What's your origin and archetype?
Unless you're looking for a soft-capped demi-god, they both preform pretty well, but have a major difference is play style. Willpower is 'easier' in the sense that you just turn on your toggles and rock faces. Regeneration is going to require that you pay attention to when you need to heal and then hitting one of those nice little heal buttons. Assuming you have a decent attention span, Regeneration will work just as well as Willpower.
It isn't really until you get to IO's, a special type of enhancement, and building for defense that their differences in potential really start to become apparent. At that point Regeneration can still be made *very* formidable if you don't mind using a purple every now and then, but Willpower can still preform "better", I feel.
I don't know which is better per se, but having played both sets (Regeneration to 14, Willpower to 29 and counting), Willpower is easier.
Willpower is a Set And Forget set with layered defenses (about 5% Defense, 50% resistance to the most common damage types, and a whole lot of regeneration), but no real "Emergency" heals like most melee defense sets have. Regen, on the other hand, is almost nothing but "Emergency" heals and very little anything else (about 10% damage resistance), so you have to keep a close eye on your health and consciously heal yourself whenever it starts to flag (which it will a lot, because you're taking almost full damage from everything).
Some people like to be more involved in their defense, some like to just focus on attacking. If you're the former, then you'll probably like Regen; otherwise, you'll probably find Willpower more to your liking.
Both sets, fortunately, have Quick Recovery, which will mean you'll have very little endurance problems, regardless of which you choose.
I don't know which is better per se, but having played both sets (Regeneration to 14, Willpower to 29 and counting), Willpower is easier.
Willpower is a Set And Forget set with layered defenses (about 5% Defense, 50% resistance to the most common damage types, and a whole lot of regeneration), but no real "Emergency" heals like most melee defense sets have. Regen, on the other hand, is almost nothing but "Emergency" heals and very little anything else (about 10% damage resistance), so you have to keep a close eye on your health and consciously heal yourself whenever it starts to flag (which it will a lot, because you're taking almost full damage from everything). Some people like to be more involved in their defense, some like to just focus on attacking. If you're the former, then you'll probably like Regen; otherwise, you'll probably find Willpower more to your liking. Both sets, fortunately, have Quick Recovery, which will mean you'll have very little endurance problems, regardless of which you choose. |
Willpower = not clicky = almost no Redraw
Regen = very clicky = constant Redraw
Now, Kat/Regen is survivable with the Def bonus from Divine Avalanche, but...having played a Kat/Regen Scrap to 50, then deleting it...I can tell you from experience that Redraw Gets Old

@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...
Since he's a F2P/Premium player he'll be stuck using SOs/HOs like in the good ol' days.
Regen was once super awesome but those days have long since past. Now it's reasonable but as others have pointed out, a good amount of the regen comes from two click heals, one that'll give you back, when fully slotted, about 1/2 your HP every 30 seconds and the other will boost your max hit points for a time as well as heal a chunk of XP.
Willpower is a little bit of everything, defense/damage resistance/regen. It's also either auto or toggle on and forget.
And personally, the redraw isn't all that annoying. The one regen character I have is a Kat/Regen and frankly I don't even notice. However there have been times when I've been defeated because I forgot to click my heals while in scrapper lock.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Scrapper Lock - n. Running around and attacking everything and not looking at health, endurance, or anything else, including where your friends are, what level creatures you are attacking, or how many. Typically will kill lots of things very quickly until the scrapper ends up dead under a pile of about 30 enemies because he (or she) went left when the team went right.
Scrapper Lock - n. Running around and attacking everything and not looking at health, endurance, or anything else, including where your friends are, what level creatures you are attacking, or how many. Typically will kill lots of things very quickly until the scrapper ends up dead under a pile of about 30 enemies because he (or she) went left when the team went right.
So to borrow and adjust your definition:
Brute Blinders - n. running around and attacking everything and anything in sight to maintain the maximum amount of fury possible and not looking at health, endurance, or anything else, including where your friends are, what level creatures you are attacking, or how many. Typically will kill lots of things very quickly until the brute ends up dead under a pile of about 30 enemies because he (or she) went left when the team went right.
And as a side note: According to "Nate's Law," you should always go left.
Now, as to the OP's question... (hehe sorry, side tracked)
I played (yes, played, not PLed >_>) a Kat/WP scrapper to 50 and I absolutely loved it.
The extra defense from Divine Avalanche is extra sweet.
Even with SOs and HOs the combination should be very viable for regular play.
Running at +4x8... that's another story.
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As some mention it really comes down to a certain preference for how you interact with the game.
If you like to be kept very active, and need to feel occupied to stay into the game, then I would suggest Regen.
If you are more interested in just focussing on attacking with little concern to how well you are enduring the damage then I suggest WP.
Is either the best? on thier own hardly. Each has certain primaries that can be coupled with them to achieve a level of meta most only will dream of.
For me my BS/Regen has few real equals and he isnt even Purpled out. My claw/WP on the other hand is down right dull to play at times because once I put on the toggles all I have to do is target hit kill repeat endlessly with no real concern for my own safety.
That doesnt mean regen isnt just as safe, it just means you have to be ready to click your heals.
Id say it largely should be about the character you want to create and portray. If you dont have a clear picture of that, it likely will matter little what power sets you take as you will always struggle trying to find a build within it that fits. Most forum cookie cutter builds rarely perform well for new players.
Since he's a F2P/Premium player he'll be stuck using SOs/HOs like in the good ol' days.
