Super Strength Brute?




For super strength, are there any powers that are must-haves? Any that are skippable (I'm assuming Taunt is skippable). Hand Clap looks kind of iffy, as well.



MUST: Rage, Knock Out Blow, Footstomp (A choice between Jab or Punch is mandatory). Any other attacks are good. If you pick up Boxing/Tough/Weave, the Boxing/Jab combo is great for building fury.

Get Leap Attack from the Leaping Pool!

Handclap on a Brute ... eh, for my it's been skippable.

Hurl is nice as well, but I usually skip it in favor of one of the Patron (Gloom and Dark Obliteration from Ghost widow!) Pools or Hero Ancilliary Pools (Fire Blast and Fire Ball).

Taunt: If you team a lot, you may find a good use for this. Also, if you have a secondary that works best when lots of enemies are around you but has a weak taunt-aura (like Willpower) Taunt may be useful solo.

In my experience, Brutes work best when they're drowning in enemies. Solo it's not too much of a problem to keep them around you. Teaming, invariably other characters will draw them away from you. You want them back. If you plan on teaming, there's something to be said for keeping enemies off of and away from your team mates.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



I skipped Hand Clap on mine because the mitigation it offers shoots you in the foot by knocking enemies away and scattering them. People will argue for it, but if you're looking for something to skip, skip that. Skip that before you skip Taunt.

As for Taunt, I'd keep it. It's a great way to stop runners and works most of the time. It's also a good way to keep enemies off your team-mates and works well as designed. It's also a VERY good way to force ranged enemies to close in on you, as it inflicts a 75% range debuff on anything you taunt.

I can't speak about "must-have" powers since in all my characters in all the years I've been here, I've only ever skipped two powerset powers - Hand Clap and Cloak of Fear. I find everything else to be a must-have if it's in your powerset.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Basically what the above have said.. Tho i'll add my two piece and say depending on secondary powers like invul, granite etc..Taunt in my view is a must, no only does it offer a nice bonus at 4 slot taunt, its important red side when dealing with av's eb's etc on sf's n all..tanks aint always around and the brute is there to deal with it.

then again as i said depends on secondary cos i dont expect a regen to have taunt lol



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
For super strength, are there any powers that are must-haves? Any that are skippable (I'm assuming Taunt is skippable). Hand Clap looks kind of iffy, as well.
* Take one or the other. Primarily for a set mule.

* Take. Primarily for a set mule.

Hand Clap

Knockout Blow
* TAKE IT! Bread and butter power.

* Personally I'd take it since combat control is still valuable and it can set-mule to help increase your defenses.

* TAKE IT! Bread and butter power.

* Skippable if you're taking a ranged power in your Epic.

Foot Stomp
* TAKE IT! Bread and butter power.

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Thanks all! For the record, character is a SS/Willpower Hero Brute.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
* Take one or the other. Primarily for a set mule.

* Take. Primarily for a set mule.

Hand Clap

Knockout Blow
* TAKE IT! Bread and butter power.

* Personally I'd take it since combat control is still valuable and it can set-mule to help increase your defenses.

* TAKE IT! Bread and butter power.

* Skippable if you're taking a ranged power in your Epic.

Foot Stomp
* TAKE IT! Bread and butter power.



Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
Thanks all! For the record, character is a SS/Willpower Hero Brute.
In that case, consider getting both Hurl AND a patron/epic ranged attack. Six-slot both and put 3 Apocalypses & 3 Devastations in each for some real nice heal/regen boosts. If you can fit it in your build, of course, and if you think you'll be able to get the enhancements. For each half-set of Apocalypse you get 16% regen and 3% +health. From each set of 3 devastations you get 12% regen and 2.25% health.



Hurl is also just fun. I mean, you're throwing a giant rock at someone.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
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Taunt is not skippable but you should delay it until after you get RttC.



Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post
so it has come to this



I have run Super Strength for many years. Hand Clap is skippable. Even if you have 3 extra power choices I would search high and low before taking Hand Clap. It is a very situational power that works against most brutes. (You need to be attacked to keep fury up) Also, sets like Willpower and Invulnerability need mobs close to create buffs.

For years I skipped the first tier melee attack, Jab, and still do sometimes. Jab is a good attack, but depending on your build it is droppable. It is a fast acting attack perfect for ATOs these days, so choose to fit your needs. I have some characters that use Hurl, some don't. Its a great attack, it is slow animation, it knocks flyers out of the air, its not for every character. I definitely take it when I have an extra power pick.

Taunt. I used to skip, back before Brute Fury was "re-worked" Now it is a must have for me to make sure I get my full share of agro at all times. Back in the day I would just run straight at the boss in the midst of ten guys and bask in a full Fury bar. But, mas.

