A few incarnate questions for the Devs

Agent White



I've got a few fairly concise questions for the devs regarding incarnates, specifically judgement and destiny. I've tried to phrase them to permit simple yes or no answers. Here goes:

  • Can we expect an i22.5 before i23? (I ask because the last two .5 issues have been incarnate content focused)
  • Can we expect to see any additional judgement or destiny powers, in either theme or mechanic, before 2012 is over?
    • Judgement sub-question A: Will my super strength character ever be able to hammer-toss (or merely swing in a circle) a tank, bus, fighter jet, or some similarly absurd display of muscle as his judgement power?
    • Judgement sub-question B: Will my weapons based character ever be able to call in an orbital strike or utilize some absurd super pew-pew-pew shoot 'em up tech themed judgement power?
    • Judgement sub-question C: Will the FX from fairly cool dumptruck full of water power that the new DA Knives of Vengeance use be repurposed into a splishy splashy judgement power? And will this be able to be recolored, both light and dark, to permit us to green slime or black goo or pig-blood Carrie the life out of our foes.
I think that's it. I've been holding off spending a lot of components on judgements for a couple characters hoping that more variety in terms of flavor and mechanics are coming our way sometime soon. I'd also like more variety thematically and FX wise from destiny, but that level shift is pretty requisite. So I've been slotting up what I need to there on each incarnate.

Answer what you can. Use Zwill as a proxy if you must.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
[*]Judgement sub-question C: Will the FX from fairly cool dumptruck full of water power that the new DA Knives of Vengeance use be repurposed into a splishy splashy judgement power? And will this be able to be recolored, both light and dark, to permit us to green slime <snip>
Yea... this is what came to mind...



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A new Trial is getting previewed at the Player Summit at the end of April, where I23 will also be talked about - right now, it's not clear if this new Trial is going to be part of I23, or if it's going to be in an I22.5.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I will say that I'm getting jealous of the new mobs' powers that they have.

I love all the new "rain" effects/powers and love the lightning bolt attacks that they have.

Devs, give us the powers!

Err...sorry that should read...



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Agreed, Ion. Some of the new enemies attacks are great, and I'd love if we ever got hold of them, either as alternate animations for existent powers or some other attack or special power.

Like I was fighting Talons of Vengeance, and a Sibyl dropped a meteor on me. It was like the War Walkers orbital beam charge up with the flashing red ground, and then suddenly a big boulder falls on me. I want that power. That weird lightning storm thing they've got too. Bunch of new stuff.

Heck, I want a lot of their powers. I want to have a Judgement attack that incorporates the Piranha Plant mass attack of Mot's in the Diabolique trial.

... of course, I also would love an Epic for Controllers that contained a few moves from Street Justice and/or Dual Pistols.

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@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
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I agree with the sentiments that some of the new NPC powers are proving ridiculously awesome compared to what PCs get.
I've long wanted Air Cutter sword type attacks for my katana user for a long time now. I'm also jealous of how the female tsoo have the Yakuza tattoos and to date, female PCs can only have forearm tattoos.

Now my personal speculation is starting to become that there won't BE a 22.5, and possibly not even a 23.5, but just straight issues with no in-betweeners.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



When will I get Ninjas for Lore Pets?



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
When will I get Ninjas for Lore Pets?
If we get Banished Pantheon Lore pets, will they be a scaled down Ravager for the boss (like at most the size of an HVAS) and a Defiler (damage LT) or a (scaled down to man-sized) Totem or Mask (support LT)?

Not sure what'd work with Knives of Vengeance or Talons of Vengeance, though it'd be kinda cool to be able to call, say... the ghosts of the Knives of Artemis in as a Lore power.

Another idea for a Lore power:

Devouring Earth: A Devoured for the boss and either a Guardian (damage LT) or Fungoid (support LT) (both scaled down to more manageable sizes)

As for the topic of the enemies with ranged attacks we'd love on our melee sets, like the shockwaves from Knives of Vengeance/Syndicate Dual Blades and Titan Weapons enemies... I kind of have an idea, that might recycle those animations. Have an epic set for scrappers/brutes/tanks/stalkers with those attacks, where the animation that plays depends on your weapon set, with a generic animation for non-weapons users. It's just recycling the animations from the current powers, and the same stats, so nothing major needs to be changed. If you could get epics customizaiton working, that'd be awesome for this.

The best part about that idea is it'd help with the issue of redraw and epics. Like, if my dual blades scrapper uses Shurikens, she's gotta redraw her swords afterwards. But this? No redraw.

No idea if that's viable, but throwing it out there. I've always been a fan of variety in the tertiary/epic sets, because I feel they really help add flavor, versatility and a certain something to a character.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Like I was fighting Talons of Vengeance, and a Sibyl dropped a meteor on me. It was like the War Walkers orbital beam charge up with the flashing red ground, and then suddenly a big boulder falls on me. I want that power. That weird lightning storm thing they've got too. Bunch of new stuff.

One time I was duo'ing (or in a team of 3 maybe) doing DA arcs and I was on my grav/thermal controller. I think it was a Sibyl mob that I was trying to attack/hold/immob/etc while my teammate(s) were attacking other mobs.

I saw the mob start to attack me/do a wind-up type of animation but didn't move because, "meh, I've seen all their attacks" and just wasn't really paying attention/not caring since I could heal the damage done or was close to holding the mob (I think it was an EB).

