Hamidon Raid.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
I say it's a good time to give the Praetorian side it's own Hamidon Raid.
It wouldn't only be for Praetorians

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I LOVE this- I always wanted a Oro TF where you fight during Brass Monday, this will suffice for now
Ah, Brass Monday. This is the kind of Nemesis invasion I want to experience. I believe that the hindrance to this has always been the amount of new artwork needed to portray a 1932 Paragon City. Perhaps if they tie it to a future event/issue, maybe the resources can be allocated to make it happen. Oh well, one can dream...

Edit: right after I posted, popped up. Oh my.



I hope the only successful way to complete this invansion by Nemesis, is not to beat it, but to just survive it!


I want to see Nemesis succeed! Or at the very least, be seen as a victory for Nemesis

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection