It happened AGAIN.




Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
Yes, if "I believe Superman does not exist" is true, then it is necessarily the case that "I do not believe Superman exists" is true too.
But, if "I do not believe Superman exists" is true, then it is not necessarily the case that "I believe Superman does not exist" is true as-well.

There-in lies the destruction between those two statements.
I'm not sure what you intend the word "destruction" to mean in this context, but none of the statements require a burden of proof because they are simple statements about what you believe. There is no doubt that you believe them, regardless of the truth or falsehood of the belief. They're axioms.

Xanatos was picking on Arcana's wording saying "You can't say 'I believe X'", because X is unprovable" without either demonstrating that X is unprovable or by explaining why Arcana was incapable of holding an unprovable belief. I believe that the sun will rise tomorrow. I cannot prove empirically that it will actually happen, but that does not make my belief in it any less true.

Xanatos chose a petty thing to get all pedantic about, without actually proving the logic that he seemed to be actually espousing, because he waved his hands and claimed that his own logic did not require proof for magical and indeterminate reasons, or just because he didn't feel like providing any. "You can't prove your stance 100% empirically to a standard that I accept, therefore I win. Unless I hear Jack Emmert himself say it, you lose."



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Any claim that posits something, even a null claim, requires the burden of proof. Contrast:

"I believe God does not exist"
"I do not believe that god exists"

The former has the burden of proof. The latter doesn't. You can say that you lack the belief that the devs planned PVP prior to the game, but you cannot say that you believe the devs did not plan PVP prior to the game. Sadly if you're going to assert the latter, then you have to prove a negative, which is impossible. The only alternative is to have a dev back you up. Which isn't going to happen. For this reason, you should stop making the claim that you believe the devs did not intend to put / plan to put PVP in CoH.
Belief requires proof?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Belief requires proof?
I feel like we're all about to vanish in a puff of logic. Does anyone have a Babelfish handy?

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by RuthlessSamael View Post

And I'm pretty sure the people of Germany would've been happier if romantic contact like kissing hadn't been censured in their cinemas back in the 1930s, so if you disagree with rewriting Redside content that basically makes you a Nazi.
Wa-heeeeey, Godwin!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I'm not sure what you intend the word "destruction" to mean in this context,
No, I don't. That's what I get for trusting the spell checker with typos.

but none of the statements require a burden of proof because they are simple statements about what you believe. There is no doubt that you believe them, regardless of the truth or falsehood of the belief.
You are technically correct. But I think it was fairly clear that the point of the burden of proof was being directed at the implicit statements behind the claims of belief.
If someone says "I believe there are invisible giant potato people on Mars." the implicit statement behind that is that "It's true that there are invisible giant potato people on Mars." which is a claim that has the burden of proof upon it. Those implicit statements are always there, because we all think that our beliefs are true, even if we aren't certain.

Now, a lot of the time, this burden of proof on the statements behind the claims of belief are ignored, for various reasons. If someone tells you that they believe in God, and you don't, generally you don't demand they prove it, because if you did it likely wouldn't work out very well for either of you. That's not because such a claim lacks the burden of proof, but because it's such a common belief that it has its own specific set of expected social reactions.

However, if one your friends came to you and professed their belief in the invisible potato people from Mars, you probably wouldn't just accept it as a statement of truth about their beliefs, and would instead expect them to try and provide at least some kind of back-up to the implicit claim behind their beliefs.

So, although you're right, and claims about your personal beliefs don't technically require proof, for the majority of intents and purposes, you can treat them as the implicit statements which do have that burden.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I understand what you're asking for but I also think your standards are... higher than this game can provide?
With the track record of the writers lately, I think you may be right.

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
C'mon, you're saying that another villain group drawing your character's attention to something valuable by stealing it makes your character's subsequent stealing the thing from them be "reactive" villainy?
That's exactly what I'm saying. Can you explain to me how such actions are not reactive? 'Villain X from Villain Group Y has done Z. You should go beat up Villain X and do Z instead.' 'Villain A from Villain Group B has stolen C. You should beat up Villain A and steal C for yourself.' 'Villain M from Villain Group N has kidnapped O. You should beat up Villain M and kidnap O instead.'

At no point in newspaper missions or arcs does a player character ever do actual, "thought of it first" villainy. We're either told what to do (until playing the SSA's) or we piggyback off of the ideas of other villains. It doesn't help that none of the co-op zones/stories have a villain plot that redside characters could run 'behind the scenes.'

