Do you Exercise Purposeful Gimping?




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Just saw a player in the help channel tonight trying to get PL'd because he can't complete any missions on his own because his character is designed to be non combat. He said he just follows other players around casting heals/buffs.
I had one the same last week running a DfB

"Forgive me for not attacking. I'm a pacifist ((that is I am roleplaying one))"

Said as he's standing there helping my Fire/Dark domi who is blasting things with toxic smog and setting them on fire. I really was tempted to ask him, in character, if he felt that was appropriate for a self-declared pacifist.



In the name of a concept chacracter? Absolutely.

To fit a concept I will:

-turn off XP to hold a character at a certain level.

-Not take specific powers from power sets (or, if I must take them, never use them) <<I have big hopes for my petless Beast MM>>

-Mix enhancement strengths (yes, I have characters with IO/ SO/ DO/ TO, all at the same time)

-build characters based around power pools

-build characters based around crafted temporary powers

Now, do I expect these characters to be able to go everywhere and do everything? Nope, they're more for the challenge of the thing. Just to see if I can get it to work.

Would I use them for something big like a TF/SF? Not really. That would run too much of a risk of messing up someone elses day. For those situations, I go back to a more standard playstyle

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Still going to be interesting if and when I take my 'power pools only from level 6' energy/elec brute Iron man build onto iTrials.

that is a big if though.
I've been debating making a Beast mastermind and only taking the two bird attacks. (Good lord that'd be a gimped character though.)

Birdman of Zigursky's not as catchy as Alcatraz, but what can ya do?

No seriously, if there's one thing Beast mastery has taught me, it's that more than anything I want a Bird Blast set.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
But yeah, like Leo said, is there anything that you do to further a concept beyond what the game's mechanics allow, which others might see as you "purposefully gimping" a character?
If that's the question, then no. I'm particular about my concepts, meaning the game will never have a perfect representation of them. As such, it makes no sense to ruin my own experience for the sake of an imperfect concept. I'll meet the game where it's willing to meet me, and if that doesn't work, I won't make the character at all. Then complain about it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
If that's the question, then no. I'm particular about my concepts, meaning the game will never have a perfect representation of them. As such, it makes no sense to ruin my own experience for the sake of an imperfect concept. I'll meet the game where it's willing to meet me, and if that doesn't work, I won't make the character at all. Then complain about it.
I laughed at the last part, haha. I see your point though.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I'm not avoiding attacks with it, but I have an Empathy Defender I'm planning to level solely in DFB called "Life From Above".
I love it! I should make one of those on Pinnacle...

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I had one the same last week running a DfB

"Forgive me for not attacking. I'm a pacifist ((that is I am roleplaying one))"

Said as he's standing there helping my Fire/Dark domi who is blasting things with toxic smog and setting them on fire. I really was tempted to ask him, in character, if he felt that was appropriate for a self-declared pacifist.
I think that depends on how he interprets what a pacifist is. I knew some people in the military that wouldn't shoot a gun if their lives depended on it. They chose to go into jobs like medical, dental, and religion. So I can't honestly say that I see a conflict of interest.

I have a SJ/WP Tank that's a combat medic. He's loaded up with temp power heals/rez allys, team Inspirations, and the Medicine pool. The Leadership pool is his selfless courage that inspires his teammates. Sure he gets into fist fights but that's about it.



The closest thing I do to this is conceptual power choices. I absolutely never use SOs on a final build; I very rarely even use SOs past 30. I would never, ever, ever outright skip powers that make a set what it is, and I never skip things like Incarnate abilities.

The most important part of a character concept, to me, is conceptual development. It actually really irritates me when people say "I refuse to use X because it doesn't fit my original concept." Concepts can grow. Characters can grow. They can gain things they didn't have to start with.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I laughed at the last part, haha. I see your point though.
Hey, can't go against one's nature

Seriously, though, I'm not trying to dis the game. I just realise that a video game will never be a PNP adventure that I'm writing, so it's always going to have aspects where it differs from the image in my head. It's impossible for any game to read my thoughts and give me an experience that's an exact match. It's always going to be "the next best thing." As such, I'll do the best I can within the confines of the game, with an eye towards a fun experience.

