What do you suspect the next Incarnate Powers will be?

Agent White



Me, I'm thinking that out of the next slots, we'll probably see one dedicated to defense or damage resistance somehow, maybe even one that will allow tankers to exceed their damage resist or defense hardcaps.

If it were a click power, it might even be enough to make those tanks invincible for a short while, and for the rest of us give us the ability to avoid those nasty alpha strikes.

there might be a slot that works with travel powers, though I doubt you could push them faster without running into serious issues of flying past, or into something before its graphics load. Perhaps it might give your travel powers some in-combat utility? giving a character an instacast teleporter escape move, a fly someone into the wall over there move, a superfast (perhaps "infinite force") punch that levels an enemy and leaves em knocked down for a bit, or a mario-style jump on a guy and crush him move, well, all those are cool, and since players can respec out of some travel powers and into others, choosing between those slot powers wouldn't be so bad.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Personally, I'd like to see one Incarnate slot that's all pure enhancements with better numbers, but no set bonuses. Ideally, I'd like to see single and dual-aspect, but without restrictions on how many of which kind you can place in each power. That might offer a counter-balance to at least the uncommon Inventions sets that aren't specific high-price items, but I don't know enough about the system to claim either way.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I suspect (with pretty high certainty) one of them will be a high mag aoe mez. With pets, aoe nukes, and league buffs covered already, an aoe mez is the next thing I would expect (to cover all major types of combat).

I'd like to think one of them would be an armor, however that can lead to so many balancing issues, that I'm not sure it's a good idea or not. An option for this could also be offensive, instead of taking an armor you could get a +dmg toggle or something, or this could be entirely 2 different incarnate tiers. 1 would be an armor toggle (or perma click) the other could be a self buff toggle or click. Some could overlap with destiny, but I think that is fine, since Destiny is a self buff and a league buff, having a self buff that does what you needed from destiny gives you more freedom to choose how you can best buff the league.

I'd like to think one of them would be a heavy damage, moderate recharge, single target attack which could be added to any build's attack chain and have a positive effect. Think of it like an additional T9(10?).

TBH though I hope there are better things the devs are thinking of than my ideas, lol.



I'm thinking at least one of the next 5 will be a high damage ST attack, since we have AoE covered with judgement.

Also thinking at least one will be a click power that only affects self. What it does, I dunno, maybe shifting intangibility like what Carnie illusionists have and some other personal variables, like different auras (damage auras maybe?)

Actually, wonder if we'll see an incarnate Toggles. Seems -kind- of doubtful, since they're all meant to have a cooldown.

I still think one of them will involve branching out into different 'inherent' skills, like allowing different ATs to have an ability similar to the AT of another. Though, not -all- of them are so readily transferable (Ex. Doms).

Honestly I think the devs kind of like when we sit and kick out theories because it helps give -them- ideas. I'm sure a lot of the hold up with the next 5 is trying to figure out exactly what to do. They really covered a lot of the big basics with the first 5.



I'll second the high mag aoe mez, strictly better than a controller's aoe hold with overpower, probably a little less duration but with about half the recharge time and no accuracy penalty.



Omega is obviously a One-Winged Angel transformation. Different trees for different flavors of anime.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I'll second the high mag aoe mez, strictly better than a controller's aoe hold with overpower, probably a little less duration but with about half the recharge time and no accuracy penalty.
Given the way the Incarnate abilities have been so far, it's -highly- doubtful it'll have half recharge time. These things are all meant to be big impressive 'click and watch the fireworks' powers.

I wouldn't be surprised by a mez though. Immobilize, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Placate, maybe some way of making an intagibility that's worthwhile (lol).



Total Domination and many similar powers have a 4m recharge, so I could believe an incarnate version would be 2 minutes. Judgement is much faster than most blaster nukes, after all.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Given the way the Incarnate abilities have been so far, it's -highly- doubtful it'll have half recharge time. These things are all meant to be big impressive 'click and watch the fireworks' powers.
There's no crash aoe mezzes to upstage with a crashless version so it'd have to have some schtick to be better than anything controllers have.

Ya, my elec blaster is still bitter. They only need to alternate conserve power and rise of the phoenix to make their nuke as nifty as the incarnate nuke.



My predictions.

The Hybrid slot is going to be vehicular travel powers.

The Mind slot is going to be a choice of massive single target debuffs.

The Vitae slot is going to let you boot anyone who does not have at least the same tier of Vitae as you offline in overcrowded zones. It is also going to grant "boot offline" protection from anyone using Vitae at your tier or below. (The duration of which the people kicked are unable to log back in will depend on the tier of Vitae used on them.)

The Omega slot is going to be fingers.



One could be some kind of extra secondary effect for your powers. Slightly similar like interface but different effects. Immo, hold, stun, endu drain, fear, knock back for example but not DOTs.

edit. ah no immo. It already exsist.
edit. I would like to get more range.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



I'm kinda hoping Hybrid is something like a tertiary powerset that's different for different ATs.

