Do you Exercise Purposeful Gimping?




I wouldn't call it "purposeful gimping." Do I build to concept? You bet. I also rationalize a lot within that concept and try to build the best build I can that still fits my concept.

Does this sometimes mean some slight tweaks to my concept? Sure. But a big part of my concept working is if the character is fun to play. And I try to fit my concepts into what I've got available in terms of powers and resources available to me and the game world.

It's not something I've really run into much, like having to skip major powers or travel powers because they don't fit. Most of the incarnate stuff I can handwave, since I really don't play my incarnates as demigods or make much reference to that element. They're just that badass that they can go toe to toe with demons, monsters, and giant robots using the powers they got, guts, skill, and sheer grit. Easier to write for, and more fun for me. I like my characters to have to work for their victories, and do awesome stuff getting it.

Like Vorpal Judgement on my low powered scrapper? She's low powered, yes, but she's also dual blades and capable of blindingly fast bursts of movement. The Lore Warworks pets become her training program. On my Kheldian powered robot, the Clockwork pets become Kheldian energy constructs, created by him briefly shoving his fist into a Clockwork and briefly surging Kheldian energy through it to learn how to reconstruct it on the fly.

The only one that gives me trouble is Destiny on my scrapper, and that I just handwave as kind of her sheer superhuman toughness going into overdrive or an abstract "grit your teeth, dig in your heels and keep fighting."

Actually, the one time I've skipped a power was on my Titan/Electric Brute. I skipped the tier 9 Electric Armor power because turning into a gremlin really didn't fit my heroic automaton's concept.

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@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



I don't find characters interesting because of their flaws and weaknesses, personally. It's just not something I enjoy. I find characters interesting for their powers and their successes, while finding them "deep" for reasons entirely unrelated to their powers and of a much more metaphysical nature. When characters broach concepts of "purpose," "morality," "ideology" and otherwise demonstrate that there's an actual person with actual feelings and emotions behind the costume and powers is when I consider them to have some kind of depth.

What this means is I find no reason at all to limit my characters' abilities intentionally. In other words, I will never say that a character is "too strong" for his concept, because everyone's concept that I make includes somewhere in it the door to amazing power in one form or another. The inverse, however, is also true, in that I almost never have a reason to shoot for absolute maximal power at any cost, especially if that's a chore to achieve (i.e. inventions) or does not fit with the character's concept (i.e. Fighting pool on everyone and anyone). What I shoot for is "enough" practical power for the character to survive his or her own content and then on top of that enough power for the character to have a somewhat easy time on a somewhat easy difficulty setting so I can claim he's "very powerful."

The only time I'd ever min-max a character is I feel this character is underperforming in relation to gameplay and thus feel I have no recourse but to optimise. However, if a character is doing just fine and ticking all the boxes, then I will instead "waste" performance on superfluous powers and slotting, like grabbing Challenge on a Stalker because I want her to be cheeky and annoying to her enemies. Moreover, I will only ever min-max a character within the confines of that character's concept. If the concept calls for all fire powers on a Scrapper, then I'm taking Fiery Melee, Fiery Aura and Pyre Mastery even if Body Mastery may be better and even if Fiery Aura isn't seen as very good.

Luckily, City of Heroes is one of the few games out there which is so generous with "enough" performance.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I always build for concept first. If that means skipping certain powers, or taking weaker ones when a better option is available, I will. Once I've met my conceptual requirements, I'll min/max the build as much as possible.

If there are certain things that I can't do within concept, that truly gimp the character, I usually won't play the character. But a minor loss in power to stay within concept is totally acceptable.




One thing I don't really do is make a thing out of the Incarnate stuff. I never refer to my characters as Incarnates in-character, nor do I claim they're becoming super-powerful because of it or say they're empowered by the Well or whatever. Like in Dark Astoria when I ran into another roleplayer and we just started chatting he mentioned the whole Incarnate thing, my character (who's rather cheeky and has an ego with it's own gravitational field) just grinned and said she's just that awesome as to be able to take on monsters the size of a bus.

This is entirely a stylistic choice of my own, since I've always preferred plucky, determined badasses over raw power. They're the ones who come out with blood on their faces and knuckles raw and a look in their eye that tells you they'll take on the world, and they're stubborn and determined and crazy enough they'll win. I prefer to be Odysseus and Theseus and Hercules and Spiderman and Captain America over Zeus and Superman. I find it a lot easier to roleplay and write, as I find too much power hems me in. I can't, say, send a bunch of ninjas or Fifth Column patchwork supersoldiers at a Superman and have it feel like a threat. But at a less powerful character, sure!