The last part, though a joke, is also true. If a game forces me to choose between fun gameplay and character concept, I do not play it. And that goes for weakness as well as strength, mind. For instance, MegaMan X5 had a hidden armour set for X which had infinite nova charges. For the record, Nova makes X invincible for the duration and kills everything he passes through with his dash. It made the game FAR too easy. However, this was also the only armour set I had which offered decent damage resistance, so I was forced to choose between being either slightly underpowered (which I don't like) or vastly overpowered (which is just cheating). As a result, I no longer bother.

For as easy as people claim City of Heroes is, I've never really felt like I was outright cheating. The game has always been able to meet me fairly close to where I wanted. I get that if I wanted to min/max and really work at it, I could probably make a "cheating" character, so to speak, but here's the thing - I don't have to. I'm not forced to make the binary choice between being weak but happy and strong but miserable.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
The most important part of a character concept, to me, is conceptual development. It actually really irritates me when people say "I refuse to use X because it doesn't fit my original concept." Concepts can grow. Characters can grow. They can gain things they didn't have to start with.
Yep, this is why that melee Fortunata I mentioned before (the concept, as it happens, is that she's an escaped product of Arachnos superscience built to have innate Widow abilities, but because she ran away before she ever actually received any training she's supposed to play like some kind of amalgam of both paths, which I think she does pretty well) has Rularuu lore pets and Rebirth destiny. I didn't even begin to consider that strong a connection to the Shadow Shard when I made her, and until her roleplayed story took her there I never used Lore or Destiny while on teams IC.

There are also frequently ways to incorporate some conceptual aspect of your idea into your character's build without resulting in a power decrease: going back to said Fortunata, her psychic abilities are primarily concerned with manipulating attention, so I wanted her to be able to cause people to trip over their own feet in fights - I took Telekinetic Blast and Psychic Tornado to represent that. She's also a hideous monstrosity from beyond, so I made her Vigilante for the fear power you get that way. Now, actually using these powers was a liability, because of long animation times, so when ATOs came around I respecced out of them and returned to Hero alignment, replacing the lost effects with procs: Arachnos ATO set in Dart Burst for fear, and one more slot into Psychic Scream which now holds a Ragnarok knockdown. She's much stronger without losing any part of her concept, and as an added bonus I don't have to pretend that my not-conceptually-telekinetic attacks aren't throwing enemies upwards or backwards instead of just making people fall down.

A friend of mine does the same with her Bane Spider: only one ranged attack because the character is a hulking monster who ought to just be smashing heads, no Web Cocoon because he enjoys the thrill of the chase too much, and jumping through hoops on her build for him to fit the Fear proc into Crowd Control because OH GOD HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU.

{}... .-



I consider myself a reformed min/maxer that falls off the wagon a lot.

I enjoy learning the mechanics and working the system to know how to get the best possible performance from something. Some people play chess against themselves-- growing up, I played Axis & Allies vs myself and studied probability and stats solely to determine the best possible strategies for various contingencies. I knew the best possible options available to Russia on the first turn and the best statistical results Germany could have based on that Russian player's various options. I had a 1-inch binder "playbook" of various scenarios covering both "statistically probable" outcomes and my "more likely" results that came from the "bad dice" curse.

Yeah, I didn't get out much.

So, yes. I like seeing how I can play with game numbers to min/max.

The "reformed" part is once I figure these out, I get bored and ignore my findings for the fun of concept builds. Characters without travel powers; characters with more slotted in pool powers than their primary because the pool powers fit the concept better. I'll make a dual-pistols blaster with more slots in whatever melee attacks I can grab from pool sets just because he's a "use lethal force only when necessary" guy.

So, yes, I do self-gimp.

Then I look back at that dual-pistols melee'er and realize with a little IO'ing, I can softcap defense... and a little different slotting gets me faster regen... and if I just go without power x I can invest more into powers y and z. Next thing I know, I'm blowing several billion on the auctionhouse (I min/max there too) for an 'alternate build' that I'll never use...



I find nothing more interesting about the most weak and pathetic heroes than I do the very strongest heroes. Comic book writing is all about tropes, once you get past the initial appreciation of Batman having no powers you quickly realize it doesn't matter that he has no powers because he'll still be written like a nigh-untouchable demigod most of the time anyways, and that none of them (the popular ones, anyways), will ever die and remain dead for very long. Not that it matters, because a character's power level does not define the character nor the quality of the stories that can be told with the character. Case in point: All Star Superman, Superman at his very strongest, probably the best superhero comic of the last decade.

