My impression of Staff Fighting (numerical and otherwise)




Originally Posted by Combat View Post
I'm glad you gained some humor from this thread, but I don't think you need to insult me to get a point across.

But let me get this clear:

I NEVER believed I had a perfect understanding of this sort of stuff. It's why I didn't start of this thread with a ton of bad calculations, because I wanted it to mostly be the general feeling I got from the set, which would be fine if I were in favor of it but apparently is horrible when I disapprove of it.

In fact, most of my flailing at the AoE stuff earlier was to try and gain an understanding of how to make an effective process to compare that part of the game. I didn't do it because I thought I knew everything about everything in this game, but because I wanted to know more.

I'm guessing you are attacking my use of the linked logical fallacies when you say that I am reminiscent of probably the worse melee attack in the game.

However, in a way that is disconnected from the reality of this specific argument, most of what I'm saying is true, regardless of whether or not Staff is underpowered.

An argument that basically exists as "What he is saying is ridiculous" without other evidence isn't a valid argument. This is also true of arguments whose form is basically just derisive attacks at the opposition.

Technically even the argument "Combat doesn't know what he is talking about, therefore he is wrong" isn't logically true. That argument is actually the classic form of the Ad Hominem attack.

All of what I said about anecdotal evidence is also pretty much true, regardless of the validity of my data or methods. Anecdotal evidence by itself isn't convincing, because there is no way to guarantee that a person will experience the same thing. Personally, I found my TW character to be very easy to level and the momentum mechanic to be not at all frustrating, but I don't use that as evidence for TW because I can't guarantee my experience to everyone that played it. However, I can guarantee that Barb Swipe will do less damage than Headsplitter, because it will remain constant regardless of the situation or the person that use's those respective sets.
Seriously...stop going to that fallacies page. Your interjection of fallacy fallacy fallacy which started recently is a fallacy in and of itself...interjecting that other's are using fallacious arguments in an attempt to cast yourself and your opinion in a better light is achieving the exact opposite result.

Contrary to what some people think ....this game is not all about is a form of entertainment, relaxation, and escapism. If Staff were as bad as you make it out to be (even though your "data" has been proven time and time again to be flawed) I doubt there would be so many people playing their staff toons...gaining the entertainment, relaxation, and escapist pleasure this game provides. No one has ever claimed Staff to be the most DPA set there is, but this has been known since beta started....and there is no reason it SHOULD be one of/the highest DPA melee set there is.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



The point of an argument is to convince people of something.

So it really doesn't matter if you think an argument is fallacious: If people find the argument convincing, IT'S A GOOD ARGUMENT. And the contrary is also true: It doesn't matter how logical you think your argument is, if no one believes you, IT'S A BAD ARGUMENT.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
However, you ignore the fact that I am playing essentially a completely different version of Staff. In my experience, as a stalker, it does narrow down to a few high health targets. That has been my experience with most of my previous characters as well, especially when teaming. It is possibly that Stalkers get by far the worst deal out of all the staff characters, considering how much stock everyone else is putting in the other forms and having all the AoEs (and early).

And impressions can be of numbers as well as of game-play. In this sense, I used impression as "well, I having tried to make a formula yet to be numerically sure, but it seems a little weak at first glance." And it still does... in single target, which I admit I spend too much time focusing on. In my first post, most of my calculations actually were quite positive, but were based on a single specific build and playstyle. My other 'calculations' were just comparisons of DPAs and pretty basic single target comparisons.
And what makes you think I'm ignoring the fact that you're playing a version of Staff sufficiently different from the other three versions that any perceptions you might have as a result of gameplay would not be directly generalizable to the other versions, even though your commentary on the set is not restricted to that specific version alone? I simply did not reference it, given the fact that the point I did make, which was that you apparently had no experience with any of the four versions before making your initial assertions about the set, superceded that observation.

And I do not accept your characterizations of your follow up posts as being "just" anything. They were explicitly stated by you to represent the justifications you had and the analysis you claimed to have done to reach the conclusions you did, in a completely unambiguous and impossible to misinterpret way. Several times you defended those calculations as being the foundation for your belief that your opinions were not just subjective in nature.

In fact you yourself repeatedly stated that your assertions were not just opinions, but something significantly stronger than that:

So please, don't call me uneducated or worse. I know what I'm talking about. Staff fighting hits a peak early, but the AoEs simply do not deal enough damage to compensate for long animation times. So when I say that it is about equal to War Mace or Battle Axe, it isn't because "it feels like it should be there." It's because they seem similar, looking at the numbers. And War Mace definitely has better single target. See: Clobber.
Here you state, in no uncertain terms, that your evaluation of Staff is not based on subjective feeling at all, but based on the analysis you presented. And when you do that, you cannot simply state that the various calculations and analyses you presented were just tangents to some other point. They were, and are legitimately a valid point of contention when presented as objective and foundational analysis.

