Hear, O Freedom, and welcome my son




Congratulations Turg.

It was great getting to meet you at the Pummit.

Hope all is well with the little one and the wife.

Remember, bacon is the sustenance of life.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
MiniTurg: Hero or villain? And what AT? Powersets? Preferred badge on display?
Obviously some type of Sonic/Time Manipulation or Time Manipulation/Sonic variant.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Congratulations Turg and Family!!

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
Congratulations, Turg!

MiniTurg: Hero or villain? And what AT? Powersets? Preferred badge on display?

I wish you and your wife all the best for this little wonder!
I would say 'Escapist' from the old AE Badges would be MiniTurg's display badge. But, since that one was removed from the game...I'm gonna have to go with 'Traveler'.

MiniTurg has got to be straight up Praetorian. One day he's working with you, the next day he's completely against everything you stand for. And by the time he's Level 20, he can choose his own path, but you hope he follows in the footsteps of his forebearers, and therefore carriest at least some of the ideals passed down from the parential figures.

Powersets? Hmmmm Definitely Sonic/Energy Blaster because you WISH you had a 10th of the energy MiniTurg is gonna have in his pinky finger, just to get the extra boost throughout the day, and the crying.....oh the crying.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted



Best wishes to you and yours, Turg. I hope your son gets big and strong soon.

Also, pfft. Peepee Teepees are a scam appealing to the cute factor. If you need them, you're doing it wrong.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Congrats Turg!

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Bro, you got no idea... wife's birthday is last week of Nov, my birthday is Friday... we'll have 30 days of parties!

House full of Sagittarans... the fights should be Incarnate-epic...
GRATS TO YA TURG-e-MON!!! Hope he's a chip off the block and will be part of CoH when he grows up (Turgjr) I can't imagine two of you running around freedom. :0 I hope he doesnt have to go through what I've gone through as far as health complications. :/ I hope things straighten up and he be normal
Again cheers to da turgy n family!!!

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Congratulations Turg!

Does this mean you will respec into a MM, because you can spawn minions?

I don't see these 2 months as a bad thing, what it really means is that he got into life's early access head start. Just think about all the extra time Miniturg has to earn badges!



All hail the MiniTurg!!! Hmmm, does Miniturg have a catgurl costume too?

In all seriousness, Gratz to you and your wife, and hope she is feeling good after all this. And hope they both get home before christmas. The new baby just couldn't wait to get Christmas presents from daddy!!!!!!

TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten



Heya, gang:

Just wanted to take a few minutes to update all of you.

MiniTurg (because his secret identity is, well, secret) has been around for 72 hours now and is doing quite well. Sunday was weird; we were cleaning out the baby room for painting this week (was done yesterday and will be finished today in fact), and Tina started having some back issues, so we thought she just strained herself. So we quit and had dinner with some friends.

During the dinner, she excused herself a few times for what we basically thought was "gas", but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Got home, "gas" continued, but it would go away when she'd go to the bathroom.

Things started to escalate around 11pm when the cramps got worse. Called the doc, he said he wasn't too worried but wanted to schedule a sonogram for tomorrow morning, but to go to the hospital immediately if things got worse. They started to ramp up bigtime around 12:30am. After a few more phone calls, going to the bathroom, and having the cramps come back, we committed to the hospital run around 2am.

Just as we decided that, a big contraction hit. They were now 5 mins apart and getting closer.

Raced down the highway to the hospital, got there around 2:20am. Took Tina about 20-30 mins to go through triage and registration before things got to DEFCON 1. Less than an hour after we entered the hospital, and after about 15 minutes of actual labor, MiniTurg made his debut. Little tyke couldn't wait to be mommy and daddy's Christmas tax break - SCORE!

Tina had no time for anything but a natural, no-drug birth, so while frankly one our lives' top ten WTF moments, she was on her feet within an hour, being all accomplishing and take-charge as usual. I was just the hubbie standing on the side, offering to hold her foot. XD

The lad's 2 months preemie, but he popped out screaming, and he's been breathing room air since his first second, so that's a huge, HUGE plus. They have him on enriched oxygen anyway, with additives to help develop lung growth (they're still immature on O2 extraction).

Yesterday was the first time I ever changed a diaper. Doing it through an incubator makes it feel oddly like building a ship in a bottle. And if you screw up, you get poop.

