City of Death ((Spoilers Perhaps))




Well that's what I'd like to refer to the game recently as. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about and quite frankly anyone is open to counter my opinion here with whatever argument you would like to make. But for the most part I will say that There has been too much death in the storytelling of this game recently. And it has made the job of playing a hero a daunting task as we wallow through storyarc after storyarc of very morbid material. Now maybe that's fitting for people who might play red side, but I can't say.

I just want to run through the list here of very recent storylines here and maybe folks might see what I'm talking about here.

A new Tutorial featuring the utter decimation of Galaxy City, Something us as heroes can't stop. The result is a zone that is utterly destroyed, leaving countless (( assumed)) to be dead.

The Signature Storyline Arcs that featured the original Miss Liberty, Malaise, Statesman and Sister Psyche all dying. As a hero we couldn't even save any of those people and it made me feel as if my toon's part in it all was pointless. We we're prepared for someone to die, but ALL of those characters just seemed a bit much.

Then if that isn't bad enough we get the ISolo Arcs of Dark Astoria, which feature you going against a virtual Dark God of Death itself. Now I will say that as far as storytelling goes, you guys did a band up job, I really did enjoy it. But That doesn't mean that we're getting away from the overall theme of these Arcs... which was watching one known character after another.... and another.... and another.... get freakin eaten up by the Dark God. Now, I know some of those folks actually make it out in the end (( the only people we know for sure who did make it was Ice Mistral )). But I think your catching my drift here.

This overall morbid theme also shows up in some of these lesser known character missions as well. Too many to name but I'm sure players could give us a few examples.

And now.... with some possible leaked info about i23, it's rumored that a new Itrial will have Tryant nuking downtown Praetoria and a new "Dark Ward" Zone released.

My question is, when is enough enough? There has been too much killing off of characters in the game, which in my opinion is really making playing through these storylines not all that enjoyable. Why try and be a hero when someone is always dying?

I honestly don't know why the game has gone in the direction it has, But I can't say I really enjoy it.



I think is one of the reasons I only do the story thing casually. I use to get upset at plot holes and killing off of this or that character back in the day.

At this point, I just roll with it, but I can TOTALLY feel where you are coming from.

Edit: I did thoroughly enjoy Statesmen getting whacked though.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Don't worry. I'm sure that when the Battalion arrives it'll be all peace and posies. Absolutely no chance of casualties in THAT story line. So there's something to look forward to!



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
Don't worry. I'm sure that when the Battalion arrives it'll be all peace and posies. Absolutely no chance of casualties in THAT story line. So there's something to look forward to!
Yeah, I was just going to comment then probably the OP would not like to be here when the Coming Storm™ *finally* gets here. It sounds like it's going to make what has occurred so far look like a tea party.



I think killing off an important character is a way of showing they mean business. If there's no chance that someone is going to die then any threat made in the story is meaningless. If the arc hadn't been named "Who Will Die" then any time a signature hero was threatened our reaction would have been "pffft, yeah right, like they're really going to kill off a major character", but now those threats suddenly have a bit more meaning.



I think it's over due. We haven't seen new hero blood in ages. Penny is the first "real" hero we have seen in a looooooooooong time. And she is legitimately a hero now. What we need is some more new heros we can really identify with to fill in the holes and bolster a new life for CoH.

I vote for a Rikti hero! Not some halfblood like H1.

Hew in drag baby



CoH is just going through a case of delayed onset 90s.

Edgier is better, extreme is best. Heroes not failing = carebear. Dark isn't dark enough so it's time for darkity dark dark. A hero has to kill off at least one other hero for it to be a storyline.



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
What we need is some more new heros we can really identify with

I vote for a Rikti hero! Not some halfblood like H1. I really hope you're not speaking for all of "we" there.

Character index



I think what seems to be bugging the OP more is that quite a few of these things are basically holding our characters responsible for things outside what they allowed us to do:

People are mad that heroes didn't do more to combat Mot in DA- WELL I'M SORRY! THE DEVS DIDN'T GIVE US ANY CONTENT RELATED TO IT BEFORE.

Aaron Thiery chews out other heroes for moving on from Atlas, feeling they've outgrown it- I'M SORRY, AARON, BUT THAT'S HOW THE CONTACT SYSTEM WORKS, NOT OUR FAULT WE BURN THROUGH THESE LEVELS SO FAST. Also, he's a hypocrite: you can outlevel Aaron Thiery and he'll tell you to move along. Even funnier since, because his arc deals only with Arachnos, it easily could be made into 1-50


All in all, it kind of reminds me of one line from Hiimdaisy's Big Long Persona 4 comic: "You wanted to say that [Kanji was taken into the TV] but you didn't have enough common sense."

