Kin Combats are back!?!




So, back in November I think I bought a couple sets of tuned Kinetic Combats and a couple sets of tuned LOTG from the Paragon Market. For my new project I started a week or so ago I wanted a couple more sets. But they were gone. After some research I discovered the Nov. thing was a term "special". I 50'd my project this weekend, and took one last look at the Paragon Market. And they were back. I am not complaining about that (I got my tuned sets yeah! Except I should really stop spending stacks of cash on the game heh. I have 51 tuned enhancers on this one character! - I plan on Exemplaring him a lot.) But is there any rhyme or reason to anything going on with the Paragon Market?



Luck of the Gambler's are there too.




is it true log and kc are back on the market and for how long

Scrappers: (50) BS/SD,(50) Spines/INV, Controllers: (50) Fire/Kin (50) Fire/Storm, Tankers: (50) Stone/SS (50) Stone/DB (50)Stone/Elec (50) Ice/Stone (50) Fire/KM (50) Elec/SS +3, Blaster: (50) Ar/Devices, Brutes: (50) Claws/WP +2 (50) Elec/SD +3 (50) Claws/FA +1 (50) SS/WP/MU +3(50) SS/FA/Soul +3, (50) Elec/TW +2, (50) Warshade, (50) Plant/Dark Perma Dom+3



Originally Posted by hidbyflames View Post
is it true log and kc are back on the market and for how long
They were back this weekend (not the "set" special price, but all as ind.) But thats why I made this post. For how long? And how are we supposed to know this stuff for budgeting/design?



They need to just go ahead and put every single set IO on sale as attuned just like these other ones they have been selling like hot cakes since Freedom lol. Cha Ching.

Oh don't forget Supergamblepacks are coming too. Double Cha Ching.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I cannot think why they would not put all this stuff on as attuned. (Other than their market interface is pretty low grade). I am a VIP, and have no problem spending 15/month on sub. I would not pay much more for anything though. Pre-Free I bought packs randomly. But I only put money on the table for TW, Stj, etc. But these tuned enhancers? I have one character (my new main) kitted out well with these, and it was bank. If they put Purples as tuned option on the Paragon Market...? Do these people have something against making cash lol......



If the devs put every non-purple/non-PvP IO on the Paragon Market, I'd use points to outfit every single character I make. I guess they don't want my money that bad.



But then the game is pay to win, and that's bad. You need to suffer for your power.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
But then the game is pay to win, and that's bad. You need to suffer for your power.
This. Wrong. On so many levels. And with the bonus of showing a fundamental misunderstanding of what people with cash on hand will do to circumvent the whole argument anyways. Just so wrong.

Lets start with some softballs. I'm just gonna lob them over and you dont even have to connect, just see if you understand the whole thing.
If you are using I/Os you are probably either A) an experienced CoH player. B) an experienced MMORPG player playing many games
If you are using I/O sets to build top notch characters you are either C) a very experiened CoH player D) a moderately experienced CoH player who is smart enough to get good help E) A very experienced gamer who picks up new systems fast F) a freaking genius

Now, if you are A, C, or D you have enough funds on hand to kit out at least one character fully just from what you have accumulated. If you are B or E you are probably gonna find a quick way to come up with the necessary in-game resources to kit out a character. I got nothing on F, they exist, and they do things different than me. I am sure the Fs will figure something out and be able to have a character I/O'd how they want pretty quick.

So, your basic premise is gone. But I aint done. What you are really saying is "You can only have one or two characters fully I/o'd perfectly. If you want to have a top notch character thats all you get. If its your main and you do not want to shatter it for the shineys suck it up and play a SO build.

And lets play hardball now. Cause you obviously have not been playing the game I have. Have you ever noticed, say, somebody offering to sell in game currency by the billions? What do you think, they been spamming that crap in game forever and have made no money? Lets just pretend some people who play our game have used their services. I know it unthinkable, but I suspect based on the fact they will not stop spamming that they have had some small success. What do you think players do with the billions they buy? That's right. They buy I/Os. Wow, youre coming right along. Okay here's where we start to run now. The Devs could be getting all the money that is going to chinese prison guards (a lot of the farmers are actually prisoners, read a little once in awhile) and the players who want to throw buckets of money at the game could actually be giving it to NCSoft.