I build for concept, but no, I do not intentionally gimp my characters. I make do with my power choices the best I can, even if it means taking Fly on a Tanker over Super Jumping and thus missing out on the defense from Combat Jumping. If that qualifies as a gimp, I suppose I do gimp to an extent, but I've never felt like I should stop buying more and better IO sets, nor working toward more and better Incarnate pieces. The game separates itself from the concept at that level for me.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
The most important part of a character concept, to me, is conceptual development. It actually really irritates me when people say "I refuse to use X because it doesn't fit my original concept." Concepts can grow. Characters can grow. They can gain things they didn't have to start with.
I see where you are coming from, but try looking at it another way: perhaps for that given player, the character is not supposed to grow, or will not grow in one particular direction. For most of us creating these characters, regardless of how you view this particular topic, we are creating them as part of a universe. Whether that universe is related to City of Heroes or some other of your own imagination is up to the player, but they are part of a certain reality, same as Spiderman is part of Marvel's reality, or Batman is part of DC's reality.

A CoH character's growth is up to the player, just as Spiderman's or Batman's growth is up to the writers' and artists' who handle their respective stories. If someone has created a Street Justice/Super Reflexes Scrapper with a speedster concept, they have the choice to justify or not justify whatever they wish. Sure, they could justify an Incandescent Destiny power as "'Character' is so fast, he's able to pick up everyone in his league and bring them to one location, in an instant," but maybe that player does not feel their character is capable of that.

Another thing to consider is the "unique snowflake" theory.

Spiderman and Batman (or most other characters for that matter) are distinct in their respective universes because they do things that no one else does, or at least no one else does as well as them. Example: Nightwing's combat skills and gadgetry use are definitely on par with Batman's, but Nightwing probably has an acrobatic edge over Batman while Batman's detective and problem-solving skills are unmatched. Two characters who have very similar origins and abilities, but who are still distinct from one another.

In City of Heroes, a player can actually make a character more unique by not taking a certain ability. Generally, in this game and most others, the player wants the most power possible, because typically the most powerful characters have access to the most stuff (content, abilities, rewards, etc.). So in a game where the majority of the player base will take all of the worthwhile abilities in any given power set, and then most likely end up with the same incarnate abilities as someone else, how else does one stand out except to pass on something that may be more of a stretch of their concept? Granted, I would think someone not taking any move in Street Justice for conceptual reasons to be confusing, but as someone mentioned earlier, someone skipping the T9 of Electric Armor because they did not write their character to be capable of turning into pure electricity makes total sense to me.

I can only speak for myself here, and find me irritating if you will, but I actually take pride in the fact that my Ice/Ice/Cold blaster only uses Cryonic Judgement. Oh sure, I have Lore, Destiny, and Alpha slotted with T3s so that I can contend with incarnate content as +3, but the powers themselves may as well not even exist. When I run into another Ice/Ice/Cold blaster, who fires off Cryonic and then summons their Lore pets, I admit to getting a selfish sense of satisfaction out of the fact that I do not do something another very similar character does.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
Yep, this is why that melee Fortunata I mentioned before (the concept, as it happens, is that she's an escaped product of Arachnos superscience built to have innate Widow abilities, but because she ran away before she ever actually received any training she's supposed to play like some kind of amalgam of both paths, which I think she does pretty well) has Rularuu lore pets and Rebirth destiny. I didn't even begin to consider that strong a connection to the Shadow Shard when I made her, and until her roleplayed story took her there I never used Lore or Destiny while on teams IC.
This I huge, and I think it is what does not translate for people sometimes. Characters certainly can evolve, but the player may not deem it necessary and/or worthwhile, or just may not think the time is right for such a change.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
This I huge, and I think it is what does not translate for people sometimes. Characters certainly can evolve, but the player may not deem it necessary and/or worthwhile, or just may not think the time is right for such a change.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel slightly obligated to point out that it was only when playing IC, mostly with my supergroup, that I didn't use the already-built Lore and Destiny powers that she shouldn't yet have (on random PUGs and trials I am much more concerned with the team's success than I am with keeping my own concept). It also feels significant in a thread about deliberate gimping that I quickly found a way to tie Lore and Destiny to her concept because I as a player don't like missing out on additional power and merely put off her canonical gaining of those abilities, as opposed to skipping them entirely because they don't match everything else she can do already.

tl;dr I'm not sure it really counts, and draw attention back to the "necessary and/or worthwhile" comment because for me the answer is always yes even if I put it off.