But this is entirely a choice of my own based on my own tastes and style.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



The main thing I can think of that I do to gimp/limit my characters is that I won't mix powersets that to me, don't mesh visually. Like say any Fire powerset with anything other than stuff like Traps or other Firey powers.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Like Memphis Bill, I kind of object to the notion of "Gimping" but perhaps for a slightly different reason.

In simple terms I play the character I want to play and if I get into it then it goes a long way. If for whatever reason I cannot relate to it, whether or not it's technically good it gets consigned to the great hero dustbin in the sky. If however I enjoy it, whether or not it's good on paper, it sticks around and continues to be developed over time.

One thing that amazes me is the lack of realisation amongst a large proportion of the playerbase that there are at least 1001 ways to play this game, each as valid as each other, and none are bad per se, but it seems that if you do anything other than go for a min/max build and try to make your toon as uber as possible you will get laughed at by many.

I build almost all my characters for concept, rather than ability, and only a few turn out to be unworkable, so it's generally a case that if I like it, it'll do the job I want it to do - and I also have a quirk that makes me want to take on extra challenges within the game, just because. But to do that, the challenge has to be achievable, so I'll try and make a tough character to solo the ITF, for example - and I cannot ever imagine doing something like trying to solo the STF only using TO enhancers

So in a roundabout way I guess I've said "sort of"

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



My main is built for concept, but I don't feel this has resulted in a gimped character despite how all the guides for Fortunatas tell you to stay the hell out of melee. Of course, I did spend a lot of time and inf on IO sets, but even so, after hearing how melee fortunatas are a bad idea... idunno. I've never played the way I'm told is the best way to do it, so I have no idea if I'm actually worse off or just playing something that's highly underappreciated.

{}... .-



I have encountered people that actually do deliberately gimp their characters. When it happens it's nearly always been Emp characters where the player has specifically focused on the healing powers and made a point to take as few offensive powers as possible by taking as many non offensive power pool powers as possible. A good warning sign is someone who is rockin the aura for no reason outside of combat.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I have encountered people that actually do deliberately gimp their characters. When it happens it's nearly always been Emp characters where the player has specifically focused on the healing powers and made a point to take as few offensive powers as possible by taking as many non offensive power pool powers as possible. A good warning sign is someone who is rockin the aura for no reason outside of combat.
Like the guys who take all the Empathy powers AND the full Medicine pool?

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Aside from my farmers who are built for performance, all my characters are 'concept' oriented. I take powers that fit my idea of them, not necessarily the 'best' options available.

I mean it's a superhero game and I want them to feel 'super', but the environment is forgiving enough that even my grav/TA controller with his idiosyncratic power choices & generic IO slotting gets the job done.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Like the guys who take all the Empathy powers AND the full Medicine pool?
I've run with one worse: one of the first halloween events, trying to take down a GM. See a Rad/something Corr looking for a team. "Hey, great!"

Not so great. He was a "healer." Not a single debuff, just the dinky AOE heal and the rez. I don't even think he had AM. At somewhere in the high 30s.

Which, y'know... fine if that's what he's into, but he should tell teams he doesn't have any debuffs.



To add a point to the OP:

I don't think he's asking about 'gimping' your character just for concept because 'his bio says so'. There's more reasons for it. It's more because the game doesn't quite give every possible option you could want to customize your character to the full extent of your you may have to use creative or alternate means to accomplish it.

Is there an option to make your character a 'protector' or local hero to a certain neighborhood? Well it's not in the character creator...and if it's anything but King's Row, Atlas or the Hollows, you're going to have to lvl up first beforehand.

What if your character isn't an incarnate or if they're an incarnate, the only use their elevated power rather than well-power? The devs haven't really given any option to do this beyond just not being *really* incarnate.

There aren't many implemented limitations on power usage (you've got crashes on some powers), but what if the concept of your character uses some sort of limit? What if they can only access some power at certain times (full moon, seasonal, after you've 'died') or under certain conditions (when close to nature, in sunlight, when they are fully possessed)? I wouldn't expect the devs to ever implement a system to take everything into consideration like that, so that is a situation where you may 'gimp' yourself instead of expecting the system to do the work for you.

