It happened AGAIN.




In the nicest possible way: I don't think you understand what you're talking about.

Taking things out of context is something you do in all your reviews. I'm hardly surprised you've done the same here.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
My original statement, the one you're contesting, said this:

"PVP was always intended for CoH. It was planned since pre-beta. As early as 2002."

Let me change it slightly:

"PVE was always intended for CoH. It was planned since pre-beta. As early as 2002."

Do you disagree with this too? Does the fact that many PVE systems were badly implemented make the above statement false? Do design changes, or system changes prior to the game being released make the above statement false? Do any of your arguments outlined against PVP apply here also against PVE?

No. They don't.

You're confusing poor planning and poor implementation with zero intention and zero planning. Hence your completely irrelevant rant against my very simple point.
Let's see. They had existing PvE content in pre-beta that testers could interact with. They were actively trying to figure out what was wrong with it and how to make it work. They were making changes trying to fix what they percieved to be the biggest problems. (The well-documented whole-system overhaul that introduced Archetypes and such.)

Did they have any existing PvP content that testers could interact with? Were they actively trying to figure out how to make it work, and were they making changes to fix the problems they could see? There's not a lot of evidence (as Arcanaville noted, mostly in the fact that they were already pressed for time working on the PvE stuff) but what little there is points to the fact that no, they did not.

So from this we can in fact conclude that "The amount of 'planning' that went into 'planning on including PvP' was considerably smaller than the amount of 'planning' that went into 'planning on including PvE'."

Now, the original debate was on whether "they only bolted on PvP in response to every other MMO having it" or "they had been planning on including PvP all along". It would seem in this case, the truth is somewhere in the middle - "they had given some thought to including PvP in the game all along - but not very much thought."

Which, really, is a good summary of how PvP has been treated throughout the course of this game.

Character index



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You can say that you lack the belief that the devs planned PVP prior to the game, but you cannot say that you believe the devs did not plan PVP prior to the game. Sadly if you're going to assert the latter, then you have to prove a negative, which is impossible. The only alternative is to have a dev back you up. Which isn't going to happen. For this reason, you should stop making the claim that you believe the devs did not intend to put / plan to put PVP in CoH.
Very interesting. Please remind me again how this is related to that villain stories are non-villainous too often.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Xanatos, by your own argument you cannot prove your assertion that the devs did not plan for an entirely PvE game at launch, simply because it is possible to phrase it as being a negative. I look forward to your ad hominem or red herring non-answer.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I think if there was a system where every new villain story would be approved by you before being made, you would no longer be paying Paragon, they would be paying you. Because you would be working for them.
He does come off as having an ego but the point of his assertion is that adding repeatable missions that involve proactive villainy instead of reactive villainy would be something that he would be willing to pay for. Really that one example he made could just be added to the newspaper missions rotation. Basically instead of seeing that some other villain has done something and being opportunistic it would be nice to occasionally be the villain who is doing something first and have someone else react to your actions.

If the point of destroying the Freedom Phalanx in the SSAs is to bring the player characters into the spotlight then it certainly won't hurt to have some more proactive villainy in the Rogue Isles.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I think if there was a system where every new villain story would be approved by you before being made, you would no longer be paying Paragon, they would be paying you. Because you would be working for them.
I didn't ask the devs to seek my approval. I made a suggestion relating to the villainside content.

Is this really that hard to understand or is everyone just looking for a reason to puff up their chests in an argument? I'm not freaking asking the devs to drop everything and cater to me, I'm not asking to destroy the world and I'm sure as hell not asking for my signature to be required for every game change.

Don't have something productive to suggest? Hit the back button and find another thread to argue in.

Originally Posted by RuthlessSamael View Post
I look forward to your ad hominem or red herring non-answer.
Well folks, the thread has reached a milestone: someone used the term 'ad hominem' in relation to a petty argument. Anyone else want to Godwin the thread for us while we're at it?

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
-Heroes fight the Rikti to save the world. Villains can aid the heroes for the greater good.
Or to eliminate outside threats to my own plans.

-Heroes fight the Fifth Column and the Cimeroran Traitors to stop their meddling with power and save the world. Villains can aid the heroes for the greater good.
Or to prevent some random schmoe from altering my time-line.

-Heroes can stop Snaptooth/Lady Winter from keeping the world in eternal frost and frozen time and save the world. Villains can aid the heroes for the greater good.
Or to enhance/expand my personal power.

-Heroes can fight Praetoria to stop their invasion of Primal Earth and save the world. Villains... can... aid the heroes... for the greater.... ugh.
Or to crush potential competition for my domination of this dimension.