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I say, it's about damn time.

When there's no negative reprocussions, when there's no threat of defeat... who cares? I for one welcome a storyline where bad things can actually happen that don't just get magically reversed at the end of the episode like a crappy kid's cartoon.

Without tasting the bitterness of defeat, you can never know the true beauty of victory. Lets work for our victories, rolling with the punches, being beaten down, until we do manage to do something amazing.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Fluorescent View Post
And now.... with some possible leaked info about i23, it's rumored that a new Itrial will have Tryant nuking downtown Praetoria
Oh that wasn't leaked information. That was a live-stream with our devs over at

Dunno about the whole city getting nuked, but Nova Praetoria at least seemed pretty well turned to rubble.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
I say, it's about damn time.

When there's no negative reprocussions, when there's no threat of defeat... who cares? I for one welcome a storyline where bad things can actually happen that don't just get magically reversed at the end of the episode like a crappy kid's cartoon.

Without tasting the bitterness of defeat, you can never know the true beauty of victory. Lets work for our victories, rolling with the punches, being beaten down, until we do manage to do something amazing.
I don't mind bad things happening, I just wish they would actually not be punishment for something we weren't even allowed to do before.

Like I mentioned with Aaron thiery, dark Astoria, and the Praetorian invasion.

To be honest, they didn't even have to change the Praetorian invasion too much either, I mean being able to drop portals about anywhere kind of means you have very few countermeasures against such an invasion, and maybe the token reference in the TFs, Trials, and such in which it's mentioned a "Praetorian ally to us" has supplied information of use.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



It's never too much death until everything is dead.

I am fan of the change from fluff to rough in terms of seriousness.

I look forward to seeing some villain casualties in the future.



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
I think it's over due. We haven't seen new hero blood in ages. Penny is the first "real" hero we have seen in a looooooooooong time. And she is legitimately a hero now. What we need is some more new heros we can really identify with to fill in the holes and bolster a new life for CoH.

I vote for a Rikti hero! Not some halfblood like H1.
Or instead use the heroes we have more :O

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I look forward to seeing some villain casualties in the future.
I look forward to flying cars and commuting with a jet pack, I just don't expect them in my lifetime.

The only thing redside lost in WWD is Wade and while Vanguard may not be the day spa the Zig is he'll be sprung from his cell sooner than later.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Without tasting the bitterness of defeat, you can never know the true beauty of victory. Lets work for our victories, rolling with the punches, being beaten down, until we do manage to do something amazing.
I don't pay to play a video game to "work" for anything. I work to be able to afford this game. And I don't give a crap about the "true beauty of victory." If I want a harsh mistress, I can find one. Maybe not for cheaper, but still.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of City of Heroes re-enacting the dork age of comic books where everything's morally grey, everything about the world is dog eat dog and everyone wears pouches and face plates. And I'm also sick and tired of passive-aggressive emotional blackmail to the effect that if I wanted a story of any real value, I should just bend over and take it like a man, because true art is unpleasant.

It's entirely possible to create pleasant, uplifting, positive stories that nevertheless have depth, complexity and engaging plots. Doom and gloom is not "better" than a happy story.


And, by the way, I was so pissed off at SSA6 for killing off Sister Psyche when I spent all of SSA4 trying to keep her alive. So, if I'd just stayed in bed and let Malaise kill her, would anything have been different? Actually, come to think of it, Malaise killing psyche in that warehouse would have made things BETTER, since Wade wouldn't have been able to steal her power. There's nothing satisfying about a story which forces me to struggle to accomplish something and then laughs in my face as it fails me in a cutscene anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Funny, I would have considered the "dork age" to be pretty much the entire history of comics.

So, if I'd just stayed in bed and let Malaise kill her, would anything have been different?
And this is the way you can describe 99% of the content as a Villain. You do something, and, nothing changes. Nothing you do matters, because it's just magically reverted. There should be give and take. It shouldn't just be all about maintaining the status quo.

If you played through the SSA as a Villain, you would have been working with Malaise to shatter her mind. You beat up Johnny to record the song for you. You plant the tape that screws with everyone's mind. Then, you go into her mind to break her. And, shockingly enough, you somewhat succeed.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Eh, they were just side characters to my main heroes. Sometimes writers kill off side characters to spur main characters to strive to do better.

