what change made your favorite character possible?




Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
My favorite changes usually with new powersets.

First it was dual blades powerset
Then dual pistols.
then shields.
then street justice.
then titan weapons.

What would make my favorite char perfect would be the ability to change between those powersets seamlessly. Like mergin those five characters into one, swapping fightingstyles on the fly. That would be mega awesome.
Basically this!

MA, StJ, Dual Blades, Claws, ect ect. I wish we had a way to seemlessly switch between powersets especially fighting styles.

BrandX was created in the early 90's, and CoH has let me slowly get her to closer to what I imagined Of course there's been changes to her from the original (for various reasons), but the spirit is still there!

Dual Blades is what originally had me make her in CoH. Dual Pistols wasn't available yet (and at the time was still a dream) and I just like the idea of dual wielding. But she was always suppossed to be a combat/weapon specialist type so switching her out between sets was never a problem (Dual Blades, various hand to hand sets, Dual Pistols, Claws, Katana, Titan Weapons...I've rerolled into them all. Sadly AR and Archery have only ever made it to 35ish and deleted because I find those two sets boring animation wise :/)

Loving Staff Fighting tho, as it just seems a bit less lethal (and I'm perfectly willing to not go with the idea of using guns means killing your target) in that it's blunt force trauma.

Of course game play mechanics always seem to get in the way of fully realizing her in game, even if I stuck to one weapon model.

Still waiting for that Positional Defense (Typed defense tends to mean deflect versus dodge, but I handwave this now just to come closer to what I want)/Regen/Ssmashing (no lethal) & Psi resist set to really get the concept down!

That however will likely never happen.

Still, love the fact that I get to bring her more to life than I could have before

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Color Customization (though I don't really have a favorite as such with 125 characters so far). Many powers can look like different forms of energy with the right colors. For that matter, the new Dark powersets have a liquid quality to them that I've got one character who's dark powers are actually manipulating blood.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



BZB needed wings and hooves. He got 'em.
He needed more hit points. Rebuilt him as a brute.

There's only one thing lacking now... talons instead of wrist mounted fury claws.

Be well, people of CoH.



My favorite was possible from day 1.

Changes have just made him better.

Claws/Regen scrapper in case you were wondering. When I finalize his build I'm going to start attempting some stupid scrapper tricks.

All I need is: Tier 4 Incarnates in: Destiny, Alpha, and Lore. At least tier 2 in Degenerative Interface. A full set of Superior ATOs (so I can soft-cap him to S/L), and about 70 enhancement boosters.

The build I have saved on my computer at home is pretty sick.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Having access to the following costume sets:

Elemental Order

I'd had a concept in mind forever that I thought was highly original and interesting as a personality type, and yet I couldn't visually achieve and fulfill to sell the concept. Having purchased and veteran rewarded my way to these things, this is now possible, and I have a character who has an in-built dramatic story arc by virtue of just being who he is.

And that's awesome.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



My favorite is Napalm Firestorm, a fire/sr scrapper. He was the first character I made after I came back to the game from several years away. He was the first I made who was IO'd, and the first to be purpled. So for him, IOs, and proliferating fiery melee to scrappers were what made him possible.



Before they ported energy aura over to scrappers and they did those changes . . . . that made my street justice/energy aura scrapper possible!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



What made my favorite character possible?...I don't have a favorite character. All my characters are awesome with a style they call theirs...but what made my main possible?

Animal Booster Pack: Finally could make my white tiger form.

Titan Weapons: While my main is in 'full were-tiger' form, he's bigger and uses a bigger sword (vs his human form with katana). His counterpart, a Stalker, should be using a scythe though but the devs were ***es and didn't let Stalkers have that...so kinda half on this one.

Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
What would make my favorite char perfect would be the ability to change between those powersets seamlessly. Like mergin those five characters into one, swapping fightingstyles on the fly. That would be mega awesome.
For whatever reason I bump into you, Sapph, I end up wanting to give you a high five...so...

/high five

I posted about that idea a couple of times. link.