Jeez, people irritate me when they have no clue about economics and logic.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
But then the game is pay to win, and that's bad. You need to suffer for your power.
Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Jeez, people irritate me when they have no clue about funny jokes.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Jeez, people irritate me when they have no clue about funny jokes.

I did not laugh. Therefore it was not funny. Sheesh. I did crack a grin over your post though.



*pats Blue Centurion sympathetically* That was building up for awhile, wasn't it?



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
This. Wrong. On so many levels. And with the bonus of showing a fundamental misunderstanding of what people with cash on hand will do to circumvent the whole argument anyways. Just so wrong.

Lets start with some softballs. I'm just gonna lob them over and you dont even have to connect, just see if you understand the whole thing.
If you are using I/Os you are probably either A) an experienced CoH player. B) an experienced MMORPG player playing many games
If you are using I/O sets to build top notch characters you are either C) a very experiened CoH player D) a moderately experienced CoH player who is smart enough to get good help E) A very experienced gamer who picks up new systems fast F) a freaking genius

Now, if you are A, C, or D you have enough funds on hand to kit out at least one character fully just from what you have accumulated. If you are B or E you are probably gonna find a quick way to come up with the necessary in-game resources to kit out a character. I got nothing on F, they exist, and they do things different than me. I am sure the Fs will figure something out and be able to have a character I/O'd how they want pretty quick.

So, your basic premise is gone. But I aint done. What you are really saying is "You can only have one or two characters fully I/o'd perfectly. If you want to have a top notch character thats all you get. If its your main and you do not want to shatter it for the shineys suck it up and play a SO build.

And lets play hardball now. Cause you obviously have not been playing the game I have. Have you ever noticed, say, somebody offering to sell in game currency by the billions? What do you think, they been spamming that crap in game forever and have made no money? Lets just pretend some people who play our game have used their services. I know it unthinkable, but I suspect based on the fact they will not stop spamming that they have had some small success. What do you think players do with the billions they buy? That's right. They buy I/Os. Wow, youre coming right along. Okay here's where we start to run now. The Devs could be getting all the money that is going to chinese prison guards (a lot of the farmers are actually prisoners, read a little once in awhile) and the players who want to throw buckets of money at the game could actually be giving it to NCSoft.

Jeez, people irritate me when they have no clue about economics and logic.

That, sir, is an EPIC RANT.

Well played.

And yes, I am heartily sick of the RMT'rs, and it irritates me mightily that my beloved game is being suborned by Real Life Monsters.

Just sell the stuff directly, Dev's, let the Slavers ply their wares elsewhere.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I did not laugh. Therefore it was not funny. Sheesh. I did crack a grin over your post though.
The Darwin Awards are funny, yet the people awarded them do not laugh.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



"Kin Combat's back and you're gonna be sorry...

Hey-la, hey-la, Kin Combat's back!"

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
And lets play hardball now. Cause you obviously have not been playing the game I have. Have you ever noticed, say, somebody offering to sell in game currency by the billions? What do you think, they been spamming that crap in game forever and have made no money? Lets just pretend some people who play our game have used their services. I know it unthinkable, but I suspect based on the fact they will not stop spamming that they have had some small success. What do you think players do with the billions they buy? That's right. They buy I/Os. Wow, youre coming right along. Okay here's where we start to run now. The Devs could be getting all the money that is going to chinese prison guards (a lot of the farmers are actually prisoners, read a little once in awhile) and the players who want to throw buckets of money at the game could actually be giving it to NCSoft.
Brilliantly stated. And on top of all this...

