what change made your favorite character possible?
One of my very first characters in the game was designed as a "master of blades", based loosely on a very, very old RPG character I had, back in the day. He originally used Claws, since that was the closest I could come to the idea, but it was Dual Blades, and the ability to customize weapons that came out alongside it, that really made him work.
Well...my main, Vitality, was always "possible"...but these changes helped refine the concept.
Started out as an Invuln/SS Tanker.
A new powerset refined the concept...now going as a Willpower/SS Tanker.
The ability to create the Brute AT Hero side helped refine the concept...mechanically speaking.
The Brute version of SS doing more damage than the Tanker version proves that the Brute SS represents a physically stronger character (being able to punch and hit harder)...speaking in game mechanic terms. With the Fury bar being played off conceptually as pulling your punches or holding back at first (against weak enemies)...or having it be played off as having the strength potential to overcome anything (against strong enemies).
First, the fix for Invulnerability that got rid of that nasty hole in its Defense (along with other changes that other players can argue about until their faces turn blue; I like the changes overall).
Second, Invention Origin sets. The mix has turned my Martial Arts/Invulnerability Scrapper into a wrecking machine.
Oh, and the Incarnate abilities have enabled me to turn my stone tank into something truly repulsive. A properly colored Void Judgement looks like a really, REALLY bad fart...
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
The alignment system.
My favorite character, currently, is my Grav/Kinetics controller. While he is a hero, I didn't know when I made him what side I wanted him to be on, and if I hadn't had the option to start in Praetoria and decide later whether he should be red or blue, he probably would never have been made. My second-favorite character also was made possible by the alignment system; she's a hero Fortunata.
{}... .-
The launch of City of Heroes (or, in some cases, City of Villains.)
I'm too much of an altaholic to have "a" favourite.
I would have to say that side switching is what ultimately brought my "main" into line with what I'd always pictured. She's a Bots/Traps MM, I got her to level 50 as a villain, but never really saw her as a villain, and wrote her back story to make it clear that if she could ever switch sides she would do so without a second thought. Now she's a Hero and about to finish up the Dark Astoria arcs. I finally managed to slot an Incarnate power in her Alpha slot last night. I don't know that it's really doing her much good, but I feel better about not having my one and only Incarnate slot sitting empty.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
Kinetic Melee It made my "blasting tank" possible. I have so much fun with my KM/Fire tank, I made another to keep on a different server. A ranged attack chain with four powers...it almost has as many ranged attacks as it has melee.
An honerable mention goes to Regen for brutes. My claws/regen brute is a sheer joy to play. Watching those hitpoints spike upward and juice regeneration is awesome.
well, hes not there yet, but for rian
issue 4 added martial arts robes, sadly exclusive to non tail using characters, but a start
cov added digitigrade legs and reptilian skin and a more textured martial arts robe
issue 8 added the beast head 6 and allowed heroes to use the cov costume pieces, it also, (i think) was when we got vet rewards, so rian's dragon form got demon wings and samurai armor
issue 16 gave us animation customization, the current stuff for martial arts is a bit brawler'ish for me, but it gives hope that the animations for MA can be made more authentic one day
issue 17 separated tails from the belt section allowing me to use robes with a dragon tail (also an animated tail, woo) for rian's base form, and samurai hip guards with a tail for his full dragon form.
issue 20 added judgements including cryonic, which, while i still cant breath ice, fit rian's theme as an ice dragon, though just my luck, issue 21.5 brought out vorpal judgement..a martial arts themed judgement. I guess having difficulty choosing between 2 good options is a good problem to have, all things considered
also, a shout out to issues 8 and 18 for tips and safeguards. It helped me play rian as more of a general heroic do gooder, sticking his nose in a lot of one-off problems, rather than always running long arcs of big evil plans.
as for what i still want, well, i like the cot/rularuu shin spikes on the back for rian's dragon form, still want to be able to fire powers from my mouth, like a dragon, and id love for martial arts to get some animations that look better, rather than thunder kick's abysmal roundhouse kick and crane kick's slightly off-balance side kick. but overall, the game has done a lot for me. I still remember mentioning wanting specific swords for broadsword, and when the natural pack came out, it had every single one that i wanted, booya.