But yeah, I totally want that. Since my main specializes in blades, he'd use ever sword set (sans Broadsword until it got better animations) and minor in Martial Arts (lvl locked at 30). My stalker already has multiple versions of him (claws/dark and spines/dark Stalker, dark/thorns dom and needs TW for Stalker) plus around 4 other characters have at least 2 versions of them....yeah, I'd need that to be able to *fully* realize my characters.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
CoH Freedom's ability to make Heroic Brutes from the get go in Paragon City let me make my Fire/Fire mutant reporter, Natasha Sheers. Fury was perfect for her, as she succumbs to the desire to burn more things and burn hotter the more she uses her powers.
Hehe. Pyrophilliacs and the Warriors that love them.

Have to agree with the basic point though. Opening up the old redside AT's in blueside from start made so many concepts so much more doable.

Although if we get right down to it, as someone else said, Going rogue in general, for my Bots/traps mastermind to go blueside. Cyber-Pirate Queen Anarchy Mistress Josie. Strangely, works much better blueside.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
What made my favorite character possible?...I don't have a favorite character. All my characters are awesome with a style they call theirs...but what made my main possible?

Animal Booster Pack: Finally could make my white tiger form.

Titan Weapons: While my main is in 'full were-tiger' form, he's bigger and uses a bigger sword (vs his human form with katana). His counterpart, a Stalker, should be using a scythe though but the devs were ***es and didn't let Stalkers have that...so kinda half on this one.

For whatever reason I bump into you, Sapph, I end up wanting to give you a high five...so...

/high five

I posted about that idea a couple of times. link.

But yeah, I totally want that. Since my main specializes in blades, he'd use ever sword set (sans Broadsword until it got better animations) and minor in Martial Arts (lvl locked at 30). My stalker already has multiple versions of him (claws/dark and spines/dark Stalker, dark/thorns dom and needs TW for Stalker) plus around 4 other characters have at least 2 versions of them....yeah, I'd need that to be able to *fully* realize my characters.
I'd relevel my main if that was made possible! Even if it was limited to 3-5 builds. Link them?! I don't know if it needs linked between alts, or if that just means what I think...1 character, multiple builds.

Could put a limit on when it can be switched out too and I wouldn't care. On a TF or Trial? Nope! When a mission is selected? Nope! Can even throw in a 15 minute build swap restriction!

Dual Blades/Something
Staff Fighting/Something
Dual Pistols/Time Manip
and something else!

It'd also make names so much easier. 5 builds one name! ^_^ It's good for RPers, it's good for non RPers!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Getting a haircut on Sept 3rd, 2005...

I bought City of Heroes afterwards, and was able to (mostly) realise my Pen and Paper RPG character in a computer game.

After that, Power Spectrum, to let me change the colours of his Energy Blast to better suit his concept.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd relevel my main if that was made possible! Even if it was limited to 3-5 builds. Link them?! I don't know if it needs linked between alts, or if that just means what I think...1 character, multiple builds.

Could put a limit on when it can be switched out too and I wouldn't care. On a TF or Trial? Nope! When a mission is selected? Nope! Can even throw in a 15 minute build swap restriction!

Dual Blades/Something
Staff Fighting/Something
Dual Pistols/Time Manip
and something else!

It'd also make names so much easier. 5 builds one name! ^_^ It's good for RPers, it's good for non RPers!
Well the reason I say 'linked alts' instead of just separate builds is because currently separate builds are all locked to the same level. I can switch to a fresh build that I haven't done right now and it be set to lvl 1 and all I have to do is pick all the powers/slots until it's the same lvl as the other build. A 'linked alternate build' should be different in that they'd be under the same character name but have it's own independent xp/lvl. They should also have independent incarnate powers for the sake of balance, but if not, that could be considered too much of a perk (you don't have to run a whole bunch of trials! Just make a linked alt and share the powers with new builds!).

TL;DR: Alternate build = same everything, just fresh slots. Linked Alternate Character = same name, same badges, same inf, same inventory; different powers/AT/origin/level/xp/incarnate. Not sure about costume slots...probably couldn't share those at all...