when will scrappers get makeover




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
So how about this. Let's give them a buff that only affects teammates. Something like 20% accuracy (not to-hit) and (20%) damage for each teammate within 20 feet of the Scrapper.
Now you're on to something I might buy into. Abilities that only affect teammates.

How about this, though. Instead of something so direct as hit-chance or damage buffs, how about something for the squishies? What if every Scrapper on the team gave them something like a decent chunk of mez resistance to holds, stuns and immobilizes? Say three Scrappers on the team cut mez durations in half? Think of it as a confidence boost of some sort.

It could be set to work on non-sqiuishies too, but they would probably rarely notice it.

That would be extremely unique, would not buff Scrappers themselves, and would be pretty desirable on teams. (Outright mez protection would be more desirable by far, but I can't see the devs giving that.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I think scrappers need a new inherent called "death with honor." The DWH power affects enemies within a 10 ft radius. When the NPC AI check tells them normally, to run away, if there's a scrapper nearby eminating the "death with honor" debuff, the NPC will instead just bow down in a submissive manner toward the scrapper and wait until their HP are gone. This will solve the AI issues we've all been complaining about and give scrappers the proper role on a team of being the most feared bad-**** around.

I know most non-scrappers would complain that this power is way overpowered, but honestly, it wouldn't change all that much since most enemies will likely not have gotten another attack off anyway.

In response to the people saying scrappers should get a team buff... I think you're confused. See.. the way it works is those other people on the team are there to multiply the overall team Awsomeness. Our job is to bring the Awsomeness that gets multplied.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Now you're on to something I might buy into. Abilities that only affect teammates.

How about this, though. Instead of something so direct as hit-chance or damage buffs, how about something for the squishies? What if every Scrapper on the team gave them something like a decent chunk of mez resistance to holds, stuns and immobilizes? Say three Scrappers on the team cut mez durations in half? Think of it as a confidence boost of some sort.

It could be set to work on non-sqiuishies too, but they would probably rarely notice it.

That would be extremely unique, would not buff Scrappers themselves, and would be pretty desirable on teams. (Outright mez protection would be more desirable by far, but I can't see the devs giving that.)
That's really cool. The thing about helping squishies is a good idea. There might be something to think about there.

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Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
How many years are you willing to wait for the needed scrapper buffs?
You don't know how long I waited for MoG to get buffed do you?

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You poor poor wretched reptile...



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
How about this, though. Instead of something so direct as hit-chance or damage buffs, how about something for the squishies? What if every Scrapper on the team gave them something like a decent chunk of mez resistance to holds, stuns and immobilizes? Say three Scrappers on the team cut mez durations in half? Think of it as a confidence boost of some sort.
One of my Scrappers has Confront to help the other ATs you call Squishies (showing that Scrappers are fine). Then she has Manuevers, Assault, Tactics and if something goes entirely wrong Vengeance whilst having very decent attacks chains and as good survivability that I can pretty much hope for. The +Dam, +Tohit, +Def is there. Resistance to Taunt, Placate, Confuse and Fear. Vengeance is res all effects if someone goes down. Using Confront I can make Defenders, Controllers, Corrupters, Masterminds, everyother AT come to think of either safe or unnecessary.

To me the Scrapper is already there. The Criticals are absolutely fine an inherent as is. It's laughable to try and make them into something of a Unicorn when they are already a Stallion.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
It's laughable to try and make them into something of a Unicorn when they are already a Stallion.
The whole world should laugh. It's good for the soul. And giving Scrappers something unique would be too.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
You don't know how long I waited for MoG to get buffed do you?
Of course, you only got them after you stopped asking for several years. So I don't think the clock has started on this idea yet.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Of course, you only got them after you stopped asking for several years. So I don't think the clock has started on this idea yet.
To be fair, we also now have a Dev team that is less motivated by their "vision" than the old team. The current Dev team actually takes our (the players) idea of fun into consideration, Jack and his crew never had such concerns as our enjoyment IMO. We can see who didn't with Jack by who left Cryptic.

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Fine than stay away from my easy to play and fun scrappers will you? I don't understand this whining anyway. If you want something unique than there is 3 other melee focused AT to play. Do you want more survivalbility and team focus? Go play a tanker. Do you want more AoE? Go play a brute. Do you want more ST damage? Go play a stalker and LEAVE MY DAMN SCRAPPER ALONE PLEASE.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
To be fair, we also now have a Dev team that is less motivated by their "vision" than the old team. The current Dev team actually takes our (the players) idea of fun into consideration, Jack and his crew never had such concerns as our enjoyment IMO. We can see who didn't with Jack by who left Cryptic.
I don't think that's an entirely fair characterization. I believe the dev team in all its incarnations has had a vision for the game, and that vision includes their interpretation of what would be the best mix of casual entertainment and challenging entertainment that most games have to balance.

