Freedom Corps and the Praetorian Salute?

Dark Energon



You might need to add a few words.

What exactly is the problem here?

Only Praetorians are allowed to make that salute?

Is this the CoH-verse equivalent of doing a so called Nazi salute in broad daylight without feeling ashamed at all?

It's not like the praetorian salute is an actual thing, it's just a name given for the emote. And even if it was it doesn't mean that nobody else can do that gesture without being a Loyalist.

To me it looks like the Longbow officer is assuming a pose of dedication, pledging his life and honor to serve and protect. But what do I know.

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I was thinking it was a new, not yet activated, contact. Possibly for the next SSA arc...

But yeah, more elaboration would be helpful.

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That's the Recluse's Victory recruitment officer in Peregrine. He probably shouldn't be saluting at all, but given the status of relations between Freedom Corps and Praetoria, well, if someone posted a video of him doing that on youtube he'd probably be discharged fairly rapidly.



my guess is that he thinks its inappropriate that a longbow guy is doing an enemies salute. I'd say the biggest real issue is that its ending position does look like a common expression of reverance, hand across the heart, head bowed, it fits if he is supposed to be in greiving for states and psyche. heck, its the one i used myself for the states reverence picture. problem is, its named after a salute from an invading force, so it would be like showing a member of the active military emulating a salute from al queda or the you-know-whoozies.



Loook.....Badge location



Ok, some words.....

This guy is standing in it's normal position when you see him, however, when i came close, he showed this animation fast paced, just a split second.. it took me a few tries to get this screen shot.

When you approach him, he will not do it, back up and come close again.. it's pretty funny to see.

ps: Yes, it's the RV Rep in PI near Ghost Falcon.

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Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
ps: Yes, it's the RV Rep in PI near Ghost Falcon.
Well there's your answer!

Clearly he lost a bet with Ghost Falcon and has to do that salute every time someone comes near him. He does it fast to try and get it out of the way cause he's embarrassed.



Well who's to say the earth Prime Freedom Corp Salute isn't the same as the praetorian salute, as far as you know they are alternate universes drawing parallels etc.



Hello... Forget the salute. Freedom Corp sign says "Might for Right?". That is 100% Cole slogan.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
Hello... Forget the salute. Freedom Corp sign says "Might for Right?". That is 100% Cole slogan.
Maybe after his defeat Cole will switch into Statesman's costume and pretend to be a reborn Statesman, hiding in plain sight. From there it's a short step to taking over Freedom Corps and building a new army.

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Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
Maybe after his defeat Cole will switch into Statesman's costume and pretend to be a reborn Statesman, hiding in plain sight. From there it's a short step to taking over Freedom Corps and building a new army.
Bah, if he does that, I'm going to find a way to stick him in stasis, and then hold an auction for who gets to actually kill him.


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Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
In that case I think I know what's going on. He's probably supposed to do the pamphlet emote, handing out information about the RWZ to recruit heroes. There must be some kind of glitch.
I wonder if it's related to the glitch that also popped up this issue where certain defense toggles are triggering the Dragon's Tail animation.

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Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
Hello... Forget the salute. Freedom Corp sign says "Might for Right?". That is 100% Cole slogan.
That is 100% the name of an act passed by Congress in 1956 on Primal Earth. Here is a snippet from the CoH website:


In 1956, Congress passed the Might for Right act. This law proclaimed super-powered individuals and vigilante heroes a valuable national resource subject to draft without notice into the service of the United States government. For the next decade the CIA, FBI, and Department of Defense routinely pressed heroes into service, both at home and abroad. Most were only too happy to help, but there were undoubtedly many, many abuses of the law. Heroes with unpopular politics found themselves sent on suicide missions into Eastern Europe. Minority heroes suffered particular discrimination during this period, often being forced into secret duty for months or years at a time, with no contact with family and loved ones.
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