Since purchased IOs can't be put on the market, they're not contributing to the massive inflation that makes billions of influence "necessary" (and I use that term loosely) in the first place. The reason people "need" billions of inf is because these things cost billions of inf. They cost billions of inf because people are selling them for billions of inf. People are selling them for billions of inf because they know that other people are willing to pay billions of inf for them. If those people were to pay a few dollars of real money for those same items instead, they wouldn't have to pay billions of inf to get what they want, and the sellers would have to lower their prices in order to sell their product at all. (And no, this wouldn't really hurt the sellers either, because prices would -- theoretically -- drop across the board, so anything they were going to spend their profits on would itself be cheaper.)

Or to put it another way, when supply increases and demand remains constant (or effectively decreases, since some of the demand is being met by other means), it causes prices to go down instead of up.

Thus making the game an even less attractive target for gold sellers.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
So, your basic premise is gone. But I aint done. What you are really saying is "You can only have one or two characters fully I/o'd perfectly. If you want to have a top notch character thats all you get. If its your main and you do not want to shatter it for the shineys suck it up and play a SO build.

And lets play hardball now. Cause you obviously have not been playing the game I have. Have you ever noticed, say, somebody offering to sell in game currency by the billions? What do you think, they been spamming that crap in game forever and have made no money? Lets just pretend some people who play our game have used their services. I know it unthinkable, but I suspect based on the fact they will not stop spamming that they have had some small success. What do you think players do with the billions they buy? That's right. They buy I/Os. Wow, youre coming right along. Okay here's where we start to run now. The Devs could be getting all the money that is going to chinese prison guards (a lot of the farmers are actually prisoners, read a little once in awhile) and the players who want to throw buckets of money at the game could actually be giving it to NCSoft.

Jeez, people irritate me when they have no clue about economics and logic.
Gotta disagree with this wholeheartedly. I don't RMT. I don't buy enhancements off the market, and I have multiple fully IOed toons complete with incarnate enhancements as well and I play pretty casually. I don't play the market game either. Perhaps there are people on this game that can't figure out how to do it but, that doesn't mean they should just make it a situation where money wins over all. What'd be the point of even playing then? Might as well hand NCSoft a blank check and not even log on since that kinda removes any challenge at all of playing. If you or other players haven't figured out how to pull it off then why not ask your friends that have to show you how to go about earning IOs quickly. It's what I've been doing for my friends.



Originally Posted by FNG View Post
Gotta disagree with this wholeheartedly. I don't RMT. I don't buy enhancements off the market, and I have multiple fully IOed toons complete with incarnate enhancements as well and I play pretty casually.
Well, really sorry you disagree with me. However, I want to thank you very much for disagreeing with me and then reaffirming the very fundamentals of my argument.

It is not "pay to Win" Anybody who wants to can kit out a few characters to really I/O'd status. Thank you for stating that. It is "pay for more variation among your stable of mains." And if people have cash, and people want to give it to NCSoft, I think we can make magic happen for another couple years. And do it without anybody in our community paying a dime to Chinese prison guards.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Well, really sorry you disagree with me. However, I want to thank you very much for disagreeing with me and then reaffirming the very fundamentals of my argument.

It is not "pay to Win" Anybody who wants to can kit out a few characters to really I/O'd status. Thank you for stating that. It is "pay for more variation among your stable of mains." And if people have cash, and people want to give it to NCSoft, I think we can make magic happen for another couple years. And do it without anybody in our community paying a dime to Chinese prison guards.
I don't really see how what I said reaffirmed any of your opinions considering that everything I said basically amounted to it not being necessary to buy enhancements using paragon points or going to the gold farmers. Like I said in my earlier post, it's pretty easy to do without having to resort to things like that. I'm sure you've got at least a couple friends that have figured it out so why not save your cash and ask them for help?



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
Since purchased IOs can't be put on the market, they're not contributing to the massive inflation that makes billions of influence "necessary" (and I use that term loosely) in the first place.


Or to put it another way, when supply increases and demand remains constant (or effectively decreases, since some of the demand is being met by other means), it causes prices to go down instead of up.
I think the rest of your post pretty much invalidates your opening sentence.

