Reflecting on the Winter Event and the ghosts of Winter Lord's Past

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Trials take quite a bit of time to create, even if they're not Incarnate Trials - like just check out the amount of new art assets and details on the Dr. Kane Trial - and they simply mightn't have had enough time to make a totally new Trial for the Winter event when it happens so soon after the Halloween event - so it's quite possible that they decided to work on new Trials for the events that didn't have any Trial type stuff at all - Halloween and Valentine's Day - and to convert what was already almost a Trial anyway from the Winter event into a genuine Trial.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Trials take quite a bit of time to create, even if they're not Incarnate Trials - like just check out the amount of new art assets and details on the Dr. Kane Trial - and they simply mightn't have had enough time to make a totally new Trial for the Winter event when it happens so soon after the Halloween event - so it's quite possible that they decided to work on new Trials for the events that didn't have any Trial type stuff at all - Halloween and Valentine's Day - and to convert what was already almost a Trial anyway from the Winter event into a genuine Trial.
It's really doubtful their time table is that short. More likely they just didn't plan to add anything beyond what we got.

Really I'm more hoping they've just got a new general trial in the works to have something alongside DFB instead of trials currently being DFB, Incarnates, and limited time holiday trials.



Reducing DFB to 1-10, then adding a 10-20 Trial based around the fires in Steel Canyon or the Skyway City Troll raves could be cool.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I opened a few gifts, fought a wild WL, and visited Lord Winter's realm once. I did buy the pack so I can access those costume parts year round. After 5 years, I'm just not up for most of the winter event anymore.



Just curious but why was it such a bad idea to have it as part of the LFG? I thought it was much better, also was run much more often than previous years due to people being able to just organise it whenever they felt like and take their time.
No more "quick we only have 15 minutes to get there!", hope they add all future mini events to the LFG tab like this one and the halloween one, much better imo!

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
You must have been on a high population server. People did form LW events on Justice, but it was rare. Frankly, I felt like more people ran it when it was through the WL spawns + present portal. There were things wrong with that method (people often missed the timer), but there seemed to be more willingness to dive in when it had that exclusive window element about it.

I might like it to be behind the LFG queue more if I didn't think the queue's functionality was extremely limited. You can't tell if anyone is waiting in it, who they are or what AT they're on, you can't tell what's already running, you can't be in mission instances while you wait (supposedly coming later), and the wait times displayed are utter tripe. If you actually believe the number it was showing, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell.

Oh, and as an aside, the league size minimum was crap, but that was covered in a much earlier thread.
I screamed this till I was blue in the face when it was in beta. Hopefully they hear it now and can fix it for next year if they still intend to shoe horn us into using it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Just curious but why was it such a bad idea to have it as part of the LFG? I thought it was much better, also was run much more often than previous years due to people being able to just organise it whenever they felt like and take their time.
No more "quick we only have 15 minutes to get there!", hope they add all future mini events to the LFG tab like this one and the halloween one, much better imo!
See Uber's list above. If the LFG actually worked like a real LFG then it would be have been golden. They need to get it to be actually FUNCTIONAL before shoe-horning more older working fine as is content, into it.l

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Forcing the LFG queue idea upon the winter lord zone remains a TERRIBLE choice for this past winter event period. Hoping they actually make it useful come issue 22 before trying to shoe horn more content into it that doesn't need it's uselessness to actually be run.
So the LFG queue is introduced with Incarnate trials and people complain about how it should be tied to other content as well. The developers make it tied to other content and people complain that they're "being forced" into using it.

Yup, business as usual here on the CoH forums.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Thing was, IMO, we never needed an LFG queue. I think what we needed was a global channel dedicated to teaming (that is not Help or a private channel) and a way for team leaders to advertise a team is forming on an ad board kind of thing, possibly with the option to allow people to auto-sign up. Just list the leader's name, level, number of league members, and a short comment from them; right clicking it brings up an option to send a Tell to them and (if not disabled) auto-join that League/Team.

IMO completely leaderless teaming is a pretty optimistic outlook, even for something like Death from Below.

Anyway, the whole LFG thing got started because as originally described iTrials were supposed to be like zone events where people come and go mostly anonymously. The actual design of the trials doesn't really support that though, so no matter what technical fix you throw at the LFG queue it's not really answering a need. Funnily enough, about 10 months ago we were all screaming at each other about whether closed leagues would even be allowed, because in their original format trials were supposed to be open to everyone and the idea of kicking someone/locking a league was considered unethical. It's interesting how board opinion has done a complete 180 on that topic as more trials have been unveiled.



I did Lord Winter exactly once, and that was as part of a pre-formed league. The queue was, as usual, utterly worthless. I did Lady Winter once as well -- still forgettable other than the nice frozen Agincourt map -- and ran Baby New Year on a few characters. And I picked up plenty of presents, although I rarely bother trading in candy canes.