Subjective opinions and perceptions are one thing, but once an objective analysis is presented as such, its fair game to be countered with objective counter-analysis. And while you can attempt to repudiate their importance without actually withdrawing them, as I mentioned previously this has a negative impact on credibility. And ultimately, the forums are not populated by a collection of fact-checkers. Most people cannot triple check every single calculations and logical argument for errors. Most of time, readers have to choose to accept most of what they read based on their assessment of the credibility of the speaker: there are insufficient hours in the day for anything else most of the time. Whether someone is credible has no impact on whether they are right or wrong, but it has a huge impact on whether anyone will care if they are right or wrong in the long run.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And what makes you think I'm ignoring the fact that you're playing a version of Staff sufficiently different from the other three versions that any perceptions you might have as a result of gameplay would not be directly generalizable to the other versions, even though your commentary on the set is not restricted to that specific version alone? I simply did not reference it, given the fact that the point I did make, which was that you apparently had no experience with any of the four versions before making your initial assertions about the set, superceded that observation.
Actually, what puzzles me is if it's the Stalker version he was talking about initially why didn't his numerically laden comparisons of Staff to other sets focus more on Stalker sets?

As far as i can recall Combat's focus in the thread is almost entirely about comparing it to set combinations on other ATs and claiming it's inferior because other sets can get additional AoEs from APP/PPP pools. So it would make more sense when actually playing a Staff Stalker to compare it to his other high AoE Stalker builds achieved using the Stalker PPP/APP AoEs.

Or did i miss the extensive writeup on the higher AoE than Staff Stalker builds? i haven't exactly been reading this thread every hour and could have missed the analysis 'demonstrating' how other Stalker set combos have higher ST and equal or better AoE damage than Staff.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Not participating in the "debate", just offering some individual feedback. I am having a ton of fun leveling my staff/inv scrapper, currently lvl 32 (looking forward to throwing the big hitter into the mix now!) I am having more fun than with my other youngish melee chars using the new-school sets (a lvl 24 street justice/sr brute and lvl 26 titan/wp scrapper), which I will likely not pick up again, until I 50 this char. The key for me is the continous AoE chain, which regardless of target caps on the cones really make me feel like a meat grinder. The animations flow together in a way that is viscerally VERY satisfying to me. Having Guarded Spin available as an opener encourages bold spawn diving, which is my preferred playstyle. I can't say I don't miss Build-up, but in some ways it encourages a more continuous gonzo playstyle, which I am embracing.

If you're on Liberty, look me up for stick fighting good times. Trixie Styx (lvl 32 staff/invuln).



My impression of staff fighting is that it does mediocre to subpar single target damage, and slightly above average aoe damage, with soem decent, unique perks.

The real test of how well staff fighting was made will be to see how popular the set remains after people hit 50 with it and the shine wears off. I don't think it will hold up. IMO, it's another dual pistols, all flash and no go. Some will still play it for concept or looks, but that's about it.

Staff supporters are saying that the extra perks are the strength of the set, and while I agree that is what the idea was in how it was designed, the perks don't make up for the mediocre overall damage performance. The plus damage merely attempts to make up for the loss of build up, and offers no to-hit bonus, yet this toggle is almost mandatory if you want to even be competitive with other sets damage-wise, with it off, you're a bottom-feeder. The bonus recharge and endurance the other forms offer are nice while leveling, but become less and less advantageous at higher levels and especially end game. Other sets have a much easier time building endurance management and recharge bonuses than a staff will have trying to increase damage output.

As I guessed before it was released, the only place staff is really competitive is with a stalker, since it retains its above average aoe, and it's damage is boosted thanks to the free damage form, build up, and a heavy hitting single target attack in AS.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
My impression of staff fighting is that it does mediocre to subpar single target damage, and slightly above average aoe damage, with soem decent, unique perks.

The real test of how well staff fighting was made will be to see how popular the set remains after people hit 50 with it and the shine wears off. I don't think it will hold up. IMO, it's another dual pistols, all flash and no go. Some will still play it for concept or looks, but that's about it.
Really? What level's your staff fighter?



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
The real test of how well staff fighting was made will be to see how popular the set remains after people hit 50 with it and the shine wears off. I don't think it will hold up. IMO, it's another dual pistols, all flash and no go. Some will still play it for concept or looks, but that's about it.
lol ok

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I think it's probably fair comment. If you are an incarnate, with effectively unlimited endurance, and easily capped defences, Staff doesn't hold up all that well. However, in order to get there you have to level, and Staff is a joy to level, whereas something like Titan Weapons is a pig. And anyway, by the same argument, tankers (+ defenders, masterminds, controllers etc) of any type don't hold up at incarnate level.