I think the biggest misinterpretation of the devs' motives relates to the fact that the difference from Geko to Castle to Black Scorpion is that the dev teams have over time become more aggressive in their design philosophies. That has tended to be misinterpreted as being more attentive to the players, when the dev team has always been attentive to the players. And its not that they are simply doing what the players want more than before, its that their design reach has tended to expand over time to include many of the things that prior dev teams would not have done.

That has not come at zero cost to the game. Its good in some ways, not so good in others. Mostly, its just different. Its much more likely that this dev team will do something that makes the players go wow than in the old days, but its also more likely that the current dev team will do something that makes the players go wtf as well. That's the tradeoff when you have a more aggressive design philosophy: more fireworks going off overhead, and more fireworks going off in your face.

The thing I think we should all remember about Jack is that in retrospect, knowing everything about the original dev team, their reach and capabilities, and the original design target for this game, I believe had Jack not intervened with a much more simplified and rigid vision for the game, we wouldn't have one now. Maybe we outgrew that vision, but at one time that vision was the only thing that saved the game from oblivion.

Perhaps we just got lucky: we had a conservative team at just the right time when the game needed one, and we had a more evolutionary team when the game could afford it, and now we have a more aggressive team when the goal is to spice up the game in its middle age. And then again, maybe that's not luck: maybe that's the dev team collectively being smart enough to know what the game needed when it needed it more than we players give them credit for. The game design is not a Nemesis plot: they don't do everything perfectly and in just the right way at just the right time, but they may see which way the wind is blowing and trend in the right direction in the long run. Maybe a little of both.

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Maybe I am remembering Jack and Geko too harshly, but judging by how they handled their last Super Hero MMO, I don't think I am. In the end I think Jack is a Megalomaniac. :/

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Bleh, only made it through page 5 of this thread, but I did want to echo something I saw barely mentioned in this thread: we could really use something to replace Confront. The only real reason for that power is so that we have something to skip in my experience...

However, I'd like to explain my line of thinking a little. And by a little, I probably mean a wall a text, but here goes: Tankers are meant to tank for the team, and they do it well. Brutes are decent secondary tanks, but still can't match up to a Tanker in raw tankability, which really shows itself in incarnate trials and the like. They make up for this by being able to deal decent damage too, but they have to really work for it, seeing as how they have some pretty pathetic base damage. In fact, because of the mechanics of the game, they also get substantially less benefit than other archetypes do from damage boosts. In othere words, if you fulcrum shift a scrapper and a brute at the same time by the same amount, the scrapper gets alot better damage than the brute.

Scrappers are second only to some blaster builds in damage output, but unlike blasters have a little survivability thrown in to keep them going in melee. This means that solo, they can take on some pretty tough challenges, and in a team, the AoEs that get thrown out generally aren't enough by themselves to take down the scrappers. Stalkers are a two-fold class: PvE and PvP. In PvE, which honestly is all I care about anyways in this particular game, they are the masters of single target damage. The problem is, on a team, you generally need to have a decent amount of AoE as well, which most Stalker attack sets lack in exchange for Assassin's Strike. They have similar defenses to that of a scrapper, but they get Placate instead of a single target taunt (Confront). In PvP... well, lets just say there's a reason people tend to make sure they can see through stealth if they PvP much. Owch.

That being said the combination of giving scrappers a single target taunt and a x3 aggro multiplier (most ATs are x2, tankers and brutes are x4) roughly translates into saying that scrappers are a secondary tank. That worked when tankers and scrappers were hero side, and brutes were villain side, but now with the combined AT list, that means scrappers are what, tertiary tanks? That just doesn't make sense at all imo. I say drop the aggro multiplier to x2 and switch out confront for something a bit more melee damage oriented, and we're set. We scrappers already deal great damage, and can live long enough to tell about it. In fact, in practice scrappers will almost always out-damage a brute, all due to the mechanics of damage boosts.

For those who are unfamiliar with the damage boosting mechanics by the way, as I understand it what happens is that you get a boost to your base, unenhanced damage output only. That's why build-up, for example, tends to fade a bit late-game. Instead of doubling your damage (or an 80% increase or what have you), you get roughly half of that in actualy damage. You probably will have all your attacks at least 3-slotted for damage, so once SOs kick in, you already have almost a 100% damage boost on all the time (effectively). Brutes, therefore, even at 100 fury, are only receiving a 100% damage increase, not a full 200% as might be thought by looking at the raw "real numbers". This also means that while a 100% damage boost given to a scrapper is actually a 50% increase, for a brute at 100% fury its only a 25% increase, which is why brutes almost never outdamage a scrapper, especially when teamed with any support types that boost damage of their allies.

Now that that's out of the way, I do want to say that having taunt abilities is often actually detremental to a scrapper. As a scrapper on a team, I tend to go out and find the biggest, meanest, nastiest enemy around, and trash him. That's easy enough normally, but on a team there's going to be problems with aggro - thus why we also get defense, that way we actually live through pissing off that +4 boss. But, tankers who either haven't taken taunt, or who have yet to taunt that part of the group (remember, taunt only hits 5 targets max), cannot hold aggro away from a scrapper. Tankers only generate about 33% more aggro than a scrapper, but do substantially less damage. This is one area where brutes can help, actually, as they can come close enough with rage to scrapper damage to make use of their 33% more aggro generation. Unfortunately, what this all means is that, for example, my titan weapons/electric armor scrapper, who does insane AoE damage, pulls aggro off of all but the best of tankers.