That said, just because one limits their character doesn't mean the character has no means to surpass those limits...these characters are super after all. Just like the OP, he'll still use incarnate powers on incarnate content...perhaps that's a situation the character deems necessary to push pass their limitations despite the 'danger'. That some i-powers may always go unused is simply a greater limitation of the game itself limiting you to 'these handful of powers' to demonstrate your incarnateiness.

I'm sure the OP could have complained there aren't more varied incarnate powers for his character concept besides those lore pets or destiny buffs, but he didn't. He simply won't use them on some characters and I find that's perfectly fine. What about you?



I have an Invulnerability 'tanker' with no defensive toggles. I got her all the way to 50 mostly solo (by mostly, I'd say 95%). I'm going to start running her through the Dark Astoria content soon.

I started a toggle-less Super Reflexes/Martial Arts tanker, but I got bored witless by level 28.



There are oft-recommended powers I tend to skip because I don't like the way they work, and if I end up having to take them for lack of any other choices I often don't use them. Build Up and Aim, for instance. Or Clear Mind. Or that sonic Trick Arrow.

I generally don't go in for Tough/Weave, either.

And offensive toggles on characters without mez protection make me think twice, moreso if they're rather dependent on those toggles. My Fire/Rad controller has been pretty much abandoned in the 40s because of how ultimately futile they seem.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
And offensive toggles on characters without mez protection make me think twice, moreso if they're rather dependent on those toggles.
If enemies didn't have ranged mez attacks the game would make more sense. Choking Cloud might seem more useful.



My characters tend to be heavy on concept, and "quality of life" considerations (like having exceptionally well-slotted travel powers) so they are weaker than equivalent characters that are purely min-maxed for combat power.
My supergroup also has a lowbie group that shuts off its XP for a month at a time and plays all the content at that level (currently 20).
Do I ever permanently shut off XP because I feel a character is powerful enough? No. I can always choose not to use the higher level powers and keep them off my hotbar while still playing level 50 content.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
To add a point to the OP:

I don't think he's asking about 'gimping' your character just for concept because 'his bio says so'. There's more reasons for it. It's more because the game doesn't quite give every possible option you could want to customize your character to the full extent of your you may have to use creative or alternate means to accomplish it.
I would have quoted the whole post, but I snipped it for brevity.

What was addressed in the quoted post is definitely a part of what I was asking. And while "gimping" is not what I would call any of the things discussed so far in this thread, some players would (hence why I originally used that word). But yeah, like Leo said, is there anything that you do to further a concept beyond what the game's mechanics allow, which others might see as you "purposefully gimping" a character?

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Like the guys who take all the Empathy powers AND the full Medicine pool?
I remember 1 starring one player that had taken all the powers in Concealment, Medicine, Teleport, and pre-inherent Fitness (he apparently refused to respec out of it). The end result was his Emp Defender was level 42 or 43 and still only had 1 attack (the first power in his secondary) and only Healing Aura, Heal Other, Absorb Pain, and Resurrect from his Primary.



Just saw a player in the help channel tonight trying to get PL'd because he can't complete any missions on his own because his character is designed to be non combat. He said he just follows other players around casting heals/buffs.



Ugh, really?! I mean, I get that conceptually: maybe he wants to create a Marvel-esque mutant, a one-trick pony. But then turn off your xp at 10 or 12 and be a perma-healer on DFBs! People will love you!

In a sick and twisted way though, that is exactly what I am talking about i.e. taking a concept to an extreme to the point where most players would consider your decisions foolish. However, there is a smart, unobtrusive way to go about something like that. What you're describing, F_B, is NOT it.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
I guess my main beef with this is that you are limiting yourself in group content. There's a certain...performance threshhold that needs to be achieved in order to succeed, and stopping yourself short just because you feel like it means that everyone else has to pick up the slack, there's no upside beyond satisfying your private RPing impulses.

My general rule is that solo or in a preformed group of like-minded friends, you're free to do whatever you want, but in endgame team content, especially PUGs, you should always be bringing your A game (at least, relative to the capabilities of the character you are wanting to work on at the time). I admit that this idea is actually a carryover from older (and much harder) MMOs that I used to play, but I think the spirit of the rule still stands.
Totally agree with this. Now, as others have stated, this game is not 'that' hard on a steamroller team. And in non incarnate trials, most things can work together and get the task done.

