Windfalls... Not impressed.




I used one of my Vet Reward windfalls on an Underground Trial I did on the 18th:

Date				Item
2/18/12 6:33 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 6:36 PM	Hamidon Goo.
2/18/12 6:36 PM	Kinetic Weapon.
2/18/12 6:36 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 6:37 PM	Chaos Theorem.
2/18/12 6:38 PM	Regenerating Flesh.
2/18/12 6:39 PM	Psionic Threat Report.
2/18/12 6:39 PM	Ruby.
2/18/12 6:41 PM	Grace of Joule.
2/18/12 6:41 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 6:45 PM	Catch a Breath.
2/18/12 6:45 PM	Temporal Analyzer.
2/18/12 6:45 PM	Temporal Analyzer.
2/18/12 6:45 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 6:45 PM	Uncanny Insight.
2/18/12 6:47 PM	Temporary Power: Stun Grenades.
2/18/12 6:50 PM	Dramatic Improvement.
2/18/12 6:50 PM	Ceramic Armor Plate.
2/18/12 6:50 PM	Temporal Analyzer.
2/18/12 6:51 PM	Silver.
2/18/12 6:52 PM	Silver.
2/18/12 6:54 PM	Pangean Soil.
2/18/12 6:54 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 6:54 PM	Silver.
2/18/12 6:56 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 6:57 PM	Kinetic Weapon.
2/18/12 6:57 PM	Nevermelting Ice.
2/18/12 6:57 PM	Power of Grey.
2/18/12 6:57 PM	Nevermelting Ice.
2/18/12 7:00 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 7:01 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 7:03 PM	Power of Grey.
2/18/12 7:04 PM	Hydraulic Piston.
2/18/12 7:04 PM	Mathematic Proof.
2/18/12 7:04 PM	Temporary Power: Envenomed Dagger.
2/18/12 7:04 PM	Shield of Hermes.
2/18/12 7:04 PM	Fortune.
2/18/12 7:04 PM	Hydraulic Piston.
2/18/12 7:04 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 7:06 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 7:10 PM	Uncanny Insight.
2/18/12 7:15 PM	Demonic Threat Report.
2/18/12 7:15 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 7:17 PM	Take a Breather.
2/18/12 7:17 PM	Invention: Damage (Recipe).
2/18/12 7:17 PM	Sturdy.
2/18/12 7:18 PM	Fortune.
2/18/12 7:18 PM	Uncanny Insight.
2/18/12 7:19 PM	Incarnate Thread.
2/18/12 7:20 PM	Hydraulic Piston.
2/18/12 7:21 PM	Fury of Joule.
2/18/12 7:21 PM	Ceramic Armor Plate.
2/18/12 7:24 PM	Good Luck.
2/18/12 7:24 PM	Nevermelting Ice.
2/18/12 7:26 PM	Awaken.
2/18/12 7:26 PM	Destiny.
1	Awaken.
1	Catch a Breath.
2	Ceramic Armor Plate.
1	Chaos Theorem.
1	Demonic Threat Report.
1	Destiny.
1	Dramatic Improvement.
2	Fortune.
1	Fury of Joule.
1	Good Luck.
1	Grace of Joule.
1	Hamidon Goo.
3	Hydraulic Piston.
12	Incarnate Thread.
1	Invention: Damage (Recipe).
2	Kinetic Weapon.
1	Mathematic Proof.
3	Nevermelting Ice.
1	Pangean Soil.
2	Power of Grey.
1	Psionic Threat Report.
1	Regenerating Flesh.
1	Ruby.
1	Shield of Hermes.
3	Silver.
1	Sturdy.
1	Take a Breather.
3	Temporal Analyzer.
1	Temporary Power: Envenomed Dagger.
1	Temporary Power: Stun Grenades.
3	Uncanny Insight.
Inf Earned: 6,455,101
Prestige Earned: 10,344
Drops: 56

Overall, I'm not impressed by Windfalls.

Here are the results of 3 other random Undergrounds where I didn't use windfalls, since the 11/10/2011 patch.
1	Benedict Tech Stasis Regenerator.
1	Ceramic Armor Plate.
1	Demonic Threat Report.
1	Energy Weapon.
2	Enrage.
2	Focused Rage.
1	Hydraulic Piston.
1	Incarnate Shard.
9	Incarnate Thread.
2	Insight.
1	Kinetic Weapon.
2	Nevermelting Ice.
1	Portacio Ind Internal Munitions.
1	Portacio Ind Subdermal Plating.
1	Regenerating Flesh.
1	Temporal Analyzer.
1	Temporal Tracer.
1	Thorn Tree Vine.
1	Titanium Coating: End/Res (Recipe).
1	Titanium Shard.
1	WetWare Eng Adrenal Gland Booster.
Inf Earned: 3,146,963
Prestige Earned: 7,989
Drops: 33