The next thing I know, BOOM! *dead* O_O It happened so fast but I think it was some sort of meteor that hit me or something...all I know is I've never seen it before and haven't seen it again. Whether that's because I ignore most mobs when solo or the mobs die too fast to use it...

It was really sweet looking...and did A LOT of damage (basically one hit me...I know I didn't have full health but still heh).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A new Trial is getting previewed at the Player Summit at the end of April, where I23 will also be talked about - right now, it's not clear if this new Trial is going to be part of I23, or if it's going to be in an I22.5.
Ah thanks for the heads up on this GG. I'll keep an eye out for the summaries of that event then. Hopefully, someone will ask some of these questions there if the devs haven't volunteered an answer yet. Mainly, I'm curious to know if Judgement and Destiny are considered to be done or if they still intend to add more power options.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A new Trial is getting previewed at the Player Summit at the end of April, where I23 will also be talked about - right now, it's not clear if this new Trial is going to be part of I23, or if it's going to be in an I22.5.
Are you sure?
I read that as "Come hang out with us and we will run a trial."

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Are you sure?
I read that as "Come hang out with us and we will run a trial."
It's a brand new Trial

They've also said that there'll be a new slot for at least one of the remaining Praetorian Trials.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
One time I was duo'ing (or in a team of 3 maybe) doing DA arcs and I was on my grav/thermal controller. I think it was a Sibyl mob that I was trying to attack/hold/immob/etc while my teammate(s) were attacking other mobs.

I saw the mob start to attack me/do a wind-up type of animation but didn't move because, "meh, I've seen all their attacks" and just wasn't really paying attention/not caring since I could heal the damage done or was close to holding the mob (I think it was an EB).

The next thing I know, BOOM! *dead* O_O It happened so fast but I think it was some sort of meteor that hit me or something...all I know is I've never seen it before and haven't seen it again. Whether that's because I ignore most mobs when solo or the mobs die too fast to use it...

It was really sweet looking...and did A LOT of damage (basically one hit me...I know I didn't have full health but still heh).
My Controller got hit by said power... for 250 damage. And that was one time out of 5 since I had such high defense.

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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Sadly we're probably more likely to see more new Alphas, Destinies and Interfaces since they added to Lore and Judgment.

I'm still waiting on the Psychic and Toxic judgments m'self.



I would just like a judgement thats an Energy Blast style.. not fire.. not lightning.. no elemental thingie.. just a big fat blast of Energy which would work well for SOOOO many characters its not even funny..

Why this doesnt exist yet is mind boggling.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

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Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
I would just like a judgement thats an Energy Blast style.. not fire.. not lightning.. no elemental thingie.. just a big fat blast of Energy which would work well for SOOOO many characters its not even funny..
Yeah, I'd love a flat out Beam of Energy or something.

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@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
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Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Toxic judgments m'self.
Acid Rain Judgment: GO!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
One time I was duo'ing (or in a team of 3 maybe) doing DA arcs and I was on my grav/thermal controller. I think it was a Sibyl mob that I was trying to attack/hold/immob/etc while my teammate(s) were attacking other mobs.

I saw the mob start to attack me/do a wind-up type of animation but didn't move because, "meh, I've seen all their attacks" and just wasn't really paying attention/not caring since I could heal the damage done or was close to holding the mob (I think it was an EB).

The next thing I know, BOOM! *dead* O_O It happened so fast but I think it was some sort of meteor that hit me or something...all I know is I've never seen it before and haven't seen it again. Whether that's because I ignore most mobs when solo or the mobs die too fast to use it...

It was really sweet looking...and did A LOT of damage (basically one hit me...I know I didn't have full health but still heh).

I had that happen and had to go back through my combat logs to find out what had killed me. It was a lightening bold that was long and constant. The combat log called it Lightening Flow. It was awesome, I said to my friends over skype "I died, I didn't know I could do that any more."

The new attacks, and some of the new costumes used there are just awesome.

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Acid Rain Judgment: GO!
Actually I was thinking a toxic patch that sorta grows. Like Void's negativ PBAoE but after say 5 seconds and then 10 sconds it 'pulses' and you get a bigger patch overlaid



We need so many judgment:

Super strenght based (Huge stompfoot punch to the ground)
Energy based (Big fat energy blast,think Cyclops in Marvel VS Capcom)
Tech based (Big Orbital cannon)
Psychic based (Imagine a HUGE Psychic shockwave PBAoE)
Weapon based (Rain of thousand shurikens)

I cant really wait to see what is next!!
Also for powersets, Staff is coming out and we dont know what are the next powers coming. (Maybe psi melee like Penny?)
I hope we can have big proliferation with martial arts for blasters. Its time.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I'm still waiting on the Psychic and Toxic judgments m'self.
Acid Rain! Ɑ-:<



I'd honestly like too see a Judgement Power that resembled one of the Warburg Nukes.

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I'd like to get Battle Maiden's Falling Swords of DOOM!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I've always wanted to be able to do a Macross Missile Massacre move on some of my characters, like how the Zeus Titans and the way the Praetorian Heavy Troopers used. I distinctly recall when i19 hit, back before the Heavy Troopers got the unfolding backpack and stuff, they would just cover the screen with missiles going everywhere to the point that some people had a hard time seeing with the dust and smoke and missiles in the air. They seem to have toned that down with the later versions. But it'd be awesome if players could do that, like a targeted AoE that fires off this barrage of missiles that hammer an area. Not sure what the point of animation would be on players. Shoulders? Forearms/hands?

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