However I'm also reminded of another SG friend, who recently repurposed a level 50 Illusion controller to be an alternate version of his much-lower-level demon summoner, and actually made a thread on our SG boards about how he could deal with the vast difference in power between the two (that is, find a way to bring the controller down to the level of the MM, because the MM is the 'main' version and supposed to still be learning). The eventual conclusion was that he could remove powers from the controller's tray temporarily, then gradually add them back in as the MM leveled up. I'm not sure what point I'm making with this, but I figure it's at least relevant as a clear case of deliberate power decrease, even if it isn't meant to be permanent.

{}... .-



This is a pretty interesting topic that I can definatly relate to. As an avid Lore RPer of virtue, I also am one who subscribes to the Build reflecting on the concept. Meaning if your suppose to be a mundane human then dont build a gawd, and if your going to try and RP as some superior being from magneto to silver surfer class, or be a doc strange or Mephosteles then your build better have the BAMF! to back it up.

I even feel compelled to relate stories concerning two of my favored characters, on quite the opposite end of the spectrum from each other inspite of both being scrappers.

My oldest toon is T'Keron Valmaz, lord of demonkind. For more then 6 years I have done my small part to try and breathe life into one of the most interesting if very often unknown bits of lore, concerning Infernal's best friend, and how our resident Heroic Half Fiend came to our primal earth.

Some on occasion get stuck on the Lord Of Demonkind thing feeling this was the soul reason for taking such a concept on, and is some attempt to justify godmoding. It is infact the opposite in intent, meant to set a standard showing there is a place for RPing such powerful concepts, but drawing upon the game lore for limits and logical origins was essential to avoid true godmoding.

This idea was born in first year while on one of my early toons who was a D&D PC inspired dark elven concept. I came to cox directly from a D&D table top group where one of the friends had shown me the game during its beta, and all effort was invested in getting my current comp at the time and internet access upgraded to handle an MMO, something I hadnt gotten into during the early craze of EQ, PnP groups and the pleasure of chucking dice was more common to come by in those days.

It wasnt long though before I came to notice that despite some aspects of coh blended with D&Ds multi verse fairly well, A drow just felt kind of silly to play.

One day I was pondering this very thing as I stood under Atlas. When a nearby IC conversation caught my attention. Some folks had been RPing some general hero chit chat when this really low lvl dark defender showed up and started talking about how they where the ancient god of death and chaos etc etc and no one was calling them out on it, and worse a fair number actually seemed to try and be building up such RP since they where on magic origin characters.

To me such behavior was a dangerous trend that could not be tolerated if virtue RP was to become something meaningful. So I started bringing up just some of the basics. Id already encountered DA and it had quickly become one of my favored zones, temp powers like the idol of lughubu, sands of mu, and undead slaying axe all became objects every alt would persue aquistion of just for the fun of playing with them.

So I started to quiz them, maybe grill would be a better word, on just basic stuff. They didnt even have a clue how gods came to exist in COH lore, nor did they know who Tielekku was. And promptly shredded into them explaining that if you want people to RP such things with you and take them seriously the least you could do is learn the lore around such concepts.

Then and there I swore Id make a lore based character to set the standard. To walk that fine line between sane Rpability and over powerful cosmic being. And anyone curious on how I do it is free to look T'Keron Valmaz up in game on virtue anytime I happen to be on.

On the flip side is my character Invisible Falcon. My main version of if now days is an old claw/WP scrapper. He became the main one due to having old fitness powers rather then the new inherent ones. This I believe reflects very much on the OPs pondering of self gimping. But I dont call it gimping to be honest.

IF has no lvl 50 purple IOs in his build, has 3 powers used up taking hurdle,health, and stamina. Uses no complete sets but rather more frankenslotting procs for effects like disorients and knockdowns to reflect a more martial arts type claw fighter. He also doesnt use Rise to the challenge, nor the self rez or lvl 38 power which I honestly cant even recall the name of atm since I have never used it on my WP guy lol.