Yes, there's definitely some points throughout the SSAs where we kind of get stuck on the Narrativium Railroad. But, I can't see most of my hero characters just throwing up their hands in disgust and walking away from a situation this world threatening just because a handful of other heroes died. I know they aren't terribly pleased with events.

Now, my villains? I think they fall into the "How can I take advantage of this?" or the "How dare they try to destroy my home?" school of thought. Anybody that I have that are either too dumb or too powerful to consider the magnitude of events for everybody else would just laugh or scoff at the idea of helping save the world and summarily ignore the SSA to begin with.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
There's nothing satisfying about a story which forces me to struggle to accomplish something and then laughs in my face as it fails me in a cutscene anyway.
Not being able to arrest Wade in #2 is what really turned me off on the whole WWD. Statesman dying? My fault. Miss Liberty dying? My fault. Sister Psyche dying? My fault. Even if we weren't aware of who Wade was and what he was up to Monty didn't want him in the club. If you did know about his connection to Rularuu that is the bitter taste of ultimate defeat.

If at the press conference you had to answer "If you were dead wouldn't we be all better off, three great heroes still alive?" The only honest answer would be "Yes."

Insult to injury was doing the Lockhart arc in Steel Canyon.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
And this is the way you can describe 99% of the content as a Villain. You do something, and, nothing changes. Nothing you do matters, because it's just magically reverted. There should be give and take. It shouldn't just be all about maintaining the status quo.
Here's the thing, though - none of the villains I make care about the status quo. Not on the Rogue Isles and in Paragon City, anyway. I don't need any of my villains to be "the one" to kill Sister Psyche because none of my villains give a crap about Sister Psyche. What I want to see happen for my villains is for them to grow stronger and thus better able to carry out plans of their own. Of course the game can't read my mind and anticipate what those plans are, which is why I don't ask it to. I want the game to reward my villains with the ability to carry out "other" plans of any sort I might have in mind.

I don't need my villains to "achieve" anything in canon. As a point of fact, I rather dislike them being tied into canon this way. I have my own canon that's completely separate. These villains are just guest-starring and looking to snag a benefit of some kind. To be honest, for as badly as they are written, Newspaper missions are about as close to the kind of self-motivated enterprising villain as City of Villains has ever gotten. They show a villain learning of an opportunity and taking it.

Hey, there's a magic book. Maybe you want it? No? Maybe you want to sell it? There's a black market for those things. No? Oh, I know! You want to cut it up and make paper aeroplanes out of it, right? No? Well, I'm sure you have your own reason for wanting a book of powerful magic. I'll just tell you where it is.

Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
If you played through the SSA as a Villain, you would have been working with Malaise to shatter her mind. You beat up Johnny to record the song for you. You plant the tape that screws with everyone's mind. Then, you go into her mind to break her. And, shockingly enough, you somewhat succeed.
I don't want to work with Malaise on working for Darrin Wade. I don't like Wade, and I don't like helping other people with their evil plans. Most of the villains I make are even less cooperative than I am, and arrogant besides. These are the claims I refuse to accept - that the SSAs somehow empower villains. They don't. It's still Darrin's plan to get powers for Darrin, and my villains are tagging along and serving as muscle. That's not better. It's worse. Whether someone else's plan that we technically existed in changes the status quo or not doesn't really motivate me, because it's still Darrin who changed the status quo. It was his plan, it was his idea, it was his doing, it was his direction.

Again, I point you to paper missions, and possibly maybe tip missions. Their format is more or less perfect for what I personally prefer a villain to be doing. Circumstances present an opportunity, and my villain proactively seizes it. Well, or passively ignores it if it doesn't work, that's a possibility, as well. The point is that neither paper nor tip missions specifically give me a "boss," a "partner" or a "mentor." They exclude the contact very much entirely and present their briefings as though my own character is the source of the idea.

Frankly, I'd sooner have my own plot in words only than someone else's plot in word and deed.


Something else I should point out is I don't really have a problem with people who like the SSAs. I don't agree, but that's what personal preferences are for. What I object to is arguing that they are somehow objectively superior because they're "edgy" or because they rope our villains into serving someone else this time around. This is not the sort of entertainment I'm interested in, and I don't much care for the kind of entertainment I AM interested in being painted as somehow inferior. Happy endings and light stories aren't necessarily bad and changing the status quo isn't necessarily good.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This is not the sort of entertainment I'm interested in, and I don't much care for the kind of entertainment I AM interested in being painted as somehow inferior.
And I'm pointing out we've gotten the kind of stories you like in spades, and nothing else for around eight years. Getting something different is a good thing.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!