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
You're saying that if Wade is specifically trying to kill your villain character and also coincidentally planing on doing something bad for the whole world, then beating him is your character being conned into "doing the right thing"?
Considering the last SSA contact is in the RWZ, it is going to be co-op. And considering the attitudes of the writers in relation to how co-op should work, I fully expect my villains to have to don the 'greater good' mantle and go to work stopping Wade.

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Sure, villainside and co-op content both have their problems, but I don't think you'd be satisfied until the writers went above and beyond to cater to you, specifically.
If I had said anything of the sort, and if no one in this thread whatsoever agreed with me, I might actually believe you. However, numerous other folks in-game and on the forums have agreed that villainy is bland and lackluster outside of the SSA arcs, especially so in co-op content. Not only would the writers be catering to me, but they'd be catering to everyone else who's chimed in about my thoughts on this matter. They'd even be catering to all the folks who pick up this game over another, newer MMO. If I were to come back to this game anew and find all the redside content written for truer villainy, I'd probably do a happy dance.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
So, although you're right, and claims about your personal beliefs don't technically require proof, for the majority of intents and purposes, you can treat them as the implicit statements which do have that burden.
Yes, but if you're going to expect people to understand you reasonably instead of pedantically then you have a burden to behave reasonably instead of pedantically yourself, which is really the point in all of this. Xanatos was behaving unreasonably while expressing his belief that his behavior was, in fact, reasonable.

Plus, if you're going to invoke logic then you had better have a sound logical argument, IMO instead of an argument that demonstrates that you aren't actually arguing logically at all.

If I say "The sun will come up tomorrow" and I present overwhelming evidence that the sun has come up every day for the past 4.5 billion years, and you say "I won't believe it unless I see it come up with my own eyes" then you're being unreasonable.

Heck, the study of history has way more to do with inference, hearsay, and deduction than it has to do with indisputable facts taken from the horse's mouth, so to speak. You might as well say that historical study can tell us nothing useful unless you hear it directly from the historical figures involved. "Prove it conclusively", would eliminate most of the historical record from the past several thousand years from contention as "legitimate" evidence.



If I say "The sun will come up tomorrow" and I present overwhelming evidence that the sun has come up every day for the past 4.5 billion years, and you say "I won't believe it unless I see it come up with my own eyes" then you're being unreasonable.
Actually you're invoking the problem of induction and underdetermination.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Actually you're invoking the problem of induction and underdetermination.

My real problem with the demand for conclusive evidence is that Xanatos is one of the old timers around here and he knows that if the evidence he demands ever actually existed that it's almost certainly lost to time and the vagaries of forum moderation, pruning, and changes in software.

Barring Arcanaville having 8-year-old email to back up her analysis, or Matt Miller reading this thread and somehow finding it intriguing enough to respond to it personally, or Jack Emmert or Sean Fish or Rick Dakkan or some other original dev revealing that they are playing Freedom and then posting their recollections, that conclusive evidence does not exist. Since he will accept no amount of analysis, deduction or induction as valid evidence, q.e.d, he wins.

I don't respect that stance, especially given that Arcanaville is pretty much as close as you're going to get to a non-dev who is also an expert on the game from both a mechanical and a historical standpoint, and Xanatos likewise knows that as well.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
If I had said anything of the sort, and if no one in this thread whatsoever agreed with me, I might actually believe you. However, numerous other folks in-game and on the forums have agreed that villainy is bland and lackluster outside of the SSA arcs, especially so in co-op content. Not only would the writers be catering to me, but they'd be catering to everyone else who's chimed in about my thoughts on this matter. They'd even be catering to all the folks who pick up this game over another, newer MMO. If I were to come back to this game anew and find all the redside content written for truer villainy, I'd probably do a happy dance.
As I said, even I agree with you on the general point of "the writing on villainside is pretty poor". I just don't think the issues you have with it are the main problem.

Character index



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Wa-heeeeey, Godwin!
I can't tell, are you just pointing out the joke or did it go completely over your head?



Originally Posted by RuthlessSamael View Post
I can't tell, are you just pointing out the joke or did it go completely over your head?
Godwin's Law

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



It went over your head, then.



...If you redsiders are thinking of co-op as "For the greater good", then you're doing it wrong.

Start thinking like a villain. "The enemy of my enemy is my (temporary) friend." Any villain with any amount of common sense and who can get over their own ego/megalomania for a few moments can easily figure out that it doesn't go against your best interests for the heroes to succeed.

After all, what's the point of trying to conquer/exploit the world, if the world gets destroyed/conquered before you get a chance to? Think of it less as "doing something good" and think of it more as "I'm making a smart business move for my future."

Or is thinking like a savvy, rational person actually beyond most characters?



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
...If you redsiders are thinking of co-op as "For the greater good", then you're doing it wrong.