I'm still waiting for a mission where we get to go beat the hell out of the Gamester for leaving those dangerous presents all around. Maybe this year....

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
It just an re hash of the last few years with a few little thing to buy with candy canes. Oh yeah and the use of LFG tool for attacking Lord Winter..which work as well as some folks point out. Not well.
The focus of the content team seems to be on more paid content and the Itrials now. Not updating fun special events to keep them updated.
Just not a fun holiday this year in Paragon. *sigh*
Well, to be honest, they refactored the WL trial for the team up teleporter.
That, in itself probably took a bit of work. So we'll see what they add next year.

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Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
I did Lord Winter exactly once, and that was as part of a pre-formed league. The queue was, as usual, utterly worthless.
I suspect there's a connection between preformed leagues and the queue being utterly worthless but I just can't put my finger on it.



The LFG Queue does not work for me on any of my characters, for any of the content, except for Incarnate Trials. So it's still useless.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
It just an re hash of the last few years with a few little thing to buy with candy canes. Oh yeah and the use of LFG tool for attacking Lord Winter..which work as well as some folks point out. Not well.
The focus of the content team seems to be on more paid content and the Itrials now. Not updating fun special events to keep them updated.
Just not a fun holiday this year in Paragon. *sigh*
For what its worth, the Devs have gone on record saying they have plans for a new spring/summer event and are trying to get it in game for this year.



I tried to organize a few winter event teams on Triumph, but it was quite a struggle. Many longtime vets have gone off the event. And Lord Winter's realm proved surprisingly difficult for F2Pers. But I did manage to run the trial about a half dozen times to top off some badgers.

I did the gift giving and receiving badges on 9 or so of my more favored characters, including all 5 incarnates.

This was also my first year to ever nab the Speeder badge (gold on the bobsled) and I got it on about half a dozen characters.

Lastly, I took about 6 characters through the basic Snaptooth and Lady Winter badges.

I did not get Toy Collector on a single character, though I got credit that took me halfway there on a number of characters just by incidentally opening gifts.

But between the time it took to get a viable Lord Winter realm league together and the overall redundancy of the event mixed with not being in town for much of the duration, I was in something of a holiday malaise. I think the holiday/seasonal events in general bum me out more than they entertain me because I feel some compulsion to badge on all my characters while the options are available. This makes the game feel more like work than it already does on some days. These events feel like a distraction from what I once considered the core of the game: being a superhero or supervillain. Add to all this a bunch of great sales on a many AAA and indie titles from a certain digital download game service, and I found it hard to spend my game time logged into CoX for the holiday event this year.



On my first day inside the winter event I got to do the Winter Lord big-snow-men thingy with my Elec/Mace tank and found I had forgotten how dull I found it last time. We failed due to not enough fire power so we broke up and reformed with other toons (Bots/Dark MM for me) and wiped him up pretty quick. Unless I missed something, it's a pretty simplistic game of "drop the big guy 25%, go fight the other lesser bug guy, then come back to the first one, drop him another 25%, fight another lesser big guy, go back, etc. Not much fun, not a really great map or anything... I guess if you're a badger it's good for that. Having done it once more, I don't worry about the difficulty others had getting onto a team for it.

Afterwards I ran my toon from that one into the Lady Winter (man I hope I'm getting these names right) and found I could solo her and did so. Her mission is alright I guess, lots of snow monsters to beat up. Then I ran BNY and found out I got better XP so I soloed that one a bunch. It helps that I find that one of the most all-round fun maps in the game.

I also bought the winter pack as I'm a sucker for costume-stuffs and would hate to get caught short with a great needs-a-halo costume toon idea in July...



I was able to run the Lord Winter's Realm trial once. I defeated one Winter Lord. I grabbed a few candy canes on my way through the various zones. But over all, I missed out due to the holiday season. I remember the event being a bit longer last year, and I was disappointed that it was shortened this year, since I usually have more time to participate once the holidays are past. As it is, I just didn't have time this year

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
So the LFG queue is introduced with Incarnate trials and people complain about how it should be tied to other content as well. The developers make it tied to other content and people complain that they're "being forced" into using it.

Yup, business as usual here on the CoH forums.
No, folks asked them to get it actually working (being able to use it in missions, having it show the actual correct wait time, how many folks are actually waiting in que, etc. etc.) BEFORE they add more content to it.

But nice try at spreading misinformation.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Kytsune View Post
Let me know how you've spent the winter holiday in game this year.

I'm curious.
My only participation was to buy a duplicating present to get the Gift Giver and Gift Taker (or whatever they're called) on my badger. And to fight the Winter Lord once in Atlas Park.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I spent a lot of time getting all of the winter badges on 6 or 7 different newer toons... all except the Lord Winter badge and the Winter Lord badge. I didn't work really hard at either, but I only had a couple of chances to join Lord Winter trials (usually did at least two runs in a row though), and only fought 1 spawned WL.

I'm very good at skiing by now though.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid