It happened AGAIN.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I wish with CoV they had run with the original Praetoria and had it be a world like Wanted (had the book been out then).
As far as I recall, it was out then. It wasn't very well known, however. But I do remember hoping that CoV was going to approach villains kind of like that. A mirror universe where the bad guys won. I still wish they had done that.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, Praetoria's pretty close to that
As Mirror Universes go, it's no Terran Empire.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, Praetoria's pretty close to that
Except we're playing on the wrong side.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
But not every villain wants there to be no world. That's the point. Whenever we get involved with a nefarious plot, it's never our own. It's someone else's. And when we're one step from passing through the door to victory, some NPC in whatever story arc we're in shuts the door in our face.

If what I'm reading from you is correct:

-Redside should be ignored because of low population. NO. What I am saying is that due to low activity its a waste of dev resources to spend funds and time developing what could be deemed a largely wasted amount of zones and content as it is. How long did it take for us to get more end game since the lvl 50 cap? Yeah that long, as in for enough 50s to amass that it was the logical design choice.
-Redside story arcs/missions should be bland and disappointing because no one cares about RP, just gameplay. NO. What i am saying is that you cant ever expect to be the biggest baddest villain. WHY? Because this isnta pvp focussed game and blue side players want to fight the biggest of the baddies. By default your villains must in the main storyline always remain second strongers. blue side has felt the same along time, which is why COX does get called City Of Sidekicks by its haters.
-Redside really isn't worth anything because "no one plays it." Actually yes. Fact is it just has become ANOTHER part of the game, no different then any other zone, players are free to play there or not, but its clear they dont see any reason to pad its content further.

Right? Full of assumptions and you know what they say about them

What an incredibly ignorant and unfair way of looking at the game. I'm glad I don't game with you. Dont feel to bad love, being wrong is hard to admit and your very wrong. Especially if you dont think I place RP as a top priority.
I have a very fun borderline gawdmode RP character on virtue who was a rogue long before we even had a red side let alone the option to move old characters there from the blue.

His name is T'Keron Valmaz. Based heavily in cOX lore, immensly fun to play and RP, gets to mock all the newb wannaRPr's who come here trying to gawd mode with thier so called unique personal concepts.

On a side note if your so ignorant of lore as to not understand the Rularuu who when i mention am not speaking of the villain group but the actual Entity who you only get to fight a handful of lesser aspects of during the Shadow Shard TFs some of which I love running as RP events quite often.

My problem with WannaRPers is that they keep insisting the game bend its knee to thier silly wants. Playing a villain in this game never came with the promise you got to be the best villain ever, especially in an MMO that is utterly silly when the red side is just a tacked on part of the game. Recluse will likely remain a top dog for a long time to come unless they have his end come following states soon. I kind of suspect him going kind of anti hero. like if some random thug killed off the F4 Doc D would likely go global on the one who denied him the chance to end reed.

The very start and main plot of red side has you be a soldier in the ranks of a near god of a warlord. even in the wrap up of that main arc your not really defeating anyone or anything for good, just securing your own freedom.

There is plenty of room in concept for Cold BLooded assassins,angst ridden mutants who where tormented and turned against society, and evil geniuses who want to try and rule the world( but never can hope to succeed). But you dont get to be a Galactus, that is what rularuu is for. You dont get to be Lexx Luthor, that is what countess crey is for, but you can be a joker, because in the bigger scheme of things, as evil as that man is, he cant effect the world in any real way.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Except we're playing on the wrong side.
But Praetoria can't be the openly evil place, because that's already covered by the Rogue Isles - it would have been a waste of resourses to create a similar place, but in another dimension.
The pre-GR Praetoria kinda foreshadows CoV, with a trash heap world ruled by a crazed arch-enemy of Statesman, supported by various infighting factions and archvillains - but once the way more fleshed out version of that idea came along in CoV, that left the original openly evil Praetoria as a bit of a deadend.
But once they came to do GR, they managed to come up with a clever way to flesh out Praetoria without making it seem like a remake of CoV - they kept the trash heap world, the infighting factions and the archvillains, but tweaked the concept into a place where the villains pretended in public that they were heroes - or even genuinely thought that they were heroes.
The idea for a world where everything is a facade allowed them to keep the original Praetors and their personalities, which helped the continuity between the 2 versions of Praetotia.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'm not going to try to quote and point out all the fail; I'll just cut to the chase.

City is predicated on the notion that the character does jobs for other people. That is it. It's not a sandbox game and it never will be. Playing a villain in this game means playing a mercenary doing black-bag jobs and it always will. No, having the NPCs who are actually calling the shots the whole time kiss up to the PC does not help. It comes off like this.

Thus my earlier comment "if you're trying to score a touchdown in bowling, ur doin it wrong". Players have to create characters that fit the game. Adjust your expectations accordingly or go play something that better fits them. If you play villains here you're not going to be the mastermind and you're not going to change the status quo, end of story.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



My stance on this is simple.

If the devs want to shoehorn villains into cooperating with heroes I will not do the villain arc. Waste of resources, but when garbage goes in...garbage comes out.

Have a nice day.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'm not going to try to quote and point out all the fail; I'll just cut to the chase.

City is predicated on the notion that the character does jobs for other people. That is it. It's not a sandbox game and it never will be. Playing a villain in this game means playing a mercenary doing black-bag jobs and it always will. No, having the NPCs who are actually calling the shots the whole time kiss up to the PC does not help. It comes off like this.

Thus my earlier comment "if you're trying to score a touchdown in bowling, ur doin it wrong". Players have to create characters that fit the game. Adjust your expectations accordingly or go play something that better fits them. If you play villains here you're not going to be the mastermind and you're not going to change the status quo, end of story.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'm not going to try to quote and point out all the fail; I'll just cut to the chase.

City is predicated on the notion that the character does jobs for other people. That is it. It's not a sandbox game and it never will be. Playing a villain in this game means playing a mercenary doing black-bag jobs and it always will. No, having the NPCs who are actually calling the shots the whole time kiss up to the PC does not help. It comes off like this.

Thus my earlier comment "if you're trying to score a touchdown in bowling, ur doin it wrong". Players have to create characters that fit the game. Adjust your expectations accordingly or go play something that better fits them. If you play villains here you're not going to be the mastermind and you're not going to change the status quo, end of story.
Technically, killing Alexis was a big change of the status quo. And honestly, most of the SSAs up till #5 were big changes of the status quo. The Heroes were running around like idiots while the villains got to gain all sorts of shiny **** completely scot-free.

I do agree that if you're going to play an Omnicidal Maniac and expect the game to accommodate you you've got another thing coming. I know someone who plays such a character and has remarked to me that they kind playing their character a bit dull because well...let's face it, the game doesn't do much to make playing that sort of character any fun. Those kinds of characters are GREAT foils in RP, but in the actual context of gameplay mechanics? It doesn't work.

I'm sorry villains, I realize you want your day in the spotlight, and so far in WWD you're getting it, but if you really want to side with the insane, world/galaxy/universe annihilating evil?

You're pancaked. And that's all there is to it.



The problem with the "villains are mercenaries" angle is that Going Rogue changed that: Villains are supposed to be in it for the power and the glory, while Rogues are in it for the money... but most villain missions written before Going Rogue have them just in it for the money as well.

Newspaper missions that have you stealing things are particularly bad at this. You find some fabulous piece of technology or magic, and instead of using it, you're told your character just sells it to "someone a little higher up on the food chain" because "a buck's a buck". (Both direct quotes from the missions)

Why can't I use that Sonic Device or the "weird weapon"? Why can't I make the Crown of Enos work for me? Why can't I become powerful enough to control the Dagger of Erishkigel? Keeping things like that to give the character more power for further schemes would be more villainous (as the game defines "Villainous") than just selling them and forgetting them. Give me the option to sell them (for a larger Inf bonus on mission completion) or keep them (for a limited-use temporary power).

Newspaper missions also treat you as if you're a former jailbird - which, to be fair, you were, according to the old Tutorial, but that doesn't apply anymore - who's living in a tiny apartment with walls so thin that your neighbors can hear your every action, even if you're a newly-arrived space alien who has his own supervillain group base.