Start thinking like a villain. "The enemy of my enemy is my (temporary) friend." Any villain with any amount of common sense and who can get over their own ego/megalomania for a few moments can easily figure out that it doesn't go against your best interests for the heroes to succeed.

After all, what's the point of trying to conquer/exploit the world, if the world gets destroyed/conquered before you get a chance to? Think of it less as "doing something good" and think of it more as "I'm making a smart business move for my future."

Or is thinking like a savvy, rational person actually beyond most characters?
Tell me honestly: did you come to this thread to argue?

Is it really that hard to read?


Yes, we can twist the game world in our head in whatever way we want. That's called roleplaying. But it gets really, really repetitive when we have to keep doing that. All of the redside co-op content is written with heroic intent, and that's what I have a problem with.

Some of our villains don't want the heroes to succeed. At anything.



My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



loud noises!

Now shut up and help me save the world, Villy-Poo.

(not the face!)

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Yes, we can twist the game world in our head in whatever way we want. That's called roleplaying. But it gets really, really repetitive when we have to keep doing that. All of the redside co-op content is written with heroic intent, and that's what I have a problem with.

Some of our villains don't want the heroes to succeed. At anything.


I like how "villain" must mean "I'm an Omnicidal Idiot", at least in the way you're defining it. Honestly, I'm glad we've got villains like Scirocco or Ghost Widow around as examples of "You don't have to be a monster to be a bad guy."

And the contact being in the RWZ just means it CAN be co-op. You don't have to run it co-op. I've been running the SSAs solo or duo with a good friend since they've been coming out.

If you don't want the heroes to succeed at "anything" then don't play the co-op content. Zwill said himself in the thread that they can't account for every single origin/backstory you come up with, so they provide a generalized experience.

And as someone with a few redside characters I rather like the experience I'm provided.



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
I like how "villain" must mean "I'm an Omnicidal Idiot", at least in the way you're defining it. Honestly, I'm glad we've got villains like Scirocco or Ghost Widow around as examples of "You don't have to be a monster to be a bad guy."

Thanks for not ready any of the posts in this thread. If you're still pandering to the "you can't destroy the world/kill everyone" argument, the receptionist would like to direct you about 4 pages back.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
I like how "villain" must mean "I'm an Omnicidal Idiot", at least in the way you're defining it.
Well, as for that...

Originally Posted by Issen View Post
Zwill said himself in the thread that they can't account for every single origin/backstory you come up with, so they provide a generalized experience.
Nope. It's not a generalized experience. It is a heroic experience, with the "allow villains too" switch flipped to "on". No matter how much you twist the "you're an idiot if you don't want to survive Armageddon" argument, saving the world is inherently heroic.

And by the way, you're a bit late: the last 18 pages contain on the average one twist of that argument per page. And it's still moot.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



They need to make separate sig arcs for Heroes and Villains. Not connected. A villainous arc without the need to be connected to a heroic atrc( which is obviously going to end with Good winning out) could end with a villain on top after neing an evil swine.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
They need to make separate sig arcs for Heroes and Villains.
That's unlikely - the SSAs use quite a lot of new art assets, so the biggest return on that time and investment is to use them for both sides.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



My prediction for villainside WWD 6 and 7

We will have to deal with Recluse's reaction to WWD 5, while Wade trys to steal Sister Psyche's Mind riding ability so he can take over Rularuu.

WWD 7 will have Villains try and take over Darrins plans to steal Rularuu's power, but without the same level of planning and preperation they only manage to take a fragment of his power. They'll probably get a temp power that Heroes don't as a symbol of the stolen power.

Just a guess.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
That's exactly what I'm saying. Can you explain to me how such actions are not reactive? 'Villain X from Villain Group Y has done Z. You should go beat up Villain X and do Z instead.' 'Villain A from Villain Group B has stolen C. You should beat up Villain A and steal C for yourself.' 'Villain M from Villain Group N has kidnapped O. You should beat up Villain M and kidnap O instead.'

At no point in newspaper missions or arcs does a player character ever do actual, "thought of it first" villainy. We're either told what to do (until playing the SSA's) or we piggyback off of the ideas of other villains. It doesn't help that none of the co-op zones/stories have a villain plot that redside characters could run 'behind the scenes.'
What about robbing the speakeasy in Port Oakes/Cap Au Diable and standard bank robberies after Mayhems were introduced?

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
What about robbing the speakeasy in Port Oakes/Cap Au Diable and standard bank robberies after Mayhems were introduced?
One is initiated by Mongoose, the others are initiated by the contacts that you just had to do five "someone else thought of it first" missions for.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"