Brute proc is the shizzle

Bill Z Bubba



I agree. It saved my ss/dark brute.

My fear aura prevented fury from building properly, but kept me alive (and kept them in range, as opposed to oppressive gloom).

Add in this proc, and im 90+ on my fury bar, and WOW! New love for my brute!

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



I have not tried the proc yet myself..
How does it work? Is it more fury in that attack..or all of them?
Also..I read your analysis of the Pylon, and accept it DID help. But, in ordinary bruting, it is dead easy to sit at 80% fury the entire time. Is the extra really that noticeable? Honestly mind you..not just cause its a new shiny. lol



I got my brutes fury to go up to 100%, if only briefly, Iv'e never seen that before.

Have the six slots in blazing aura.

I have to say this is very nice.

I agree, all brutes need this set.

now if we could only get an extra free slot granted.

I ultra despise the respec process.

edit: that 100% is not correct. I respec'd into a more survivable build. The highest I have been able to proc my fury was 89% <still higher than norm> I think my mouse might have slipped over my end bar, leading me to believe that it went 100%.

edit2: further weighing it out and testing, this set is only good for the set bonuses. not for the fury generation proc. good thing I went to test it on beta before getting all expensive on live.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Slotted it in foot stomp on my farmer

Ran to some low level baddies nearby

Foot stomped and full fury.

I'm maintaining 100% fury all the time, which is like 2 small reds on perma compared to before.

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PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Sounds like it's better to stick in aoes. Stuck mine in followup and the only time I peg 100% is against really hard targets.

Seriously tempted to go back to my max recharge build so that I can chain fu/focus/slash instead of fu/focus/slash/swipe... but that's a tough call. I like all the extra HP I have now.

edit: However, I haven't buffed my set yet; still sitting with all the base values.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Sounds like it's better to stick in aoes. Stuck mine in followup and the only time I peg 100% is against really hard targets.

Seriously tempted to go back to my max recharge build so that I can chain fu/focus/slash instead of fu/focus/slash/swipe... but that's a tough call. I like all the extra HP I have now.

edit: However, I haven't buffed my set yet; still sitting with all the base values.
I find where I need the extra DPS is against really hard targets. That's why I put it in Follow Through which is used 2x per attack chain in my standard single-target chain.



a couple of questions since I ahve been away for a little while.

Are the enhancements you get from orosboros different from the ones you get at the market? The ones in oros have a minimal level of 47 is why I ask.

aoe vrs single target? (haymaker or footstomp on my ss/sd?)


Ice Ember



The difference between 75% fury and 100% fury is a 50% dmg buff, which is nice, but you have to realize you're still working with off of the not so hot Brute damage modifiers. For comparison (albeit not a great one) t4 musculature core tends to be a 25-35% dmg buff in attacks with typical slotting. It's a pretty well known consensus that Musculature is never a good choice on a Brute, granted that is comparing the entire alpha slot to a single enhancement slot.

What really makes the Brute ATO amazing is when you split it 3/3 you get 6% hp and 10% S/L defense for 6 slots. In comparison 3 sets of kinetic combats gives you 4.5% hp and 11.25% S/L defense, except that it takes 12 slots. Basically by switching out 3 sets of kinetic combats for 1 set of Brute ATOs you're saving SIX slots. Six slots is alot. Six slots can mean another purple set, and considering the Brute ATO only takes 2 powers instead of the 3 powers that kinetic combats takes to get similar bonuses you will probably have room for that set and still have 2 more extra slots to work with after that.



yeah I put it in shadow punch in my DM/INV brute, with the recharge it has and as often as I use it in my attack chain it goes off pretty regularly...I had my fury bar somewhere up around 90-95% the other night in an was awesome...full saturation for soul drain...and lots of baddies in the cone for shadow maul...that was LOTS of fun...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I could've swore I read some redname posting that the proc doesn't work as you guys are describing. If I remember correctly, the proc is supposed to fire depending on the base recharge of the power, so that, in essence, it goes off roughly the same amount of times per minute no matter what power it's in.

ie. slotted in Punch (fast recharge) it'll proc less often than, say, slotted in Knockout Blow (long recharge). In either power it'll average out firing off roughly the same number of times in a timeframe. And it certainly won't proc more often in an AoE...

But, what you guys are saying seems to contradict all that. I'll see if I can find the redname post I read...



Found the quote

Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk
This is a bit of a trick question - these procs that you mention function like store-bought IO procs, so their chance to proc with any given power activation fluctuates with the power's recharge time and some other factors. The long and short of it is that you should put the proc in a power you like to use, but this Proc-per-minute functionality does not advantage, say, Neutrino Bolt over X-Ray Eyes, if you like using X-Ray more. Slot the procs into attacks that you use, and you'll see them go off fairly regularly.



You're correct, Socorro. It will fire the same number of times in any given timeframe, no matter what power it's slotted in, as long as that power is used as frequently as it recharges. But most powers do not meet that final condition. Also, it behaves differently in AoEs, we're not exactly sure how yet. I have it in Burn, and it appears to proc multiple times per cast (my Fury bar jumps 20+ points if I use Burn when I'm surrounded by enemies), which I had thought was fixed during beta, but apparently not, or maybe Burn is special somehow and gets around the fix.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
You're correct, Socorro. It will fire the same number of times in any given timeframe, no matter what power it's slotted in, as long as that power is used as frequently as it recharges. But most powers do not meet that final condition. Also, it behaves differently in AoEs, we're not exactly sure how yet. I have it in Burn, and it appears to proc multiple times per cast (my Fury bar jumps 20+ points if I use Burn when I'm surrounded by enemies), which I had thought was fixed during beta, but apparently not, or maybe Burn is special somehow and gets around the fix.
I bet that AoE effect is a bug that slipped thru da cracks. If I get confirmation otherwise, I'm slotting mine in Footstomp yesterday. Until then, it'll stay in KO Blow.