The Dean MacArthur quest is an example of how to do a story arc that isn't about your villain working for someone else. Dean is working for you, and you gather even more people to work for you as the plot goes on. (Sure, it still ends in failure, restoring the Status Quo, but at least the trip there isn't full of the contact belittling and insulting you)

The Mayhem missions are also good about this, in that they don't ascribe any motive to you at ALL, letting you decide why your character is doing the mission. One player can say their character robs a bank because they want the money (which he'll spend on making himself comfortable), but someone else's character robs a bank because they want the notoriety (including the chance to take down a hero).

A villain doesn't have to be an Omnicidal Maniac to not want to work for other people, and just because you, the player, know that your character isn't going to get to rule the world doesn't mean the character shouldn't be allowed to try.



Here's an idea that would hopefully not be too difficult to implement. Add actual, for-real money in-game, but not something which can be used to purchase enhancements or whatever, just as something that can be used to fund various nefarious schemes. It shouldn't take more than a few lines (again, hopefully) to add in a cash prize to most missions, whether they're contacts, newspaper, or whatever.

Nefarious schemes don't do anything; they're gold sinks. Maybe add a badge for completing all of them or something. Inexpensive things would involve buying up Dyne labs or distribution centers, more expensive ones would involve stealing the Axe of Exceptionally Unpleasant Magic from a museum or assassinating the mayor of Paragon's sister city who's stopped in for a visit. Really expensive ones involve instigating a coup to take over your very own island nation.

It's better than nothing, and hopefully not hard to implement...Personally, though, I'd give Redside a more developed scheme-based mission system. Basically, you know how every so often you'd get a chance to choose Loyalist or Resistance in Praetoria? Let Villains make similar choices, but more concerning what kind of evil they want to perpetuate (i.e. "sell the death ray to Arachnos or keep it for yourself?"). Heroes, too, while we're at it.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Whoa there buddy, let's not go Marvel here.
BRB selling my marriage to the devil!



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
But you dont get to be a Galactus, that is what rularuu is for.
Let me put this in big text, nice and spaced out for you (and everyone else still hammering the "you can't destroy the game world, you can't destroy the game world" button).

I do not want to destroy the game world. My original post, in the simplest terms, says that villainy isn't what I'd like it to be.

Got it? Does it need repeating?

Anyone else need me to repeat it? No? Good.

Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
You dont get to be Lexx Luthor, that is what countess crey is for, but you can be a joker, because in the bigger scheme of things, as evil as that man is, he cant effect the world in any real way.
Countess Crey does ****-all in the game. Move that useless bag out of the way and let me do some real evil. As far as the Joker is concerned, what he does is so far above CoV's league that even the orphan gassing in Westin Phipps's arc is pretty tame. Don't tell me we can be Joker when we can't even be Phipps.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Players have to create characters that fit the game. Adjust your expectations accordingly or go play something that better fits them. If you play villains here you're not going to be the mastermind and you're not going to change the status quo, end of story.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Why do you think I made this thread?

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Let me put this in big text, nice and spaced out for you (and everyone else still hammering the "you can't destroy the game world, you can't destroy the game world" button).

I do not want to destroy the game world. My original post, in the simplest terms, says that villainy isn't what I'd like it to be.

Got it? Does it need repeating?

Anyone else need me to repeat it? No? Good.

Countess Crey does ****-all in the game. Move that useless bag out of the way and let me do some real evil. As far as the Joker is concerned, what he does is so far above CoV's league that even the orphan gassing in Westin Phipps's arc is pretty tame. Don't tell me we can be Joker when we can't even be Phipps.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Why do you think I made this thread?
I lol'd. Oh, and where did Xanatos go?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



working on his retort



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
I'm sorry villains, I realize you want your day in the spotlight, and so far in WWD you're getting it, but if you really want to side with the insane, world/galaxy/universe annihilating evil?

You're pancaked. And that's all there is to it.
Which brings me to another problem: awesomeness inflation.

Not that long ago, the Worst Fate that you could expect if The Devs let You Fail the Arc was that a part of the city crumbled down (again).

Then an evil mirror universe Statesman tried to kidnap the boy scout and take over this version of earth as well.

Then someone upped the ante. The worst that could happen was that Lord Recluse would ruin the world in 15 years on his way to become king. Next to that, the alien invasion was a bit peanuts, but cool anyway.

Then there was the annual Stopping Snowball Earth. That usually means mass extinction.

Then they upped the ante of the mirror universe threat and had a possible mass exctinction of two worlds - this and theirs.