The fact is, scrappers may have once been something akin to a secondary tank hero side, but these days they are tertiary in that area. Their damage output is where they shine, and in my opinion the developers need to re-evaluate whether scrappers should really be a tertiary tank with decent damage, or maybe those bonuses to taunting need to be taken away and replaced with something more oriented to dealing tons of melee damage and living through the plethora of AoEs they take by being in the fray, not to mention the occasional ST attack. In any case though, I'm not about to say that scrappers are inferior in any way, but they do indeed need a tweak or two, albeit probably not in the area that the original poster had in mind.



After playing the DA Arcs, and fighting the Knives of Vengeance.
The meleers in that villain group with dual blades, titan weapon etc. All have a ranged attack where they project some energy blast with their weapons.

I kinda want that for scrappers and replace confront with that. It looks great!
Then take animation of confront and give it to us as an emote



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
After playing the DA Arcs, and fighting the Knives of Vengeance.
The meleers in that villain group with dual blades, titan weapon etc. All have a ranged attack where they project some energy blast with their weapons.

I kinda want that for scrappers and replace confront with that. It looks great!
Then take animation of confront and give it to us as an emote
Yeah I was a bit miffed about that. That was another part of Jack's team's doing back in the day. A blaster's defense is range, to counter this we are giving EVERY enemy in the game a ranged attack, even if it makes no sense that they would have one.

I love the idea of losing Confront. I would love to see a poll of how many Scrappers actually take that power. I took it once to stop runners, then I discovered that it doesn't do that, so I had to run a boring *** respec trial to drop it. This was back before the butt ton of vet respecs I now have.

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Honestly, I just want something that inflicts a -RunSpeed effect. I always wished Swipe did that in Claws or something to make it worth taking. Or replace Confront with another medium dmg melee attack that did -RunSpeed.



Originally Posted by Border_line View Post
Honestly, I just want something that inflicts a -RunSpeed effect. I always wished Swipe did that in Claws or something to make it worth taking. Or replace Confront with another medium dmg melee attack that did -RunSpeed.
Spines is the set for you then.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Spines is the set for you then.
I can't get over how goofy Spines looks though. I'd rather have -Runspeed in my Claws.



Originally Posted by Border_line View Post
I can't get over how goofy Spines looks though. I'd rather have -Runspeed in my Claws.
The newer options look pretty awesome.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
The newer options look pretty awesome.
Wait, they changed the "Flail like a toddler" attack?



Originally Posted by Border_line View Post
Wait, they changed the "Flail like a toddler" attack?
Skip it like everyone else. Spines is awesome like that, it has two powers that can be skipped. The flails like a toddler attack, and confront.

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Ok, I solved all your problems...you can all thank me later when the Devs implement it.

It's a click power, which transforms the scrapper in to a small brown puppy. That spams


over and over.

This generators massive agro aura and lasts for a 120 secs.

PERFECT. You guys are set.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Fine than stay away from my easy to play and fun scrappers will you? I don't understand this whining anyway. If you want something unique than there is 3 other melee focused AT to play. Do you want more survivalbility and team focus? Go play a tanker. Do you want more AoE? Go play a brute. Do you want more ST damage? Go play a stalker and LEAVE MY DAMN SCRAPPER ALONE PLEASE.
I'm curious as to how a Brute has more AOE than a Scrapper, when the sets are the same.

Unless you mean because of such things like Fury increasing damage aura's damage.

Also, I don't think it's shown that Stalkers actually do more ST DPS in general, but that there are some sets that beat other comparable sets, but at the same time, they pretty much match but go about it in different ways.

But other than that, I agree. Scrappers are good to go as is. I don't think they need a makeover (but Im not oppossed to buffs either )

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm curious as to how a Brute has more AOE than a Scrapper, when the sets are the same.

Unless you mean because of such things like Fury increasing damage aura's damage.
Not all sets are the same, and Fury can buff any AoE potential of the secondary (such as damage auras as you say). Combine those together, and you get Super Strength/Fire significantly outdoing Scrapper AoE. Perhaps that's what was meant about Brutes having more AoE, but I suspect it's an outlier. I've done no analysis, though.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Not all sets are the same, and Fury can buff any AoE potential of the secondary (such as damage auras as you say). Combine those together, and you get Super Strength/Fire significantly outdoing Scrapper AoE. Perhaps that's what was meant about Brutes having more AoE, but I suspect it's an outlier. I've done no analysis, though.
It's that, and the ability for taunt auras to make AoE damage more efficient. It's not that the power does more damage inherently, but it's easier to keep NPCs in range.

Hence, why my Spines/Fire Scrapper is parked at 40.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.