-having to fight Darrin Wade so he won't destroy the universe because "it's the right thing to do"? What crap.
Or because I wouldn't have a place to keep all my stuff.

I stopped reading much of the in-game rationale for everything, on both sides, a long time ago. The development resources simply don't exist to cater to the moral "angle" of every character in the game. I play "the story in my head" now, and have done so for a long time here.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Well folks, the thread has reached a milestone: someone used the term 'ad hominem' in relation to a petty argument. Anyone else want to Godwin the thread for us while we're at it?
Have we had anyone compare anything to nazism, fascism or "the 1%" yet?

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Have we had anyone compare anything to nazism, fascism or "the 1%" yet?
AAAAAAND... we're done here.


Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Let's see. They had existing PvE content in pre-beta that testers could interact with. They were actively trying to figure out what was wrong with it and how to make it work. They were making changes trying to fix what they percieved to be the biggest problems. (The well-documented whole-system overhaul that introduced Archetypes and such.)

Did they have any existing PvP content that testers could interact with? Were they actively trying to figure out how to make it work, and were they making changes to fix the problems they could see? There's not a lot of evidence (as Arcanaville noted, mostly in the fact that they were already pressed for time working on the PvE stuff) but what little there is points to the fact that no, they did not.

So from this we can in fact conclude that "The amount of 'planning' that went into 'planning on including PvP' was considerably smaller than the amount of 'planning' that went into 'planning on including PvE'."

Now, the original debate was on whether "they only bolted on PvP in response to every other MMO having it" or "they had been planning on including PvP all along". It would seem in this case, the truth is somewhere in the middle - "they had given some thought to including PvP in the game all along - but not very much thought."

Which, really, is a good summary of how PvP has been treated throughout the course of this game.
Agreed completely for the main part. My only reason for pointing out that PVP was originally intended, is that many people tend to say it wasn't as a means to justify the devs largely ignoring it post I13. Something which I take to be absolutely ridiculous.

This thread has veered off topic though. Assuming Arcanaville doesn't write me another short story, I'll happily bow out.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Any claim that posits something, even a null claim, requires the burden of proof. Contrast:

"I believe God does not exist"
"I do not believe that god exists"

The former has the burden of proof. The latter doesn't. You can say that you lack the belief that the devs planned PVP prior to the game, but you cannot say that you believe the devs did not plan PVP prior to the game. Sadly if you're going to assert the latter, then you have to prove a negative, which is impossible. The only alternative is to have a dev back you up. Which isn't going to happen. For this reason, you should stop making the claim that you believe the devs did not intend to put / plan to put PVP in CoH.
I don't really care about the argument that's going on, but I would like to confirm that everything said by Xanatos there is correct in every way that matters.

I find it odd that so many people seem to be disagreeing with it, because it is a pretty basic part of logical discourse.

Originally Posted by RuthlessSamael View Post
Xanatos, by your own argument you cannot prove your assertion that the devs did not plan for an entirely PvE game at launch, simply because it is possible to phrase it as being a negative.
His usage of a word "negative" was referring to negative statements as in formal logic. It was not referring to any statement that included a "no" or "not".

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
In the nicest possible way: I don't think you understand what you're talking about.
Yeah? Which part? The bit about making up better Villain content, or the bit about what Marcellus Wallace looks like?



I don't really care about the argument that's going on, but I would like to confirm that everything said by Xanatos there is correct in every way that matters.
Actually it isn't. There is no "rule" against proving a negative. There had better not be, since any positive statement ("All humans are mortal") can be rewritten as a negative one ("No humans are immortal"). The false perception that "you can't prove a negative" is actually due to the universal/particular distinction. I could explain that at the risk of slaying the entire marketing department, but suffice it to say that if you can't prove a negative you can't prove anything else, either.

As for the actual points, Arcanaville has (as usual) provided more than a sufficient preponderance of evidence to support hers. The complaint against villain content has been hammered to death already; people need to either accept what they're getting or find another way to spend their free time.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
I don't really care about the argument that's going on, but I would like to confirm that everything said by Xanatos there is correct in every way that matters.

I find it odd that so many people seem to be disagreeing with it, because it is a pretty basic part of logical discourse.
Modus ponens: If the game's original devs had planned for PvP balance from the game's inception, the differences between the archetypes when played against each other would not have been so grossly unbalanced when the Arena was finally implemented and tested. This has nothing to say about their stated intentions, only their actions. They may have wanted to balance out the ATs against each other when they started coding, but likely lacked the time, money and resources to give it any priority. At least not until Issue 4.