And now, omnicide.


This is Awesomeness Inflation. It has a tendency to hit just about anything that has been running for a while. When Star Destroyers is not enough, you use Super Star Destroyers and later Eclipse Star Destroyers.

And finally, when there's no chance of saving the story anymore, you are simply forced to reboot the universe.

Writers, if you read this, please calm down a bit. You don't HAVE to trump the potential-but-never-happening destruction of the last villain plot every time. Not even because Statesman dies.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
It's a moot point, since only a stupid mission designer would make MMO villain missions based on destroying the world. The smart MMO villain mission designer makes missions based on robbing the federal reserve, proving a point to Ms Liberty by forcing her to choose to bomb a boat with criminals or a bomb with innocent people, kidnaps a girl to force her dad the mage to be your servant, make Ghost Widow owe you one, or just piss off Statesman.
If you think every villain mission in this game has a goal of destroying the world, you haven't been paying attention to the story you've been told.

Variations of everything you've rattled off have appeared in various arcs, both old ones and new ones.

Besides, those alternate stories are small potatoes. An arc where one of the most powerful heroes on the planet gets his ticket punched deserves a better reason than stealing something, or pissing a hero off. The threat of world destruction is entirely acceptable and worthy of Statesman's death. Anything else would be cheap.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If you think every villain mission in this game has a goal of destroying the world, you haven't been paying attention to the story you've been told.
Also a moot point, since the context is that villain players are a bit tired of having to be not-villainous every time the world is in danger, Darrin Wade being the latest example.

Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Variations of everything you've rattled off have appeared in various arcs, both old ones and new ones.
Yep, but not in the coops. There it's just "Stop being a villain and help saving the world! Fergawdssake, you live in it!"


Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Besides, those alternate stories are small potatoes. An arc where one of the most powerful heroes on the planet gets his ticket punched deserves a better reason than stealing something, or pissing a hero off. The threat of world destruction is entirely acceptable and worthy of Statesman's death. Anything else would be cheap.
For your information, you're talking to the cat that offed Statesman before he nerfed himself, for the sole reason that Lord Recluse thought States was a nuisance and the cat thought it was fun.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
working on his retort
*grins* *gets popcorn*

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



My previous post had a rated M version of a story arc that I thought might be more satisfying to you but it was largely ignored in favor of more pointless arguements on the internet. You would think with the large number of in my opinion very intelligent people on these boards there would be more brainstorming and less bickering. Who cares who is right and who is wrong. Let me try to break this down into simpler terms.

The basic premise of most storylines in City of Heroes from radio missions to full arcs and TFs is "Some noun did some verb so now you must go verb his noun."

The basic premise in City of Villains is "Some noun wants you to go do some verb so now you must go verb some nouns."

The disparity between the two seems to be that Heroes often get to be the decision maker. Nobody is telling you what to do. You are doing what you need to do in order to protect people and stop criminals. Villains are often told what they are going to do by other villains. Newspaper missions are really some of the only content where You are choosing what You will do and who You will do it to. Nobody wants to be a gopher for another villains plans.

Also with co-op content heroes are never forced to make tough choices for the greater good or to save the world. Villains are always having to help save the day out of their own self interest but they are never allowed to do it their way. Nor at any point are they allowed to twist things in such a way as they benefit.

The biggest problem is that any solutions that we the players come up with likely will not be cost effective and/or coding nightmares. They could add optional objectives that are coded to appear depending on if your flagged as a hero or a villain. They could do many things.

Either way one problem which may be simpler to solve is just writing future arc's stories so that villains are treated as either equals or the ones in charge.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
Newspaper missions are really some of the only content where You are choosing what You will do and who You will do it to. Nobody wants to be a gopher for another villains plans.
Unfortunately, not even Newspaper missions give you freedom. You're still piggybacking off of another villain every single time.

Archon Morricone rules downtown!
Like spit he does. This ends now.

Defeat Archon Morricone and Guards
Sure, it might seem like you're going out to show someone who's boss, but ONLY after they showed up acting like a jerk in the local headlines. You didn't do this proactively, you did it reactively.

Foreign Dignitary Abducted!
It looks like the Malta Group has kidnapped a bigwig from another country so they might gain favor with the UN. If you were to, say, 'negotiate' the hostage out of Malta's hands, maybe YOU would have a shot at swaying the UN.

