Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon trailer




Looks pretty good. I'm really hoping there aren't many chibi moments. I hated those in Teen Titans.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Why does Spider-Man have a motor cycle? I never got into ultimate spider-man did he always have one? If so maybe I can forgive it.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Why does Spider-Man have a motor cycle?
I was thinking that maybe they finally took into account that there aren't always skyscrapers around to swing from. Then I saw that the bike shoots webs so it can drive from skyscraper to skyscraper...



Or Spidey on his own can travel 60mph, on a motorcycle he can travel faster!

Or to sell more toys!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Not sure about the SHIELD support angle. Kinda undercuts Spidey's downtrodden status.

- CaptainFoamerang

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I do remember in the Ultimate series that Nick Fury did tell Peter he wanted him eventually under S.H.I.E.D. training and planned to place him in the Ultimates when Peter was old enough. Also before his death he was getting some training. I guess the writers are borrowing from that.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Not bad. I'll give it a solid shot rather than shooting it down instantly like a lot of people seem to be doing.



As much as I want to enjoy it, every time I've looked at that trailer, I keep thinking "Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spy Kid!"

And seriously, do we really need to see the Iron Spider Armor? I know, I know, no context as to why, but really...?

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Why does Spider-Man have a motor cycle? I never got into ultimate spider-man did he always have one? If so maybe I can forgive it.
Would you forgive them if they gave him a Spider-Mobile instead?

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Eh, keep mine Spidey!
This doesn't appeal to me.
Also seems a bit too cutesy/kiddy.

Note that I said "too". Of course, a trailer isn't a show, but, like I said, this doesn't appeal to me. I can't find any interest in "What if Spider-Man had SHIELD's support, training and tech?".
My answer? Then it wouldn't really be the Spider-Man that I enjoy.
Anyway... it's not like I watch television anyway, so this wasn't made for me!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'm sure they are doing this because they want to be able to expand his rogues gallery. This way he can be caught in explosions and in blasts that can pulverize buildings but still come back fighting. He doesn't have to take on only Spider-man level threats but can handle Iron Man levels.

***Now for the real reason***

"Hey guys. The Iron Man movie was more popular than Spider-man was. Super suits are cool. Let's give Spidey a super suit."

"Yeah! And Captain America rode a motorcycle. Spidey needs a motorcycle and a shield."

"But he can't hold a shield and swing."

"Dang, there goes my using a magic hammer idea too."

"Ok, so it's settled. Super suit and motorcycle... and maybe he can borrow a shield and hammer to face really big threats."

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Am I getting Spider-Man's costume wrong in my head, or did they mess up the shoulders to gloves part? Wasn't there always a red strip from the top of his shoulders to the center-upside of his gloves? And why does Venom look like a Symbiote-Ninja?
Anyways. I thin I'll like this, but not really as something doing with Spider-Man. Like some others said, the practical Government support here just isn't him.
P.S: The Chibi-ness is a little too Teen Titans-ish, and a little too silly for Spider-Man.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



for me the best part of the trailer was with the bike.

"Oh yeah! that's what I'm talkin' about"
"Brake! Brake!"
"Not brake, not brake!"



Interesting, that was the part that took it from a 'give it a shot' to 'why bother' for me...

The bike I can get behind, looks cool and is much faster than a typical bike.
The shooting webs and then riding said webs with speed... deal breaker.

For one, Spidey's webbing is intrinsic to him, so he's either shared the chemical formula he uses with Shield or...

For another, look at how the webbing shoots out like a harpoon gun from the bottom. Needing two points connected to use. How often is that application really going to be useful? I fail to see how his normal webslinging would be any slower than trying to manipulate that machine thru the air. /head desk

Shame really, the Iron Spidey looked cool and might be an interesting side story of why/how he gets his hands on Stark Tech. But with the bike nonsense and the addition of Chibi moments, which worked for the more anime oriented Titans but felt really out of place in the one scene here, I doubt I'll be able to get into it at all.

That said, the Spider-Man that came out on Mtv a few years back turned me off with the preview, as the huge eyes were just so jarring and comical. Still I gave the show a chance and it proved to be a very faithful interpretation.

The bike turned me off from this enough to not bother though, unless popular opinion suggests otherwise.

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Merchandising! Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money from the cartoon is made!

Sadly, i remember the Spider-mobile, and that's what I thought of when the bike came up. Silly, but if it's one time thing, it doesn't really bug me. Overall this doesn't look too bad. Sure, it won't be as good as Spectacular Spider-Man was, but it won't be Spider-Man Unlimited. I like the idea that he's being trained by SHIELD, makes people open to the idea that Parker doesn't have to be a loser in order to still be Peter Parker.

Also, really dug seeing him put on the Iron Spider armor.



Well, they can always have Spidey leave Shield.

It's pretty common for him to want to join with a group, but end up leaving because in the end, I think his own ideals tend to clash with a lot of teammates.

And the bike idea could work if it is a one episode type of thing. Show it once to get the toy made and done! Maaaaybe show it again later, but keep Spidey to mostly his weblines.

I actually liked the Iron Spidey suit, buuut, I do prefere it to be more of a limited use than his classic self.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Merchandising! Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money from the cartoon is made!
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The Iron-man spider suit looks like the one Spider-man got during the main line civil war arc when Spider-man was working with/for Stark. Now I don't think it allowed him to fly or shoot energy blasts, but the colors and style match up.

I have to say all the tech gimmicks do seem a bit off putting. I also second the hope that there isn't too much chibi. I will likely watch it at least for a bit, but my expectations are low at this point.