On the more general topic of the ability or inability to prove negatives, look up philosopher Steven Hales vs. James Randi.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post

As for the actual points, Arcanaville has (as usual) provided more than a sufficient preponderance of evidence to support hers. The complaint against villain content has been hammered to death already; people need to either accept what they're getting or find another way to spend their free time.
This pretty much sums it up for the entirety of the gaming experience, not just redside. You either accept what's given to you, completely ignore it (without cherry-picking the bits that make sense. You can't accept some of it without accepting all of it), or you go find another game that suits your sensibilities.

What exactly does this thread seek to prove except to say that the OP doesn't like the story? Why should any of us care, especially those of us that do like it, or at least tolerate it? Changing the way the story is written may satisfy you, but it just pisses off a different corner of the community, and what has been accomplished?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



What exactly does this thread seek to prove except to say that the OP doesn't like the story?
The problem is that the objection to the state of villain content is not a story objection, no matter how much the complainants may claim or even believe it is. It's a mechanical one. The game is simply not built to deliver what they want, and it can't be changed at this point. It would be easier to create a new game.

Compare and contrast to the Well material, which could (and should) be excised at a moment's notice.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



"I believe God does not exist"
"I do not believe that god exists"

The former has the burden of proof. The latter doesn't.
They both have the burden of proof. If someone said either statement to me, my response would be the same: "Why?"

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



This is so going to get modsmacked sooner or later, but:

They both have the burden of proof. If someone said either statement to me, my response would be the same: "Why?"
The latter statement has no burden of proof because it asserts or denies nothing. The speaker is simply withholding provisional consent to an existential claim. The former statement, by contrast, is asserting that within the relevant domain of discourse there does not exist any entity that would satisfy the demands of being a member of the specified set. Given the domain of discourse, that's a pretty big claim.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The false perception that "you can't prove a negative" is actually due to the universal/particular distinction.
Yes, I agree entirely with your clarification there.

Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
On the more general topic of the ability or inability to prove negatives, look up philosopher Steven Hales vs. James Randi.
Any particular link or book you could recommend? Or should I just Google their names and read each result that comes up one by one?

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
This is so going to get modsmacked sooner or later, but:

The latter statement has no burden of proof because it asserts or denies nothing. The speaker is simply withholding provisional consent to an existential claim. The former statement, by contrast, is asserting that within the relevant domain of discourse there does not exist any entity that would satisfy the demands of being a member of the specified set. Given the domain of discourse, that's a pretty big claim.
Actually both those claims are about the speaker's state of mind. If I hold a belief that say, Superman is a fictional character who has no power to act on the real world, I could say either "I believe Superman does not exist" or "I do not believe Superman exists" and be correct.

Character index



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Agreed completely for the main part. My only reason for pointing out that PVP was originally intended, is that many people tend to say it wasn't as a means to justify the devs largely ignoring it post I13. Something which I take to be absolutely ridiculous.
They're not ignoring it! They're still giving PvP just as much thought as they always have been.

Character index



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I didn't ask the devs to seek my approval. I made a suggestion relating to the villainside content.

Is this really that hard to understand or is everyone just looking for a reason to puff up their chests in an argument? I'm not freaking asking the devs to drop everything and cater to me, I'm not asking to destroy the world and I'm sure as hell not asking for my signature to be required for every game change.
I understand what you're asking for but I also think your standards are... higher than this game can provide?

C'mon, you're saying that another villain group drawing your character's attention to something valuable by stealing it makes your character's subsequent stealing the thing from them be "reactive" villainy? You're saying that if Wade is specifically trying to kill your villain character and also coincidentally planing on doing something bad for the whole world, then beating him is your character being conned into "doing the right thing"?

Sure, villainside and co-op content both have their problems, but I don't think you'd be satisfied until the writers went above and beyond to cater to you, specifically.

Character index



There is actually a writing solution to this problem. It is not as satisfying as a mechanical revamp to the Redside mission system, replacing contacts with some form of proactive scheme-based system, but that is an extremely tall order, so I'd be perfectly satisfied with their just rewriting existing villain content such that you have more lackeys and peers for contacts, and fewer superiors.

And I'm pretty sure the people of Germany would've been happier if romantic contact like kissing hadn't been censured in their cinemas back in the 1930s, so if you disagree with rewriting Redside content that basically makes you a Nazi.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Actually both those claims are about the speaker's state of mind. If I hold a belief that say, Superman is a fictional character who has no power to act on the real world, I could say either "I believe Superman does not exist" or "I do not believe Superman exists" and be correct.
Yes, if "I believe Superman does not exist" is true, then it is necessarily the case that "I do not believe Superman exists" is true too.
But, if "I do not believe Superman exists" is true, then it is not necessarily the case that "I believe Superman does not exist" is true as-well.

There-in lies the distinction between those two statements.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"