I got to hold him up with my hands to assist the nurse in changing his sheets. He didn't cry a peep. I'm a natural at holding him like an olive loaf.

Someone pointed out that his first birthday will be on 12/12/12. ...someone else also pointed out that it's twice 6/6/6. I found this fitting and appropriate, and will be watching for those cute little horn buds to pop out any day now.

I'm a shutterbug, so of course I've taken a ton of shots so far. Last night was the first time I was able to snap a shot of his face though, since he's been doing lightbath therapy for jaundice all this time. (Yes, my baby's first act was to hit the tanning booths.)

I have a few pics that are tasteful without frankly showing him in detail. Once I've decided which to post, I'll copy links here. I tried to do stuff last night, but I keep falling asleep... it says something when I login to COH, and fall asleep by the time the zone loads.

(Shush, Luna/E-Man. I know I fall asleep at the drop of a dime. "Turg, you there? Why are you running into that wall?" XD)

I really just wanted to take a minute and say thank you, thank you to everyone here and my family and friends on Facebook, real life, at work, etc. It's been a crazy week, and you all have been great cheerleaders and have given great advice (although I admit, I already bought peepee teepees, they're so damn cute). You guys have been around in my life for almost 8 years now, and I'm thrilled to share this with all of you.

It's just heartbreaking to see him in that incubator, but every day, he makes gains. Even opened his eyes last night when I held him. Yeah. Now I have to up my game and be his personal Incarnate-maxxed superhero.

We're having to redo our registry now to accommodate the changes... at least it's all online and I can do it on the tablet while we sit. Lotsa crap to get... oy...



Congrats Turg!!

I was doing the baby new year mission last night and when I saw him for some reason MiniTurg popped into my head! lol

Scataloni Volt
Scataloni Tank
Scataloni Arrow
Rad Scataloni



Originally Posted by Duneman View Post
Congrats Turg!!

I was doing the baby new year mission last night and when I saw him for some reason MiniTurg popped into my head! lol
...I can't tell you how creepy the idea of an oddly muscular preemie is to me. XD



Congratz Turg!!

@Lady Sera



Thank you for the update, Dr T! It's wonderful to read your obvious pride and thrill. Your recounting of events to date has me grinning big time.

Good luck on sleep. I suspect you and sleep will be playing tag for the indefinite future...



Gratz Turg, Mini Turg, Mrs Turg. Does your mailbox say "The Turgs"? Wouldn't want the mailman to get the wrong idea lol



Congrats Turg -- You better enjoy all the sleep you can get before Mini-T comes home with you ( ' ;

Hope everything continues to go well ( ' :

Edit -- I can't stop giggling at this, I'm sorry.

Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Yesterday was the first time I ever changed a diaper. Doing it through an incubator makes it feel oddly like building a ship in a bottle. And if you screw up, you get poop.




Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
Edit -- I can't stop giggling at this, I'm sorry.
The little tyke has earned the nickname "Poopdragon" now. I'll let your imagination run its course as to the circumstances which birthed such an august title.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
The little tyke has earned the nickname "Poopdragon" now. I'll let your imagination run its course as to the circumstances which birthed such an august title.
Happy Birthday New Daddy!!

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Thanks hon. And what did my son give me for my birthday? That's right. Poop.



*giggles* Awwww!

Seriously, though, it is great that his digestive system is WAI. Keep growing, Mini T! You're doing it right!

And happy birthday, Dr T! Keep it up! Sounds like you are doing things right, too.



The first pee in the face is always the best LOL! I'm sure you and wifey will make wonderful parents.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



A bit late to the party here, but congrats Turg, and welcome to the parenthood club.

It's a club with steep membership fees, a grueling initiation process and a lifetime commitment, but the benefits can't be beat. (I write this as I sit helping my son play his first PS3 game )

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Heh, thanks, Z. So, at what age do I introduce the saucy and debonair caps to the young lad?

Some updates: MiniTurg is now off the CPAP mask. He's been breathing pretty well, and is eating up everything mom throws at him (the NICU told her to "stop bringing food, they have a ton now". )

Result? I finally get to see the lad's face without all that stuff on him. Y'know, I said he looked like Tina's dad when he popped out, but now... yeah, kinda looks like me. Big head, all rico suave wearing nada but diapers, poops with +15 accuracy vs newbies.