As for his incarnate use, he doesnt run I trials, and earns his up through slow and steady shard drops being converted, and the occasional wst if its one that suits him. He does have and use judgment but more in the way batman would use a super powerful explosive against something like Mettallo as seen in the great superman/batman public enemies animated film which I highly reccommend to fans of either character.

Funny enough IF still has people say he seems a very powerful build and he is definatly in the poor man do it yourself build range.



It's interesting to me, because (when reading the thread title) my immediate thought is that I do.
However, after reading the actual questions and examples, I realize that I really don't tend to go to any of these lengths.
The reason, for myself, is that it seems as though most of my concepts keep the elements of CoH in mind. I often take a long while before I actually make a character (they might sit as saved costumes for years before they become an actual character in-game... or, you know, of course some times they happen over night too... anyway).

While I absolutely pick and choose a character's powers entirely around concept, I don't tend to find any incongruities between my concepts and what the game provides for successful power selection.
If and when I do have such incongruities, I'd certainly choose for concept, but I suppose that I tend to build my concepts around working somewhat well.

Of course, by some definitions, not taking Tough and Weave and Combat Jumping and Maneuvers is "gimping" your Tank or Brute or Scrapper... And I not-only don't take those combinations (unless the concept REALLY calls for that level of performance AND I have room for those powers - which is the biggest rarity), but I'll eagerly take and use Jump Kick and Hand Clap and so on, if the concept calls for it.

Powers are pretty much on the same plane as emotes, auras and costumes for me.
However, I tend to design the whole thig to work... And I shouldn't take all of the credit... CoH seems to really make it possible for me to have solidly represented concepts that actually work successfully within the game.

The one thing that I have often thought of doing was to limit a character's level based on a particular zone... But I never have.
My main character's main haunt is Kings Row, but I don't mind pummeling Skulls with one shot each... I actually find it enjoyable.

So... No, but yes... maybe? Not really... but I would...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Putting this into a separate post, because I feel it calls for it...

Actually, my main villain is a Mind/Psi Dominator and his powers were only of the psychic variety and not the physical/telekinesis types... So, no Levitate and Telekinetic Thrust or whatever it is called.
And then... in game-play... when dealing with trying to break open vault doors or attack robots... I would generally avoid using his psychic powers and just brawl or use any temporary powers (that fit the concept), such as baseball bats, guns, grenades and such.

Funny enough... after reaching 50, he did end up developing his powers somewhat and I respec'd those telekinetic powers in. I still don't use them often as he doesn't quite have great control over it. That makes it all the more fun, though, as... when he does use them, it plays off as so much more of a GET OUT OF MY FACE burst of anger, resulting in powers that he doesn't have a hold on yet.

Ahhh... good stuff (for me).

I don't think this really counts, but Amazing Ape (my only real Tank) is deathly afraid of water... and it has gimped him a few times (especially in those dank, tight caves with large puddles of water with no other way through).
He has spent many a minutes growling and fussing at the edge of a pool of water, while the rest of the team has rushed ahead.
As a player, I feel badly... but my character's phobia extends so greatly to me that I really have a hard time sending him through the water. Most often, someone on the team learns of his phobia and will teleport him through such obstacles, haha.
This tends to result in a lot of fun.

Not sure that this really counts, but it is an example of how gimping can come from different angles, I suppose.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Putting this into a separate post, because I feel it calls for it...

Actually, my main villain is a Mind/Psi Dominator and his powers were only of the psychic variety and not the physical/telekinesis types... So, no Levitate and Telekinetic Thrust or whatever it is called.
Ditto my gravity controller and Lift. I know it does Impact damage now, but because I'm using Gravity to represent manipulation of time (he predates the Time Manipulation set), he shouldn't have any means of throwing a person up into the air from a standstill like that. He does have Propel, though; after playing Portal it's not that much of a stretch to think of it as creative use of teleportation... still a bit of a stretch, but let's be honest, I enjoy Propel far too much not to take it.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
As for his incarnate use, he doesnt run I trials, and earns his up through slow and steady shard drops being converted, and the occasional wst if its one that suits him. He does have and use judgment but more in the way batman would use a super powerful explosive against something like Mettallo as seen in the great superman/batman public enemies animated film which I highly reccommend to fans of either character.