And yes, the Stalker version is stronger.

I really should do something about this signature.



Wait, it doesn't? Crap, should I quit soloing DA on x8 or is it okay if I keep it up?



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Wait, it doesn't? Crap, should I quit soloing DA on x8 or is it okay if I keep it up?
You can do that with virtually any powerset in the game. I soloed it on +3 X8 on my Ice/NRG tank, which is a long way short of the most powerful AT powerset combo evah...

It just proves that in a game with no difficult content min/maxing is a waste of time.

I really should do something about this signature.



I mean if you're saying that my staff/elec scrapper is as sturdy as your ice/energy tanker, yeah, I think that's probably true. I can guess which of them handles those missions faster, though!

To add a query to my snark, I guess I'm wondering what it is you think staff can't do in terms of end-game stuff? I know a thing or two about end-game stuff and it seems more than satisfactory for my purposes. Yesterday I tanked a STF as the only melee in 32:54 with a bunch of lowbies on the team. Just now, six man ITF in 19:53 followed by a five man Kahn in 22:26. No deaths on any of those. Would you expect better results with a different set? Better in what way? In any case, once I get another rare I'll have my spectral radial total conversion and should be able to see what kind of pylon time I can produce. My estimate based on what I've been seeing so far is that it will blow DreadShinobi's out of the water, and that's without perfectly optimal conditions (musculature is still tier 3, spectral instead of reactive, etc).



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I mean if you're saying that my staff/elec scrapper is as sturdy as your ice/energy tanker, yeah, I think that's probably true. I can guess which of them handles those missions faster, though!
This is not a racing game, though.

I don't care all that much about the numbers, but how much fun I'm having with the powerset. I'm not with Staff, but that's just personal preference.

And Eye of the Storm just bugs the heck out of me with the rolling on the ground animation. I hope an alternate animation is created sometime in the future when I might come up with a better character concept than having my MA scrapper pick up a staff and give it a whirl.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
This is not a racing game, though.
I beg to differ.
And Eye of the Storm just bugs the heck out of me with the rolling on the ground animation. I hope an alternate animation is created sometime in the future when I might come up with a better character concept than having my MA scrapper pick up a staff and give it a whirl.
Yours is the precise opposite of my opinion. I love the elaborate animations. The only thing I'd change about any staff power's animation would be giving a more flamboyant one to innocuous strikes.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I mean if you're saying that my staff/elec scrapper is as sturdy as your ice/energy tanker, yeah, I think that's probably true. I can guess which of them handles those missions faster, though!

To add a query to my snark, I guess I'm wondering what it is you think staff can't do in terms of end-game stuff? I know a thing or two about end-game stuff and it seems more than satisfactory for my purposes. Yesterday I tanked a STF as the only melee in 32:54 with a bunch of lowbies on the team. Just now, six man ITF in 19:53 followed by a five man Kahn in 22:26. No deaths on any of those. Would you expect better results with a different set? Better in what way? In any case, once I get another rare I'll have my spectral radial total conversion and should be able to see what kind of pylon time I can produce. My estimate based on what I've been seeing so far is that it will blow DreadShinobi's out of the water, and that's without perfectly optimal conditions (musculature is still tier 3, spectral instead of reactive, etc).
Sure, it's perfectly satisfactory. Just like every other scrapper primary. It's only when you start looking at edge cases that some people don't think it looks so good. If you have unlimited endurance, FoS doesn't look attractive. If you have your defences capped out with IOs and incarnate abilities, then the sets defensive bonuses don't look attractive. If you don't have long cooldown clicks FoM doesn't hold much attraction, and so on. Under those circumstances, if all you care about is maximising damage output, then other sets do better. But since most people don't play under those conditions, and the game certainly isn't balanced around those conditions, it really doesn't matter. If damage is all you care about, then Titan Weapons is all you will get.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
The only thing I'd change about any staff power's animation would be giving a more flamboyant one to innocuous strikes.
You might want to look up the word "innocuous" in the dictionary...

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
That you think Staff's aoe could be called comparable to axe and mace, let alone worse, leads me to believe that you either don't know what you're talking about or are intentionally obfuscating in this silly crusade for buffs. Fortunately, the devs can probably tell that the anti-staff echo chamber is primarily composed of about six people.
Make that 7. I'm not a numbers guy as a rule. I look at a toon sort of the way I look at the economy (in real life). Am I having an easier time? or a harder time?

I've never played a stalker before. The toon I chose was staff/elec armor.
So far, I'm not impressed in the least. It is very survivable, but that's attributed more to elec. armor than the primary.

It has two good ST attacks, and the rest are just there to fill in the gaps until they recharge. The AoEs are so meh, they're not worth taking without the special buffs - and to be honest, I'd rather have the damage.