If its just you in a mission, or a group of friends, that is fine. Play how you like, dont take powers for concept or whatever reasons. As long as everyone understands. It is not a way I would play, but whatever works.

As Mok says though..if it is a pug incarnate trial, I think people have a right to expect a certain level of performance from the league. Now, that is obviously not saying that everyone should be on a purpled out, soft capped, t4 ss/fire brute, and I really think it comes down more to the effort people put into playing, than 'gimping' a toon through concept.

If you join a trail on say..your ma/regen, who for concept and power limitation reasons, does not have the top tier attacks, or intergration, and insists on running whirlwind..well I see THAT as moving beyond gimping yourself and into the realm of gimping the league. Yes yes, I KNOW that realistically, one bad build will not ruin a trial..but it is just common decency and respect for your team mates I feel.

An example of what I mean is...doing a BAF run. To protect feelings, I wont name which server or the person. During teh fight vs the 2 AVs, this one dm/sr scrapper spent the ENTIRE time standing a good 30 yards back, just spamming dark blast. He had it on auto fire too, because he never activated PB in that time. Now, maybe he was just afk, and wanted to help in 'some' manner. Too bad he spent the trial talking on league and help chat. As Bill said..most people simply dont care, or are too busy helping to comment, or just dont feel comfortable 'calling' someone out during a league. Me on the other hand..I have no trouble doing that, and asked him what he was doing. His reply...'Oh, for concept reasons, I cant actually USE my dm attacks, so I just spam dark blast.'

I think that is a pretty clear (and extreme, to be honest) example of where gimping yourself goes well beyond just having fun and enters the realm of stupidity. If he cant even be bothered trying to help, just because of his silly rp ideas..well..I would have booted him.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
If you join a trail on say..your ma/regen, who for concept and power limitation reasons, does not have the top tier attacks, or intergration, and insists on running whirlwind..well I see THAT as moving beyond gimping yourself and into the realm of gimping the league. Yes yes, I KNOW that realistically, one bad build will not ruin a trial..but it is just common decency and respect for your team mates I feel.
I dunno, I'd say that build is alright...but can you actually come up with a character concept specifically for such a build that insist you not have mez protection and only has lesser attacks? Because an Emp/X Defender with perma Regen/Recovery Aura, buffs and pool power attacks would probably be better in performance and fulfill the exact same concept.

An example of what I mean is...doing a BAF run. To protect feelings, I wont name which server or the person. During teh fight vs the 2 AVs, this one dm/sr scrapper spent the ENTIRE time standing a good 30 yards back, just spamming dark blast. He had it on auto fire too, because he never activated PB in that time. Now, maybe he was just afk, and wanted to help in 'some' manner. Too bad he spent the trial talking on league and help chat. As Bill said..most people simply dont care, or are too busy helping to comment, or just dont feel comfortable 'calling' someone out during a league. Me on the other hand..I have no trouble doing that, and asked him what he was doing. His reply...'Oh, for concept reasons, I cant actually USE my dm attacks, so I just spam dark blast.'

I think that is a pretty clear (and extreme, to be honest) example of where gimping yourself goes well beyond just having fun and enters the realm of stupidity. If he cant even be bothered trying to help, just because of his silly rp ideas..well..I would have booted him.
Did you ask what his concept was?

Lol you guys are missing the point of the thread



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Ugh, really?! I mean, I get that conceptually: maybe he wants to create a Marvel-esque mutant, a one-trick pony. But then turn off your xp at 10 or 12 and be a perma-healer on DFBs! People will love you!

In a sick and twisted way though, that is exactly what I am talking about i.e. taking a concept to an extreme to the point where most players would consider your decisions foolish. However, there is a smart, unobtrusive way to go about something like that. What you're describing, F_B, is NOT it.

I thought about asking him if he knew he could use his second build so he could actually run his own missions solo while still keeping his primary build for healing/buffing teammates, but I've seen far too many people get offended when their concepts get questioned so I kept my trap shut.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Ugh, really?! I mean, I get that conceptually: maybe he wants to create a Marvel-esque mutant, a one-trick pony. But then turn off your xp at 10 or 12 and be a perma-healer on DFBs! People will love you!
I'm not avoiding attacks with it, but I have an Empathy Defender I'm planning to level solely in DFB called "Life From Above".

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Still going to be interesting if and when I take my 'power pools only from level 6' energy/elec brute Iron man build onto iTrials.

that is a big if though.

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