Simply the Dominator archetype. Other factors include power customisation, all the costume options and alignment changes.
CoH Freedom's ability to make Heroic Brutes from the get go in Paragon City let me make my Fire/Fire mutant reporter, Natasha Sheers. Fury was perfect for her, as she succumbs to the desire to burn more things and burn hotter the more she uses her powers.
My favourite characters aren't wholly possible yet.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
My favorites are probably Sparks Fly electric melee/shield scrapper and Megamisama, Street Justice/Shield brute.
So I could say the introduction of new sets -- Shield Defense, Street Justice, Electric Melee for scrappers. Or side-switching, which lets me play my brute as a hero. Or all of the costume additions which make them look as cool as they look. Incarnate powers and purchasable PvP IOs with a-merits have helped a lot too.
But what makes them fun to play is their heavily-IO'd builds. And what makes it possible for me to afford those builds is the market. So I'd say the introduction of IOs and the market system is the biggest thing that has allowed me to play my favorite characters.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
Well about 7 years ago I created a tech-origin electric blaster with the idea in mind that she would fly around using a permanent costume-based rocket pack. At the time I naively assumed that the Devs would be adding costume-based rocket packs "any day now" so I wouldn't have long to wait. Little did I know I was going to have to wait 7+ years for that to finally happen (with the upcoming sci-fi costume pack). Better late than never I guess.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Definitely the alignment system.
My favourite character is now my fire/cold Corruptor, but playing redside is too "blah" for me.

Thank you, Champion.
Somewhere between Kinetic Melee and the alignment system. I had an idea in my head a long time ago, but I had to use Energy Melee. Once KM came out, I re-rolled.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
My favorite is an Ice/Ice blaster, so... game launch.
I've been playing that character quite a bit lately, although I've retired my other level 50 characters. I've been doing Ouroboros missions to get all the hero story arcs completed for her. I actually finally managed to make something to put in her Alpha slot (Nerve Boost), so I decided to go in the new Dark Astoria today and look around. I'll probably try out some of these new soloable Incarnate missions before long, although she still has some Ouroboros stuff to do.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
My favorite changes usually with new powersets.
First it was dual blades powerset
Then dual pistols.
then shields.
then street justice.
then titan weapons.
What would make my favorite char perfect would be the ability to change between those powersets seamlessly. Like mergin those five characters into one, swapping fightingstyles on the fly. That would be mega awesome.

Not to be negative..but...
I don't really have a fav, so I will.
The energy melee 'fix' that really should have scorched the souls of the people who typed the word FIX into the patch notes...My em/da brute went from being my most played toon, to banished to some dead server.
The dual blade powerset and the addition of wings... Neither Kestrel nor Palrah would have been possible without those two things.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
This is going way back- capes.
When capes came out, I made a sweet new costume and my Tank became my main character.
I can't remember exact timing but somewhere around Issue 1 or Issue 2, they made Super Reflexes usable. Since my main was BS/SR from day 1 (and suffered dearly from when SR was utterly terrible), that made him enjoyable and still do to this day with all the changes over time.
This space is intentionally left blank.
first you have to figure out your favorite character,
then what changed made them possible?
a new AT?
a new powerset?
powerset proliferation?
a costume part?
allowing the AT's on either side?
power customization?
My favorite character is Tomb Fisted Kid, an undead cowboy. You might think the gunslinger pack was what made him, but I don't even have it.
He has been a wp/dark tanker, dark/dark tanker, but I was not happy with either. He is a fire/dark tanker with the fire changed to be dark and smoky.
So certainly with him, and looking at my other characters, I find that the power coloring is what makes them possible.