So like Blasters would have something like:

Dominion Hybrid - 4 Control Powers (ST Hold (T1), (T2) ST Sleep, (T3) AoE Hold, (T4) Controller/Dom pet)

Immortal Hybrid - 4 Armor powers (Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, AoE Defense, Clicky personal status protection)

Succor Hybrid - 4 Buff/Heal powers (Some collection of buffs/heals)

Decaying Hybrid - 4 Debuff powers (Some collection of debuffs)

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Hybrid may be a complete blurring of the AT inherent s- like a Scrapper with Containment or a Defender with Defiance.

Genesis- no freaking clue.

Vitae may be a self heal/Regen buff with the higher Tiers being a self Rez.

Mind has to be Mezz related- but whether it is self or mob-affecting remains to be seen.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



I couldn't begin to guess what they could be, but I hope they are not to OP already most of my 50's very rarely do normal content anymore as it has become boring unless tf's and such are set to +4 lvl, and it is also getting to the point that they are OP even for the incarnate trials.

I can see myself getting very bored with all the recent trials very quickly if these new slots contain any sort of I win button and basically make all my 50's that I have taken a long time creating made redundant due to boredom.

I have never made so many new alts all at once in an effort to keep me stimulated it has also become more of a challenge to lvl lowbies now as quite a few are drawn to the end game content, making it harder to get teams together for lower lvl content. I can't blame people for the constant trials as I also would be drawn to them if I wasn't finding the trials boring and easy, the only real challenge in them is getting the badges, now I have the badges I can't find any reason to keep running them constantly.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Doppleganger Summoning and/or Versions of Yourself From Alternative Dimensions.



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
I couldn't begin to guess what they could be, but I hope they are not to OP already most of my 50's very rarely do normal content anymore as it has become boring unless tf's and such are set to +4 lvl, and it is also getting to the point that they are OP even for the incarnate trials.
Yeah, that's kind of the point. You ARE overpowered against the normal content because you're far more powerful now. It's the same reason you stop getting missions against the Hellions when you hit level 20.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



With the increasing power level of the Incarnate slots- it really makes me wonder just how insanely powerful the Battalion will be when they hit.

Remember one of the original design ideas of the Battalion way back in the beginning (I think 2006 maybe?) was you needed IOs to even affect them.....

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Perhaps not going to happen but reducing that 5% miss change.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, that's kind of the point. You ARE overpowered against the normal content because you're far more powerful now. It's the same reason you stop getting missions against the Hellions when you hit level 20.

These are two different issues. You stop getting rewards from Hellions after you out level them. You don't get to just keep fighting them forever but getting more and more powerful.



Genesis - You can start **** now.
Core Genesis - Save Spock.
Radial Genesis - You are pregnant.
Total Core Genesis - Transfer your chakra into an alt, bug all its friends.
Partial Core Genesis - Die from Radiation.
Partial Radial Genesis - It's twins!
Total Radial Genesis - It's triplets!
Core Flawless Genesis - You can now perform surgery on a torpedo. Yes I know, wrong movie. shut up.
Radial Flawless Genesis - You're octo-mom! +8 level shifts.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, that's kind of the point. You ARE overpowered against the normal content because you're far more powerful now. It's the same reason you stop getting missions against the Hellions when you hit level 20.
Yeah I get that, but If I'm Galactus and all I got to do is keep standing on The Punisher head to win, that gets boring real quick, now If I'm Galactus and they send Eternity or a Celestial after me that makes it a bit more of challenge, so far I have yet to experience that.

Mind you I can't wait for the day that my spaghetti western dual pistol alt goes up against a god and he can go toe to toe with him due to the incarnate powers.

Them six bullets in my gun seem to go a long way now

I still feel they should have devised a way to seperate the paths of end game content, to those that sought extra power, to those that were normal mortals that agenda was to bring down that AV they were after since lvl1.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



If I had to guess... I'd say:

1) an aoe control of exceedingly high mag, duration and possibly a debuff but with a 5 min or longer cooldown. I'd guess more likely a 10min cooldown... 5 seems to short and 15 seems too long

2) a single target damage power with specs similar to the aoe damage powers we currently have

3) a self only "god mode" type of buff... exceedingly long cooldown (10-15 min) medium duration (probably on the order of 60-90 seconds)

4) a passive buff (along the line of the accolade powers or the old fitness pool passives) that provide some global benefits of small numerical value (like say 5% global recharge 5% regeneration and 5% recovery for one or another that provides 5% defense 5% resistance to damage and 5% accuracy) just as an example) but are active so long as your incarnate abilities are available.

Beyond that I am unsure what to expect.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



I won't begin to speculate on the effects of the powers themselves, but in terms of possible future level shifts, here's what I think:

Omega could provide a straight-up level shift like Alpha does, active in and out of iTrials.

Mind and Vitae could both provide level shifts that only work outside of iTrials.

In this way, our characters could be +4 all the time.

Pure speculation, but it makes sense to me.


Also on Steam



I suspect we'll see:

-A powerful ST attack, possibly melee.

-An AoE aura that builds over time, like Lady Winter's Crystallize and Anti-Matter's Systemic Decay. Likely will come in damage, mez and debuff flavors.

-A constant team buff, like super Leadership.

-Possibly new travel powers at some point.




Weird possibilities would be the ability to widen a cone, extend the reach of short ranged attacks unnaturally far, the ability to increase the radius of PBAoEs/radials, and changing target caps.