Regen was once super awesome but those days have long since past. Now it's reasonable but as others have pointed out, a good amount of the regen comes from two click heals, one that'll give you back, when fully slotted, about 1/2 your HP every 30 seconds and the other will boost your max hit points for a time as well as heal a chunk of XP. Willpower is a little bit of everything, defense/damage resistance/regen. It's also either auto or toggle on and forget. And personally, the redraw isn't all that annoying. The one regen character I have is a Kat/Regen and frankly I don't even notice. However there have been times when I've been defeated because I forgot to click my heals while in scrapper lock. |
I have a kat/regent that J's purpled out for massive recharge permahasten
and then I solo pvp with a KAT/WILLPOWER
THE DUAL lasted for ever but the will power won 3 out of 3
I now have fire/willpower and he is awesome in pve and super hard to kill in zone pvp and arena
"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me
dual - a pair, or twin set (of blades or pistols, say)
duel - a match between (generally) two people
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
How does a regen get defeated ? I mean ever! You might be dropped, but that just means revive+MoG and your back up barely missing a beat.
Most rez powers either stop the enemies from attacking you (Massive knockback or stun in fire and dark rezzes, respectively), or apply a short-term "Untouchable" effect. Neither Revive nor Resurgence do either of these. I'm uncertain if this is a bug or intended function. Furthermore, the buff Resurgence applies DOESN'T apply until the animation finishes. And you can't activate any powers while the animations are playing either.
This means that you rez, and whatever killed you smacks you back down before you're even allowed to try to MoG or anything else like that.
That's a great theory, but it doesn't work like that.
Most rez powers either stop the enemies from attacking you (Massive knockback or stun in fire and dark rezzes, respectively), or apply a short-term "Untouchable" effect. Neither Revive nor Resurgence do either of these. I'm uncertain if this is a bug or intended function. Furthermore, the buff Resurgence applies DOESN'T apply until the animation finishes. And you can't activate any powers while the animations are playing either. This means that you rez, and whatever killed you smacks you back down before you're even allowed to try to MoG or anything else like that. |
My BS/Regen has on numerous occasions self rezzed and mog'd in extremely thick groups of various types. Ive done it when exemped and running things like TFs, I have a fond memory of taking on a room including 8 PPs in a manticore tf, I died once...ONCE and then I killed them all.
it doesnt work for WP because WP doesnt have an equiv of MoG. which in its revamped version isnt an end mode god tank power, its a short duration very quick to activate and recharges often much as build up but in the defensive line.
I dont speak theory when it comes to regen I preach the TRUTH. I have tuaght others to be so effective with regen they swear off it due to how boring the game becomes. I have taken players who called regen gimp and turned them into one man AV killers where once they wouldnt charge one without a team.
Regen is still mighty, its the faith in it that is all that is lacking.
except your wrong, mog activates very fast, if u click it actively right after u hit rez you will unless you suffer evena fractional lag spike as does happen if your in a thick battle on a slower comp or have your graphics cranked to high. tip for regen dummy down your graphic settings even on a high end comp it does wonders to increase power responsivness a regen especially needs.
The only exception is if you have a high-end Invention build with a lot of Defense, +HP or other survival bonuses built in, which stops you from taking all the hits. On a SO-only or light IOs build (like someone who has only been playing a few weeks would have), you WILL die before the animation ends.
My BS/Regen has on numerous occasions self rezzed and mog'd in extremely thick groups of various types. Ive done it when exemped and running things like TFs, I have a fond memory of taking on a room including 8 PPs in a manticore tf, I died once...ONCE and then I killed them all. |
it doesnt work for WP because WP doesnt have an equiv of MoG. |
I dont speak theory when it comes to regen I preach the TRUTH. <snip> Regen is still mighty, its the faith in it that is all that is lacking. |
That's a great theory, but it doesn't work like that.
Most rez powers either stop the enemies from attacking you (Massive knockback or stun in fire and dark rezzes, respectively), or apply a short-term "Untouchable" effect. Neither Revive nor Resurgence do either of these. I'm uncertain if this is a bug or intended function. Furthermore, the buff Resurgence applies DOESN'T apply until the animation finishes. And you can't activate any powers while the animations are playing either. This means that you rez, and whatever killed you smacks you back down before you're even allowed to try to MoG or anything else like that. |
That sounds like a bug then - you aren't supposed to be able to override rooting by using other powers, emotes, etc, and every time we've had the ability to, the devs have quashed it as soon as they found out about it.
I use a modified version of iggy's kat/will scrapper intended for PVE, And i have to say, That in PVE i basically CANT die unless i am fighting something with the ability to ignore defense or something with autohit debuffs that wreck everything i do (( Watchers, Fortunata mistresses/ Tyrantula queen/mistresses)) I literally went AFK in a full spawn of +2 council and came back at 75% health which regenerating instantly considering the spawn size.
PVP...I tend to ignore it, But sometimes a friend will ask to fight and she's the character i generally pick, I usually stalemate or defeat my pals, They can't really kill me, Though masterminds and anything/poison generally DESTROY me if any of the poison buffs hit ( Got two envenom's in a row on me once, Basically already lost.)
Really, I play regeneration too, i had a MA/REGEN, a BS/regen and a STJ/regen and i always ended up taking the enchancements they had and sending them to another toon. The STJ's enchancements CERTAINLY benefitted the WP more.
I'd give you the build, but i would rather you ask Iggy Kamikaze, He's the mastermind behind this insane character and his builds seem highly adjustable (To a point, of course.)
Thread Necro!
Seriously, why do people do that?
Edit: Deleted my original comment. Didn't realize it was a necro-ed thread. Not gonna rehash the dead and buried.
I am new to the game (been playing about a week) and am trying to decide if I which, of the two, is better. I know its really up to personal preference, but since I assume I will be soloing quite a bit at first, which has more survive ability?