Funny enough IF still has people say he seems a very powerful build and he is definatly in the poor man do it yourself build range.
The bold excerpt is what stands out to me as a big difference between the City of Heroes game and other comic book universes. Batman is, of course, capable of a Judgement-magnitude attack, but not all the time. I build many of my characters in a similar fashion.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Putting this into a separate post, because I feel it calls for it...
Funny enough... after reaching 50, he did end up developing his powers somewhat and I respec'd those telekinetic powers in. I still don't use them often as he doesn't quite have great control over it. That makes it all the more fun, though, as... when he does use them, it plays off as so much more of a GET OUT OF MY FACE burst of anger, resulting in powers that he doesn't have a hold on yet.

Ahhh... good stuff (for me).
He has spent many a minutes growling and fussing at the edge of a pool of water, while the rest of the team has rushed ahead.
As a player, I feel badly... but my character's phobia extends so greatly to me that I really have a hard time sending him through the water. Most often, someone on the team learns of his phobia and will teleport him through such obstacles, haha.
This tends to result in a lot of fun.
Both are prime examples of what I am talking about. In the first, your character evolved/grew to a point where you felt those telekinetic powers were now appropriate. Not that your character was never capable of them, he just wasn't capable of them yet. And Ape is another good example (and one of the most interesting of which I have read)! You implemented a weakness, one that has absolutely nothing to do with your powers, slotting, etc., yet can be very present over the course of the mission. Things like that are what I find fascinating about characters, because that is something that I am highly unlikely to find from another character in the game.

And as for your comment about how not taking things like Weave and Maneuvers on a melee character is gimping: I think that depends on the definition of gimping. We all know what it means, but I'm sure the "measure of severity" varies from player to player. As for myself, I do not particularly think of your example as a "gimp," but I am sure that a min/maxing player who constantly shoots for the soft cap most definitely would disagree with me.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



NOW! We're getting somewhere with this thread

Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
In City of Heroes, a player can actually make a character more unique by not taking a certain ability.
Yes yes, my main is a master of swords which means, rather than not taking a certain ability for him, he must take *every* ability within those sword sets *and slot them*...*AND USE THEM*. So I have to actually conform his playstyle to incorporate all attacks, not just the good ones, and use them solo and teamed (even Confront).

Another is my Fire/SD/Mako brute. I'm still quite proud of his build which omits all Fire Melee attacks except the swords and fire breath. Since he's a dragon-kind, they don't shoot fire from their fingertips but instead from their mouths (he's got a good mix of damage, acc, endurance and range in Breath of Fire) and conceptualizes the sword as a type of dragon magic.

How many Brutes have a hover build, able to breath death on masses of foes from 40-60ft away? And how many only took the swords along with that? Probably not as many as you'd think.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Putting this into a separate post, because I feel it calls for it...

Actually, my main villain is a Mind/Psi Dominator and his powers were only of the psychic variety and not the physical/telekinesis types... So, no Levitate and Telekinetic Thrust or whatever it is called.
And then... in game-play... when dealing with trying to break open vault doors or attack robots... I would generally avoid using his psychic powers and just brawl or use any temporary powers (that fit the concept), such as baseball bats, guns, grenades and such.

Funny enough... after reaching 50, he did end up developing his powers somewhat and I respec'd those telekinetic powers in. I still don't use them often as he doesn't quite have great control over it. That makes it all the more fun, though, as... when he does use them, it plays off as so much more of a GET OUT OF MY FACE burst of anger, resulting in powers that he doesn't have a hold on yet.

Ahhh... good stuff (for me).

I don't think this really counts, but Amazing Ape (my only real Tank) is deathly afraid of water... and it has gimped him a few times (especially in those dank, tight caves with large puddles of water with no other way through).
He has spent many a minutes growling and fussing at the edge of a pool of water, while the rest of the team has rushed ahead.
As a player, I feel badly... but my character's phobia extends so greatly to me that I really have a hard time sending him through the water. Most often, someone on the team learns of his phobia and will teleport him through such obstacles, haha.
This tends to result in a lot of fun.

Not sure that this really counts, but it is an example of how gimping can come from different angles, I suppose.
I'd say both of those qualify. Good stuff good stuff

Some examples of mine: how I conceptualize my characters tends to require multiples of them (master of swords so Kat/, Dual Blades/ and Titan Weapons/ scrappers) so my most powerful is a Storm/Elec def, Sonic/Storm corr and Storm/Dark def. She's could drown the world in a torrent of storms if the magic council wasn't on her back...and she wasn't a crazy obsessed *itch (hey! why'd you bleep that? she's a storm witch!). Anyway, she's sidetracked by a lover who betrayed her and rather than continue her plans to wash the world clean, she's off trying to win the guy back, imbuing her powers into cats and making the guy realize what he's missing.