I bet you're right. The point is, we don't fully understand how the procs work in AoEs, in even a general sense, much less for this proc specifically.



My 2 cents on the matter disscussed. Lets look at the Force Feedback chance For Recharge proc, it has a better chance to proc off in Footstomp because of the amount of Villains it hits per mob ... meaning it procs off much higher versus putting it into Knockout Blow which hits one villain per attack. Chances are it won't proc as much as it would in Footstomp because it hits multiple villains within a mob therefor increasing the chance to proc.




Originally Posted by Helluva_Goon View Post
My 2 cents on the matter disscussed. Lets look at the Force Feedback chance For Recharge proc, it has a better chance to proc off in Footstomp because of the amount of Villains it hits per mob ... meaning it procs off much higher versus putting it into Knockout Blow which hits one villain per attack. Chances are it won't proc as much as it would in Footstomp because it hits multiple villains within a mob therefor increasing the chance to proc.

Except they specifically changed this in the other ATO procs. There were a bunch of Dev threads explaining they lowered the chance to proc in AOE / multitarget attacks, so that overall the proc still just procs as much as if you had it in an ST attack (the procs-per-minute mechanic). assuming equal use. And then they explained that all store-bought IO procs (Paragon Market) work this way, vs the in-game procs (FF +rchrg, dmg procs from in-game sets).

I don't totally get it but if the Brute proc is proccing multiple times off AOE attacks, all signs point to a bug that will be squashed faster than you can says EnzymeMembrane.



Well, I purpled my Brute Fury Proc last night and took it out for a spin. It's supposed to add 7 pts of Fury when it procs, right?

But when I looked in the combat stats in chat tray, it said 6.3 Fury added when it procced. What's up with that?



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
Except they specifically changed this in the other ATO procs. There were a bunch of Dev threads explaining they lowered the chance to proc in AOE / multitarget attacks, so that overall the proc still just procs as much as if you had it in an ST attack (the procs-per-minute mechanic). assuming equal use. And then they explained that all store-bought IO procs (Paragon Market) work this way, vs the in-game procs (FF +rchrg, dmg procs from in-game sets).

I don't totally get it but if the Brute proc is proccing multiple times off AOE attacks, all signs point to a bug that will be squashed faster than you can says EnzymeMembrane.
They start nerfing things people payed real cash for they gonna have some angry people on their hands demanding a refund.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I bet that AoE effect is a bug that slipped thru da cracks. If I get confirmation otherwise, I'm slotting mine in Footstomp yesterday. Until then, it'll stay in KO Blow.
I'd rather have it in an attack I use almost every time it's recharged; KO Blow is fun and hard-hitting, but it's slow to animate. Yes, with its base recharge it's almost guaranteed to activate the proc whenever you use it, but if I'm firing off a faster-activating power faster than its base recharge would generally allow, I can still get my fury bar up in the 90-100% range pretty consistently.

There are, I think, playstyle differences that can make a single "optimal" slotting strategy difficult to identify with this proc. I kind of like that.

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My fire armor brutes have the proc in their blazing aura, stone brutes have the proc in mudpots, electric brutes have it in lightning field. It works very nicely in those powers and I've seen the fury bonus. Also the majority of my brutes are splitting the ATO set in 2 powers due to the S/L bonus.



From today's patch notes:

Brute's Fury: +Recharge/+Chance for +Fury - Fixed a bug that granted +Fury per target hit instead of per activation of the power.

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Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
Except they specifically changed this in the other ATO procs. There were a bunch of Dev threads explaining they lowered the chance to proc in AOE / multitarget attacks, so that overall the proc still just procs as much as if you had it in an ST attack (the procs-per-minute mechanic). assuming equal use.
This is not, strictly speaking, true. The chance to proc is lower in AoE attacks, but the factor by which it's lowered isn't enormous in most cases. For instance, if I put the Obliteration sbe proc (which is rated 3ppm) in Black Dwarf Mire, I can expect to have the proc fire about nine times per minute... assuming no recharge in the power. (And, of course, having ten things for it to hit every time.) The numbers in Foot Stomp would be similar, since that power has the same radius, target cap, and recharge time. The only case I've found where a sbe proc ends up being worse than the normal proc is in control set AoE immobilize. (Which combine a short recharge, a high target cap, and a very high radius.)

In all the testing I've done, the brute proc only seems to be able to fire once per click even in AoE powers. But this has been on the beta server, which might be different than live. (And they seem to be particularly bad in the damage auras. I've never seen it fire more than once or twice a minute in one of those, regardless of number of targets nearby.)

Edit: Well, that explains that...

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well, I purpled my Brute Fury Proc last night and took it out for a spin. It's supposed to add 7 pts of Fury when it procs, right?

But when I looked in the combat stats in chat tray, it said 6.3 Fury added when it procced. What's up with that?
Looks like the numbers in the description are rounded up. I'm seeing 5.55 from the non-superior proc. Which seems like a pretty pathetic difference between the two, but the superior proc should also fire more often.




Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
From today's patch notes:
Brute's Fury: +Recharge/+Chance for +Fury - Fixed a bug that granted +Fury per target hit instead of per activation of the power.
So what does this mean exactly will say if it's slotted in burn it will now grant fury even if there is no targets or what.