1	Awaken.
1	Catch a Breath.
1	Ceramic Armor Plate.
1	Demonic Threat Report.
1	Dragon Rage.
1	Dramatic Improvement.
1	Energy Weapon.
1	Focused Rage.
1	Gold.
14	Incarnate Thread.
2	Insight.
1	Invention: Endurance Red. (Recipe).
1	Keen Insight.
2	Kinetic Weapon.
1	Luck.
1	Mathematic Proof.
2	Military Encouragement.
1	Military Healing.
1	Military Speed.
1	Nevermelting Ice.
2	Regenerating Flesh.
1	Respite.
1	Ruby.
1	Rugged.
2	Spirit Thorn.
1	Unquenchable Flame.
Inf Earned: 3,842,343
Prestige Earned: 9,232
Drops: 44

1	Break Free.
2	Catch a Breath.
1	Ceramic Armor Plate.
1	Chaos Theorem.
1	Demonic Threat Report.
1	Destiny.
3	Enrage.
1	Essence of the Furies.
1	Fortune.
18	Incarnate Thread.
2	Luck.
1	Mathematic Proof.
4	Portacio Ind Internal Munitions.
1	Respite.
2	Rugged.
1	Sapphire.
1	Spirit Thorn.
1	Sturdy.
2	WetWare Eng Cyberheart.
Inf Earned: 2,672,772
Prestige Earned: 7,518
Drops: 45

For the windfall run:
Inf Earned: 6,455,101
Prestige Earned: 10,344
Drops: 56

Edit 2:
Found something I shouldn't have, Mutation: Heightened Speed. Removed and adjusted totals.

And further breakdown (yellow column is the windfall stats):

Edit 3:
All four runs took 1 hour each.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



A UGT probably wasn't the best place to use the power.



I also used a windfall yesterday during a UGT in hopes of an enhancement catalysts and I got one so I was satisfied.



Of course, a single trial run, that doesn't even bother to compare the average drops of the same trial without a windfall, is enough to make an accurate judgement...

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Where's the tally of a UGT run without Windfall? It's hardly scientific to evaluate something that boosts your odds without checking both before and after.

Windfalls give a pretty direct increase in influence, shards, and threads, primarily because those all have high drop chances to begin with. Recipe drops are so low to begin with, though, that you can still go an entire hour without seeing an orange or purple. Still, a 1.5% chance is better than a 1% chance.

As DreadShinobi alludes to, the best places to use them are TFs and trials with high concentration of enemies. The ITF is pretty much made for Windfalls, and trials like BAF are pretty good too.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
A UGT probably wasn't the best place to use the power.
Let's see:
  • Level 50 content. Check.
  • An hour long. Check.
  • Many foes. Check.
  • "Increased" chance at threads. Check.
I got more threads during a pre-beta Underground than that, without the windfall.

Yes, a plow ITF would have more foes killed, but the character doesn't need an extra chance at Incarnate Shards.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
A UGT probably wasn't the best place to use the power.
I don't know; UGT is usually a good place to use one I think; usually a defeat all so, lots of mobs, lots of drops.

Sure there may be a few lull points (right at the beginning during the 4 "ambushes") but...overall, *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Where's the tally of a UGT run without Windfall? It's hardly scientific to evaluate something that boosts your odds without checking both before and after.
I'll dig up a comparison from my logs.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I share your lack of enthusiasm for Windfall. I had heard of others getting one or two purple drops on smash all ITFs so I reserved them for such an outing. After 5 runs with windfalls I hadn't had any valuable drops. Random is random, but I hate random.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Let's see:
  • Level 50 content. Check.
  • An hour long. Check.
  • Many foes. Check.
  • "Increased" chance at threads. Check.
I got more threads during a pre-beta Underground than that, without the windfall.

Yes, a plow ITF would have more foes killed, but the character doesn't need an extra chance at Incarnate Shards.
1) Drops are split between your team

2) Various amounts of time fighting AVs and/or not fighting and/or wiping

3) As mazey pointed out, you did one run (insufficient data), as well as not providing a control group.



Pro-tip: use windfalls when solo and set map for x8



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Pro-tip: use windfalls when solo and set map for x8
/this, i use one whenever im about to do a farm run with my stone brute or if a friend is PLing me

that said im still a little unimpressed with the payout on it (iirc if i recall the buff to drops was only like 10% or 25%)



Windfalls are so hit/miss, i bought a few when they were on offer a while back and [with the superpacks too] i have about 16 left i think.

On an ITF a week or two ago both me and a friend popped one on an ITF and both of us got hardly anything [i dont mean value wise, i mean we literally got next to nout apart from a lot of shards]. Then another ITF i pop one and get about 700m worth of items.

I've only used a windfall on incarnate items 3 times and twice i had next to nothing but the 1 time i did get a purple. The only iTrial i'll be running a Windfall on in future though will be a DD trial with all those enemies.

