Questions About Beast and Ninja Run
My Question is- Does anyone know what the height limit is with both Beast and Ninja run before you would land and loose HP?
You can't die from a fall in this game, so unless you jump off of the roof of a skyscraper into an even (or higher) conning mob, I don't really see the problem. (Unless this question is purely scientific, in which case good luck to you finding that answer.)
Did not know that it was not that big of a deal. I thought that you could die or go to the hospital from falling too far. Thanks for the info lol. It could come in handy to know at some point, I don't know when butit could!!!
A fall won't kill you, but if you land among NPCs who attack you they can finish you off.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
My understanding of this (an I may be mistaken) is that if you land at the same or a higher elevation than you launched from, you won't take any damage regardless of how high you jump, but if you land at a lower elevation that you launched from you will take damage based on that differential, but again it won't matter how high you jumped.
Otherwise no one would ever take super leap.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Used to see people going up really high buildings then jumping off them. Still not sure why it was amusing but it was a somewhat regular occurence. Haven't seen it for a while now. Mostly in Port Oakes for some reason. Guess the building were pretty high and accessible to low level characters.
Used to see people going up really high buildings then jumping off them. Still not sure why it was amusing but it was a somewhat regular occurence. Haven't seen it for a while now. Mostly in Port Oakes for some reason. Guess the building were pretty high and accessible to low level characters.
Some were getting Kintrollers or Kinfenders to hit them with IR to increase the jump height.
In some ways it was similar to some early attempts to jump to the roof of buildings in Steel Canyon using only CJ and Hurdle.
Or similar stunts pulled by some that jumped from the roofs and would try to see how close they could come to the ground before they hit Hover or Fly and stopped their descent.
At one time there was a zone that had a few buildings in it that were taller than the zone ceiling. It was fun to get close to the top and jump so that you would hit the ceiling and bounce down. It's been long enough ago that I encountered that for me to have forgotten the details of which zone it was. Perhaps someone will come along with that information.
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks.
My understanding was that when you land after a fall, the game checks the vertical distance you fell (measured from the highest point of the jump if you jumped, or from where you stopped flying if you were flying before, or from the edge if you walked off a ledge). If that fall distance is less than your current maximum jump height, then you take no damage.
If you run a toggle like beast/ninja run or super jump, then your maximum jump height is increased. If my assumption above is correct, then turning off the super jump toggle mid-jump could result in a landing with significant fall damage.
This is probably most interesting for the Good vs Evil 30 second jump pack, which can often run out while you are in the air.
Okay Beast Run and Ninja run buff your maximum jump height.
MJH = Maximum distance you can "fall" without taking damage.
So, if you start off at one elevation, jump to maximum height, and wind up on a lower elevation, you'll take damage based on the difference between the two elevations (as if you had no jump height and stepped off the edge of a cliff).
At one time there was a zone that had a few buildings in it that were taller than the zone ceiling. It was fun to get close to the top and jump so that you would hit the ceiling and bounce down. It's been long enough ago that I encountered that for me to have forgotten the details of which zone it was. Perhaps someone will come along with that information.
My understanding of this (an I may be mistaken) is that if you land at the same or a higher elevation than you launched from, you won't take any damage regardless of how high you jump, but if you land at a lower elevation that you launched from you will take damage based on that differential, but again it won't matter how high you jumped.
Otherwise no one would ever take super leap. |
Okay Beast Run and Ninja run buff your maximum jump height.
MJH = Maximum distance you can "fall" without taking damage. So, if you start off at one elevation, jump to maximum height, and wind up on a lower elevation, you'll take damage based on the difference between the two elevations (as if you had no jump height and stepped off the edge of a cliff). |
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Dark Astoria had buildings that exceeded the zone ceiling, but I haven't been on Beta so I don't know if that is still true after the zone revamp (my guess is no)
Aside from the obvious fact that I can see them from a distance now.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Note however if you fall enough (and are low enough level, 50's tend to not need to worry that much) there a limit on the damage, it cannot bring you below 1 hp (even if already damaged; this is not via the one-shot code).
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Used to see people going up really high buildings then jumping off them. Still not sure why it was amusing but it was a somewhat regular occurence. Haven't seen it for a while now. Mostly in Port Oakes for some reason. Guess the building were pretty high and accessible to low level characters.
Of course, back with the Blaster inherent Defiance, the original version of it gave you a damage boost scaled to how hurt you were. Thus Blasters were encouraged to get themselves almost dead for maximum damage. Attempting suicide by jumping off buildings or falling out of the sky were proven tactics.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Ah the good ol Defiance 1.0! /Facepalm
Yeah, it was fun back then, jumping off a tall building and then wiping out huge spawns in Boomtown with 2 AoE's! Though most often the Alpha ended up killing you anyways.
As far as mini games go...
On my Empath I used to fly to the ceiling above Mrs. Liberty and drop, hitting Absorb Pain on anyone standing nearby right after landing would kill you. I must've commited suicide on that one guy over a dozen times, just for lulz.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Dark Astoria had buildings that exceeded the zone ceiling, but I haven't been on Beta so I don't know if that is still true after the zone revamp (my guess is no)
Can't think of any in DA where this is the case - Warburg, PO, Cap, Boomtown however do. I think there may be some in Steel as well.
As others have said you take damage if you land lower than when you take off - you can see this even when running down a steep slope.
Most common reason I have known for deliberately taking falling damage was blasters using the old style Defiance to boost their damage - particularly in PVP.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
Just purchased Beast Run and Ninja Run from the market and got all the sprint powers and the choice of the ghost slaying axe or sands of mu. Obviously both these travel powers have increased my speed, agility and leaping height/distance quite a bit. I notice that falling or jumping from a certain height will cause me to loose HP if too high, but that is obviously increased with these run powers.
My Question is- Does anyone know what the height limit is with both Beast and Ninja run before you would land and loose HP?