I don't care for "chance to X". Just give me X. If you can't give me X fine. I love the lotg 7.5%. It's not a "chance for 7.5% global recharge" it IS a 7.5% global recharge.

At level 25, when I use an attack, and the powerset system circles another one for me to use, I'm ok with that. But, when I go through the cycle again, and it's not recharged, (using an ATO set), this tells me that the attack chain has to be grown into. Great.

A lot of my problem with the set stems from the fact that I've almost always sought out AoE powersets over ST Damage. I have a fondness for killing more stuff faster. ST Damage is fine, great -- but if I have to have an activation time that takes away from high dps, then the STs only benefit is the fact that I don't have to hit the target three times.
It's certainly a different playstyle, one I don't care for very much.

Now, I do have to be honest - I have a level 50 build for it, but getting there is excruciatingly slow playing solo. (compared to a fire blaster, or a fire tank, or even a spines AT with it's lovely quills. )

So, for me, I'm not a fan overall. The sound effects are certainly the best in game for a powerset. So very much better than the whiffing sounds of Street Justice (until you get that lovely thwack at combo level 3)
The animations are credible, unlike some of the drunken cowboy antics of dual pistols.

So, it's progress, and I hope my opinion changes as I get in the thirties and can start slotting it out, gaining some more IO bonuses.

For now, though, it's just not anything to get excited about. Certainly not worth the points I spent.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Ukase, all I can say is I haven't ever made any comment on the stalker version because it didn't look very appealing to me. I've never felt that one great single target attack would be worth giving up all of the other things stalkers give up for it in staff's case.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Sure, it's perfectly satisfactory. Just like every other scrapper primary. It's only when you start looking at edge cases that some people don't think it looks so good. If you have unlimited endurance, FoS doesn't look attractive. If you have your defences capped out with IOs and incarnate abilities, then the sets defensive bonuses don't look attractive. If you don't have long cooldown clicks FoM doesn't hold much attraction, and so on. Under those circumstances, if all you care about is maximising damage output, then other sets do better. But since most people don't play under those conditions, and the game certainly isn't balanced around those conditions, it really doesn't matter. If damage is all you care about, then Titan Weapons is all you will get.
The fact remains that nobody has demonstrated in any way that staff is actually lacking at high level. You were replying to Cybernaut's bravely unfounded declaration that staff is simply obviously bad. He didn't prove it, you didn't prove it, Combat didn't prove it.

Look at all of those "ifs" you threw out there. How many of them are mutually exclusive in an actual build? Well, you were vague enough that it's hard to say, but what we can say is that there aren't any top end titan weapons builds that manage every single thing you accuse staff of not handling all at once. Every build has compromise of one sort or another. You cannot softcap all types on a resistance set, if you go with a defense set you don't get a damage aura, et cetera. My point is and has been that staff's widely varied abilities present different, not inferior, compromises than typical sets have in the past.

As one example, now that my scrapper is incarnated out I typically rely on form of the body because I typically don't need the extra endurance management. While exemplaring, or while engaged in a protracted AV fight, or any number of other actual things that I've actually done, endurance can become more of an issue and at that point I am one thumb button click away from infinite endurance mode. Titan weapons doesn't have that option and never will, yet recent history tells us that the devs will absolutely continue adding ever more esoteric challenges to the game. My staff/elec is pretty much ready to take all comers. Is your farmer?



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post

I've never played a stalker before.
I think this is probably where you are going wrong. Even for Min/maxing, Staff is one of the strongest sets available to Stalkers - it certainly has the best AoE.

The toon I chose was staff/elec armor.
So far, I'm not impressed in the least. It is very survivable, but that's attributed more to elec. armor than the primary.
You sure? Because /elec Stalkers are usually pretty squishy.

At level 25, when I use an attack, and the powerset system circles another one for me to use, I'm ok with that. But, when I go through the cycle again, and it's not recharged, (using an ATO set), this tells me that the attack chain has to be grown into. Great.
They orange circle doesn't mean you have to use the power. It just means it gets an extra bonus. Not using it means you keep the 15% damage buff until you do.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Ukase, all I can say is I haven't ever made any comment on the stalker version because it didn't look very appealing to me. I've never felt that one great single target attack would be worth giving up all of the other things stalkers give up for it in staff's case.
If you like Stalkers, staff is an excellent choice. If you don't like stalkers, then you don't like stalkers.

The fact remains that nobody has demonstrated in any way that staff is actually lacking at high level. You were replying to Cybernaut's bravely unfounded declaration that staff is simply obviously bad. He didn't prove it, you didn't prove it, Combat didn't prove it.
It isn't lacking. But I can see why some people think it looks lacking. But the fault is with how they are looking at it, not with the set itself.

I really should do something about this signature.