130 -
Agreed. I didn't even start the one and only DIB I have done so far, i was invited and while waiting witnessed all the lower level players asking to join. its also much easier to find enough people for a team in the more populated areas such as Atlas Park.
pretty cool. Tried it today for the first time and the end is pretty hardcore compared to DFB. Def gonna take over the waiting list of players wanting to run DFBs.
The suggestion/idea is that- When you try to start a DIB team make it known that everyone must be at least Level 15 to avoid confusion and multiple requests to join the team from players who are too low a level. Also make sure you specify DIB and not DFB, players are so used to seeing DFB they will not bother reading your bubble. -
Thanks for going easy on me because I had no idea lol.
I made a test toon with the claws melee and tried the various beast/animals themes availble which now are quite plentiful. Paired with beast run this should have given such an easy, all incorporated theme but it just did not work when they attacked with the snikt wolvie claws. They def need to do a "natural" set regardless of how other stuff would work around it, the actual animations really wouldn't change much except for the hand being open instead of a fist.
I think it would be cool if there was a "natural" claws option for say werewolves and other beast, monster or whatever themed toons. When you take the claws primary the toon simply swipes with their natural claws instead of the "retractible" ones currently available.
What do you think? -
So is this basically going to be a higher level DFB? That's what it sounds like which IMO is very cool because things like DFB and/or DIB seem to really be what players are into these days. I mean go hang around Ms. Liberty when there is a crowd and that's all players are teaming up for. It will be cool to do somethng similar but on a higher overall level with more powers available. That is if that is what DIB is?
Thanks for the advice. It caught me so off guard lol, I was so not ready to be totally owned like that. I am not saying I expected to be some sort of badass, but I at least expected it to be somewhat kind a sorta even, it was just total slaughter for no reason lol. Not even fun and that sucks because it seems like it could be cool.
Is there like a level difference cap or something? I was ridiculous, guy said it would be a nice even 3 on 3, I figured we were all around same level, these guys obliterated us like it was nothing, not even fun to play. I am no sore loser if its a somewhat even fight but this was like God vs ants, no point LOL.
Is there like a max level difference because there was no way my team was even close to the other teams power level. It seems like it could be really fun if things were somewhat even. -
Winter event huh? Well they so could have done a groundhogs day thing where Paragon City was attacked by masses of groundhogs and if they won and took over the city it meant longer in game winter lol.
I personally love this combo, use it with a Brute and it's amazing, but I do fully agree that it's extremely endurance heavy.
Awesome, thanks for the info, but- is this something I have to do with a team or solo?
How hard and long does it take to get the Atlas Medallion? Seems like its worth it for that 5%
Toon is an Nrg/Dark Blaster, got a bunch of SO's sotted gained from drops in missions, dfb's, etc... Whats a good first mission, arc, trial etc... to get into when making 25????
Wait a second, Christmas passed? I play this game way too much jeeze!!!
Though no one here may care I am going to post this anyway.
When I first started playing this game a very short time ago I did so much research first, read all of the posts in these forums and asked a lot of questions to friends that play. I got so focused on numbers, synergies, opinions, trends, critiques, ideas and everything that didn't involve actually playing the game. I made, played, re-did and deleted so many toons never satisfied. I was in some race to level as fast as I could for no reason.
As of the past couple of days I came to realize that I have found my way of playing, I have made a few characters the way I want, the way that makes me happy and there is nothing wrong with whatever faults they probably have. I am taking my time learning the game my way and asking questions on here when I feel the need.
I guess the whole point of this game is that this game is really amazing and so multifaceted and deep that you really can do whatever you want and be happy and I missed that in the beginning. For anyone who happens to read this I am not a god of the game, I am not the guy with level 50+ toons that can tell you everything. I am the guy who plays because I never stopped wanting be a superhero lol. I am the guy who casually plays this game because it fulfills childhood, who am I kidding, adulthood dreams.
Play this game for you, your way, whatever that is. Or just make an insane toon that rules everything :0) whatever works for ya.
Thanks for reading :0) -
You are correct, I have only been playing for about a month if that and I have three toons -
Energy/Dark Blaster at level 25
TW/Nrg Aura Brute at Level 18
DP/Kin Corr at level 16 -
Just out of curiosity what is a good starting point for low level premium player farming?
Ok, that all makes sense thanks but- So you farm with an alt to make your main better, faster?
Thanks. So people are purpose building toons just to farm more effiently? Seems kinda like a waste when you want to play the real game if your toon is so tailored for that single aspect or purpose?
Got ya, can you do this with any mission at any level?
I looked it up on the Wiki and it just says the act of repeating something a bunch of times to keep gaining a reward or benefit. Ok, makes sense but what do you repeat? I'm prob just missing something right, cause I don't fully understand.
Thanks for the help :0) -
Sorry, can't post in other sections cause not VIP but--
I fell in love with the DP Powerset and made both a Corr and a Blaster, like the DP/Kin Corr much better.
I have read through many threads in these forums and I found out a few things concerning DP based on most of the posts-
1. Either ppl love the animations or hate them
2. Redraw is annoying
3. The secondary effects of the Swap Ammo power are so weak they are useless.
IMO this is a simple fix for the Devs-
1. The animations make this set so leave them alone.
2. Get rid of redraw and let the toon cast secondaries with the guns in hand, reallynot a big deal to change this and it would really help the slower secondaries.
3. Give the ability to slot enhancements in the three types of ammo gained from Swap Ammo, this would allow these weak secondary effects to be buffed and thus make them actually useful.
I think that you could really just go with making number 3, being able to slot the Swap Ammo power just makes so much sense.
Just my opinion tho :0) -
What missions, TF's etc?... at higher levels would compare to DFB's. I love the whole make team and run through destroying everything. I really like being part lf a team and seeing everyone do their part and making that synergy with each other.
What else is like DFB's in that aspect but for higher level toons? I have not been playing long so I don't know about the upper level content. My highest level toon is only 24, got a 18 and a 15 also.
Thanks :0)