[Unless the chance increase is raised i dont think i'll ever buy another windfall for such a huge hit/miss to be honest]

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What difference would it make with the drops he actually gets when using windfall solo or team? I though the windfall only affected the person using it and not the team? Not following what is being said about that power regardless of setting as I thought it only affected the person individually.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
What difference would it make with the drops he actually gets when using windfall solo or team? I though the windfall only affected the person using it and not the team? Not following what is being said about that power regardless of setting as I thought it only affected the person individually.
you are right, since drops in this game are calculated individually in this game



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
What difference would it make with the drops he actually gets when using windfall solo or team? I though the windfall only affected the person using it and not the team? Not following what is being said about that power regardless of setting as I thought it only affected the person individually.
I'm going to make up numbers to get the point across. The numbers on loot distribution may or may not be right, but the point stands. Windfall is a multiplier, the higher the number you're multiplying the better it is.

Solo(100% drops go to you)+windfall = 100*1.25 = 125% drops
Duo(50% drops go to you)+Windfall = 50*1.25 = 62.5% drops (the other person still just gets 50%)
Full team(12.5% drops go to you)+windfall = 12.5*1.25 = 15.625% drops (the other people get 12.5%)

When I used up the windfalls I got from paragon rewards (havent used any points to buy them) I went solo at +3x8 on my ss/fire. I literally got so much stuff I probably spent around 20% of the hour selling stuff on the auction house cause I kept filling up my inventory so fast and I flat out deleted alot of the salvage and popped all the t2/t3 insps like crazy. If I ever got more I would probably set something up with addition toons outside where I could just unload stuff so I could spend more time killing and getting more loots.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I'm going to make up numbers to get the point across. The numbers on loot distribution may or may not be right, but the point stands. Windfall is a multiplier, the higher the number you're multiplying the better it is.

Solo(100% drops go to you)+windfall = 100*1.25 = 125% drops
Duo(50% drops go to you)+Windfall = 50*1.25 = 62.5% drops (the other person still just gets 50%)
Full team(12.5% drops go to you)+windfall = 12.5*1.25 = 15.625% drops (the other people get 12.5%)

When I used up the windfalls I got from paragon rewards (havent used any points to buy them) I went solo at +3x8 on my ss/fire. I literally got so much stuff I probably spent around 20% of the hour selling stuff on the auction house cause I kept filling up my inventory so fast and I flat out deleted alot of the salvage and popped all the t2/t3 insps like crazy. If I ever got more I would probably set something up with addition toons outside where I could just unload stuff so I could spend more time killing and getting more loots.
Gotcha, volume based, I see.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



For those that asked for comparisons, I've updated the original post with 3 other Underground Trial runs that did not use a windfall.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Now that's something to chew on. Thank you for pulling the info.

Looks like you certainly got less in the way of threads, but a little more than 1.25x the drops, and more than 2x the influence. Obviously to folks who use the market on a regular basis, an extra 3 mil inf is peanuts, but to some it does matter.

It'd be interesting to break the drops down by type, but I'm not going to do that nor would I ask you to. The smaller the sample the less consistency, in any case. It's a 50% increase in drops, we know that. It just happens that some drop chances are pretty damn small.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Found something I shouldn't have, Mutation: Heightened Speed. Removed and adjusted totals.

Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Now that's something to chew on. Thank you for pulling the info.
I do love using Excel for this, as that was easy to do. Far easier than pulling the data out of the logs.

Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
It'd be interesting to break the drops down by type, but I'm not going to do that nor would I ask you to.
And further breakdown (yellow column is the windfall stats):

Couple oddities. I got an Incarnate Shard, probably from inside the hospital on one run. One run I didn't get any recipes.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



A shifted random number generator is still a random number generator. Since the RNG has things of such a rarity that they only drop once a week, it is hard to get the full effect of windfall from a single run. However, since the windfall run produced around twice as much INF as non windfall runs, I'm not exactly sure what the problem is here.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
A shifted random number generator is still a random number generator. Since the RNG has things of such a rarity that they only drop once a week, it is hard to get the full effect of windfall from a single run. However, since the windfall run produced around twice as much INF as non windfall runs, I'm not exactly sure what the problem is here.
This - I only use Windfalls for Shard/Threads and inf - so I use them on Steamroll ITFs and Undergrounds (and sometimes Apex/Tin Mages). Any Salvage or Recipes are just a bonus.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
This - I only use Windfalls for Shard/Threads and inf - so I use them on Steamroll ITFs and Undergrounds (and sometimes Apex/Tin Mages).
Look again at the shards/thread section. Using a windfall only beat 1 of the three non-windfall runs for theads, and only barely.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
However, since the windfall run produced around twice as much INF as non windfall runs, I'm not exactly sure what the problem is here.
The problem is that it boosted inf and many low-grade drops, but not threads or other high grade drops.

I wouldn't pay for a "windfall" that amounted to a small bonus. That is my point.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Look again at the shards/thread section. Using a windfall only beat 1 of the three non-windfall runs for theads, and only barely.
Your control group has 3 samples (which is better), but you still only have 1 sample size of windfall, and all tests done in a non optimal testing environment (there's alot of variables).

If he says he uses windfalls on ITFs/UGTs and gets enough shards/threads for it to be noticeable enough for him to validate using a windfall in those instances it's about as valid as the data you have.