She imbued her 2 pet cats with all her lightning power (bye bye Storm/Elec def), then went and put her wind powers into another 'slave' (bye bye Sonic/Storm corr) and without her wind power, her overcast/fog powers had limited use (no Storm/Dark def). Now all she could do is call on storms. She had to find a magic fire-charmed relic to get by the fact she had no powers to directly assault people (new corr: Fire/Storm).

While that did reign in a lot of her potential power, it also created more characters (Elec/Regen stalker, Elec/Elec brute, TW/WP scrap) so it's not all bad.

Later in her story, she imbues her snow and rain powers into others but she'd be so ridiculously unfun to play without Freezing Rain and Lightning Storm, I haven't had the heart to do it yet.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
This I huge, and I think it is what does not translate for people sometimes. Characters certainly can evolve, but the player may not deem it necessary and/or worthwhile, or just may not think the time is right for such a change.
As a condensed version of your previous post, I agree with this wholeheartedly. Yes, characters CAN grow, that's never the question. What's most often the bone of contention is when the game expects them to grow, often in a very specific fashion, and I simply don't want to do that, or at least not in this particular fashion. Years ago, I complained that I didn't want to use sets I got from Arachnos, and people advised me to "just say you stole them." Well, that's fine, but it doesn't avoid the problem that I don't want to use powers I got from Arachnos. It changes the means of obtaining them, but they're still Arachnos' powers. The final power is an Arachnos minion summon, after all.

The trouble is that HOW a player wants a character to progress doesn't always jive with how the game tries to tell us our characters are progressing. If my character is defined as possessing superior strength, then I want an Incarnate power which looks like it's based around strength. I could make up some cop-out about why said character can now toss fire, but it misses the point that I DON'T WANT TO.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Nope. While the story might say incarnates are all that, when done with just SO builds, they don't really feel all that incarnate

And I'm not even looking to play what the game calls incarnate level superheroes. I'm happy with Spider-Girl, Batgirl, X-23, Gambit, Spider-Man, Wolverine level of superhero. Without IOs that feeling just isn't there.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Oh, should add though, that I do take concept powers, however. I let IOs pick up the slack for concept driven power choices.

Jump Kick, Spring Attack, ect, powers Ive used and slotted. JK tends to be slotted more for set bonuses, buuuut, it's usually slotted well enough that when Im not trying to DPS an AV down, I'll use it in normal missions just for the fun of it (I like it's animation )

Spring Attack is nice added AOE, but getting to grab it usually means I'm taking powers I don't really need.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As a condensed version of your previous post, I agree with this wholeheartedly. Yes, characters CAN grow, that's never the question. What's most often the bone of contention is when the game expects them to grow, often in a very specific fashion, and I simply don't want to do that, or at least not in this particular fashion. Years ago, I complained that I didn't want to use sets I got from Arachnos, and people advised me to "just say you stole them." Well, that's fine, but it doesn't avoid the problem that I don't want to use powers I got from Arachnos. It changes the means of obtaining them, but they're still Arachnos' powers. The final power is an Arachnos minion summon, after all.

The trouble is that HOW a player wants a character to progress doesn't always jive with how the game tries to tell us our characters are progressing. If my character is defined as possessing superior strength, then I want an Incarnate power which looks like it's based around strength. I could make up some cop-out about why said character can now toss fire, but it misses the point that I DON'T WANT TO.
I know how you feel with the judgement powers, and yeah, sometimes it's suckie to handwave the story away to grab Soul Mastery because you (for example) prefere it's visuals over Dark Mastery's.

Though skipping the pet always seems easy enough, so I don't see the problem there myself. But Soul Storm is animation love

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Yes. Most of my characters, well over half, are "merely" super. A couple are just very well-trained normals. These will never reach godlike or even demi-god levels of power. I don't unlock or run Incarnate content with them.

(I also don't take Hasten on most of my characters, just the speedster and the /Time controller. Heck, the speedster has (and sometimes uses!) Flurry.)

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City