All others are Must Haves. Most for obvious reasons. Some of the best ST melee attacks in the game, the best PBAoE in the game, and Rage deserves special mention. It is the best self buff in the game, and the rest of the set is built around it. (meaning the damage they do was calculated to be using Rage) So, learn Rage and it's ins and outs.

RAGE In: Perfect damage boost lasts for 2 minutes. Out: Has a crash for 10 seconds. Mitigating the crash is your job. I "monitor" my damage bonus. Meaning open up your combat attributes, find damage bonus, right click monitor. Move the little window next to your attack tray. When that sucker turns -9990% and red you are officially in a rage crash. At that point you are doing no damage. Use the 10 seconds wisely. If you have "veteran attacks" like Sands of Mu or Blackwand or Nemesis Staff they do normal damage, since they are never buffed they are never debuffed. Use the time to look around the combat, make a plan, inspiration management (combining useless into good, using) reposition. Taunt, that still works. There is no way to avoid the damage nerf, so learn to make the best of it.

The "Rage Crash" also jacks your defense down. This can be avoided. You need to get Rage "Perma" If you "Rage Crash" while another instance of Rage is up you are not subject to Defense Debuff. You still suffer -damage. Get Rage Perma ASAP. In a related bit of goodness When you have Rage double stacked.....your damage bonus DOUBLES. You hit like a truck going downhill.

Good luck, have fun. Smash!



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
For super strength, are there any powers that are must-haves? Any that are skippable (I'm assuming Taunt is skippable). Hand Clap looks kind of iffy, as well.
I dunno, my 50+3 brute does great with her Taunt and Hand Clap. I quite enjoy seeing people go flying after I've used Hand Clap. Coupled with 'Absolute Amazement,' it does a wonderful job of stunning everyone into next week after being knocked back or down. Its even funnier doing it to all the lvl 1 Hellions on top the roof across the street from Atlas Park. They go flying a hundred feet or so! lol

However, I kept all the SS powers. Each have their use and I enjoy using them. I cannot understand why people will remove attack powers such as jab or punch or both. Why limit yourself by taking away attack powers? I guess its personal preference. To each his own I reckon.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Pretty hard to go wrong with a SS/WP Brute. I mean you would really have to purposely mess it up to go wrong.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

Hyperstrike could not say it better.



Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
However, I kept all the SS powers. Each have their use and I enjoy using them. I cannot understand why people will remove attack powers such as jab or punch or both. Why limit yourself by taking away attack powers? I guess its personal preference. To each his own I reckon.
Because you can already attack constantly with better attacks, so having the attack does nothing for you?



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
* Take. Primarily for a set mule.
The incomparable Hyperstrike is right, as usual, although I think Haymaker deserves a bit better than being a set mule. It's not as key as KO Blow, but still an important part of a good attack chain.



I skipped Hand Clap on my own SS/WP brute (Star Dasher, a Robot Unicorn Attack-inspired goof-ball whose whole gig is crashing into things and making as big a mess as possible. ), since it seemed pretty counter-productive. Taunt, on the other hand, is useful for fury-building and keeping everything within easy range of The Smash.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Haymaker is more important that just a set mule. It is a staple part of any SS attack chain. Ideally, it's also where you would want your hecatomb set.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
The incomparable Hyperstrike is right, as usual, although I think Haymaker deserves a bit better than being a set mule. It's not as key as KO Blow, but still an important part of a good attack chain.
I don't necessarily mean it as an insult. I'm not going to take an attack and toss less than 5 slots at it. Simply, if you're going after something like typed soft-cap, the attack itself is more valuable for the 4 Kinetic Combats than for the actual damage output.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I don't necessarily mean it as an insult. I'm not going to take an attack and toss less than 5 slots at it. Simply, if you're going after something like typed soft-cap, the attack itself is more valuable for the 4 Kinetic Combats than for the actual damage output.
KoB is a better place for KCs than haymaker, KoB is just as much a set mule as haymaker is by that logic.



Good points all around but I am unsure the OP will understand what build strategy hair you might be splitting. I felt a little guilty for tossing out terms like Perma in my post without explaining, but I was already 4 graphs in lol.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I don't necessarily mean it as an insult. I'm not going to take an attack and toss less than 5 slots at it. Simply, if you're going after something like typed soft-cap, the attack itself is more valuable for the 4 Kinetic Combats than for the actual damage output.
Ah. I usually use "set mule" to mean "take power, slot power, never use power", so I'd just be arguing terminology to dispute this further.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Hurl is also just fun. I mean, you're throwing a giant rock at someone.
I also really like hurl cause it has minus fly affect.