Kidnap the Dignitary
Once again, you're not in control. Malta formulated a plan to lean on the UN, and you're just going to cross their names off of the blueprints and write in your own. Reactive villainy.

Prototype Ion Cannon Siezed in Raid
From what this article is saying, the Freakshow broke in to an experimental weapons lab and stole a very powerful, very dangerous and very expensive device. You're not sure what it does, but it sounds powerful. The Freakshow don't deserve something so nice. Maybe you should take it off their hands.

Get the Prototype Ion Cannon from the Freakshow
And yet again, another villain group pulled off a plan that you had nothing to do with. Instead of YOU being the guy who boosted the weapon, you're just going to steal it from the stealers.

You know what I'd like to see? Something like this.

UK Ambassador to Visit Rogue Isles
So, an ambassador from the United Kingdom is dropping by home sweet home. This would be a perfect opportunity to kidnap the poor fool and use his power and connections for your own. Maybe the UK will even pay you handsomely for his safe return. Even if they refuse to negotiate and send in a rescue team to try and stop you it'll just give you an opportunity to show the world you're not to be trifled with.

Kidnap the UK Ambassador!

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
Also with co-op content heroes are never forced to make tough choices for the greater good or to save the world. Villains are always having to help save the day out of their own self interest but they are never allowed to do it their way. Nor at any point are they allowed to twist things in such a way as they benefit.
Heroes never get to twist co-op missions to their benefit either, redsiders don't end up getting punished for past deeds and the Zig is little more a resort spa with a bad dress code. For every omnicidal villain there's probably a homicidal vigilante with a "red means dead" ethic, and guess what, the game doesn't cater to them either.

Really what it sounds like is the redsiders want their access to the co-op missions removed, if it would stop the whining, it'd get my vote.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
The problem with the "villains are mercenaries" angle is that Going Rogue changed that: Villains are supposed to be in it for the power and the glory, while Rogues are in it for the money... but most villain missions written before Going Rogue have them just in it for the money as well.

Newspaper missions that have you stealing things are particularly bad at this. You find some fabulous piece of technology or magic, and instead of using it, you're told your character just sells it to "someone a little higher up on the food chain" because "a buck's a buck". (Both direct quotes from the missions)

Why can't I use that Sonic Device or the "weird weapon"? Why can't I make the Crown of Enos work for me? Why can't I become powerful enough to control the Dagger of Erishkigel? Keeping things like that to give the character more power for further schemes would be more villainous (as the game defines "Villainous") than just selling them and forgetting them. Give me the option to sell them (for a larger Inf bonus on mission completion) or keep them (for a limited-use temporary power).

Newspaper missions also treat you as if you're a former jailbird - which, to be fair, you were, according to the old Tutorial, but that doesn't apply anymore - who's living in a tiny apartment with walls so thin that your neighbors can hear your every action, even if you're a newly-arrived space alien who has his own supervillain group base.

The Dean MacArthur quest is an example of how to do a story arc that isn't about your villain working for someone else. Dean is working for you, and you gather even more people to work for you as the plot goes on. (Sure, it still ends in failure, restoring the Status Quo, but at least the trip there isn't full of the contact belittling and insulting you)

The Mayhem missions are also good about this, in that they don't ascribe any motive to you at ALL, letting you decide why your character is doing the mission. One player can say their character robs a bank because they want the money (which he'll spend on making himself comfortable), but someone else's character robs a bank because they want the notoriety (including the chance to take down a hero).

A villain doesn't have to be an Omnicidal Maniac to not want to work for other people, and just because you, the player, know that your character isn't going to get to rule the world doesn't mean the character shouldn't be allowed to try.

Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post

This is Awesomeness Inflation. It has a tendency to hit just about anything that has been running for a while. When Star Destroyers is not enough, you use Super Star Destroyers and later Eclipse Star Destroyers.

And finally, when there's no chance of saving the story anymore, you are simply forced to reboot the universe.

Writers, if you read this, please calm down a bit. You don't HAVE to trump the potential-but-never-happening destruction of the last villain plot every time. Not even because Statesman dies.
Sort of what killed Dragonball Z. Bigger and bigger cosmic horrors gets a bit redundant.