If people could buy IOs on the Paragon Market and put them into the Auction House, it might do a lot of things, but it wouldn't increase prices or contribute to inflation.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by FNG View Post
Gotta disagree with this wholeheartedly. I don't RMT. I don't buy enhancements off the market, and I have multiple fully IOed toons complete with incarnate enhancements as well and I play pretty casually. I don't play the market game either. Perhaps there are people on this game that can't figure out how to do it but, that doesn't mean they should just make it a situation where money wins over all. What'd be the point of even playing then? Might as well hand NCSoft a blank check and not even log on since that kinda removes any challenge at all of playing. If you or other players haven't figured out how to pull it off then why not ask your friends that have to show you how to go about earning IOs quickly. It's what I've been doing for my friends.
As long as these enhancements aren't store EXCLUSIVE, it's not pay to win.



Originally Posted by FNG View Post
I don't really see how what I said reaffirmed any of your opinions considering that everything I said basically amounted to it not being necessary to buy enhancements using paragon points or going to the gold farmers. Like I said in my earlier post, it's pretty easy to do without having to resort to things like that. I'm sure you've got at least a couple friends that have figured it out so why not save your cash and ask them for help?
You did not affirm my opinion. You disagreed with it. However, you made a statement that confirmed a very large plank in the very small logic platform I built to make my argument. I am not disagreeing with you that getting I/O's the way you have described is not terribly difficult. I am agreeing with you. That is the part where we are both in agreement. Let's move on.

I choose not to get together with farmers and treasure farm. I develop new characters constantly and explore the game. Therefore it takes me longer than it takes you to fully kit out a 50. I also do not Marketeer. (I manage auctions in RL, and I am just not gonna do it with my gaming time) Therefor I appreciate the fact that NC Soft offers these products for a moderate fee. (Grande Latte or LOTG set, hmmm?) In fact I stopped charging my Starbucks card and am using that money on tuned enhancers. I have 51 on my current main, and will probably be able to squeeze 4-5 more onto him. I would love it if more of these were available. I have at least 4 "standard builds" for me that I would love to have all in tuned enhancers.



Originally Posted by FNG View Post
I don't really see how what I said reaffirmed any of your opinions considering that everything I said basically amounted to it not being necessary to buy enhancements using paragon points or going to the gold farmers. Like I said in my earlier post, it's pretty easy to do without having to resort to things like that. I'm sure you've got at least a couple friends that have figured it out so why not save your cash and ask them for help?
Why not just buy them off the market and spend my time with my friends doing things I enjoy instead?



Originally Posted by FNG View Post
Gotta disagree with this wholeheartedly. I don't RMT. I don't buy enhancements off the market, and I have multiple fully IOed toons complete with incarnate enhancements as well and I play pretty casually. I don't play the market game either. Perhaps there are people on this game that can't figure out how to do it but, that doesn't mean they should just make it a situation where money wins over all. What'd be the point of even playing then? Might as well hand NCSoft a blank check and not even log on since that kinda removes any challenge at all of playing. If you or other players haven't figured out how to pull it off then why not ask your friends that have to show you how to go about earning IOs quickly. It's what I've been doing for my friends.

Okay, in-game I'm a multi-billionaire (see 12-digit sums). I already HAD most of really "Want NAO!" IOs and could pretty much buy anything my black little marketeering heart desired.

Additionally I have a hefty stockpile of Alignment Merits and Reward Merits.

So the ONLY thing I can't get in-game on a moment's are certain VERY rare high-level Hami-Os that happen to be out of stock in the market.

I still bought the SBIOs for KinCombat and LOTG.


Because it made things easier for me and made several of my builds MUCH more flexible with regards to exemping.

I want to make this clear. The builds I put these on were ALREADY sporting Kin Combats and LOTGs. I simply unslotted and replaced.

So this isn't about "avoiding" gameplay. Or not "earning" it through gameplay. It's about convenience. Nothing more.

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