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  1. I am new to the game (been playing about a week) and am trying to decide if I which, of the two, is better. I know its really up to personal preference, but since I assume I will be soloing quite a bit at first, which has more survive ability?
  2. Been doing some reading and I'm wondering KAT/Will or Kat/Regen?
  3. Can anyone point me towards a new player friendly blaster build that I can look at and get some good ideas. On a side note, talking about slotting has got me really confused...Im not sure how many to put where, and what to put in them. I'm kinda winging it right now, and having a blast (which is whats important) but I do want to look at a different build for something other than a scrapper.
  4. Thanks again for all the help. I started play on Virtue and made the Kat/Wil type. I've made it to lvl 9ish solo, but am looking to do some team missions. Since I'm not a ViP I can not send any tells. I am sure there is a lot more to learn about the game and I'm looking for someone who might be willing to teach me or show me some of the mission stuff. My handle on the server is Jaodon, so feel free to send me a tell if you see me on. Again, thanks for all the help.
  5. Thanks all for the quick and helpful replys. I have played several MMO's in the past (UO, Everquest, WoW, DDO to name a few) and I am really enjoying this one. As a new player I am sure that there are a hundred different things I should be asking but I'm just to new to know what they are. I have to say that I am enjoying the soloabilty of the game for now, but I know I will want to join a group sooner than later. The build I chose to follow is the Katana/Willpower build. Its really fun even at early levels. If there is any advice that anyone can offer please feel free to post it here. Im also on the look out for a second build as well. Thanks again
  6. Thanks for the quick reply. I really like to play either sneaky melee type characters or heavy armored muscle.

    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    Firstly, welcome.

    1. I'd really need more to go on in order to help you here. I mean what sort of play style do you like?

    2. As far as builds go, there's really a lot of possible variation. Take a look at Mid's Hero Planner and mess around with it a bit and you'll see. Though keep in mind you won't be able to use the set enhancements as a free player.

    3. Only very specific zones are PvP areas. Personally I think that's a good thing as unfortunately PvP is not this game's strong suit.

    4. There is a very minimal amount of content locked to you as a free player. You can't access the content that was part of the Going Rogue expansion, you won't be able to do the missions in the First Ward zone which was added when the game went 'free', you can't run the monthly Signature Story Arcs and you're blocked off from the endgame 'incarnate' content. That might sound like a decent bit, but you get the other 7 years of added content in addition to everything from CoH and CoV themselves so you shouldn't be lacking for things to do.

    Anyway, have fun.
  7. So the title says it all. I am/will be new to the game and am looking for some advice.

    1. What would be a good build to start out with?

    2. Could you post a link or a quick idea on a build?

    3. Are all areas PvP?

    4. I will be FTP at the start will this lock a lot of content?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help!